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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 22, 2024 9:30am-9:51am MSK

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commercial farms, that is, there are, of course, problems with the feed supply, but in general milk is produced and it can be increased and brought from this farm level to a good average capacity of the dairy complex. another such interesting topic was voiced by the governor today, it is already planned to visit and intensify the direction in the field of sanatorium-resort treatment, the government of the magadan region is funding such health trips, including for children, there is already a first plan that... who will come to pripyat sanatorium, 80 children will come for health this year, this is an area of ​​​​interest, now a short advertisement, later in the program. results of trading on the belarusian currency and stock exchange and a family car. we have launched the production of new chinese cars. we are starting with a crossover, then we are ready for other models to suit market demands.
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you can accomplish a lot in 24 hours, and even more in 7 days. in our project, you will learn about key dates and events in the country and the world that happened during the week, in just 20 minutes. there will be time for entertainment, exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits. a series of films, pearls of belarusian cinema. and, of course, online. a journey through our amazing country in search of a new place on the map. all this and more in the weekly project ether 24:7. watch on our tv channel every friday evening. belarusian doilitstva, like your jumping, it’s important to get started on learning and mastering. columns, these are not columns, these are pelasters like this, i don’t...
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stick to the stage, but i perform as a dastatkova aktyuna, eye for getaga abavyazkova zachepitstsa. the history of the creation of significant cultural objects in the region. the paselishcha that became the sweaty meats of the fire was not here, there was a porch, a stone, an icon and a sabor. and the hell of the monastery itself began to develop. in the actions of these stairs , the muscles of the saints were purged and factual. whenever there is an altar, then there was a need for the price of these forests, and the faithful ancestors of the gods on their knees, cultural and religious project, architecture of belarus, architecture does not have a fall, little aku ntsa there, here the pavina was small, here it was chopped up , the pavina was withered, and there it is, as seen on our tv channel.
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this is an area of ​​interest and we are now continuing the results of trading on the belarusian currency and stock exchange. our ruble has strengthened against the dollar. so, the following rates have been established: dollar 3 rubles. 21 kopecks for 10 yuaniya they gave 4 rubles at auction. 40 kopecks 3.53 costs 100 russian rubles. and the euro exchange rate according to the national bank is 3 rubles, 49 kopecks. belarus and china are expanding cooperation in mechanical engineering. the release of another automobile brand from the middle kingdom has been launched in our country. the first car rolled off the assembly line and symbolically and solemnly opened the assembly of large family crossovers at a site near minsk. production with a future, so the development of the project began with two car models, and only after that, the next stage.
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electric vehicles will also be developed. what’s important is that the car was specially modified to meet the needs of belarusian consumers, and not only that. crossovers of our assembly will be supplied to the russian market, and then foreigners of the eurasian union are planning. alina lopo attended the presentation and will tell everything details. industry is the traditional leader of the belarusian economy. the high-quality potential in this industry has been well known since the times of the soviet union. the industry includes hundreds of enterprises producing cars and auto components, agricultural machinery, road and municipal equipment. and despite external difficulties, belarus continues to develop its competencies. one such example is the launch of production of a chinese brand at a site near minsk. yes, for now it’s just an assembly based on chinese patterns, but this production with a future.
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not just assembling cars, well , business always starts with assembling cars, we will discuss deep localization and the production areas that we see here, we are sure that they will not be the only ones, the plant fits smoothly into the concept of capacity development, expansion of production capacity private cars in the republic of belarus. finding your place in a tight market is now quite difficult, so investors choose their business partners very carefully. dot report for belarus. a signed contract with a chinese company, which, by the way, is the second largest manufacturer in the field of heavy engineering in the celestial empire, less than a year of intensive work and the new production fits into the belarusian landscapes, for such a scale the terms are ambitious, but justified, the car was specially adapted to the needs
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of belarusian motorists and under our climate. all the problems that were encountered during testing have been taken into account, already in our climatic conditions, winter packages have been made, the car has a five-seven-seater... version of one and a half and two-liter engines with sufficiently high power, but it is believed that within six months we put it into production, certificates were received, tests were completed, crash tests were passed, of course we will be responsible for the quality, because these are cars we are positioning on the market as a family-class car. the pilot line consists of two models of large seven-seater cars, which is important for the price of a compact crossover. in the future, they promise to add an all-wheel drive pickup truck to the range, and only after that. work on setting up the production of electric cars, speaking about volumes, in the next this year they plan to reach a double-digit figure of 30,000 units. the main sales market for domestically assembled cars will be domestic: part of the car will go for sale in russia, and will also work in the countries of the eurasian economic union. the decision to localize
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the production of our cars in belarus is an important step in our desire to increase production capacity. this project was implemented for about a year, the time frame was short. soviet sphere of interests. and that’s it for today , all the information about the most noticeable things in the economy; we will tell you in the area of ​​interest tomorrow. i let me remind you that we are on air every tuesday, wednesday and thursday. good luck and good news.
