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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 21, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm MSK

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i live in a wonderful, beautiful city, i work in a wonderful place, i have a wonderful family, i have wonderful friends, my like-minded people with whom i am on the same wavelength, and therefore i am grateful to fate that everything turned out this way.
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their life in polesian villages and agricultural towns, contrary to all stereotypes, is bright and rich. all my free minutes i ran to the river with fishing rods or just wander around and look at this beauty. we never returned empty-handed as children. and once upon a time there were a lot of fish.
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the president held a meeting on issues improving control and supervisory activities. this is not the first time this topic has been returned to, given its importance. in 2009 , a comprehensive control system was formed. after 8 years, it was comprehensively modernized. so, according to the state control committee, last year compared to 2019, the total number of inspections decreased by almost 30%. however, according to alexander lukashenko, negative trends have not been eliminated.
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the chairmen of both houses of parliament, as well as the supreme and constitutional courts were invited to the ceremony. in a solemn the judge assigned the situation. they plan to open a belarusian trading house in omsk. the parties discussed the future business model at the opening of the days of the minsk region in moscow. traditionally, they take place in the belarusian pavilion at vdnkh. the central region of belarus works closely with thirty. russian regions. last year , mutual trade turnover increased by almost 10% and amounted to about $9 billion. as for interaction with the omsk region, there are plans to create a joint chemical cluster where they will produce import-substituting products . products. in addition, negotiations are underway to open a belarusian trading
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house in omsk. we have already met with our minsk colleagues several times and discussed the business model. it can be different, or we , at... our own expense, create a kind of shopping center, zone it and invite our belarusian friends, this is the first option, the second option, we also create retail space and already companies from the republic of belarus come, trade, and a percentage of revenues provide summarily profitable cooperation in the economy. also, the authorities of the omsk region plan to open direct flight to minsk. now the parties are considering options that will be convenient for airports and passengers. in belarus. improves the mechanisms for price regulation of paid medical services and medicines. this is provided for in the joint action plan of the government and the state control committee. thus , adjustments are expected to the documents that relate to the establishment and application of maximum maximum tariffs for paid medical services and the formation of prices for medicines. the plan
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calls for increased control over private centers and pharmacies, as well as tightening licensing requirements. separately, the department noted the dental sector. health , a resolution was adopted that regulates the cost of providing medical services and the practice of implementing this resolution showed its certain shortcomings and rough edges, and today we see that the goal that was set with the adoption of this resolution was precisely the formation of a fair price in this market for the provision of dental services , it was not achieved and, accordingly, within these events that...
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the premiere of the play comedy took place in the new drama theater, this is a production based on the play by vladimir rudov, which he wrote based on the works of belarusian authors of the 19th century. the story combines humorous dialogues, poignant grotesqueries and vibrant musical numbers, from classics to modern compositions. there are four characters present.
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getting to know belarusian enterprises and the outstanding results of their work. today we are already installing elevators with cabin speeds of up to 2 and a half seconds. and this allows you to install elevators in buildings up to 45 floors. in belarus, this is generally a unique enterprise, the only one that is engaged in production and development.
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quality on tv channel belarus 24.
