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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 21, 2024 7:25pm-8:01pm MSK

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in the fifth minute, alexander shestyuk opened the match, converting a penalty, and after the break, vladislav zhuravlev and alexander budko increased the hosts’ advantage. at the moment, islach is in eighth place in the standings, having earned 13 points. the townspeople remain in penultimate place with three points. let me note that minsk is the only team without victories in the current competition.
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only for our tv viewers, we choose the best routes, today we are in polotsk, oh, you know what, i’ve been thinking about visiting here for a long time, because it. city, real history, is it true that this is a former post office building? yes, the fifty-second year, the post office building, and not exactly a civilian one, there were military units here, that is, the guys received correspondence, and we set off on an exciting journey around our country, olya is a girl, this is a children’s museum, but i’m already an adult, they’re not allowed there or i don’t let her in, she says that yes, it’s a very interesting towel, it’s a wood-based towel, it’s still the oldest towel of ours...
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they turned over page after page, greedily eating every word. of all the manifestations human creativity, the most amazing and worthy of attention are books. the thoughts of past times live in books. people's voices can be heard clearly and distinctly. everything that
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humanity has accomplished has been preserved, as if by magic, on the pages of books. by reading , a person survives centuries, reading brings generations together, we value the past for our present, belarus 24.
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in principle, everything is degrading today, diplomacy, when a diplomat, whose obligatory function... is to build bridges, to maintain this thread of connection between two conflicting countries, today these diplomats, on the contrary , are inciting war, they are the main hawks, the same goes for their politics, their economy, then what does the west matter now, it’s perishing, if you are not lost, if you know who your enemy is, then you are moving towards victory , this makevialist approach is alien to us, according to which... we are not capable of destroying everyone, we deny collective responsibility, we are not ready to lie, meanness, cooperate with the devil and the devil, just to win, so our path is long, but it's a conscious choice. project
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markov is nothing personal, watch on tv channel belarus 24. zoya kosmedemyanskaya, a participant in the great patriotic war in october 1941, being a tenth grade student voluntarily. undermining bridges and crossings, destroying wired communication lines. on november 29, while carrying out a combat
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mission, zoya was captured by the nazis. the girl was subjected to severe torture and humiliation, but despite everything, she did not reveal her goals to the enemy. the girl was silent and only said that her name was tanya. after prolonged torture, zoya kosmedemyanskaya was hanged on petrishchevskaya square. zoya kosmedemyanskaya, the first woman during the war, was awarded the title of hero of the soviet union. posthumously.
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in a foreign language, you must know the literal translation, understand why the composer gave such intonation to this phrase, such color to this word, and i will not say that getting into the theater was my secret dream or my goal there, because it really is ... very difficult work, the fact that i want to become an accompanist, i realized this already while studying at the academy of music, and
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my teacher in the accompanist class, anna borisovna krozhenevskaya, helped me in many ways, she not only taught me our specific accompanist skills, but helped me dive deeper into this profession, get to know it from different sides, then i worked at the conservatory at the academy of music in the clarinet class from vladimir pavelovich skorokhodova. this was also a colossal school for a concertmaster, later i met people’s artist nina vladimirovna sharubina, began working in her class, and that’s when we started to receive such small proposals, to talk about working in the theater, the head of the opera company nina ivanovna kozlova heard me at that time, but again. i thought that this was not for me, i thought that it would be difficult for me and that i couldn’t cope, then i went on
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maternity leave, when my son was almost 2 years old, a specific proposal had already been received: nastya, our accompanist is leaving, agree, something just clicked for me, i thought it was now or never, that’s actually how i got into the theater, when i started working... started working, i had the feeling that i was in the vatican, a kind of state within a state, with its own clear structure, but at the same time with some of its own specific musical traditions, rules, views on life and creative aspects, this of course really amazed me, and i am very glad that i received such an honor. to work in the big theater of belarus, i am very glad that today i can be, let’s say,
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the quintessence of all theater accompanists and really tell what is our profession, because in fact it is shadowy at first glance, as if it is not visible, what the viewer sees when he comes to the opera house, he sees the work of the actors first of all, he sees the work of the director, the work of the conductor, he hears ... the orchestra in the pit is the work of a lighting designer, a costume designer, and prop men, make-up artists, what is the work of the concert masters, here, of course, i am very pleased that i can talk about this, introduce those who did not know, of course, the first, main one is ours basic activity is lessons with vocalists in the classroom, the soloist comes to prepare the part, that is, either learn it from scratch, or repeat it, or sharpen it somewhere, here he needs help, it is very important not only
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to master his craft, to know the musical text thoroughly, here, of course, it is important to understand that we perform the function of an orchestra, and we need to help the soloists to feel more natural and comfortable in their part, that is, to hear some tone somewhere that they can rely on.
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these are usually categories of words, and the director thinks categories of mezonscenes, there is a passage, an exit, a character, you have to react to all this very well, even in terms of where to stop,
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it’s valuable to work, but actually, it’s not very difficult to sit and monitor all this, because here the lead singer needs to speak to suggest, there you need to stop in time or start from the place that the director wants, react to some musical edits of the conductor, play something else, exchange a word with someone passing by, that is, such multitasking...
