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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 21, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am MSK

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kind of answered the first question, and your son is already old enough, yes, that is, you can rely on his son to be 30 years old, it’s literally true, and you know, i’m happy , yes, that i have such a family, he i’m a sporty guy, of course, he has a military education, he was into football and still karate and even won the republic and for the first time... he ended up in a cram, by the way,
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it would seem that i worked there on the education committee, yes that’s how the child is, what i can’t determine or not, that is, well i was raised that way, that is, i have to earn it, so i won a competition, he went to this wonderful health camp for the first time, here’s a little kid, he’s still into cycling and keeps in shape, and we are together with him, and you know, that’s how i was raised that way... i was raised and it is passed on to my son in such a way that we love sports, activity, kindness, this kind of sympathy, well, my husband also participates in everything, yes, my husband is also a military man, now he is on a business trip, of course , you know, family is the basis of well-being, when it all begins, i would say, it’s still work, work, because creating a family is
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also work, it’s not easy, and for the family to be happy, for there to be harmony, understanding, mutual assistance, fidelity in the family, these are very serious, these are not just words, this must be, i was raised this way, it’s like this reigns in my family, and it took a lot of work, for a reason, this is how it happened, no, the work now is for you to... and support was, i am grateful to my family, i am grateful to my son for his support, we are always here together with each other, and the husband, because if it weren’t for mom, well, mom is with us, she’s generally a unique person, of course, she’s 85 years old, yes, she lives with me in the wells, because of course she’s a person, well she has been living with me for 7 years now, since we moved and...
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if we talk about military-patriotic, civic education, today this is really the number one post, he is known not only in belarus, he is known far beyond the borders, so the guys who keep the memory watch, and you see, everyone who comes eternal flame on victory square, today they have a unique uniform, new, and this is how they march and how, you know?
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what is this, they didn’t just put on a uniform and go marching, you need to study everything, you need to know this, this is the best thing, so this is the approach here. so natezhda mikhailovna, what do you learn from children? i learn kindness, and new, as i say, technologies that they can do, and i always watch how they are so, you know, practicality, those who strive to achieve something, yes, work to another, you know, they somehow see and solve, somehow they look at the problem behind this, that is, they know how to sift out something, choose something important, it would seem that these are children, how interesting.
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and all these, don’t leave your children, find a child needs a parent, time, attention, mutual interest is needed, if parents listen to me, these are not pompous words, i did it myself, with my child, he likes to ride a bicycle, i like to ride a bicycle , let's go together, he's on roller skates, i'm on a bike, yes, we went somewhere else, let's go there we worked out on the simulator. together, when it’s together, you’ll find time, no matter how hard it is, time, he sees that you’re in his, you’re interested in his level of studies, his thoughts, he’s, you know, then you’ll guide him like- then, yes,
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you will help, not by shouting, not by somehow hammering him, but you, you don’t understand, but nothing is allowed from you, under any circumstances, i would advise. never make such mistakes, you need to believe in a child, i believe in you, you will succeed, we will overcome everything, we move forward, there is problem, we solve everything, only forward, when this is all, this is laid down, when a child, he has the faith of those closest to him, everything will work out, family is the basis, it will be in the family, as i say, small in personal, it will be mutual understanding, smiles. laughter, happiness, overcoming, our society, you and me, our state, it will become, more, more, more sunny beauty, and people will be more comfortable, harmonious and cozy. it’s a pity,
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nadezhda mikhailovna, that we didn’t have time to discuss all 700 section circles with you today, which are in the palace, but we’ll do it in our next meetings, or rather we’ll just come to you, because... it’s better to see once than to hear 100 times, well, after today’s conversation, you know, i have hope that , probably, as long as such wise, energetic leaders are at the helm, our younger generation, well, at least will not grow up lost, which we are all very afraid of, so, of course, we wish you new achievements and great achievements, tatyana cherbina, svetlana smolonskaya, we say goodbye with you until the next broadcast, goodbye, see you goodbye, nadezhda the great is now saying, every moment of your life, the fact that you live under a peaceful sky, in the beautiful, independent, cozy republic of belarus, this is our land with you, this is our second mother, i
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wish you peace, goodness, happiness, in the family, in work, in relationships, all the best to you... good luck , please come to the minsk state palace of children and youth, we will be glad to see you, children, adults, see you, nadezhda mikhailovna, i will ask you to leave us some wishes and autograph, thank you. peaceful skies, happiness in the family and mutual understanding in all spheres of life.