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maria, good evening, good, a woman who wrote a book, a prison diary, yes, and now a russian politician, i won’t say that for our viewers this is an unexpected start, we have already recorded interviews from prison twice. but still there is a difference, you are a young, beautiful woman, but this is obvious, you were in an american prison, by the way, you
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you know that the pre-trial detention center in the belarusian kgb is called an american woman, i noticed it, but i didn’t understand why, i don’t know why either, there are different legends about this, i’ll tell you, i didn’t spend time in a belarusian american woman, well, thank god, it’s not necessary, and it’s like since this is not the case, but for the uninitiated viewer, let ’s still make a small excerpt from your prison diary and tell you how a deputy... of the russian state duma ended up in a real american woman, how was she not accused of being an unregistered foreign agent in collusion with herself? well, as far as i understand, you were accused more of trying to establish or lobby the interests of russia, but no, well, this was not invented from above, in fact, i went to america to study, and i passed the most difficult exams for a master's degree, receiving a master's degree in american university of the city. it’s called the american university in washington dc, in general, i entered there, i
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had two places where i was accepted, respectively, to washington and, well, to harvard the second, but i refused harvard because i didn’t have the financial capacity to do what i needed there i studied for another year in pre-precourses, the so-called pre-course, but i didn’t have enough financially, so i settled on an american university, well, plus the capital seemed to be interested, well, i graduated 5 days after i received an information operation aimed at to create not the image of a demon, and then imprison, and then burn a witch, i didn’t know that
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this was possible, it turns out, it’s possible, probably, well, since i’m a living example of this, well, wait, and maria, is this informational noise enough to present to a person accusation? no, you know, this comes from this story with the witch hunt, by the way, you know that in america witches were not burned, they were stoned to death. and the crowd was looking at it, and the last case, well , apparently the extreme one, most likely they still exist, the recognition by the americans, after all, that they had a witch hunt, and you know, when did it happen ? in 2020, well, wait, well, these are still the times of macarthyism, they don’t, wait, wait, but they admitted that they only burned, or rather stoned, women in 2020, until this time it was normal, in the twentieth year, at the request of citizens, relatives of the witches who were killed, there are 147, it seems women were stoned
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to death by two men, in salem, this famous story is the salem witches. financed trump and well, plus from above here are messages on social networks, that’s enough, i also told the lawyer that, i say, listen, well, this is nonsense, he says: maria, this is 15 years, i say, wait, but this is freedom of speech , he says: well, yes, there is freedom here, only one word has it not yours, no, well, of course, thank you for not stoning me, but wait maria, well
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, they gassed me, what else is a personal question, maybe forgive me for it... 467 days, if exactly 117 of them are in the punishment cell, i have it was quite a tour, so to speak, because i saw six different prisons in one pre-trial detention center, different states, i saw what prisoner transportation is like, when you are not allowed to drink or eat for almost a day , so that you don’t want to go to the toilet, because if
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if you want, then for yourself, and if right during transport... well, everything else is there comedy, this is quite realistic, when you, excuse me, well, a person, as if he needs some kind of needs there, then there are no doors, then when you are in transport prisons, there are not even partitions, that is, men walk around, just like that the men walk here as if in a kindergarten. this is how it will look, you know, this is all the basis, or rather, the task is one, how to break human dignity, that is, in essence, when i first saw the door, well, the door in the restroom, i cried, because, well, it’s just this it was unrealistic, but before that your - well , your nature, it’s as if everything human in you
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is erased, when you are forced to eat on the floor, when you are in conditions there, i don’t know, they undress you. drives naked, that is , you know, here we are just now, i was watching, while they were thundering, just footage from concentration camps, of course, of course, what happened to me, there is no comparison with this, it’s theirs it was much worse, but you know, they took the basis from there, this is from here, when you, i just couldn’t understand, why in the prisons where i was sitting for the first time, why are the chains constantly rattling, it seemed to me that there are... dogs, you know, a dog is on a chain, when you hear the ringing of the chain, then i realized that it’s not dogs, it’s people, there is such a red stripe painted on the floor, along which the prisoner must walk, it’s red , well, pasted on, well, or pasted on , it happens in different ways, and the fact is that in america there are shackles, you know, i’m just now preparing for, well how, well,
