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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 22, 2024 2:00am-3:10am MSK

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only when we have a past and a future, when we understand where we came from, where we are going, and therefore why we live. while we know who our ancestors were and what we want our descendants to be, we are finite only physically, mentally, we are links in the chain of generations between the past and the future. if the future is blurry for our descendants, then the present loses its meaning for many. the loss of the meaning of existence threatens society with degeneration. what are the meaning of descendants? plans for development may be among a people who do not have children, and those who are already born look in their pants and do not can decide what they see there, a pistil or a stamen, then what i talked about above happens: the replacement of one people by another. we have a striking example in front of us, the countries of the european union, where the replacement process is organized artificially, by the hands of states that do not need europe in its current form, therefore it is taking place according to an accelerated scenario. this is barbie, the dutch legal. expert eva
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vlardingerbrek. recently, during a public speech, she announced data on the number of migrants who permanently reside in european capitals. london - 54% of the population are immigrants from african and eastern countries. in amsterdam they make up 56% of the total number of local residents. in gaga - 58%. in rotterdam - almost 60%. in brussels - 70%. the indigenous population of these. the cities are now in the minority, in their own home, a few more semi-sterile generations, and it simply won’t remain; the descendants of today’s europeans will no longer become fertile, because their government continues to cultivate perversions and promote policies that destroy the traditional family. in europe juvenile justice is thriving. officials are doing everything to prevent parents from raising their own children. family. as
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a system that forms new citizens through the transfer of experience from the older generation to the younger, has been destroyed: under the rule of caring for children, minors have been given the opportunity to challenge their parents’ rights to raise them in the courts. raising the voice of a spoiled child, much less a spanking on the bottom, is equated to domestic violence and children are removed from their families. six-year-olds are being forced to take sex education lessons that they don't know about. themselves, nor their parents ask, most of these lessons... are devoted to studying gender diversity, reading books about families where there is no mother, but there are two dads, and learning the skill of putting a condom on a partner. teenagers are allowed to make decisions about gender reassignment without parental consent and are given access to hormonal drugs. in the frenzy of puberty , children are eager to show the world their independence, take hormones from the age of 20, with a crippled psyche and reproductive system, realize that all this was a mistake, but the consequences hormonal therapy. and irreversible, this whole
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cesspool full of mental disorders, heavy medications and moral filth, the result of just one step, the rejection of the traditional family as the primary unit of society. even from st. valentine, whoever he was, in fact, in the west they managed to make an apostate who allegedly married homosexual couples in order to convince us that this is the norm, no, not the norm, and here i have a proposal, like mikhkov in office romance rationalism. why don’t we connect in the minds of the younger generation hearts, gifts love songs happy family day? why not use marketing tools to inspire men to propose marriage to their women on this very day? by may 15th every year, why not decorate shop windows and cafe windows with heart-shaped balloons and cheeky cupids. why not announce discounts in jewelry and confectionery departments by this date? shouldn't we force it on radio and television? people
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love signs and symbols and enthusiastically accept everything that stands behind them. of course, not all families are able to survive moments of crisis, but the institution of family in belarus is definitely not in decline. according to our statisticians, there are 2,612,413 families living in the country, with an average of 2.9 people in each family, almost three. 2,612,413 y by 2.9. we get 7,575,998 people, that’s how many belarusians live in families. the total since january 1 was 9,155,978, almost 83% of the population is not alone. last year , 56,044 couples got married in our country. and here’s an interesting point: 444 weddings were performed by people over 65. among them. 42 women and 60 men who
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got married for the first time in their lives, which is proves that all ages are truly submissive to love, and you can find your happiness after retirement, what? as for younger couples, 57.3% of them are raising one child, 33.5% - two, 9.2% - three or more children. this phrase is persistently repeated by opponents of belarusian statehood, and here i would like to ask the question: where is the best place to give birth? belarus has one of the longest paid maternity leaves in the world. one of the parents. queues or even grandparents have the right without losing their jobs to stay at home with a child for 3 years, while for registration up to 12 weeks of pregnancy, a woman receives a reward from the state equal to one subsistence level budget, now it is 418 rubles 73