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10 weaving traditions are among the elements of the intangible cultural decline of belarus.
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kotov, you’re not a talkative kind of kotov, silent, you’re always reading some books, you don’t communicate with the boys, kotov, we ’re going to see the girls today, with us without me, yeah, i understand. it means you’re not for girls, but for men,
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so if you say a word, i’ll be pleased, you madman! hello, hello, vanya, can i see pashka for 5 minutes, and he’s on the second veranda, it seems like your aunt has come to see you, aunt, thank you, yeah, come on, come with me, what are you looking at? here for you, hello, vanya, vanya, vanya, vanya, what a grown-up
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he has become, i brought pies, eat, eat, eat, thank you, vanya, now i won’t come to you soon, grandma has fallen ill and will completely die, it will soon go away without me you’re managing here, okay, well, how’s life, okay, oh, vanka, i have something for you, now you’ll dance, little letter. where did you put it? vanya, vanya, go bald, your legs are good, yes, vanya, vanya, come on, yes, what about the girls? yeah yeah we will now pashka listen to what happened, yes, van, van, tell me, what
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happened? van, van, where did you go? van.
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i loved your father and wife, i knew it, elena erevna. now my closest person, you vanya, i will never leave you, zhenya, live, how to live on, elena erovina, i still can’t believe that dad is no more, i
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’m still waiting, waiting for the door to open and to come in. he is so smiling, so dear, he will ask: how are zheka doing? and i’ll answer him, but he, he will never come in again, all that’s left of dad, this is this terrible hole, not my dad ’s face, not my dad’s body, this terrible hole is next to my dad’s grave, i just can’t understand why, elena yurievna, who took me my dad for what, who did this, death does not spare no one, zhen, to the tashken military hospital, where i worked after the medical academy, they brought
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very young boys from afghanistan, they were a little older than you. they had no arms or legs, they were black, like burnt mummy, they were dying in my arms, and i also kept asking myself, why what? no way, no way, just fate? elena yuryevna, what did my dad call you? lenochka, can i call you that too, can i, why did he miss the eye, why didn’t you become his wife, he was the happiest man in the world, he never
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crashed, why, lenochka, fate is jacques. wait, now it’s very crazy, he doesn’t smoke all the time, he’ll get by, i’m smoking cigarettes, don’t drive me away, come on, boy, my hands are short, thank you, do n’t take a drag. will you smoke with us, i don’t know how, only grown men smoke, are you a fool or what? do you know how much i tried for the first time at 4 years old and my mother gave me vodka at the age of 4, if you smoke with us,
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we’ll take you to the company, to the company, come on, let’s knock on the door, but yesterday my mother sent me a letter, can you get her? according to omni, they will be released in the spring, they are sitting, they are sitting together, and they cut them with a knife, please.
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petrushin, fyodor nikolaevich, i ask you to love and favor, it won’t work, not to love, not to favor, that’s how it is, well, don’t pay attention, it’s not the last time. terribly bad character, well, nothing, nothing, nothing, zhenya, fyodor nikolaevich came for us, we are flying to leningrad tomorrow, this is your new dad, who, father, father, sounds like in childhood, zhenya, this is your new briefcase, zhenya, what zhenya, funny, because of you both, my father, my only one, died. father, i won’t have another, you brought him to it, you brought him to it, lenochka said that dad had a heart attack on the flight, you knew this, have you ever
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thought about the fact that his death is on your conscience, have you thought about it at least once, no never mind, you're a new father, cool, i can't stand him, why should i stop, i 've been silent all my life, i've been for you all my life good girl, that's it, that's it, marina. evgenievna, your fishing is over, or how are you now, petrushina? so, petrushina, i hate you, and i hate you, graying, well, yes, how dare you, how can you, how dare you, yes how do you, don’t touch her, we’ll sort it out later, don’t touch, don’t touch , in leningrad, i’ll talk to her differently, come on, come on, come on, hold on, my beloved wife, strong, i know how hard it is for you now, i know what it’s like to lose a loved one, time doesn’t heal a damn thing and for a long time
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it won’t heal yet, it’s too early, maybe not will never heal, you know, zhenya, now i want to become a pilot even more, i promised your father something, and i will do everything to fulfill this promise, he will always live in our hearts. i once heard that pilots don’t die, pilots fly away from us, write to me, my dear, i’m really looking forward to your letters, graduation is coming, and then we’ll do what we’ll do with you, so you’ve decided how elena can become a doctor, zhen, that’s great , as soon as i get into flight training, i’ll immediately tell you my new address, i still love you just as much, yours forever vanya.
