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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 22, 2024 1:45am-2:00am MSK

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only on your own, congratulations, you are in the super final, you are already winners, i wish you a bright game today, interesting questions, correct quick answers to all participants , good luck, a game that will not leave anyone indifferent, pay attention to the screen, tell me, is it true is this a painting by pieter bruegel, the elder, hunters in the snow? alexandra, how did you answer? well, to me, it doesn’t really look like hunters, as if it was just some kind of city, the townspeople went out to skate on the ice. i agree with alexandra, this is not very good
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looks like hunters, yes, i think these people are having fun, if everyone looks like homeless people, then it's rembrandt. indicate a novel that does not belong to dostoevsky. dostoevsky belongs only to crime and punishment, and that’s where my knowledge ends. the brothers karamazov, for example, from the program i remember that the brothers karamazov belong to dostoevsky, and the humiliated insulted is one of my favorite books, and i know that it was dostoevsky who wrote it. watch intellectually entertaining. i know the project on the belarus 24 tv channel.
1:47 am
saturating the market with tasty and healthy new products is one of the main tasks of the team. in the case of the lithuanians, it is worth noting that this is not a banal race for quantity, but thoughtful, calibrated actions towards the desired result. it is not surprising that it has already taken root among buyers, it has been done in the lead, it must be taken. the marketing team and the technology team are constantly working on this.
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for preparing second courses, this is for import substitution, they have released a position, dry mixes and seasonings in large ziplock bags. in our portfolio today there is such a position, we are actively promoting it on the belarusian market, in principle, we already see it on the shelves and also in reports according to nilsson, this position has already found its buyer. people buy, children buy, we often have excursions, these are...
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in the form of cakes, with fruits, with biscuits, and you can treat and surprise any consumer and any guest at home. kissel is also a healthy product, because it contains a lot of starch, sugar, all the flavorings and dyes that we use in the production of jelly, we try to use natural, of natural origin. cereals and porridge are also presented in a fairly large assortment; these are very tasty and healthy products, among all the products. there are also products enriched with fiber, which, as you all know, are very beneficial for the body, the company's undisputed, unconditional long-term hit is, of course, corn sticks, in soviet times a cardboard box of sticks cost only 20 kopecks, they were sold in almost all stores, it was a delicacy, affordable and inedible, today in the line of lithuanian corn sticks, glazed sticks, sweet, crispy with salted caramel without liquid. and oil. now we are adding a variety
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of tastes, because, of course, our children, it is already difficult to surprise them with something, but at the same time we are trying to preserve the classic technology, the one that... on average, the enterprise produces 400 tons of various products every month. we use it ourselves. our products, because we know from the inside how they are produced, yes, we buy them for ourselves, for our family, for our loved ones, a gift to our friends if we go on a visit, because we are always confident in what we do, quality is, perhaps, the dominant feature
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of the tasty activities of the pilots, they do not strive for quality here, quality here is a given - this is something that is not discussed, carried out all production levels.
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a high level of quality for belarusian food products has been set by our head of state. of course, every batch of finished products that is produced also undergoes laboratory control. successes and achievements, discoveries and breakthroughs, implementation all ideas. everything is possible here thanks to a highly professional team. people are the main wealth of an enterprise, and employees know, value and do this. everything so that your favorite enterprise prospers, those girls and men who work at our enterprise are a close-knit, friendly, cheerful team, you can always rely on them, they are responsive, they are good-natured, they fit into any situation, they always help,
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there are no disagreements , there are no disputes, sometimes there are some errors, but they are corrected instantly, a good one works here team. have been working for many years, experienced employees who, well, form the basis of enterprises that allow him to be half a step ahead of his competitor. today the company has a staff of 355 people. there is a very friendly team here, such a backbone, yes, that already sets the pace, sets the level, sets it. some kind of positive attitude, warm, homely mood, i have not met indifferent people here, to be a national brand in the field of instant food products, breakfast cereals, spices, such tasks enterprises set themselves a goal, and
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they defined their mission here as follows: to make the lives of our consumers better by offering them high-quality, varied, tasty products, lichchan not only succeeds, but succeeds with excellence. my work for me is life, a piece of life, it’s half of my life, it’s the pleasure and smiles of people when they eat our products, my second life.
1:55 am
it’s clear now, thank god, the snow will disappear from the damp earth. papsavala graz darogu, peravaly spree, sontsa greee jumping, ice nareshtse expensive. the sun is falling, the gloom of the last springs is upon us, everything is visible, the geese are crowing, the sap on the oak tree is crumbling, the cranes are screaming, and the winter has vanished like smoke, the greener meadow of the king is like hell ours was amazing.
1:56 am
hello, everything is clear with you about the project with marina karaman. let's talk about complex things in simple terms. today we’re talking about what went wrong. western society, which schoolchildren in the european union are taught whether it is too late to find love, is hardly inferior to march 8 or february 23. at the end of winter we emphasize the courage of our men, at the beginning of spring - soft power of women. it is logical that on family day the whole country will glorify the union of a man and a woman. no, we live in belarus, the absolute majority of our population professes christianity. the belarusian constitution states that in the legal field we create a family by entering into marriage, marriage is a union between
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a man and a woman, and nothing else, there are no other options and there will not be. christianity conveys the same position, so that the belarusian family, as an institution, stands firmly on two pillars: secular and religious. some people may not like that i'm addressing to religion, but in my opinion, it’s time to stop being shy about this line. faith determines a lot. the course of history for our country. our sense of self and characteristic features that distinguish belarusians among different nations are unthinkable without faith. and note that so far only peoples whose basic state laws do not diverge from religious laws have managed to survive and reproduce, because the latter are passed on from parents to children, partly through genetic memory, and live inside in the form of moral criteria. once the balance between internal and external within the framework of morality. crazy laws are violated by sabotage propaganda, society goes into disarray and sooner or later is replaced
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by carriers of culture in which no one experiments on families. in the usa, in the european union, what we are seeing now is precisely the spread. after same-sex marriage was legalized in all american states from 2003 to 2015, the number of young people with gender identity disorders increased. grew up there several times over. in 2022 , the american gallup institute conducted a social study that showed that 20% americans born between 1997 and 2003 consider themselves gay, lesbian, gender neutral, and other fairy-tale creatures. 20%, every fifth generation of people who are now between 20 and 27 years old will not start a full-fledged family. will not give birth to children, and if she does, she will most likely raise them with distorted ideas about
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the world and gender relations. well, that's not all. according to the scientists who conducted this study, the number of people with such disorders doubles in each new generation. among those born before 1946, they was 0.8%. among those born between 1946 and 1964, there were 2.6%. in the fifth eightieth 4.2%, in the eighty-first ninety-six - 10.5%. among those born from 97 to 2003, there are 20% of them, that is, among those born from 2004 to 2018, 40% of young people can be expected to be unable to create a healthy family. such transformations always make the whole people feel bad. he... disappears. in one of the programs, i drew attention to the fact that we all feel immortality only when we have
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a past and a future, when we understand where we have come where we are going, which means why we live. while we know who our ancestors were and what we want our descendants to be, we are finite only physically, mentally, we are links in the chain of generations between the past and the future. if the future is blurry for our descendants, then the present loses its meaning for many. the meaning of existence threatens society with degeneration, and what kind of descendants, meanings, plans for development can a people have who do not have children, and those who are already born look in their pants and cannot... decide that they are there see, pestle and


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