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kopecks, simply for taking care of her health. after the birth of her first child, the mother is given an allowance of 10 subsistence minimum budgets. now it's four. rub 1,187 when a woman gives birth to her second and subsequent children, she receives 14 subsistence minimum budgets for each one. now it is 5.862 rubles. how much at this age does not matter to older children. after this, the parent who is on maternity leave with their first child for 3 years receives 35% of the average monthly salary in the country every month. the amount is constantly growing, now it is almost 700. 40% of average earnings - 828 rubles. if a child with a disability is 45% (932 rubles) per month. and then there are all-day kindergartens with a full range of services, five meals a day, free schools
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and universities. after the birth of the third child, the family has the right to register family capital. now it is 31,480 rubles. and this is not earnings, this is a gift. compliment from the state for having many children, there are, of course, those who believe that this is not enough, only maternity leave is the money that an adult, healthy person receives in order to sit quietly with his child. normally, no one pays anyone for this for such a long time, at least that’s what they think in countries that call themselves developed. in the usa, for example, there is no maternity leave; women are required to go on vacation at their own expense, 4 weeks before giving birth. 8 weeks later, that’s it, the baby has learned to use his head hold, it’s time to go to work, with whom to leave the baby, with whomever you want, there are mothers who work with babies in their arms for 8 hours a day, there is no talk of any family capital, and kindergartens for 30 dollars a month with preparation for school , quiet time and a
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gost menu, american parents have never heard of it. they simply don’t believe in stories about social medicine; in iko, infertile families can save money there for years. in belarus , the first attempt at eco is provided free of charge. a woman should not have contraindications to the procedure, and her age should not exceed 40 years. the spouses collect tests, submit documents, receive approval and enter into the protocol. in 2023 in belarus, thanks to in vitro fertilization , 1,392 women became mothers. conditions are being created in our country. not only for those who are expanding their families, but also for those who have been trying to do this for a long time to no avail; if not to build a family in this country, then probably nowhere. stop looking west? practice shows that everything that is called
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non-progressive increases our birth rate standard of living. take care of the connection between the elderly and the children of your family like the apple of your eye. this is the same umbilical cord through which our babies receive... the basics of morality and worldly wisdom, and to believe in the possibility of finding a family, no matter how old you are. in 2023, 444 couples proved that you can receive the desired proposal or a positive answer to it at absolutely any age. i’m marina karaman and how are things in the belarusian family, we sorted it out, everything is clear, see you later. everything you wanted to know about connection and history, religion and culture in the modern world.
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the name of prince izyaslav is associated with the emergence of one of the oldest cities in belarus . this city was founded in 985 by grand duke vladimir. another important shrine of the monastery is its
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power. we will tell you and show you in spiritual and educational projects on the belarus24 tv channel. the belarus24 tv channel broadcasts for you around the clock, don’t switch. our daily task is to talk about belarus, in the country abroad. more than 100 million viewers. all over the world have access to view our projects tv channel, so what kind of belarus is it, business and developing, hospitable, bright and festival-like.
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generous, picturesque and monumental, athletic and team-oriented. we tell you not only about significant events. we introduce you to active, energetic and inspiring people who live in belarus and do everything for its development. belarus can be different, to understand and feel it you need to see it with your own eyes. hello, dear tv viewers. the tv channel belarus 24 is on air, watch us every day, because we do
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belarus is closer. good evening, this is the economic environment on belarus-1 satellite tv channel belarus24. belarus' gold and foreign exchange reserves continue to grow. according to the national bank, international reserve assets increased by $89 million in april. as of may 1, their size exceeded $8.4 billion. let us remind you that our country’s gold and foreign exchange reserves have been showing positive dynamics for the third month in a row. the key reason is rising gold prices. volume of innovative goods shipped in the twenty-third year. grew by almost 40%. according to belstat, costs belarusian organizations spent on innovation
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last year exceeded the mark of 1.3 billion rubles. among the main effects from the introduction of innovations by enterprises are the expansion of assortment, improvement of quality, preservation of traditional and development of new markets. germany is facing a worsening crisis in its manufacturing sector. almost 40% of local companies complain about the lack of commercial orders. energy-intensive industries are hit the hardest. that's all. amid a slowdown in the eurozone's largest economy. geography of exchange trading in russia and uzbekistan and tajikistan. over 4 months, the amount of exchange transactions amounted to over 350 million rubles. and it increased by 75% compared to january-april of the twenty-third year. as part of the district one project initiative , 34 investment projects have been completed. this is meneconomy data. in terms of industry , investment processes are most active in woodworking, metallurgy, and machine tool manufacturing.