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bring roma down!
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my dear vanka, i’m writing you the seventeenth letter, where are you, what’s wrong with you? “i wrote to the orphanage, i wrote to your aunt, i don’t know where else i should write, if you entered the flight school, then why are you silent? if you didn’t enter, then why don’t you answer me, maybe you didn’t have time to get my letter with the leningrad address, van, i’m going crazy from the unknown.” man,
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man, now, now, man, now, quiet, quiet, oh you, fuck, quiet, quiet, quiet, belarusian doilitstva, what kind of jumping is azhna yes this time there are many pictures and masterpieces, columns, these are not columns, pelasters are like this, they are in the scene, and they also appear in the scene, the eyes of this abavyazkova are closed. the history of the creation of significant cultural objects in the region. the paselishcha that became the sweaty meatheads
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of the heathen was not here. porch, stone, icon and saber. and the hell of the monastery itself began to develop. the sins of the saints were marooned in the steps of these stairs. and it’s true that if altara was born, then the price of these forests was required, and the faithful ancestors of this forest on your knees. cultural-asvetnitskiy project, architecture of belarus. architecture has no such thing as lapses. little akuntsa is there, just like a pavina. information is a weapon, propaganda is a weapon, they made a fuss about our exercises in order to create an information fund around the deployment of german troops, they are marching like occupiers into lithuania, this will be the most combat-ready formation of the bundeswehr at our very borders, they are
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accusing us of we are here... implementing the treaty on the non-proliferation of conventional arms in europe and withdrawing from it aimed at one goal, so that there is no war. we have always religiously observed international agreements, but we understand perfectly well that this will not help. the west will attack us if it sees that it can win. the only way for there to be no war now is to be strong. these are the rules. now in europe, when politicians, i emphasize once again, are going against the interests of their citizens, against the interests of their national ones, today we are saving europe from a big war with our competent, independent policies, the project is objective, do not miss new ones releases on the belarus24 tv channel.
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my dear, beloved, answer me, now i think more and more often that you have forgotten me, even if this is so, answer me, i ask you, my only vine, write me at least these four words, zhenya, i forgot you, at least this way , and i will remain silent, and even if this is so, i will still love you, my vanko.
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ay, here, ours, ours, we’re lucky, he’ll get us out, what’s your name, man? colonel bereden, comrade colonel, please forgive me for the hazing, the surname is a fighter's surname, private cat, comrade colonel.
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you have a nice walk, by the way, i got the tickets, got them, yeah, okay, hello, hello, a little bit dented, oops, oops, lesh, well, come on, you,
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well, you hit your tickets, zhenya, zhenya, zhenya , lyosh, let me go, no, lyosh, what are you lying about? that's it, let's not shout, we sit down, what are you doing, dunev, you, give it back, spit it out, immediately, are you crazy, spit it, please, well, well, what are you doing? leningrad, moscow, car seven, dunaev, these are our last year's train tickets, i know, i hate you, quiet, quiet, quiet, where, where, well, well, well, what are you yelling about, girl, that's it
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better get a bag for yourself, look, why do you need my bag, look, i’ll strangle you, well, when did you manage to slip them to me, you’re always with your tricks, and... let’s go, let’s hurry, otherwise we’ll be late. go. quickly, quickly, lined up, lined up, lieutenant, board from kandahar, that's right, comrade senior lieutenant, ivan kotov, there is
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one among you, there are cats, that's right, demobilized private kotov, that's right, private kotov, right behind me, comrade senior lieutenant , what have you done, the devil knows, major avdeev asked to come to him, let’s go. keep red cats, colonel berezin, you remember, that’s right, so, colonel berezin is a recommendation for you, to kachinskaya flight. the school wrote and said that you should personally hand it over to the head of the school, major general cherkassov, understand? that’s right, comrade major, that’s it, i’m free, i’m here, so why
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do you want to go to kachinskoe, for fighters, that’s right, comrade major. for fighter jets, yeah, what did you suddenly think of? but i didn’t suddenly, i joined the army from childhood, after school, i was forced to join the army. they took me away, now i’ll do it again, well, now you’ll definitely do it, okay, go ahead, good luck to you, future pilot, thank you, comrade major, let me go, go, eat.
