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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 22, 2024 4:50am-5:45am MSK

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since then, a lot of water has passed under the bridge, competitors came, left, came again, but our most famous car, by and large , is still driving belarusian-russian cooperation in the region, but we are promised new projects. in the meantime, this mtz tatarstan is the largest for us in the region and for the minsk tractor plant throughout russia. tractors are not only assembled here, but also provided with service and sales of the entire line. any car, be it a classic, gas-powered with attachments for the field cities.
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marketing competition has intensified, but it seems healthy here, they are even happy, they say development is guaranteed. for mtz, this is not only the improvement of equipment, but its maintenance. the client will not wait for weeks until the required part arrives, he does not need such a machine, there are everyday losses in the field, and therefore fast service, the realities of time edyka mastx for the manufacturer. the count is in days, for now, but it will literally be in hours. it is important not just to sell the equipment, but to accompany it throughout. the entire life cycle, this includes provision and service support, spare parts, there is already a project, agreed upon, selected, which is now undergoing examination for the launch, construction of a central distribution center for spare parts, this is also one of the stages of providing customers with reliable, original, high-quality spare parts in a short time. in general, the products on this site are orderly.
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the rate can be organized precisely from this multi-brand center of ours, the most important task is to show all the advantages of comprehensive service to the village worker, farms, ministries to show that you are dealing with one representative who is responsible for everything, there is no need to look for gomselm, they went selmash, minsk tractor, nemas, all rolled into one, and such multi-brand stories as -
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there should be eight here throughout russia, but this is number one, it will be indicated at the negotiations of our delegations, however, it also needs to be developed. cooperation along the belarus-tatarstan line is gaining momentum, machine builders are in the foreground, but that’s not all. the entire engineering sector of belarus works very closely and closely with kamaz supplies units, supplies components, the gorizon company supplies a lot of electronics, this was before now.
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and the cooperation programs are long-term, these are about ten enterprises, today the republic of belarus works on the kamaz conveyor belt, this is bmz, this is metal, this is a huge, huge, huge layer, and today the growth in supplies to the conveyor belt is almost twofold compared to last year. another rewarding topic is aircraft manufacturing and renewal of the civil aircraft fleet. russia has ambitious plans. kazan aviation. the plant is helping, as are the belarusian sites. in the latest russian application, our deputy prime minister will note, there are 1,200 items of components and parts that need to be manufactured at belarusian enterprises, but apparently, the allies will not limit themselves to this. based on an application from, say, a tatar kazan manufacturer, we are building our own production workshops for painting a certain range of aircraft components, maybe even entire aircraft, for example the tu-214.
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now we are working very closely at plant 558, well , the goal is that in 2026 we will have the first prototype, developed jointly with our russian partners, was produced. words are set to reach new heights in cooperation in trade. a million
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dollars is already an uncherished dream, although there are only seven russian regions with which belarus has reached such a level of trade turnover and tatarstan is one of them, but the partners want more, twice as much, and most importantly they know how to... do it, complementing each other , expanding competencies, becoming stronger. olga onishchenko, vitaly selyavko, alexander moguchi, telenews agency, tatarstan, russia. union opportunities were discussed today in zhodino. the magadan region of russia is interested in the supply of quarry equipment made in belarus. particular emphasis on innovative models. the belarusian plant was visited by the governor of this region, sergei nosov, together with the heads of industrial enterprises. the guests visited the main conveyor shop and saw where the world record-breaking dump truck with a lifting capacity of 450 tons is assembled. and the governor of the magadan region conducted a personal test drive of the electric dump truck at the test site. who is in russia belazov consumes the most,
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i was pleased to learn that metallurgy takes a lot, these are iron ore mines, gold miners are just switching to belazov, those innovative approaches that exist. today, the managers of the enterprise, i think, will give their results, and the machines, machines, belazov machines, they are already no worse, and in the future i am sure they will meet the most demanding requirements. also, guests from russia today were able to see one of belaz’s brand new products, this is a 90-ton dump truck in the belarusian national style. horizons of cooperation on the international flank belarus plans to become a full member of the shanghai cooperation organization as early as july this year. our delegation, led by the minister of foreign affairs, has been invited to astana to participate in the smith-schos meeting. today at the ministerial meeting, sergei oleinik assured
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that having joined the shanghai family, belarus is ready to offer its partners its industrial, scientific, transit potential, accumulated experience in peacekeeping and multilateral diplomacy. belarus has consistently gone through all the stages of becoming a member of the shores: first in the status of a dialogue partner, then in the status of an observer, and finally completing the procedure for obtaining full membership. we strive to actively demonstrate ourselves in all dimensions of the organization’s work, political-diplomatic, trade-economic, cultural-humanitarian. among the priorities in belarus in the sco is building up effective cooperation. in order to strengthen regional security and form a regional anti-terrorist structure, it is planned to hold the next international conference on eurasian security in minsk at the end of october, beginning of november this year.