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a draft list of activities that individual entrepreneurs can engage in has been submitted for public discussion. proposals developed within the framework of the new business law. let us remind you that the law is aimed at leveling the conditions for doing business. they decided to initiate changes , among other things, due to requests from legal entities. what innovations does business expect, is the entrepreneurial sector ready? society to more civilized forms, what measures are being taken to painlessly scale up your business and whether there is enough time for preparation, we will discuss with competent experts right now. today we have experts in our studio who are well versed in development issues entrepreneurship: yuri chebotar, minister
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of economy, dmitry keiko, first deputy minister of finance. igor skrinnikov, deputy minister for taxes, elena prokhorova, chairman of the entrepreneurship wing of the belarusian women's union. dear guests, good evening. we are glad to see you in the economic environment studio. but regarding current events, yes, the main resonant event of recent weeks in the business environment is the new law on the development of entrepreneurship. dear experts, what is its essence, what innovations in him? the first, most important thing we are talking about is provided, the law is aimed at making it possible to create mechanisms for the growth and scaling of a business, to enable entrepreneurs who today see potential in development to increase their production, increase their trade, increase their income and, accordingly, income of our country, and in order to make it both
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interesting and profitable to do business, we have provided for ... for business entities, this will probably be more correct, there are also new obligations, and for business entities, they have new obligations, well, i would say here that there is only one obligation, to conduct your business honestly and conscientiously, the law itself, it is an adopted law, it is not of a fiscal
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nature or any additionally tax burdens, yes, we are simultaneously dealing with this in tax legislation and in fact... over the last 3 years the necessary steps have been taken, yes, that is, entrepreneurs today, no matter what category they belong to, this is the so-called self-employed, now this will be called an individual engaged in a professional activity, there is a craftsman, which means a citizen who has an agricultural estate, or a classic individual entrepreneur, today they each have their own tax regime, or the opportunity to choose a tax regime, and...
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we are moving away from such a classical understanding of entrepreneurship that it is an individual entrepreneur, but here we say that entrepreneurship is a certain process that allows citizens to realize, first realize your entrepreneurial potential, quite simple, in small forms, in small forms, in a fairly simple, understandable form, without any additional administrative costs, go somewhere
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to coordinate something, write statements, essentially remotely establish your own, the first is a business relationship. a tool in the work of government bodies, in fact - in principle, it is needed by entrepreneurs and small medium-sized businesses themselves, why will it confirm the status - of the enterprise or organization itself, that it refers to small medium-sized businesses, we are introducing new tools, we talked about this support,
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for this it is necessary to confirm the status, accordingly, the government agencies that will provide support also need confirmation that this organization has such a status, it is assumed that the register will work automatically mode, all relevant information will be sent there accordingly. registers will be loaded and the register will, let’s say, contribute to the fact that entrepreneurs and organizations saw their status virtually online, it seems to me that by creating such a register we will put an end to the question of the contribution of small businesses in general to the development of the economy, and because today we have scattered data there from the ministry of finance , our data from the ministry.
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an open or closed document, of course, these are open, open, that is, anyone interested can look there, but of course, these are not all the changes in this law, there is also such an item as a list, yes, we will discuss it further, this is important emphasize that our president pays special attention to the development of entrepreneurship, the main message is to restore order, business must be conducted according to the rules and work not only for yourself, but for the country, let's listen,
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the adoption of such legal acts, but separate forces with such approaches do not agree, yes, our opponents did not ignore the changes we discussed, many publications appeared on their part, despite the explanations of government bodies, which were quite consistent, well, in my opinion understandable, however, these publications are biased, a little uninformative...
