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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 22, 2024 12:55am-1:25am MSK

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we are located in the very main building of our enterprise, this, as they say, is the heart of the plant, which produces the main type of product, providing the orsha flax mill with government orders, and thereby giving life to our people and hope for the future that it will be stable. you can accomplish a lot in 24 hours, and even more in 7 days. in our project you will learn about key dates and events in the country and the world that happened during the week, in just 20 minutes. there will be time for entertainment, exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits. pearl film series belarusian cinema. and, of course,
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online travel around our amazing country in search of a new place on the map. all this and more in the weekly project ether 24:7. watch on our tv channel every friday evening. what is the miracle of belarusian politics. in that we do not forget about people, the common man is at the forefront. throw it without...
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say don’t be silent, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel. today i met many business people. cards of the dubrovinsky region, but there is something that is simply impossible to pass by, and this is food. in the dubroven region they say that anyone who has not tried the local loaf has never been to our place, so i headed to...
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tamara, hello, hello, masha, i’m very glad that you came to me, i need your help, your thin fingers, which will tie these multi-colored ribbons onto our horned loaf. come on, show me, masha, what do you wish for young people more? do you know that there are ribbons of this color for a reason, what do you think the red ribbon means? love, passion love, yes, and the green one, prosperity, prosperity, and i chose the blue one, well, trust, so that all your dreams come true, oh, yes, well, tie all yours come true, tie us such a ribbon with a beautiful ribbon, so that the life of our young people will be beautiful, bright and long, like these ribbons, everything is for a reason, oh, well done, the horned loaf is also called for a reason, in the old days there was a tradition of giving
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a cow for a bride, over time it was transformed into a special ritual, the loaf began to be decorated with a horned twig, and tamara emelyanovna wrapped each one in sweet dough bakes. this is an apple tree branch, a must, a must, because an apple tree is a symbol of fertility, it must be an apple branch, and the more knots there are on it, the better the life of the young people, and we gave such korowai for a wedding, like this one...
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here it will be for friends, for a witness, but now you see what kind of handkerchief i have, uh-huh, it seems to me that there’s enough on it, some green and red, and some color on the handkerchief. tamara emelyanovna mentioned it for a reason; it is believed that the more colorful it is, the brighter and richer family life will be. in on the first day of the wedding, the loaf was covered with a scarf and hidden. and we open it only on the second day of the wedding, the loaf makers come and start giving it to the young people, they give it to them, they sell everything else. with jokes, jokes, you see, you’re baking something burnt on the stove, this is specially so that your stomach doesn’t hurt, just for you. the kids here are unusual and they tried to sell the loaf as expensive as possible. previously , about five to seven women participated in the preparation of the loaf, the senior loaf woman supervised the baking, and the dough was kneaded overnight. my grandmother, i a third generation baker, my grandmother
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senyakova efimovna blast furnace, and she prepared the house, cleaned the table, we already knew that something would happen, they still trusted me. just a preparatory process, yes yes, then they came, well, they ordered something - and the loaf maker was already assembling the blast furnace by herself, it’s very difficult, kneading the loaf, our loaf is this small one, and the loaf was generally baked in basins, in my opinion 5 kg of dough more, you had to knead with two hands, you and i exchange one hand, the other hand like this, well and the owners next to us stomped and stomped all the time, what girls, try to cook sausage with you? it’s sad and there were no discussions about this at all , that is, the energy with which the pie is prepared is also very important, a loaf of pie is not that
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, it’s a loaf, that’s a loaf, that’s what the women called them, and you’ll be passing on your knowledge, come on, daughter mine is not yet drawn to this, but my niece is very nastya and she likes my aunt, i will be quiet, so that the doors don’t knock, so that they don’t talk, i i will, i’ll be quietly with you, how interesting it is, but can we taste tamara, of course we can, but what shall we try, carvay or or bitch, oh, come on bitch, i’m very interested, i’ve just never even tried it, i’d like to have him a twig, i don’t need to eat a twig, i have to eat it, i understand, well , that is, yes, yes, but still it’s on a twig, uh-huh, mm, really, uh-huh, what an unusual taste, because in the oven, oh my god, how it’s delicious, mm, i, it reminds me of something, but i can’t even say that it’s very tasty, but you can still bite, you can do anything, it’s so delicious,
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friends, i’m finishing my journey through the dubroven region, and the loaf came from lyadov, and lyady has a mustache, but zlyadov doesn’t... with pleasure, see you on new routes of native belarus, bye-bye. its history, its nature,
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you will feel it once and never forget it again. everything is real here. the accompanist must ensure a constructive and complete rehearsal, you should know. from and to the opera, you must, if it is an opera in a foreign language, you must know the literal translation, understand why the composer gave this phrase such intonation, this word has such color, but
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i won’t say that getting into the theater was... there was a secret dream or my goal, because this is really a very difficult job, the fact that i want to become an accompanist, i already understood that while studying at the academy of music, and my concertmaster class teacher anna borisovna kryzhenevskaya helped me in many ways, she not only taught me our specific concertmaster skill, but helped me dive deeper into this profession, get to know it from different sides. then i worked at the conservatory, at the academy of music in the clarinet class, with vladimir pavlovich skorokhodova, this was also a colossal school for a concertmaster, and later i met people’s artist nina vladimirovna.