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a nationwide farewell ceremony for president ibrahim raisi and other high-ranking government officials continues in iran. investigation into the circumstances of the helicopter crash, at the moment, among the most likely causes of the tragedy are a technical malfunction of the aircraft, as well as difficult weather conditions, but only after all the nuances have been clarified will it be possible to draw final conclusions, they say authorities. belarusians condole with the people of iran
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over the death of president ibrahim raisi and pay tribute to all the victims of the helicopter crash. recording on behalf of the president of belarus alexander lukashenko. made in the book of condolences of the iranian embassy in minsk, on behalf of the head of state, a message with words of grief was left by the first deputy head of the presidential administration , maxim ryzhenkov, and also handed over to the embassy. i am here today not only on instructions from the head of state, although there is such an order, of course, on the dictates of the heart, too, because iran is our friend, the belarusians and the iranian people have a very long relationship of mutual assistance, peaceful resolution of all issues, support for each other in all areas of our bilateral relations. secretary of state of the security council alexander volfovich also left a note in the book of condolences of the iranian embassy on his
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own behalf and on behalf of the secretariat of the security council. we share the point of view of the people of belarus, who express sincere words of condolences in connection with the death of the president islamic republic of iran. bitterness also comes from the fact that we have really lost a friend of a friend of belarus. we saw this during our president’s bilateral visits.
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we received words of sympathy and condolences from the president of belarus, the ministry of foreign affairs, the government,
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young people and students come here, and these signs of attention will certainly further strengthen the belarusian-iranian friendship and warm relations between the two countries. the iranian embassy is located on the capital's starovilensky trakt street. you can make an entry in the book of condolences tomorrow at thursday from 10 to 12 from 15 to 17 hours, you can bring flowers at any time. the attempt on the life of slovak prime minister robert fitz continued the trend of hunting down unwanted politicians. the attack occurred because of his political views, which do not fit into the stereotypes of hegemony and double standards of the collective west. this opinion was expressed on the air of the trends program by slovak lawyer and journalist miroslav kaminsky. according to the expert, in recent years, many unwanted politicians have been attacked. this cannot be called a mere coincidence. amerika nacionala new vyd vajny.