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individual entrepreneurs, they also claim that this law is based on solving the problem of labor shortages , supposedly in this way the labor market will be restructured, all individual entrepreneurs are welcome in factories , an increase in tax collection and the revenue side of budgets at various levels occurs in this way, and finally , a reduction in the number of people with critical thinking, well, the last thing:
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as a result of employment in one form or another work with information resources, and not in activities, but respected experts, this is how true this is, yuri adamovich: is the state interested in eliminating individual entrepreneurs as a class? first of all, we are talking about creating equal working conditions in various categories, in various types of activities, in certain forms of doing business, this is in principle. came
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also from the smallest medium-sized businesses, when organizations worked and said that let’s work as equals conditions, this is what we are talking about today, and those same 4000 for them, in accordance with the new law, there is an opportunity for literally a year and a half until january 1 , 2066 to choose a new form of doing business, please switch to a legal entity like us.. there is no talk of individual entrepreneurs, but naturally, this is not profitable for the state; the state needs people who will
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work for themselves, for the country. by law, pay taxes, take care of your children, future generations, and so on, and the labor market is so it is possible to restructure in this way, but having an economic education, i have a hard time imagining, i can hardly imagine how , relatively speaking, the shortage of qualified turners can be replaced by an individual entrepreneur who for 15 years, let’s say, sold spare parts at the malinovka car market, well, it’s hard for me to imagine this, i agree with you, maybe the answer is in two parts, well, first, those who are already studying the law today, who hear us, then we see evolutionary, many entrepreneurs have already gone through the re-registration process, we see an increase in the number legal entities being created today, this is precisely in those types of activities that potentially have the opportunity to further increase their presence in the market, and... on
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the other hand, you correctly said, in business, well, no, random people, you know, our initiative one region, one project, yes, support for investment projects in the regions, and so, when meeting with many owners of these enterprises in the regions, i often ask the question: how, in what way did you come to the conclusion that today we need to engage in the production of this or that, you know, the majority answered in principle. the same thing is that we started our process with an individual entrepreneur, we traded these products, we already knew the market, we knew the situation around us, and we came to the conclusion, why don’t we produce it ourselves? this is the answer for those who today are looking for an opportunity to criticize approaches to the law. well, do i understand correctly that these are 40,000 entrepreneurs against the backdrop of several
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study it, we will not see that new types of taxes are introduced there, or the rates of existing taxes are increased or changed, this the law does not talk about this, that is, all these norms are regulated purely by the tax code, nothing changes in this part, that is
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, do we, dear elena nikolaevna, agree with you in the idea that the reason is, after all, these legislative changes is streamlining the entrepreneurship segment, how are you? today, business has been evolving over the last 3-4 years ; the business environment has undergone quite serious changes due to changes in tax legislation due to the fact that new types of activities are increasingly are used by entrepreneurs in their activities, that is, there are more production cycles when a small business entity. until recently , he received government support and understood that the limit of his dreams had, in principle, been reached, he needed to move somewhere, scale somewhere, but today the law provides such an opportunity to do this painlessly, with the transfer of those property
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benefits, material assets that he acquired during the period of activity as an individual entrepreneur, this quite a serious argument, the interests of entrepreneurs are not infringed in the general and such... moreover, the law provides for such support measures as the pre-emptive right to acquire state-owned objects that are currently in lease legal relations, with installment payments and many other norms of this laws suggest the possibility of softer scaling. in my opinion, the law, like all laws, like regulations that are being implemented in order to enable digitalization.
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minister of economy, yuriy adamovich, please tell me what state support measures with the adoption of this law that we are discussing can be counted on by future legal entities and former individual entrepreneurs in the event of this re-registration, this is the mechanism for receiving this state support, you know , i will first characterize the current level of support that individual entrepreneurs, well, in principle , small and medium-sized enterprises, receive in accordance with our state program for small we provide support to entrepreneurship every year; over the 3 years of the current five-year plan , we have provided such entities with more than 500 worth 40 million rubles. in accordance with the law
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, three new mechanisms are being introduced: the first is a guarantee for borrowed funds that small medium-sized enterprises will take to develop their business, since in many of them these will be startups somewhere. it is clear that it will be difficult to find guarantees, such guarantees will be issued by our support fund, and this work is already preparatory, the fund is engaged in today, so that upon entry into force law immediately to... start this activity, the second opportunity, according to the law, is grants, free funds for again starting or continuing or scaling your business from local governments, and the third, we are expanding the very possibility of receiving, today these are small enterprises, according to the law , medium enterprises are added to small enterprises, therefore the number of recipient entities. in principle , support will be essential, financial
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support for entrepreneurs to streamline their business, in essence this can be briefly interpreted innovations of updated legislation, emphasis on creating clear and transparent conditions for running your business, key know-how, a mechanism for a seamless transition from an individual entrepreneur to a legal entity while maintaining rights, obligations and a package of documents. what do you need to know? alina loppo collected the main thing in the following material. let's get a look. it will be possible to scale your business in a day and, what is important, without losing your accumulated baggage. this is one of the special incentives when moving from an individual entrepreneur to a commercial organization. now about everything in detail, but first it’s worth noting: earlier, as such no transition was envisaged; it was impossible to reorganize an individual entrepreneur into a legal entity. the only way is to close your business in the prescribed manner and essentially start it. it from scratch, the period for cessation of activity in such cases can reach up to a year.