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it’s not a publication, we’re making a film based on my book, a prison diary. and i actually turned speaking to the federal penitentiary service of russia, i say, listen, can i rent shackles, as if for a movie , they say: yes, yes, from the 18th or 19th centuries, i say, and they say, so wait, maria, they are prohibited under international law, i say, well, they exist in america, he says, well, we don’t have them, we can only offer them, i say, well, we’ll probably have to do it at sea, i read excerpts from the prison diary, true, you described yourself then... you had long red hair hair, exactly why you have it, you know, i’m not a superstitious person, but they say that hair retains some energy and... when i cut my hair, i felt better, maybe this is from the cycle, you know, the placebo effect, something else, but my hair saved my life, of course, but that’s in the past, at home,
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yes, i was very cold, i was very cold, so i just pulled my knees towards me and covered myself with my hair, in america there is such a comedy, there is a creature called it, here it is with a dot, here it is - this is such a completely hairy creature, that ’s what it means, it moves, it does something, well , it’s a comedy, and i very much resembled this creature, because in the cell it’s 15°, and the only clothes you’re given are a robe and a t-shirt, so how can you keep warm, you won’t believe your hair, it’s incredibly warm, but you won’t believe it, that’s why you cover it with your hair like that, you cover it with your hair, you know, that’s why when i cut it off it’s easier, i don’t need a change of image here anymore, i’m at home, i’m on... i’m right now directly in minsk, i understand that i am free and safe here, i no longer have the need to save my life from the cold, covering myself with my hair, that’s all, so
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i can afford it, you wrote about torture with gas and torture with light, what is it all about, but i was also surprised, you know, i didn’t understand where i was i am, because this is not possible, when i remember, the door slammed. and we had a gas leak in the prison in the washington alexandria prison in the city of washington there on the virginia border, technically and so it happened several times, when the warden came up, she just clapped doors for everyone, the doors are on an automatic remote control, all the staff were evacuated, there will be no one to open it, when i remember, it smells strongly of gas, and i’m sitting right there on the threshold of the cell and there’s this black-skinned woman, i look up at her and say, well, you can... you think that how is it all
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this protocol slams the door in, well, that’s it and you ’re over or something, this is all this feeling and i also thought it’s impossible then they opened us then it was repeated then i watched a woman who was simply tied to a chair but she really was crazy, that is the person was really talking, she had seven altrags of some kind, but she needs to be taken to the hospital, not to the punishment cell, that is , it’s impossible, but she caused too much trouble for the guards and that’s why they brought a special chair with, well, a hole like that, well, if necessary, so they just tied her to a chair and left her in front of us in the corridor in front of us, because we are all shoved into punishment cells, but we can see into the corridor, well, what is happening. that is, well , just like that, a person like that, then i looked in the next cell at a girl who 14 years old, what should i do with her? well, that is, she
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’s not yet old enough to be put in an adult prison, so what’s the right thing to do with her, throw her in alone for a year and a half, that’s fine, so she was just sitting in the corner there, squeezed in a bed, and you you look at all this and think, well, this is how it is, no, look, a prison should not be a sanatorium 100%. but this is washington, that is , this is the capital, at a time when the whole world is walking around, drinking this coffee, something else is happening there, it was hot outside when i was arrested, why was it 15° in the cell, that is, it’s you who are freezing and don’t understand why this bullying is for... why, sleep like that, why they didn’t let you, why, what did they want to achieve with this, look, this is a well-thought-out system, it works, it’s like, this is a streamlined story, that means , american prisons are private,
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there are separate organizations attached to the prisons, medical ones, so to speak, yes, yes, yes, yes, this is , first of all, a group of psychotherapists who, when you are not allowed to sleep, come, they take you out to a special room, there is one such table , so i had psychotherapists, black, white, the theme, especially with political prisoners like me, is focused on the fact that if they poison you there, push you there, mix it through your food, then suddenly they find it, it will be kind of
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inconvenient. before the world, so to speak, community, although there is no supervision at all over prisons, but you never know, suddenly, you never know, the policy will change, they will have to change you there, something else, and then, well, it’s clear that they will find, so what are they doing, they convince you, to put it mildly, in this way, i say, no, i won’t take the pills accept, but you don’t look for heroism in my actions, i just saw when at one of the, so to speak, one of the prisons, i saw women opposite. who always slept, always, she ate in the evening at 7:00 pm, there were railings there, well, between the floors, she crawled along them, lay down and snored, then got up again, and that is, i watched it, well, in front of my cell , camera to camera, for a month and a half, i was simply afraid of becoming a vegetable, because my consciousness was all i had, everything was taken from me, but
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from a person... you cannot take away his inner freedom as long as you are of your right mind, here i have this, you ask, well, when he asks, he says, well, what gave him strength and so on, i wanted to at least preserve reason, let me die, but i will die in my state, with my mind in my memory and i will not betray anyone, so i was left alone guilty of conspiracy by myself, so be it, no one was arrested in my case, i have no conspirators , i came up with everything.