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the death of the president of iran, a terrorist attack or a cancer accident, the illegitimacy of zelensky, how events will develop in a dying ukraine, and mirrors of the degradation of europe from the west, eurovision, a song contest of the victorious lgbt activism or occult practices. see the project trends tomorrow after the panorama. representatives of extremist
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groups began to fight for the grant and organized pseudo-elections. the farce has already continued in the legal field, and as the investigative committee reports, in the confrontation for the position in the criminal hierarchy they are accepting participation of 257 people, whose names are reliably known to investigators. they represent 12 extremist organizations and are now involved in criminal cases. as part of the real estate investigation, the assets of the defendants will be seized. inspections and searches are currently underway. it was established that in 2024 a decision was made to reorganize. criminal group with the subsequent appointment of new leaders of extremist cells. it is the reorganization in this environment that will help the leaders get rid of outsiders in the political game reward the most dedicated performers with a place in the cabinet state. feeling the approaching complete loss of conventional authority and funding from western curators,
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well-known fugitive criminals such as azarov, latushko, prokopyev put forward their candidacies for the right to sit at the master’s table. as well as lesser-known and not at all engaged representatives of the radical world. the main tasks in the activities of the next convocation will remain unchanged. development of measures to seize power by force, accompanied by mass unrest, sabotage and armed invasion, active imposition of so-called european values, measures of sanctions pressure, calls for support for illegal armed groups, the creation of alternative authorities abroad. according to investigators, back in 2020 , representatives of the most radical cells created an extremist organization in belarus, the so-called coordination council. after the active work of our special services, some members of the organized crime group fled the country. behind abroad, the fugitives organized a parody of the state system, where the so-called
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coordination council was assigned the role of a proto-parliament, which was supposed to control the small one. radical communities, but as the investigative committee notes, despite all the attempts of the fugitives, exhaustive measures will be taken to ensure the principle of the inevitability of punishment and compensation for damage, including in the framework of special proceedings. the facts, as they say, are on the table. the west is forced to question zelensky's legitimacy. his term as president has now expired. zelensky’s status is formulated vaguely, they say. the person we turn to when we need to talk to the ukrainian leader, and the chief european gardener, barel, simply asked zelensky, are you legitimate? he answered: yes, that means the question is closed, barel concluded. however, what’s wrong with the president, what the devil ukraine is facing a demographic catastrophe, according to the latest opinion poll, half of the refugees in
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poland, the czech republic and germany do not intend to return home, a little more than 30% of those surveyed have no education at all... and people with good incomes. a the rights of those citizens who still remained in ukraine were violated by not re-electing these young women with children, people with a good president of the country in the required time frame. watch the details today on our evening broadcast, in the author’s program of ksenia lebedeva. other. lithuania is expressing its desire to fight with russia. there snozva started talking about their readiness to send military instructors to ukraine as part of a coalition led, for example, by france. more precisely, as the head of the lithuanian mit said, vilnius is ready to return there its specialists who worked for kiev even before the start of the conflict, but only as part of
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the international nato mission. escalation. therefore, belarus is keeping its gunpowder dry. in the central house of officers, a briefing was held on the military-political situation in the world, our country’s position regarding world events. defense officials from six arab states are visiting our country these days. in belarus, military diplomats will get acquainted with educational institutions of the ministry of defense, industrial enterprises and the history of the state. the visit takes place within the framework expanding international contacts. the world is on the verge of global changes, new unions, organizations, alliances are emerging, while the west defends its unipolar model, this leads to chaos and warriors. how to avoid such a scenario, who is our ally, disposition right now. on the air, disposition is gagarin.
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go. in russia, as you know, a new defense minister has been appointed. it was andrei belousov. this news became top news in the world media. the vast majority of political science experts agree that the essence of what happened is the adjustment of the russian economy under the realities of armed conflicts, on the contrary. this version, one might say, was confirmed by the president of the russian federation, vladimir putin, when he introduced the head of the military department as the commander of the district troops. he understands perfectly well what needs to be done to ensure that the economy of the entire power bloc and the ministry of defense is key. links of this bloc should be included in the overall economy of the country; this relationship between the so-called guns and butter should be organically integrated into the overall development strategy of the russian state. vladimir putin, president of russian federation. of course, the consequences of a decision with such wording will be serious, including for belarus.