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innovations give the right to obtain the status of a commercial organization without suspending its activities on a daily basis. at the same time, all rights and obligations to employees, contractors and the state will transfer to the new commercial organization. in other words, you register a legal entity and receive opportunity for further development from the level already achieved. we believe that individual entrepreneurs will still choose such a form as a limited company. for this form, the minimum amount of the authorized capital is not provided; accordingly, it can be set even at 10 rubles. and this authorized capital can be formed within 12 months after the state registration of a commercial organization. so, what is the simplified procedure: first, an individual entrepreneur needs to write notify creditors of your decision to create a commercial organization, then submit a corresponding application to the registration authority. and here it is important to note the termination procedure itself. ip will not be carried out, this
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will happen automatically, and the entry on the exclusion of an individual entrepreneur from the unified state register will become the date of registration of the new legal entity. in order to create this commercial organization, you will first need to agree on its name. the name can be pre-checked in web portal in order to make sure that such names no longer exist. similarity to the point of confusion. it will also be possible to check there, then fill out an application, with the selected name , send it to the registration authority electronically via a web portal, on the same day or the next, the individual entrepreneur will be presented with a certificate of approval of the name, then he prepares a package of documents for submission to the registration authority, package minimal documents, this is an application, two copies of the charter and submit you will need a certificate of state registration of individual entrepreneurs. all permits and licenses have also been obtained by the individual entrepreneur. remain, these documents can be used
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for a year, in the future their re-issuance will be free on an application basis. among other advantages , no state duty is charged for creating a legal entity. within two years from the date of registration, the organization will not be included in plans for random inspections, and its location may be a residential building, of course, with the consent of the residents registered there. utility costs by tariffs for individuals. so, to summarize, innovations in legislation really simplify existing ones. procedure, let me remind you that existing entrepreneurs whose activities are not included in the final permitted list have the right to work until 2026, in order to continue their business further, they will have to transform into a legal entity, the registration of new individual entrepreneurs in areas not from the list will be stopped in october. but it was said in the story that the current order.
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previously this would have been considered as alienation of property, in this case it will be be considered as a transfer of rights to property within the framework of a seamless transition, at least all the possibilities are there, but dear experts, let's move on to probably the most pressing topic of today's transfer, this is a sensational list of activities, today
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the ministry of economy, and together with those interested, has prepared a project of this list, it is submitted for public discussion today. into other types of activities or, therefore, as part of increasing the corresponding lists for the self-employed, therefore we worked out the first together with regulators, together with the regions , we looked primarily at social economic effects so as to ensure
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appropriate standards of service within the framework of regional policy, issues not to harm production. business, and so on, in principle, the lists that we published today are subject to discussion, as part of this process we will go to the regions, meet with entrepreneurs, hear from everyone again to understand whether something really needs to be done somewhere amendments, we will have a big discussion at site of the ministry of economics, next week we will call all our business circles and unions. in order for them to convey from below from their, let’s say, subscribers, and those same ones, this is the opinion, then the government has until july 1, we will approve the list. dmitry nikolaevich, well , i can’t help but ask you a question, i know that you, as a systematic person, have a grasp of numbers, we
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are now talking about entrepreneurship, but what if we talk about returns, right? entrepreneurs, here you need to understand that there are amounts in absolute amounts in relative, yes, if we look, the absolute size is hundreds of millions of rubles, perhaps even up to a billion, today there are individual entrepreneurs somewhere, we can say that their contribution to the formation of the budget is about a billion rubles, but if we look
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relatively, relatively revenues of the consolidated budget, this is no more than one and a half percent 2 years ago, yes and...
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has grown in absolute figures, in relative terms, yes, today we are saying that in 3 years we have managed to approximately double the income from individual entrepreneurs, an additional 600 million rubles went to local budgets.