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vedenka, i’ll be quiet, salmon sandwiches, raisin buns, coffee with milk, yes, well, just put it on paper, my process is in full swing. well, why did you bring it, well, you yourself asked for food, so it needs to be clarified, well, put it in already, you know, the situation here is changing, something is changing every minute, is it really difficult, open the door, ask quietly, ask in a whisper, you can serve, you can’t serve, that’s it, now i won’t succeed because of you, because of you, that’s it, well, forgive me, next time i ’ll be smarter, well, forgive me, it’s me, forgive me
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, next time, i’m sorry, come here to me, i have lectures all day tomorrow, all day, you tell me prepare a clean shirt, of course, look at your jacket, trousers, nadson, where is your daughter? i don’t know, haven’t you returned from college yet? well, okay, as soon as she returns, you came to me, i will inform her, well, it’s as usual, you’re sitting there, go, open it, ah! lord, come in,
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i beg you, categorically, open the front door with your key, i’m working, any noise is mine. interferes. when i work, i demand complete silence in my house, uh-huh, the day before yesterday you bothered me, how did i bother you, chatting on the phone, how did you bother me, take all this, two in coffee.
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and if i were in my place, i would tear out your tongue, it’s been a long time since you bullied me, maybe? i forgot whose money you live on? no, i remember, you don’t give me the opportunity to forget. well, okay, remember, remember, remember what i promised you a month ago, you live in my house, so please follow my orders, unquestioningly, when i’m working, don’t talk on the phone, don’t turn on the shower, don't slam the door. in general, somehow walk around
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the apartment silently, i may not breathe at all when i talk to you, keep quiet, of course, if you fail to comply with the above instructions, i will be forced to put my promise into action, that’s it, the conversation is over, vacate the office. go get my uniform.
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yesterday i saw how you grabbed the owner and ruined him for a whole troika, he created a disturbance in all the rooms, and i kept quiet, krenk, yesterday i noticed how you grabbed the zakhosovsky grandmothers in the toilet, divided them, pawn, pawn, nit, i’ll kill you, okay, okay, cat, i’ll give you these money, choke, and the compote is yours for me. you don’t need the fuck, cats, run quickly to the director, your brother has arrived there, here are all his documents with all his deuces, hello, children,
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where are you going, to the volgograd region, i got into flight training there, congratulations, hello, hello, hello, i’ll give my pashka there at home, well, that’s right, of course, this way you’ll always be there, yes, yes, vanya, you’ve been receiving letters here for a long time, from your wife, well, either from your wife, or from venya, this really i don’t remember, the last one was about four months ago, then that’s it. stalled, well, they probably got over it, where are they, who are the letters, do you think, i have a warehouse of unnecessary things here , they threw it out, why do we need this waste paper, address, do you remember the address on the letters, address, i
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don’t remember who they are from were, and you say the address, however, wait, it seems they were from leningrad, as if from leningrad, i even then thought who lives with kotov in the northern capital, leningrad, how did she get there, vanya, vanechka, vanya, vanechka , back, pasha dear, the patient has acute pain in the epigostric region with radiation to the left half of the body. over the past two days there has been continuous vomiting mixed with bile. dunaev, you are disturbing me. based on the conclusion of a fecal elastase blood test, the diagnosis of acute
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peritonitis was confirmed. let's go to another floor. i took note, i’ll find out, thank you, kind stick, lifesaver, so you’re going to the cafe as a poor little ash, but disinterestedly and weakly, no, i’m very selfish, very much,
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we follow the sports life of our country. weightlifters won three licenses for the paris olympics. the final qualifying start for the world cup ended in thailand. in the final of the president's cup there is the most unexpected pair: zhlobin metallurg and brest. the history of the championship has been rewritten again; never before have the sixth and seventh squads of a smooth season reached the golden series. and we are reviewing the most interesting event. british runner razkook, known on the internet as the toughest eccentric, set his sights on the record a year ago. i wanted to run across africa from south to north. two-time world champion in steeplechase anouk guernier set a new world record for climbing kanati. a thirty-four-year-old french woman with help.