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economic synchronization with an eye to military needs is not carried out for a short period, and minsk needs to fully take into account that the prospects in the region require us to exert maximum and long-term effort to preserve a peaceful sky. perhaps even now we still live in a completely relaxed state. we are pleased here that the defense ministers of belarus and russia quickly established contact and held telephone calls. negotiations, where andrei belousov emphasized the special relationship between the armed forces of the two states. an absolutely positive moment for us in this context is putin’s visit to china. the deepening interaction between our two most important allies, moscow and beijing, is also a deterrent for minsk’s ill-wishers. as for how important international relations are for... security , the example of georgia is indicative; it would seem that the country’s parliament was elected democratically, the west recognized: you can work, but no, you can also work only in line with the west, otherwise
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it doesn’t matter whether you have a democracy or not, if you go against your bosses and street protests are guaranteed for you, in tbilisi those protesting against the law on foreign agents, for example, were openly supported by the heads of the ministries of iceland and lithuania, estonia, they even spoke from the podium, you should... know, that we are together with you, you will never again be alone, as a nation, choose the path to europe, this place is rightfully yours, georgia’s place is rightfully in europe. margus tsahkna, head of the estonian foreign ministry. sounds good and reminds me of something, doesn’t it? but if they don't work, terrorist methods protesters in georgia will also not be heavily condemned. the indulgence has actually been written out. they chose, of course, for this purpose that there are no european monsters, iceland is especially interesting on the list, rikiavik is very much a fan of georgian laws, so they fight together
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only on the training fields, pumping up those areas in which targeted efforts bring a strategic result, and it’s more pleasant for the budget, these days the military is working in fortified areas, strengthening the friendship between drones and artillery, continuing to develop air defense, rap, territorial defense of the people's militia, and people from what no modern weapons, this is our common cause. by the way, in ukraine these days they are complaining about the lack of people on the battlefield, weak
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defensive structures and, most importantly , the lack of motivation among people for armed struggle. the russians have an advantage on these points, that is, at the moment, all the conclusions in belarus regarding the development of these specific vectors are justified. it seems that our general staff knows how to look ahead even in absolute terms. in unpredictable foggy situations. vigilance is the main weapon. on the border with lithuania, border guards detained a belarusian with a drone using catapults. let me remind you that from april 1 it is prohibited to use drones for personal purposes, especially in the border zone. information about the suspicious person came from local residents. lin border guards found it in the voronovsky district. upon inspection, the offender was found to have an aircraft-type drone, a laptop, an antenna, and three batteries. the violator faces a fine and confiscation of the car, and two more belarusians
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were detained for violating the border regime, drones and radio stations, gps trackers, camera traps, goods for subsequent smuggling. border guards found the violators during an inspection of the housing in grodno, in the shchuchinsky district. the border group also worked on operational information; i note that all three drones were homemade. work for the benefit of food security continues in the country, the sowing company is helping the weather, the sowing of early spring crops is ending, the sown area of ​​buckwheat and millet is growing, more than half of the planned has already been sown, active work on fields comes with... there is less than a quarter of rapeseed left. the sowing of corn is nearing completion, as is the planting of potatoes and vegetable crops. but the sowing of flax, sugar beets and early grains has already been completed. it's important to create. and
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a good food base, more than 175,000 hectares of annual grasses have already been sown, and almost 230,000 hectares of first-cut grasses have been sown. thus , farmers in the south of the country count on a significant harvest of grass feed, mowing from dawn until late evening. modern methods of harvesting and preservation make it possible to preserve everything nutrients for a satisfying winter for cattle. about technology as an investment in big milk. gomel region is one of the largest, specializing in the production of milk and meat, the increase directly depends on the nutritious diet of animals, the basis of which is laid in the field. in the morning we feed, and then we mow for the preparation of feed, well, about 12 hours, when until... 13:14
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it turns out that from the very morning from 5 to 7 to eight, we mow, but the height is good, it has increased this year, more herbs were weeded out. alexander zavadsky is from a family dynasty, this is his twelfth agricultural season, behind the wheel of a powerful belarusian, coupled with a mower , he covers 50 hectares during the entire daylight hours, special attention is paid to the preparation of green fodder on the farm, the technology is followed at all stages, until the packaging is pressed into polymer.. .