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accepts this as a profitable part of his business, but as you rightly noted, revenue is not income, so when we talk about the fact that in the status
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of a legal entity, an entrepreneur will exist with a calmer form of relationship with the state, including avoiding gray schemes and mechanisms, including the substitution of labor relations, this often occurred in the status of individual entrepreneurs, we understand that the gift entrepreneur's beliefs. entrepreneur is probably higher than when representatives of government agencies talk about it , the entrepreneurial community as a whole is ready for these changes, of course, there is excitement, there may be misunderstanding, something else, but on the whole, wise entrepreneurs who have been working for a long time, they understand that in general there is nothing wrong with this, that’s right, evolutionary changes in the economy presuppose the presence of an equal competitive environment, the entrepreneur who... grows out of little pants, he always tells that young person growing up that let’s work honestly on the same site.
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a good assessment from representatives of entrepreneurship that it’s time... to grow out of short pants, this refrain runs through these legislative changes that we are discussing today, entrepreneurship under the new rules, our correspondent olga onishchenko talked with individual entrepreneurs and will tell how business plans his future work and what he expects from government agencies. let's get a look. this is one of mine a shop, and two more shops, on that side there is one with clothes too. these are the kind of rural format stores where, in appearance , there is only the necessary minimum, in reality, says the owner, if of course not all, then many belarusian brands, the entrepreneur in the village is trying to present our leather industry with a face. belarusian goods are presented very widely, the premises do not allow for very much space, but the most necessary things, of course, are all there. this is only deliberately vast: a resort village on the shore, much more modest, of the order
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4,000 local residents, not a magnet, of course, for... but this is 30-40 km from us, the nearest such a more or less large city, so the local individual entrepreneur hands it over, this fact of the social significance of business in the outback, they promise in the ministry of economy, will be taken into account when forming list of types of activities allowed for individual entrepreneurs, so such retail retail is unlikely to undergo changes, but for those like elena lazar, who are ready to develop... further scale the business by moving into a legal entity, the conditions are the most that is not comfortable, now this can be done quickly, conveniently and inexpensively, not like before. firstly, we are not in minsk, we are remote, agree on a name, then make a charter, contact the executive committee, pay the state fee, register cash register equipment, that is, we would have to close it all, suspend activities and
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register, well, probably within two to three , maybe four weeks, that's all. upcoming work, but in general the individual entrepreneur is limited and the entrepreneur managed to evaluate the concept with the number of employees, no more than three, income limit, entrepreneurs who are stronger like elena will no longer be satisfied with such a business arrangement, there are also accompanying bonuses: the simplified taxation system remains, there are up to 50 people, employees. and you can pay a simplified tax, llc will allow, in the future, perhaps even to change some type of activity or engage in a new type of activity that requires obtaining licenses. so far we are positive, and i would like this simplified system to help us develop and grow. and this is already capital. vladislav veucheysky, one of those who decided not to put their eggs in one basket , took up four types of work at once. he
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provides office services and computer services. repairs equipment and organizes events and accompanies tourists, the reform will probably affect the usual way of life, but there is a plan b, this is opening a legal entity and working in the required legal field, but it will be more difficult, but an entrepreneur always has a risk, that’s why we are entrepreneurs, we must develop their first of all entrepreneurship in order to in order to adapt to existing realities, while business for the most part is waiting for july 1, the deadline for the appearance of a list of types of work decided for individual entrepreneurs. those who are not on the lists will obviously have to make a choice. fortunately, business is in no hurry to make decisions. it’s good that time has been given, it’s about a year and a half for the final transition, there will still be such a smooth movement. based on this time, there will be time to comprehend, weigh, all the pros and cons. in the meantime, entrepreneurs are delving into all the intricacies
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of the upcoming work according to the new rules, so the best case is that re-registration is coming. the entrepreneur doesn’t hide it, the law has been adopted, but it’s clear that not everything is clear yet. in particular, for the same electronic digital signature keys, as this will be transferred, i will need to buy new keys under a legal entity, or they will give them to me for free, taking into account the fact that i have already purchased, registered adcs. regarding accounting, will they be allowed to do the accounting themselves, in what way, or will it be necessary to have an accountant on staff or outsourced? in a word, the law is good, but everything is law down to the nuances. you can’t write it down, as the president said, so the entrepreneur believes that as long as the essence comes to the point, there will be more clarity in business processes. business is waiting for some clarifications, specifics, perhaps a step-by-step plan of action from government agencies, maybe there will be some kind of manual, where everything will be laid out step by step, taking into account all the nuances of interest, vladislav is ready to explain the innovations, however, he himself, as the organizer