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it is clear that god will jump, the ice will soon be gone, the chains will fall, the gloom of those who have died will jump to us. it seems that the geese are crowing, the spack is spreading on the oak tree, the cranes are clanging wildly, and the winter is disappearing like smoke, the greener meadow is crawling like hell, our native
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land is in pain. hello viewer, my name is igortur, this is my propaganda, let's begin. i spent the entire last week in azerbaijan, where an extremely eventful state visit of our president. i’ll answer the audience’s question first, this is how it is there. i say this quite sincerely, one of the most beautiful cities, if not the most beautiful, that i have ever visited, and i have already visited 25 countries of the world, so well, i have a little knowledge of the question: nagorno- karabakh is absolutely beautiful, in general, frankly speaking, in my opinion taste, mountains, which are much more beautiful than the sea of ​​​​the oceans,
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although these mountains there leave a slight aftertaste of anxiety, because the thought remains in my head that until recently there were military operations over these foothills and ridges, let's do it for those who may have missed it. these azerbaijani president ilham aliyev visits the footage of last week, alexander lukashenko and the regions that in azerbaijan are called returned, returned, that is, from armenia, and which baku will have.
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special pride for azerbaijan and special of course, nagorno-karabakh is now a subject of responsibility, it is quite stupid, in my opinion, at the cost of some kind of military confrontation with the death of soldiers, to return some lands, that’s all, we returned them and somehow we continue to live. i understand very well that a visit to these regions together with the world-respected leader of belarus is very important for ilham aliyev. a move that strengthens the legitimation of karabakh under the azerbaijani flag, and the president of azerbaijan also seeks to show both his citizens and armenians, everyone in the region, why the next karabakh war was started in the twentieth, in general, azerbaijan and armenia are arguing over these territories, including with weapons in hands for the second century, this began in detail immediately with the appearance of azerbaijan and armenia on the world map after the collapse russian empire, if you try to figure out who is right in this matter over 100 years, who is... to blame, it is unlikely to succeed. karabakh was occupied either by azerbaijanis, sometimes by armenians, sometimes de jure, sometimes de facto. sometimes deyura and
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de facto coincided, sometimes not. since november 2020 , the region has been de jure and de facto controlled by baku, since that time baku has been actively developing the region. where until recently there were typical mountain huts, and even those destroyed by war, azerbaijan is building microdistricts very reminiscent of the minsk olympic park, and it seemed why, if you can build here. simpler, but baku has enough money, and oil baku has enough money, does not spare it, so local residents who returned here after the wars, as well as visitors who decided to move here for new jobs, say that this is already one of the most well-groomed regions of the country well, with the exception, perhaps, of the capital, the presidents also spoke last week about how important it would be to breathe life into these post-war regions. azerbaijan has achieved a lot in recent years, and above all by... its main problem of returning lands
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that for a long time, well, simply turned into a desert, a difficult history, but the lands are returned, they need to be revived, this will probably be a much longer and no less difficult problem and task that azerbaijan will have to solve, as much as in these words of alexander grigorievich about karabakh. relevant for other territories where there was either a war, or is still there, but will end soon, and this region is next door to us, parallels between baku and minsk are drawn very easily, in the caspian region, in ours, azerbaijan and belarus advocated peace, but in the caspian region and in ours, war broke out. the only difference is that azerbaijan is already busy restoring the territories damaged by the war; we, that is, belarus, russia and ukraine, still have to do this. yes, the slavs will restore the territory of ukraine outside. depending on whose legal territories it will be. the collective west, of course, will not even try to somehow help
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the territories of ukraine and its inhabitants, because they have never done this in the world history, and there is not a single hint that kiev will be the first in this. and russia is already doing in its returned territories what azerbaijan is doing in karabakh, restoring them for the people. judging by the reaction of the residents of these territories themselves, it is very noticeable why there is a much more peaceful and comfortable life for ordinary people. more important than some geopolitical confrontation, there is a ukrainian who lived on the territory of ukraine, who in recent years believed that the kremlin is terrible, putin is bloody, everything else that he was naturally fed... was fed by the aggressive kiev propaganda, which is actually british-english. he lived for a long time in a border city, where ukrainian salaries are low, the ukrainian infrastructure is destroyed, although it is very sovereign, and teeth are grinding, because there, as everywhere else, there is very proud ukrainian corruption, everyone is trying to snatch money from the budget as much as they can. then the armed forces come, yes, of the russian