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biological preservatives, the crushed mass is pressed, in such rolls without access to oxygen it will remain fresh for a long time, the gastronomic variety of mixed herbs will allow you to create a high-quality one and a half year supply, balanced. ration for 6,000 animals. to increase protein in the diet of animals, we rely on alfalfa and clover; three cuttings are harvested per season; nutritious feed allows us to increase the volume
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of milk production. with the beginning of the season of large milk production, milk yield steadily increases; a balanced food supply will allow you to maintain this position and increase it even more; it is the key to a well-fed winter for the cows. we add a kilogram for each of our milk cows, we naturally get results from the quality, we placed our bets, as i told you, on a protein crop, on alfalfa, we have it there are 1130 hectares for food. strengthen the country's food security. natalya ignatenko, alexander murashkin, television news agency. these are the main events of this day, and with this i
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say goodbye. sports review and weather forecast, right now the broadcast will continue with ksenia lebedeva’s program, this is different, stay with us, it will be very interesting. zelensky turned into a pumpkin on the night of may 20-21 and now he is a nobody. the same thing awaits the future president of lithuania. all that remains is to wait just a little bit, because despite the fact that the second round of presidential elections, in this quasi- state, they should not be recognized by the european union and the united states. osce. was present at
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them, according to the logic of the usa and the eu, if the osce was not there, then there were no elections, so they treated our elections in 2020 as... when the same osce recommended that member countries of the organization not recognize the results of the presidential elections in belarus, we are waiting for them to not recognize the lithuanian elections as a violation of the ukrainian constitution, because a ban on elections is a direct violation of democracy and basic human rights and freedoms, or is it something else? i'm ksenia lebedeva with you, hello. i don’t know whether to congratulate ukraine or sympathize with it, because now it is free from stupid, inhumane, immoral and unprofitable decisions for ukraine by ukrainians,
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because now it has no president, take power into your own hands. zelensky lost his legitimate status that night, no matter how much he wanted it otherwise. the day before, i studied the documents that regulate it. holding elections in ukraine and regulates their cancellation, for example, during martial law. so well, in short, zelensky has once again fooled the citizens whom he should take care of, whom he should protect, but in fact they are disposing of them. volodya zelensky’s term of office expires on may 22 or 21. a situation may arise when the same putin will say, guys, and... with whom to sign an agreement, with whom to sign, the powers of the president of ukraine have expired, today we will sign with him, say, some kind of agreement, tomorrow you will come to power, if you become president, you won’t like it, but they
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know how to do it, like under the minsk agreements, remember, they will throw it all away, they will say, yes, this was signed by an illegitimate president, and i don’t know this at all, the new president will say, can this happen? especially god forbid petro poroshenko comes to power, tomorrow billions will put pressure on his pocket, but the americans will always say continue the war, the war will continue. lukashenko spoke about zelensky’s legitimacy on april 12, sending specific narratives not even to the now former president, the so-called square, but to his western partners, who apparently they consider themselves smarter than everyone else, they believe that... that we have forgotten the experience of the minsk agreements, which means we can repeat it, first give our word, and then pretend that nothing happened, we are a union state, that’s how it was, it was, everything was documented, and as alexander
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grigorievich said, it will not be possible to use zelensky in concluding new agreements after may 20, because everything is clear to everyone that the overdue president is not a president, he is a provocateur. as if i were not president, i would today be in territorial defense, and maybe i shoot no better than others, i sing in this, because i am a person in the world, so it turned out, so it turned out that i am today’s guarantor not just of the constitution, but of these people, of my people, that’s all, that’s how it turned out, and that’s how if i hadn’t been president, i would have been there in territorial defense, i don’t know, i would have given food and shot.