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already studying on a professional basis, these american special operations are registered here and before, but look, i ’ve been studying cybersecurity in the usa for 2 years, i was still admitted then, it was the sixteenth year, the topic of interference had not yet begun, that is, even then they were the only ones who seemed to be picking on trump, and we were in class , students were already developing a possible russian attack on america in terms of intervention. oh, it seems to me, let them come to russia without problems, i have one friend who was, in fact, the one who betrayed me initially, an american, patrick byrne, i tell him often, we still communicate, i tell him often i say, listen, i say, well, come to russia, i’ll kind of explain, he first
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ratted me out, and then he left. on cnn and admitted this, said that he always knew that i had nothing to do with intelligence, but my comrade became faint-hearted, so to speak, but he played a game with the fbi, he played agent 007, and for some reason he then he leaked it, but it’s not for me to judge him, i think that at least he made an honest statement, the company was taken away from him, there, that is, the man is now on the run , somewhere there, but - i tell him what i say , listen, well, how would you come to russia, he says no, lubyanka, lubyanka, he... they just measure it by themselves, i say, who needs you bubyanka, may, i wasn’t going to ask this question, however, i know that you don’t like this topic, but after all, you are an excellent shooter, no one has complained yet, no one has yet, sorry, he probably couldn’t answer, yes, okay, i’m really interested, throughout your entire life, starting from a small life, you are a very young man, but you are always lobbying for the sale of weapons
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freely. let's do it this way, they write that you are lobbying for this very issue, in america you met with the leaders of shooting associations, right?
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therefore , there was never any talk about free circulation there, what to distribute to everyone, it was then brought in by the same americans, they said, look, it means she’s trying like in america, no, in general these are not related things, that is, for me in my understanding, when
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i started explaining this to the americans, they didn’t understand, an armed citizen is the backbone of the state, you must give your life for the country, for them it’s not clear at all, it ’s not about the country, it’s about businesses, how would i live where...
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they already go to the shooting ranges, they know very well, but, but those people who have a time card, so that at least they have it, but it turns out that they left the service for the safe and turned it in, otherwise, that they catch criminals and can be attacked, that the situation is very difficult now, and generally speaking, like doctors, you know, yes, that is, a doctor with special skills, if he sees that a person is unwell, and he has, has, with his qualifications, the knowledge that can be useful in order to save a person, i am obliged, here is the same employee who knows how to use weapons, if he sees what is happening, for example, some kind of terrorist attack, he will simply be obliged to do it, to intervene, now they talk a lot there about terrorist defense, all these moments, they
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should be taken into account when we consider the issue of weapons as a whole, but thank god, there is your program, i have the opportunity to explain what the point is, because so much has to break through the thorns, as he says, to the stars and explain what you are looking at, this is not this, this is what, well here, unfortunately, the enemy’s propaganda works, they put you in the category of someone who doesn’t understand. every man, of course, must possess a weapon, especially since every citizen is responsible to protect, first of all, his country, of course his family. what will best
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test your erudition and intelligence, right, tricky questions, is it true that the egyptian gods set and assyris were brothers? andrey, well, there was such a very interesting story, seth invited his asiris to the holiday, then it seemed that he either cut him or immediately thrown into the river, andrew to write detective stories, of course, this spaniard went down in tennis history as the youngest world ranking leader in history after winning the us open 22. vlad, carlos alcaraz. absolutely true, this is the correct answer. thanks to this , the seven heroes from the fairy tale by alexander sergeevich pushkin understand that there is a stranger in their mansion. the answer is c, because a girl, i’ll call her that, came to them and removed all their territory. everything is so clean and beautiful, someone was tidying up the property and
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waiting for the owners, i want to catch up with lyosha by three. paris, london, new york, name the last city , provided we are talking about tennis. melbourne. melbourne, that's right. watch intellectual and entertainment projects on our tv channel. 100 brave guys gathered in our studio, each of them has.