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countries that export dairy products are in the top 20 leading sellers of meat products, but there is no need to stop there,
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the well-being of our people and food security depend on the state of affairs in the countryside. our institute is engaged in the production of original elite seeds, and the most important thing is that we can produce new varieties from science that are highly productive and different resistance to diseases and pests. main topics on the main broadcast. watch on tv channel. belarus 24, that your vanka is still silent, silent, but back in the winter i gave up, for a year and a half i wrote into the void that you still love him.
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“of course i don’t know, i just think you need to take a closer look at those who are nearby, you’re thinking to yourself, or something, in no case, i don’t pretend to be anything other than the role of a devoted pozha, wipe it off from you, that’s it.” , come on, that's it, stronger, yeah, yes, that nothing happened, the people on duty are on their way out"? roto, rise,
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cadet mendaza, tighten your belt, otherwise he’s standing here slack as a woman. again the collar is hemmed across the butt, three outfits are out of turn, there are three outfits out of turn, the company on the right is in the column, one at a time, marching at a pace.
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roto, run towards the stadium.
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comrade cadets, the topic of today's lesson has been exhausted, finish the lesson, by the way, peacefully, freely, goodbye, van, wait, what do we have, aerodynamics, she herself
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will reserve 10 minutes, let's go on the horizontal bars and work out, well, he's kind of restless. come on, cat, i'm here an aunt lives nearby, maybe we can get away from her on leave, but she’s a young aunt, she’s so funny, she’ll cook food there, but as for our gang, she says, the most important thing is covered, listen, yurka, i’ll go to pasha’s, well, let’s go to my aunt’s , we’ll take some food for the pastry and run to his grandfather’s place, but it’s swept away, noticeably.
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lord, lord, my god! and oh, and my god , oh, my god, oh, oh, what should i do?
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thank you very much, happily, bye , i'm sorry, well, it's an accident, it's, it's not me, it's the wind, forgive me, well, well, please. look what you're begging for, that you're sorry, you in general, you need to think about what you have done, no, petya, you will write this again for me, sit down, write, come on, come on, sit down, write again, forgive me, please, you know how long it takes, this is it everything cost me, how much it cost me, this is my work, you
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understand, work, sorry, this is my money, your money, in the end, you live on it... by the way, you live on it, we will fix everything, well it’s just papers, well, why worry so much, please, don’t worry, well, no, well, that’s it, it’s just a boom, it’s just boom we get out of here, i no, get out, get out, well, go, get out, i told you, yes, what kind of performances are you putting on, the attack happened at the right time, how very timely, nuance, we don’t dare her point out, you know what, you don’t have the basics. and human dignity, of course, fell at your feet, and you behave like the last nonentity, so you are scum, what are you
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doing, and what? and we will return to this later. nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, you, who, what did you do, why did you do that, mom, calm down, please,
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great, comrade general, he’s training, how are cadet kotov doing, great, physical fitness is beyond praise, well , no matter how he went through the war, he carried my classmate from the battlefield with him. consider that he saved his life, the dushmans blew up the helicopter, a classmate miraculously survived, like cat cadets study, and like a hungry man, in what sense, well, in
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the sense of greed, he absorbs all knowledge, well, an excellent student in one word, how do you like him, yes, you like him, he's a good guy, i think he'll make a good doctor, okay, call him me, i’m listening, swatch general, cadet kotov, one... come on here, two, quickly, one, two, one, comrade general, cadet kotov has arrived on your orders.


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