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afghanistan, iraq, israel, the latter is constantly at war. in the end, elections in russia also took place in march of this year, including new territories. despite the shelling of donetsk, the attack on the belgorod region by ukrainian drgs and many other attempts to disrupt the electoral process. this means that the overdue zelensky simply doesn’t want to give up power, doesn’t want peace, but wants a complete 100% mobilization of ukraine. fertilization of black soil sold to the americans, not with potassium fertilizers, but with the bodies of untrained mobs. and more money. usa in order to escape and live
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happily ever after, like many nazis who escaped nürgen punishment. but there are nuances. zelensky is a legitimate military target for the russian federation, for us he is already a war criminal, his loss of official status does not change anything. the situation in lithuania is ambiguous now, or rather, for us, with their elections everything is clear, we have learned the rules of the game. this year we have no international osce observers, probably for the first time since 2004
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. i invited edikos jagelavičius, a political refugee from lithuania and chairman of the international neighborhood forum, to discuss the situation with the lithuanian elections. edika, hello. hello. the west did not recognize the belarusian elections in 2020 and decided that they did not correspond to international democratic standards allegedly, the osce was not present with us. and the osce decided not
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to send its observers, and of course, there were violations, there is such a signatory of the act of independence of lithuania, zigmas vaishvilo, immediately after the elections in the seimas he gave a big press conference, where he explained how violations occurred at the systemic level elections, if you look at everything there in detail, you can understand this. how could there be all the violations even down to the smallest detail, that is , there were a lot of violations, but the west somehow reacted to these moments, of course constipation the west will not react in response to these violations, the west admits that everything was democratic there, everything is fine, there is not even any doubt about this, of course, they are always wrong, the republic of belarus, the russian federation, everything that happens there always happens.
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it would have been in the sejm elections, there would have been about 7-9 seats in parliament, so i think now this is the potential of eduardosveitku. and this is the candidate we are talking about, self-propelled, a physician, i think he should use this potential for the 7 elections, which will be in the fall, if, of course, the system she won’t understand that she made some kind of slander and won’t want to cement this gap, as it were,
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well, you said above that there would be violations during the elections, so what should the west do in general as a result of these elections?
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or, as always, westerners will explain to us that this is different, we need to understand. and yasenia lebedeva was with you, see you in the next program. in the next few minutes we will only talk about sports. hello. let's start with good news from baku.
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the european youth wrestling championship continues in the capital of azerbaijan. our classic, twenty-year-old abubakar khaslakhanov made it to the finals of the continental championship. at the start, belarus knocked out the host of the competition. akhmadieva 7:1, then 5:1 was stronger than the estonian richard carilson and in the semi-final a by juhaniy korenpoik vittal. in the decisive bout tomorrow, khoslakhanov will compete against russian magomed murtazaliev. let me remind you that abubakar has an olympic license for the games in paris. and now to football, the tenth round of the belarusian championship has already started today. participants of the national cup final islachi and neman met outsiders. volk and dmitry komarovsky in molodechino hosted minsk and won their first victory in four games. alexander shestyuk opened the scoring in the first half, converting a penalty in the fifth minute, and in the second half vladislav zhuravlev doubled the hosts' advantage. alexander budko put an end to the game with a precise shot from the penalty spot, making it 3:0. in the
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standings, islach is catching up with the seventh team gomel. and minsk remains in the penultimate line with three points. the townspeople are still there.