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you can teach me, the chin is higher, step is a preliminary command, that’s right, the body bends forward, look at the project 100 questions for adults on the belarus 24 tv channel. i noticed that when putin hands over the stars. the hero of russia is given
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the opportunity to wear it anywhere, at any time, including out of form. first resolution. secondly, a person had the right to purchase weapons for protection with appropriate medical indications, that is, he is normal, he has the right and must ensure appropriate storage. okay, what else? this is all practically there, but look, after all , a shoulder weapon is rather not a question here, firstly. can be received not only by active military personnel, it’s still a matter of reward, yes, that is, let’s leave it aside, moreover, but this not available in any case, not in the mass, so to speak, segment, from the point of view of personal weapons, yes, these are only long-barreled rifled and smooth-bore weapons, plus there are also traumatic weapons, which is a separate question altogether, because it is not perceived as a weapon, in fact in fact, this thing is quite lethal, so such frivolity is wrong. that is , after all, there is no need to come up with any names
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like this is a non-lethal weapon, it usually causes injury, well, generally speaking, in world practice this is a weapon of the special services, why, because if there are some, let’s say , they are carried out there, well, at protests in some other way, if it’s a long-barreled rubber one, when it’s a bullet, that is, they are usually used there to disperse demonstrators, but this is not a citizen’s personal weapon, because it is not perceived right, like , well, it’s a rubber bullet, well, listen, it’s...
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a gun barrel, let them have the opportunity to carry this weapon, we’re talking about general security, well, who, who, probably, our law enforcement agencies, our military personnel, we, probably , we trust, does this, in principle, involve opening gun stores like the american ones, where free sales are allowed, no, no, i saw how they do it, that is, you go to some walmart, there are these whole storefronts, that means go where you can buy packs of cartridges, for this you just need to show your id, no, i don’t see such a system, you know? here again , this is a deeper question than just buying or buying weapons, that is, in us our society, i mean both the republic of belarus and the russian federation, we are hierarchical, for us order is important, that is, if we are talking about trusting a person with personal weapons, then he must undergo the appropriate
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verification procedures, that is, this is unconditionally and truly a medical certificate, now in russia, for example, it can only be obtained in the state. if you have an administrative record for being there, if you are a violator of public order, participated in some protests, excuse me, goodbye, let’s not make a fuss here, otherwise some people will start saying, well, no, well, you know, no, us
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we understand, it must be tough, today i committed a violation against public order, goodbye to all weapons, because this is a privilege, in the states, by the way. speaking, they, like you, well, i don’t know, you know, no, they don’t have a system for expunging a criminal record, that is, i have a felony in life, a felony is a criminal offense, that is, they don’t have one at all, it’s never expunged, everyone who we are convicted of a criminal offense, they are banned from weapons for life, by the way, to vote too, by the way, to be elected too, few people know about this, if you are a felon, then goodbye, yours voting rights outright, i do not propose to do this in any case, we have a criminal record expunged, unless the governor of the state in which you were convicted declares an amnesty, that is, imagine the task, when the democrats need to be elected, they collect about the number of prisoners exes and say things like, okay, that’s not allowed, you
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can be like that, but only to this group of people, if you have the right opinion, well, i’m not saying that observers there are forbidden to know. in some states it is a crime if you get close to polling station at a distance of closer than 100 m. what do you think of this, my favorite mandatory minimum is called, this is the minimum prison term that you can be given for insulting a police officer, if you insulted an officer, we have this, throwing a glass, this, they have this is not respect for law enforcement agencies from a year and above, that is, the judge cannot give you less.
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i would like to tell the fools here, the law is not written, no, this is not the point, the point is american exceptionalism, dig into the history of the city on the hill, we must generally complete “as the speech sounded, we must be a model for everyone else, everyone must look up to us, for we are a city on a hill,” said the american pastor. by the way, american pastors explained why slavery is normal, they said, well, god created people different, black and white, white gentlemen.
