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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 22, 2024 1:25am-1:45am MSK

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the history of belarusian synoptic meteorology began in the thirties of the last century, when a hydrometeorological institute was opened in our country. watch the science nearby project on our tv channel. i would really like to actually be able to do everything, because working in the theater takes a lot of time, and there is also a family, and i also want to devote time to myself, well, i have to prioritize something somewhere, to catch it. choose what is more important at the moment,
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it is more necessary to solve problems as they arise, i don’t make any concessions to myself in my work i don’t give it, this is impossible, because the viewer immediately immediately feels a lie, there can’t be any favors here and there shouldn’t be, in everyday life, of course, we are all living people, somewhere you look at the dust it’s lying, well, let it lie there a little longer . well , of course, i have to let go of something somewhere , try to relax, switch, but since my work is collective, there’s a lot of communication, it so happens that my activities and hobbies are directed more inside me, that is, they are connected with ...
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with privacy, i really love it, i found this for myself activity, i don’t even know what to call it, because there is no name for it, but i make paintings from dried flowers, not even from dried flowers, because dried flowers require a certain volume from the herbarium, and i am very fascinated by this process even at the assembly stage, that is, i already now understand which plant, which flower will dry well and will not lose color. fits well into the composition, i dry it, and then i assemble it into a picture, and i select the background, frame, and so on, and, by the way, this turned out to be a very good idea for gifts, i’ve already decorated my entire apartment with such paintings and given them to friends and acquaintances, and recently i ’ve really fallen in love with watercolors, i’m very... captivated by
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this process, of course, again, regarding the issue of lack of time, i wanted i would like to plunge deeper into this, learn the technology, attend some open-air master classes, but i really hope that such an opportunity will appear soon and i will realize my dream, and i also have one thing of mine, now there will be a revelation, an activity that i love, i love putting together puzzles, and for me this is just meditation, meditation, and i realized that this is a very philosophical activity, because sometimes, well, not only do you immerse yourself... you give free rein to some thoughts, reflections, then it happens that, well, well , where is the part, where it’s not, you spend a lot of time looking for it, you think, okay, that’s it, i’ll leave it, then after a while you come back, here it is in the most visible place, and this immediately gives rise to an idea that, of course,
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there will be a way out of any situation, everything will end well, in in the end, the puzzle for 6.0 piece will come together, by the way, regarding the question of poblaschki, i have:
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i am absolutely in the right place, i feel like a fish in water, in music, moreover, working in the theater has brought new colors to my life, but i am a very curious person, and maybe somewhere i would like to go back and see how my life might have turned out if i had not followed this path, maybe i would have realized my acting dream, so i would advise . of course, listen to yourself emotionally and creatively, because no one knows you better than yourself. my advice to a young musician starting out is to immediately fall irrevocably in love with
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what you do. love is a gift that helps us live, create, work, so please love what you do. find your calling and your life in it. of course, i have plans for the future, creative ideas, ideas for creative projects, and some dreams not related to my profession, just some life desires, but it seems to me that life, in principle, is meaningless, complicated, boring, if in it there is no goal, well, all that remains is to do everything so that... everything will come true, of course, i am happy, i live in a wonderful, beautiful city, i work in a wonderful place, i have a wonderful family, i have wonderful friends, my like-minded people with whom i am on
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the same wavelength, and therefore i am grateful to fate that everything turned out this way.
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in many cities of belarus there are streets named after the glorious patriot, warrior of faith. scary. for the soviet people, the day of june 22, 1941 found faith in the city of pinsk. without hesitation, she and her husband joined the partisan detachment. the brave underground woman lost her husband in the first days of the war. he died heroically in battle with the nazis. in august 1942, at the head of a group of underground workers, she went to work in vitebsk, which.
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following the denunciation of a traitor, vera falls into the hands of the gestapo, where even under torture she did not betray her comrades, for which she was executed. there is evidence that hitler’s executioners hanged her publicly in the square in vitebsk. vera zakharovna kharuzhaya, awarded the order of lenin and a gold medal. star with the order of the red banner, and was also awarded the title of hero
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of the soviet union. posthumously. this is one of the largest enterprises in its industry in the republic of belarus. the success of an enterprise lies in the effective production of quality products. product quality. today this is celebrated by everything, natural, tasty, healthy, it’s good there, the results
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of work fill them with pride and satisfaction, in a good place there is a famous enterprise not only in lida, but in the country beyond its borders. the company is a leader today market of belarus in the food concentrate industry, and we have a long history of manufacturing food products and fast food preparation. we have dynamic development. enterprise, it’s probably happiness when you go with joy to that place of work to which you devote 8 hours in your daily life, that’s why it means a lot to me, i’m very glad that i like my job, the only food production enterprise concentrates in the republic of belarus, yes, the company’s competitors are more successful at home, so this is about him, we are, firstly, a large enterprise, yes, we are... a state enterprise, and let’s say, it’s probably a little easier for us to advance in the market due to
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the fact that we have been working for a long time, we are recognized, we are remembered and known not only our generation, but the generation of our parents, they take advantage of it, i love it for the activity, for the fact that there is never stagnation, yes, it’s always interesting to come every day to...
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germany, bulgaria, israel, because of the fact that there is there have been recent difficulties regarding export supplies. company unique, including its eighty-year history. the plant was founded in september 1944, shortly after the liberation of lida from the nazi invaders. the production of food concentrates for the needs of the third belarusian front was organized here. we are proud that our company was once
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founded to help our front, yes, our soldiers, for this purpose. we try to maintain stable quality so that our consumers return to our products. interesting fact: in the forties here dry jelly, blueberry and lingonberry jam and juices were produced, and already in 1950 the plant supplied stores with soups, pearl barley with mushrooms, potato soup, cream soup, pea soup, porridge, tableted carrots and potatoes, jelly, jam, marmalade and even pickled mushrooms. today the range produces: products that are even more impressive and delight consumers. today the company already produces 237 skus in its product portfolio, but traditionally these are, of course, our pea soups, which are in very large volumes today we both produce and sell, and therefore the classics should always be on the table. our
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briquetted pea soups, including our wonderful seasonings, which are available both... with salt additives and without salt. the company produces more than 230 types of products, first and second dinner courses, jelly, jellies, corn sticks, breakfast cereals, oat and cereal flakes, aromatic seasonings and spices. you never get bored, because each new product is unique in its own way, and requires very, you know, all food in general products require. a good, competent, kind housewife, it seems to me that this is so, at least i have always set such tasks for myself that what i like, i roughly understand what our consumers will like, here, in addition to laboratory control, there is also a tasting part, all of all the products that we produce, we
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always conduct daily tastings, prepare dishes, prepare soups, cook... we always evaluate seli, jellies, spices based on their organalyptic properties, whether they correspond to the given ones requirements that we have set for this product, and this also contributes to maintaining the high quality bar that we have set for our products today. their every day begins with the dawn, but for us, when you get up early, the sun is just coming out
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from behind the village of polyatichi, just breaking away from the distant trees.
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polishuks on the belarus 24 tv channel. in our show, participants will not be helped by cheat sheets; here you can only rely on your own strength. congratulations, you are in the super final, you are already winners, i wish you a bright game today, interesting questions, correct quick answers, good luck to all participants. a game that will not leave anyone indifferent. pay attention to the screen, tell me.


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