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but in favor of slutsk, melnikov distinguished himself. i will note the final result of the match on your screens next saturday at the torpedovina stadium, igor kovalevich’s team will compete for the belarusian cup with isloch. the starting whistle will sound at 19:00. ivan bionchik and andrey ponyukov met again on the football field. in the ninth round of the belarusian championship, slavia went to an away match against bate. the game itself turned out to be combative, but greedy for goals. the only goal was scored at the beginning of the first half. emotions, if we say normal competition, normal sports society, this is the place to be, or it is not the place to be, well, this
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needs to be shown, you understand, it needs to be eradicated, because there are two situations, the person showed it, he got away with it, the coach showed it and he was disqualified. how poignant panyukov’s statement turned out to be and how the soligorsk miner surprised him in the match with dynamo minsk, we will talk about all this in the next issue of the sportskadr project, program. egor gerasimov started the challenger category tournament in the georgian kochret with a victory. at 1:16 of the final thirty-one-year-old belarus, ranked 321 in the atp rankings , defeated twenty-five-year-old cypriot menelaos evstafiou 64-64. in the next round , egor will play with chilean matios soto. belarus won 10 medals. track and field athletes on the first day of the russian team championship , the tournament is hosted by sunny sochi. the first medal for our team was given to
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discus thrower evgeniy bagutsky, he came second and also won silver. ekaterina bilanovich, alexander shimanovich, vitaly porokhonko and anna mikhailova. gold for violeta skvortsova and elena in the long jump soboleva in the hammer throw. and in the women's 100m hurdles. the entire podium was occupied by belarusians elvira grobarenko and ruslan romanova. until june 24 in kazan, that’s all i have for now: love sports, work hard, win, see you tomorrow.
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we have a huge number of projects, there are
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so-called russian houses, they are called that by the people, formally they are all beautifully called russian centers of science and culture, the most important ones are naturally located in minsk, they are all a kind of point of attraction for people who come there to different circles, to different seminars, to different conferences, film screenings, concerts, exhibitions and so on and so forth, a huge number of all sorts of, as they say now, activities, activities, well, this is just what is done in russian houses themselves, besides this there is more a large number of different programs that are launched from moscow, from the central rossotrudnichestvo parade, exchange programs, internships, trips of young professionals to russia, educational programs, a lot of everything, there are dates associated with the day that are obvious to us victory on may 9. of course, this is a holy day, various events are dedicated to this, such as a candle of memory, a garden of memory, a victory dictation,
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a huge number of different events, we participate, by the way, in conducting... training of immortal regiments with great respect, so to speak, for us this a great honor, besides this there are interesting stories, for example, the forum of regions that took place in belarus, we also participated in its preparation, in its organization, there are educational programs, there is a recruitment of students from belarus to russian universities, there are several important ones here considerations, it is very important for us that these are not just visits of friendship, which is obvious. there should be friendship visits, of course, people should be happy with each other, but the plan of events that we are drawing up between russian partners and belarusian partners is the exchange of some knowledge, technologies in the field of not only culture, where to hold a concert, but in the field i don’t know about public utilities, road management and so on, here it seems to me that the russian regions
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have a lot to learn from their belarusian colleagues and partners. but i was very pleased - i wasn’t surprised, i was pleased with grodno, a clean, cozy, comfortable, wonderful, wonderful city, low bow to the city authorities, so we have twin cities of the same grodno, as far as i remember, tambov, it seems to me, vologda and there’s a whole list there, right up to sakhalin, so it seems to me that our colleagues need to come to grodno and see how it works. let's return to the topic of russian centers of science and culture recently.
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they will open again, they are in demand, we saw this from the number of people who came to the opening in grodno. this is a platform, a platform in demand among local belarusian non-governmental organizations, volunteer structures, various and some kind of memorial, historical, which are engaged in the protection of historical memory and quite social ones, which solve some social problems, this is a place where film screenings take place, there will be a small hall in our grand hall. small, small city, small hall, well, i think we will find partners, there will be exhibitions and some interesting seminars, we will bring scientists there from russia and speakers, belarusian children who choose foreign universities have russian universities as a priority, yes, what bonuses are provided for our compatriots and what specialties are most often chosen, we have several programs under which
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belarusian children go to study to russian universities, this is simply a direct commercial admission there, i signed a contract, went to study, and there is an olympiad movement, there is an opportunity to enter through the state belarusian exam - just with a certain additional, and there is the same quota that was mentioned, this is the government of the russian federation, 1,300 people, we had almost 2,000 applicants, well, not bad.


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