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i can’t pinpoint exactly this moment when music entered my life, for me it was
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from birth, probably as natural as breathing air, and my mother is a professional musician, she worked at a music school, my older sister played the violin, well, unfortunately, i didn’t connect my life with music, but nevertheless, everyone in our family sang very well. that is, all feasts, all holidays were always accompanied by singing, as a child i really loved to dance and sing, i was always the main snowflake at the morning as in kindergarten, i always knew all the roles by heart, so the question of whether i would study at a music school was rather rhetorical, as if the goal was to start studying music right away, there was no professional music, that is, i went to a music school, like most children for general development, maybe somewhere... to be closer to my mother, because i went to the school where she worked, and then starting, starting studying, already performing at concerts, participating in competitions, of course,
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everyone around me, i realized that this is music - this is mine, this is the business that i want to do with which i want to connect my life. i went to music school quite late for a musician, it was already the second grade of my secondary school, i was 8 years old.
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i didn’t have a decision or desire, because i’m in my environment, i’m in my place, and i want to say that i’m generally a very enthusiastic person, as a child i was a very active child, the kind of person they say about “the skin is on fire” such a pippi long stocking, i tried all the mugs at comprehensive school, various greenhouses, and living corners and drawings, dancing and so on, and i signed up there myself, went myself. no one forced me, on the street i constantly organized everyone, these were some kind of quests, sports competitions, theatrical performances, concerts, in our city, where i gave birth in kislovodsk, we had a gorgeous circus, it was always an event , going to the circus, i still love her very much, and for quite a long time i dreamed of becoming a circus performer, then this passion
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switched to...
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people, and of course, for me this is happiness, well , the soldier who does not dream of becoming a general is bad, of course, i want to leave my mark and write my name, so to speak, in the chronicle of musical art, i try everything for this do, practice, develop, learn, expand your creative horizons in life. i would really like to actually be able to do everything, because working in the theater takes a
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lot of time. and then there’s family, and i also want to take time for myself, well, i have to prioritize something somewhere, maneuver, choose what is more important at the moment, it is more necessary to solve problems as they arise. in my work, i don’t give myself any concessions, this is impossible, because the viewer immediately immediately feels a lie, there cannot be any concessions and there should not be, in all... you have to let go of something somewhere, well, let him lie down a little longer, of course , try to relax, switch gears, but since my work is collective, there’s a lot of communication, my activities and hobbies just so happen that they...
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are directed more inside me, that is, they e are associated with solitude, i really love it, i found this activity for myself, i don’t even know what to call it, because there is no name for it, but i make paintings from dried flowers, not even from dried flowers, because dried flowers imply a certain volume and from the herbarium, and i am also very fascinated by this process. at the assembly stage, that is, now i already understand which plant, which flower will dry well, will not lose color, will fit well into the composition, i dry it, and then i assemble it into a picture, and i select the background, frame, and so on, and by the way, this turned out to be a very good idea for gifts, i have already decorated my entire apartment
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with such paintings and given them away. friends and acquaintances, and i recently really fell in love with watercolor, this process fascinates me very much, of course, again , uh... regarding the issue of lack of time, i would like to plunge deeper into this, learn the technology, visit which - master classes in open air, well, i really hope that such an opportunity will appear soon and i will realize my dream, and i also have one thing that will just happen now revelation, an activity that i love, i love putting together puzzles, and this for me is just meditation meditation. and i realized that this is a very philosophical activity, because sometimes, well, not only do you immerse yourself in yourself, give free rein to some thoughts, reflections, but it happens that well, well, where is the detail, where is it not, you look for it for a lot
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of time, you think, okay, i’ll leave it, then after some time you come back, here it lies in the most visible place, and this immediately prompts the thought that, of course, from any there will be a way out of the situation. everything will end well, in the end the puzzle piece for 6.0 will come together. by the way, regarding the question of indulgences, i have a son who is 7 years old, he goes to school, he went to school, to the first grade, and one such indulgence is that we sometimes allow ourselves to skip school, we arrange such a day , mother and son, trying to find some interesting activities, communicating, enjoying each other.
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is liberated, this is of course such an interesting moment in my life, in his life, it seems to me that i am absolutely in my place, i feel i feel like a fish in water, in music, moreover, working in the theater has brought new colors into my life, but i am a very curious person, and maybe somewhere i would like to go back and see how mine might have turned out? life, if i hadn’t followed this path, maybe i would have realized my acting dream, so i would advise myself, of course, to listen to yourself, emotionally, creatively, because no one knows
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you better than yourself . my advice to a young musician starting out is to immediately irrevocably fall in love with your business forever. love is a gift. who helps us live, create, work, so please love your business, find your calling, your life in it. of course, i have plans for the future and creative ideas, ideas for creative projects, and some dreams that are not related to my profession, just some life desires, it seems to me. in principle, it is meaningless, complicated, boring, if there is no goal in it, well , all that remains is to do everything to ensure that everything is realized, of course, i i’m happy, i live in a wonderful, beautiful
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city, i work in a wonderful place, i have a wonderful family, i have wonderful friends, my like-minded people with whom i’m on the same wavelength, so i’m... i’m grateful to fate that everything turned out this way.


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