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federation, naturally, the level of aggression of this ukrainian of ours grows, which again is greatly facilitated by aggressive cy... propaganda, and then the military leaves, and other russians come, those who restore destroyed houses, without delving into whose rocket this house was destroyed, repair roads, lay new ones, build modern schools, hospitals, other social facilities grow like mushrooms, along with jobs and adequate salaries for them. in kiev propaganda, of course, narratives will continue to be heard that the kremlin will enslave you all and squeeze out all your lands, but a person sees with his own eyes that in... several years in his city, on his street in his yard, the kremlin has done more than the bank did for the entire sovereign history of ukraine, he, of course, at first will grind his teeth and not admit the obvious, that peace and a comfortable world were brought to him by those whom he, according to instructions from outside , called aggressors, but a year, two, five, and the thought process will pass in the head of this ukrainian will lead to the fact that
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he will probably still have questions for moscow, but there will be a lot of questions for kiev itself, there will be... an analytical conclusion, and maybe, he will think, putin really did n’t start the svo in order to capture someone enslave, because capture and enslavement do not at all require the creation of a comfortable life for the captured enslaved. maybe russia really, as it has always said publicly, started the war in order to prevent some much more destructive war, maybe the russians really see the ukrainians as their brothers, and not as enemies, as the kiev propaganda proves. naturally by external control, and maybe the reasons why this happens to the territories of ukraine are not in the kremlin at all, not in putin and not in the northern military district, but in the ukraine, where corruption, together with the disregard for people on the part of the authorities, was the ideology of kiev long before the ideology of nazism. if you open my reports about karabakh on the internet, there is an emotional hell in the comments: azerbaijanis rejoice and
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talk about justice, armenians and their sympathizers angrily splash their aggression. while... i was armenian, it was the same thing, only jubilant and sputtering, changing places. this is all clear, defending your point of view is normal, only karabakh was taken for more than 100 years, first by one, then by another, then diplomatically, then militarily, then the azerbaijanis of karabakh fled, then the armenians of karabakh, and missiles and shells flew across the territory, not particularly considering any nationalities, potentially killing civilians. belarus has good relations with baku and yerevan. belarus seems to me. i continue to intend to maintain these good relations with both parties to this conflict, because we are generally for peace in the world. now i will speak for myself. it is clear that the history of this conflict is so deep that many azerbaijanis and armenians don’t even really remember why they are arguing so much about this karabakh, where historically not many people have always lived, but if i am for
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primary peace in the whole world, now it will be hot, then it seems to me which is worse. for this region it is a constant draw between opponents, because it is precisely this that led to the fact that the conflict lasted for a whole century. someone must finally and unconditionally win for the world. if yerevan would win with a guarantee that it would not allow a new conflict by any means, this would also be for the world it would have been good, but azerbaijan won. this is bad for the political elite of yerevan, but for the absence of new wars in the region, this is good. and then baku will also show its economic strength when it doesn’t just win. by military means, he will happily calm down, invest billions of money, which baku, in contrast to the harmlessness of non-oil yerevan, they have, having corrected the mistakes that they have made over these 100 years, both one and the other, from which constant hostilities took place, from which people were constantly running away and dying without making it run away. this requires a strong will and a strong
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decision, so i am ready to admit my political and media biases. there are three presidents in... especially interviews with journalists who are keen on questions, i review in my free time, these are alexander lukashenko, vladimir putin and ilham aliyev, in general those citizens who are brought up on basic, and therefore very stupid, understandings of some kind of democracy in the world, regarding azerbaijan, they can be very emotional, because in azerbaijan, in their opinion, the father is the president, being a dictator, that is, heydar aliyev, he transferred presidential power to his son, also a dictator. that is, ilham aliyev. moreover, supposedly ilham aliyev, according to democrats, established a personality cult of his father in azerbaijan, elevating it to the rank of a state ideology that is mentally ill to the extreme.


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