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leave to care for a child, when my son was almost 2 years old, a specific proposal had already been received: nastya, our concert director is leaving, agree, something just clicked in me, i thought that it’s now or never, that’s actually how i ended up in theater, when i started working, started working, i had the feeling that i was in the vatican, a kind of state within a state.
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the work of accompanists, here, of course, i am very pleased that i can
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talk about this, introduce those who did not know, of course, the first, our main basic activity is lessons with vocalists in the classroom, the soloist comes to prepare the part, that is, either learn it from scratch, or repeat it, or sharpen it somewhere, here he needs help, and it is very important not only to master ... his craft, to know the musical text thoroughly, here of course it is important understand that we perform the function of an orchestra, and we need to help the soloists to feel more natural and comfortable in their part, that is, somewhere to hear some tone that the soloist can rely on, somewhere to hear an instrument that plays during its performance, and it’s very good if you know some of the conductor’s preferences, for example, in this place the conductor wants it this way, in this place this conductor wants it a little differently, of course, this
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all helps a lot both to learn and get used to soloist in the party. the second one is so very important the activities of the concertmaster are stage rehearsals, it can be a stage rehearsal, when an opera is staged, well, from scratch, these can be piano rehearsals, where the soloist... repeats his part with his feet with the director, and these are rehearsals, so-called rehearsals, where the conductor already hones the musical part, and here, probably, the most difficult thing was to learn to think in terms of the entire production group, that is, the soloist usually thinks in terms of the word, and the director thinks in terms of the mezzanine, there is a passage, an exit, a character, you have to do everything for that very...
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we have to pronounce these lines so that they can fully work, but actually, it’s not very easy to sit and monitor all this, because here you need... to prompt the soloist to speak, there you have to stop in time or start from the spot, which the director wants, to react to some musical edits of the conductor, to play something else, to exchange a word with someone passing by, that is, this is the kind of multitasking that an opera concertmaster has,
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of course i am proud, because as i already said, and this it's a very difficult job requires, let's say, a strong core, and strength of spirit, and even the fact that you work and go on stage with the luminaries of belarusian culture, with such venerable masters, this already forces you to always keep yourself in good shape, i believe that belarusian art , belarusian vocal art has very great potential, i was lucky enough to participate in the project of our soloist dmitry shabeti as part of his...
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what will best test your erudition and intelligence. that's right, tricky questions. is it true that the egyptian gods set and
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the assyris were brothers. andrey, well, there was such a very interesting story. seth called.
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families wore such coins as decorations, yes, yes, yes, however, it is easy to become one in a foreign country, you just need to get acquainted with its history. initially, volkovysk stood on the ancient volkovy river and it was on this river that the city was located, later named after
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the slavic-baltic toponym vauka, vyya, which literally meant a wolf’s neck, and this group has a special manner of performing kupala and harvest songs, which are called songs in overlap, our special the manner of performing these songs is included in the state list. intangible cultural heritage, watch the travel show at home on our tv channel. i can’t pinpoint exactly this moment when music entered my life, for me it was from birth, probably as natural as breathing air, and my mother is a professional
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musician, she worked at a music school, my older sister played the violin, well unfortunately, i didn’t connect my life with music, but nevertheless, in our family everyone sang very well, that is, all the feasts, everything holidays were always accompanied by singing; as a child, i loved to dance.
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to know that he should work out, devote time to independent studies, and do it quickly and efficiently, to go for a walk, of course, they support me, my loved ones
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still support me and are proud of my achievements, my successes, i in turn remember , how they tolerated my many hours of practice on the instrument, and it so happened that my...
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not a confident musician, but a caring one, the desire to quit turning around 360°, no, i probably never had such a desire, of course, there were some emotional statements that that’s it, i’m tired, i’m leaving, like in that soviet cinderella to the monastery, but no, rational and i didn’t have such a balanced decision or desire, because i
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’m in my environment, i’m in... my place, and i want to say that i’m generally a very enthusiastic person, in childhood i was a very active child, like that, about which they say the skin is on fire, so pippi, long stocking, i tried all the clubs at the secondary school, various greenhouses, and living corners and drawings, dancing and so on, and i signed up there myself, went myself, no one forced me, on the street i constantly organized everyone, they were some kind. .. quests, sports competitions, theatrical performances, concerts, and in our city, where i was born in kislovodsk, we had a gorgeous circus, it was always an event, going to the circus, i still love her very much, and for quite some time i dreamed of becoming a circus performer, then this passion switched to cinema, and i dreamed of becoming
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a film actress, probably participating in filming, it was the television series father frost, where i duplicated the actress’s hands, i performed chopin, just recently there was filming, the filming process, in which i participated, it was the filming of a series of documentaries, programs about outstanding women in belarus, i played the role of concertmaster larisa pompeevna aleksandrovskaya, an outstanding soloist of our theater, people's artist of the ussr. thanks to music i still find myself here in this creative flow, among creative people, and of course for me this is happiness. well, that soldier is bad. who does not
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dream of becoming a general, of course, i want to leave my mark and write my name, so to speak, in the chronicle of musical art, i try to do everything for this, practice, develop, study, expand my creative horizons in life. club of editors, which means the all-belarusian people's assembly for the country, is one
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