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of training events for entrepreneurs, is ready. for now in the status of an individual entrepreneur, and after who knows, perhaps as the owner of a larger business, i’m sure you will have to get out of your comfort zone, but perhaps this is the only way growth and development is possible. here's a good report on hiring. three people or more has always been such a sticking point among entrepreneurial circles, and why, after all , many came to the point when the business was really growing, it was necessary to hire five and 10 people, this question was constantly asked, this is the law, today’s law for such individual entrepreneurs and answers, please, as soon as you have the opportunity and need to grow, hire more -
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aspects, and some of them do not know who to ask questions to, we will provide them with such an opportunity. questions to our experts from entrepreneurs, please, when transferring a business, an individual entrepreneur is a legal entity, in particular to a private unitary enterprise, a current account opened for an individual entrepreneur will be transferred is it possible that banks will work quickly to re-register an account? and how long will this procedure take? i am currently engaged in retail trade, food products, including perishable products, and i am very interested in this issue. due to the fact that
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today the issue has not been fully resolved, but as far as i know, it is being resolved with the opp, purely technically, most likely, this will not be very acceptable today, but opening a current account for a legal entity takes half an hour. and a new current account, i think, will not be a problem for the bank, for any entity to open again, but how to transfer financial flows, but this is probably a question for banking sector, of course, when preparing the law, we discussed and met with banks, they guaranteed that, on their part, they would make every effort to complete all procedures quickly. next question, please, hello, my name is ruslan magomedovich. i am an individual entrepreneur. for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities providing legal services, there are various licensing requirements for carrying out this type of activity. in particular, for a legal entity it is required
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a certain staff of employees. how much time is given to an individual entrepreneur who will become a legal entity to bring his activities into compliance with licensing requirements, and whether such a legal entity can carry out activities before bringing it into compliance with the requirements. thank you. to me.
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permits and so on. again, dear experts, let us emphasize that
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the questions are exclusively technical, how to deal with this aspect, how to deal with this aspect, so i think that in the near future the ministry of economy, together with those interested, will resolve these issues, and to summarize. our conversation about how you see the future of entrepreneurship in our country, and what we all need to do for this, yuri adamovich. first, we talked a lot about this today, this is scaling and growth, so that... business gives the country the maximum return and grows, second, so that business goes to the regions, and third, also probably the key at the moment, so that business goes still in the manufacturing sector. dmitry nikolaevich, well, in short, the future entrepreneurship, i see that these are opportunities, opportunities to quickly realize your entrepreneurial potential at low cost, this is the first, second thing we need for...
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dear experts, thank you for your opinion, thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to come come to our studio of the bel tv and radio company on makayonko 9. we thank our guests and say goodbye to you, be proactive and responsible. work
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honestly for the good of our country and may the economic environment be favorable for you. goodbye.
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their path to their own happiness is incredibly interesting in its own way, and this talent is complex. given at the age of 40, and i say that it was given to me, because that’s how it was, i made my first work, i made it by accident, i felt that i wanted more. each story is a motivation to change your life for the better. old old coaches played a big role in our development as individuals, as people, and i wish, i wish.
3:06 am
i will come to your house, and not to a museum, no matter where you look, your gaze falls everywhere, everywhere there are some hand-made things, these are everyday objects, the presenter from the capital will have to experience all the delights of rural life, a lot of people come, because even some say that you have a good life here, here you can relax mentally, that is, here is nature, this is not a park, everything is real here, you can go out here and take a walk to see a roe deer, see the same deer, hen? this is the life that you are contradicting,
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what we said earlier, finally, that you yourself choose, which, incidentally, from the technological side, the project i am from the village, for i tell everyone, for a good, for a life in village, for all this, yes, you need to have two things, purity of thoughts, firmness of intentions, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, i don’t know if i’m hungry or what, but... in essence, the dish is very similar to carbonara, but here are potatoes, we are in the 13th century and it is associated with the name of prince voyshelk.
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today at 4:00 in the morning, without any car around, germany.
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the president held a meeting on improving control and supervisory activities; this is not the first time this topic has been returned to, given its importance. in 2009 year, a comprehensive control system was formed, 8 years later it was comprehensively modernized. so according to the committee.
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