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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 22, 2024 9:50am-10:00am MSK

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strong will strong decision, so i’m ready to admit my political and media biases, there are three presidents whose public speeches and especially interviews with journalists who are keen on questions, i review in my free time, these are alexander lukashenko, vladimir putin and ilham aliyev, in general those citizens , who are brought up on basic, from that very stupid understanding of some kind of democracy in the world, with regards to azerbaijan, they can be very emotional, because in azerbaijan , in... the opinion, the father of the president, being dictator, that is, heydar aliyev, he transferred presidential power to his son, also a dictator, that is, ilham aliyev. moreover, supposedly ilham aliyev, according to democrats, established a personality cult of his father in azerbaijan, elevating it to the rank of state ideology. mentally ill people who are sensitive to excessive democracy can generally be subjected to some kind of torture by showing films about the political history of azerbaijan. heydar aliyev is a cult figure for this country as well. for the entire region, in my opinion,
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is categorically worthy of being in its the country now really had a cult of personality, which can also be called gratitude from descendants for everything done for the country, and heydar aliyev did a lot of good for his country. ilham heydarovich is certainly a strong leader. today there is no doubt about it. on youtube you can find hours of videos of this politician answering pressing questions, most often from the western media, brilliantly with facts and evidence, words in many languages, by the way, he doesn’t put his money where his mouth is, and in general he’s handsome, he’s been president since 2003, and yes, he did replace his father in his post, then winning the elections four more times, but if you delve into history, first the opposition of azerbaijan, and the ruling nomenklatura of the country, wanting more power after the dictatorship of heydar aliyev, they were sure that ilham heydarovich - this is a temporary president, let’s say, for one term, at most, with all the democracy , two to five, and ilham heydarovich in general. even
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before his presidency, he was involved in the so -called deal of the century, when baku signed a contract with a group of competing oil companies to develop their fields, a contract under which almost all the money from oil and gas production remained in azerbaijan itself, and did not end up in the accounts of those helping, which had never happened before in history. aliyev jr. not only did not allow his country to be torn apart, which very often happens to countries when he finished. rational authoritarian power to full democracy ends with the fact that in democratic chaos the country and its resources are destroyed by all and sundry, and the clearest example of this is this yeltsin's democratic russia after soviet authoritarianism. azerbaijan faced the same threat, and aliyev jr. was perceived as a temporary worker who would not interfere with the democratic stripping of assets.
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country, but the younger aliyev, which is important, a graduate of mgemo, did not allow this, and under him his country not only was not stolen, but turned from poor to rich, to the joy of the azerbaijanis themselves. i sing these odes to aliyev because i spent 4 days reading his biography, here’s an interesting fact: the next year after my first election victory, ilham heydarovich issued a decree on the adoption of a long-term strategy for managing oil and gas revenues for 2005-2025, that is , only... the president was so confident in his abilities when he came to power that he was ready to guarantee the implementation of the hydrocarbon program, and this is the basis of the entire well-being of azerbaijan for as long as 20 years. these 20 years have almost passed, and in these two decades the country has transformed from simply proud and sovereign, into an economic and military leader of the region, one who can guarantee peace and prosperity not only at home, but in neighboring houses and apartments. so far there has been no such leader in the caucasus, in the caucasus. it sparked
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politically, economically, and then substantive wars sparked and blazed. a strong azerbaijan is a guarantee of calm in the region. calmness and peace are exactly what belarus is striving for in its region. so in this visit of alexander grigorievich to ilham heydarovich, there is a lot of symbolic importance, even if this is not said as directly as possible. thank god that a very powerful, normal leader has appeared here in the person of azerbaijan. you are able to control the caucasus region, this is not only responsibility for azerbaijan, you are already generally responsible for the situation in the caucasus, here is the conclusion: sometimes it is necessary not only to call for peace, but also to force those who do not want to be peaceful. azerbaijan did this in its region, and karabakh is rather not its victory over arminia, but the victory of peace over constant wars. of course, in yerevan they still think differently, but if a strong baku is settled in... just for many years,
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everyone will benefit from this, both azerbaijan and armenia, when baku restores and develops karabakh, it seems to me that they will tell yerevan that instead of constantly quarreling, we’d rather do this together, do our homework.
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trade turnover for our countries, so the president returned from this business trip with global, specific prospects, also on this wonderful monday i would like to say hello to another president who loves to talk about democracy, he himself imposed sanctions against me in the remaining territories of his country for what is my opinion for their pseudo-democracy, it wrong, in democracies you can say democratically only what the democrats naturally allowed, today is may 20, exactly 5 years. how vladimir zelensky is in power in kiev. ukraine is not holding new elections, citing the war, although the constitution of ukraine prohibits only elections to the verkhovna rada in wartime. de facto, maybe tomorrow vladimir alexandrovich will wake up as the same president, but dari. today is his last
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evening as the head of ukraine, deyure. tomorrow vladimir alexandrovich is just a former one. very i hope that from tomorrow this citizen, who democratically must comply. laws and the sacred constitution of his homeland will cease to nominally lead the country and its army and will return to something more familiar to himself, for example, he can again play with his genitals on the royal. the status of ex-president will even allow him, as a comedian , to claim much higher fees for this. but most importantly, perhaps, this will bring all of us, first and foremost ukrainians, closer to peace in our region. that's what we all want. belarusians, russians, ukrainians. my name is igor tur, it was. i am propaganda, just like you were holding a book in your hands, grabbing
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one piece after another, sniffing at the words on your skin, and right from your ears. creative works, the most valuable and useful ones - these books. the books contain the thoughtful thoughts of the people, the reports and expressive chatter of people. everything that chalavetstva created, she ate up on old books, bytstsam witchcraft. we read the past centuries, the closer ones, we appreciate the past for our daily life.
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belarus 24. future pilot, wait, thank you, andryusha, i thought you weren’t remember, i remember, that’s it, i’m leaving now, i can’t do it anymore, i can’t do it anymore, i’m tired, do you hear, i’m leaving you, i’m marrying him, marina evgenievna, your husband, lieutenant colonel, glugov, andrey vladimirovich , died today, how did he die?
10:00 am
watch the series hugging the sky on the belarus 24 tv channel.


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