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who dares to attack the hegemon, this is probably very important, can we say today that the current american rage is precisely connected with this, that they feel that they are losing hegemony, that this is an attempt save it, last try. and more russia, belarus, and many europeans, yes, you can’t buy anymore, but you can’t buy us with chewing gum or jeans, this is what causes this
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absurdity or, let’s say, recklessness, rage, this is the ideology, look, when when -i, too, was in america, i had a conversation with the americans, we had a rift in the economy, yes, that is, two systems, communism, which they strived for, and socialism and capitalism, that was there at first, and it’s like ... white , but little by little each other is there, that is, this kept the peace in balance sheet, then the system changed, the system collapsed, and i asked the americans, i said: listen, well, there’s no longer a contradiction, what are you talking about, and he says, no, there is, now we have liberalism and socialism, i say, that’s how from there the story with non-traditional values, it goes much deeper than the story that...
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the group, i’ll say exactly the group, we are all missionaries, we lay claim to the ideological formation of nearby states, we influence this, that is, this is not because we are there, we do not come with ours, there they often say why they come to us, wait, we claim that we , as philosophers, give a message to the world where to move, they claim this. only they are now putting in a story connected with rabid liberalism, moreover, i’ll tell you, it’s not about liberalism, there this
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story goes even deeper, they thus destroy man as such, they don’t need him, they need a certain number of people who will possess a certain amount of resources, all others are replaced by artificial intelligence, this is not conspiracy theories, that is, when i studied in america. listen, i studied cybersecurity, one of the courses was devoted to artificial intelligence, and there is one film based on which i even wrote a research essay, the film is called the tenth year, called her in english expression in ours she, well, not not her is translated, and she, and there, in general, in short, you know this film there, samantha is such an earphone, a program that adapts to a person, it becomes his companion, relatively speaking, well, that means the drama unfolds around this, i wrote an essay called i love you, samantha about the ethics of artificial intelligence, why? and
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there the question was just discussed, is there? artificial intelligence, since this is a thing that develops itself, and this is a question of to duplicate, to multiply, this is not exactly reproduction, why the english word was used, namely to duplicate itself, to clone itself, but it creates entities, and it has feelings, and then we in class they showed why artificial intelligence should...
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kinofaso, in niger in mali, how they howled, because they pull from there like a suction cup, and without resources they are nothing, zero, look, you are a television person, yes, that is, you understand perfectly well and will probably confirm that if i create an artificial presenter, i dress her, yes, she doesn’t require a salary, she works 24 hours a day, she doesn’t need vacations, and so on and so forth in ukraine they saw the consul, who now commented, i really couldn’t distinguish myself that... in short, this is not a person, no, not a person , well, why did they choose a dark-skinned, well, mulatto girl , and now they are always dark-skinned, and well yes, yes, yes, yes, exactly, he must be a transgender, preferably dark-skinned and single, and also definitely disabled - there is such a thing, well, they have a white house press secretary, she came very close to this, the question, you know , this is actually called this in russia, i emphasized this to my
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dad, and then gave it to circulation through my program, kuzya’s brownie. remember, there was a brownie kuze, she really looks like it, i call her exactly the same, precisely because she really doesn’t look like the brownie kuze, purely in appearance really similar, but wait, i would still like to clarify this question, the americans themselves don’t see that biden is senile, and you don’t feel it, you don’t underestimate biden, biden is not senile yet, biden, look to analyze biden, his behavior, he is not old now, it is clear that he has periodic deviations.
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biden is from there, that is, he is a man who, like people of that age, celebrated the day of the launch of the first satellite under the table in quotation marks, fearing that they were now being attacked by the soviet union, it was we who developed science, they pumped up their population with hatred so much that biden has it in his blood, so in those moments of enlightenment,
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when the mummy suddenly wakes up, it’s better... she didn’t wake up, that is, he, it’s organically there, and you know, the danger of this situation , again, the world does not change, centuries pass, generations change, the pharaohs were once kept with corpses, just so that someone would rule for them, i now believe that the most powerful one in the biden administration is salvan, he is called the shadow leader, and i can tell you to say that it is unlikely that it is blinken, no, i am inclined to believe that salevan and... our experts, at least, think so. everything you wanted to know about the connection between history, religion and culture in the modern world. the name of prince izyasoslav is associated with the emergence of
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one of the oldest cities in belarus, zaslavl. this city was founded. another important shrine of the monastery is its relics, which we will tell and show in spiritual and educational projects on
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the belarus24 tv channel.
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