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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 22, 2024 10:00am-11:00am MSK

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i can’t take it anymore, i’m tired, do you hear, i ’m leaving you, i’m marrying him, marina evgenievna, your husband, lieutenant colonel, good man, andrei vladimirovich, died today, as he died, zhenya, zhenya, lyosh, well, let him go, two spoons of sugar and i asked you for one, forgive me, i would put it on it... instead of sugar, watch the series embracing the sky on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. analysis of the opponent, working on mistakes and choosing the right strategy.
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when you're five - this is a collection of inserts, from tom and jerry chewing gum, it seems, the largest the one who turns both over takes the value. we made paper dolls in batches, drew a name dress. themselves as fashion designers, they waited a whole week to watch their favorite cartoon on sunday morning, it was later that vcrs appeared, real luxury was available to those who had access to it, they organized a whole cinema hall at home, the shortage is the most capacious thing that collects the romance of childhood, the early nineties, when sweets
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you can’t go to the garden, others want it too, but there’s no way to get it, no, not to buy, just to get it, and this is not a bad childhood, that was the time. years were needed to understand how much parents did then in order to get candy, why furniture was not bought for the interior, they took what they brought one by one, food coupons and coupons, without which money does not work, a total shortage of goods, empty shelves and huge queues in stores, people stand with children 3-5 years old for several years to buy something like this... such an extraordinary supply of gas-filled soap, a soap bar, salt, igniter, completely eliminated, i personally can say so, well khiva, you can buy a t-shirt for the baby, how much is it worth 3000, well, what is this, i work myself, i can’t do it, my hands are like oil, my hands
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are all dirty, i pay 200 rubles, 250, i can buy these prices at the store, let’s say we withdraw money from the book, we’ll live for a while, what next? no less queues lined up at the cash registers, it would be good if the salary was paid out for the previous month, or at least part of it in money, the other in produced goods, but the main blow was ahead, having lost control over money circulation, savings turned into the same candy wrappers. inflation grew by 30% per month, ultimately for the price of an apartment, people were only able to buy a barn lock.
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there really was nothing for it, neither the state nor the common man, while some survived, others profited, mass privatizations and the dismantling of the state, everything was decided by connections and positions in society. and there is no need to gloss over these problems here; everyone must answer for their own. so openly, to deputy lukashenko about corruption. no one spoke. this statement, which was made at a meeting of the supreme council at the end of ninety-three, was listened to by the whole country. and it seems like no one but the young and proactive politician did not care that ordinary people were suffering from the inaction of the authorities, and the young state
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, just a few years after the collapse of the ussr, found itself on the brink of failure. those who benefited were kept silent, those who did not, did not know how to move forward. they don’t have their own program, actually, and what kind of program do they have in order to get us out? the council needs to be sent somewhere to retire, it probably needs to be changed, it will make sense for them to be professionally trained people, so that it’s not cooks who run the country, a professionally trained people who knew their business, tired of the vacillations of the supreme convocation, not only did not offer people a way out of the economic and political crisis, but also for several years delayed the adoption of the first constitution, which means that the state was marking time and there was no talk of any development , society has reached a boiling point, trust in the authorities has been lost,
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only a strong leader will be able to turn the situation around in favor of the people, when they stop raising prices, when this has become unequivocally clear, people simply tired, but sharing in... the supreme council was in no hurry, it was this issue that became a stumbling block that delayed the adoption of the basic law for almost 4 years. during the preparation of the constitution of the year ninety-four, there were many disputes about which republic, our republic in terms of the form of government, a presidential, parliamentary republic, but it must be said that in both republics there is a president, only in a presidential republic, the head of state is also the head of the executive branch, there were intentions to bring this issue to a republican referendum, but in the end this idea was abandoned in the supreme council, and the supreme council was then the main body of state power. the law of the seventy-eighth laws had already turned into an archaic result of experience by the beginning of the nineties, but
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looking through the prism of democratic transformations of the preservation of social guarantees, it turned out that even the closest western neighbors do not have this in pomin. the approaches of russia, which decided on its development strategy a year earlier, were closer in spirit. the developers suggested about three dozen options, added and crossed out, argued and agreed. what was duplicated from project to project was preserved, this is how the first fundamental law of independent belarus was created, we declared ourselves as a unitary, democratic, social, legal state, the people were put at the forefront, the people were identified as the only source of state power, for the first time the constitution outlined the institution of the presidency. the constitution of belarus is founded.
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social state, that is, the creation proper social conditions for our citizens, it is actually being implemented. the first constitution in a sovereign state, as stated in its preamble, is adopted on behalf of the people, based on responsibility for the present and future of belarus. the years have shown how important it was to enshrine the principles of civil harmony in the basic law; this core will help more than once.
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countries, we were like them, probably standing on our hind legs and waiting for them to give us some kind of bone. while our western neighbors were deciding and waiting for what they would offer and as they were told to move on, the belarusian people took the situation into their own hands; first of all , they had to decide on the candidacy of the future first president. 1994, the country approached the elections in a deplorable state. 40% of industrial production has been lost, agriculture has been set
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back decades, the harvesting company is under threat due to fuel shortages, real incomes are falling, unemployment is rising, and this is against the backdrop of rampant crime and corruption. those factories that previously produced rockets were forced to expand and produce those goods which were primarily needed by people, for example, graters, that is, for many engineers it was a very moral blow, that before... we were just making cartridges, machine guns, then to make graters, for many it was even their own kind of such humiliation, but what to do, the whole country was forced to survive, everyone rushed en masse to trade, because in russia food prices were three times higher than here, just my father, like many others people, they were just transporting products, primarily butter, raw sausages to russia, so just in connection with the general shortage. and i remember how my father and i stood at the door of the store and
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asked people if they would buy butter, and if people said that they were not going to buy butter, we asked them to buy us a pack of butter, my father went to sumolensk with these products or in but also there, when he said that as soon as you go out onto the platform with these bags and the russians just came up and immediately swept away all these products that he brought and... that’s what his voters called him, he promised to restore the industry, return everything external relations, while honestly warning about the difficult path to true independence.
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the people greeted the presidential elections of 1990 with great enthusiasm, and in the newspapers... there were very broad discussions about what would happen next, so everyone came to the polls with the understanding that the fate of the country depended on us. polling stations, i remember myself, i came with my mother by the hand, she brought me and i remember that the polling stations were very decorated and people were very festively dressed, they were getting ready, they saw that they got into their own hands the opportunity to decide their country's fate. people were entrusted with the fate of the country; they placed this difficult and difficult responsibility on the young politician. alexander lukashenko wins the second round of the presidential election by a large margin. without relaxing, without enjoying the victory, the first president immediately proposed a plan of urgent measures to get
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the economy out of the crisis. time waits, there is nowhere to fall further. this program has been in despair for a long time. became the first step for people, which instilled optimism and gave hope. the first thing he paid attention to was our farmers, so investments began to come to agriculture, investments began to come in the form of cheaper prices, fertilizers, in the form of subsidies per liter of milk produced.
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anti-crisis, but as it turned out in practice, it was unable to fully ensure the effective development of the young state, the country sighed with relief and waited for decisive action, but the contradictions inherent in the basic law made themselves felt, the decision of the young president in the oval the hall was chattering, or even completely blocked, there was a political crisis, it was necessary to urgently look for a way out of the situation and the head of state, having the constitutional right to do so, turned...
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after the collapse of the ussr, some hot-headed people proposed to demolish everything to the ground. belarus is one step away from nationalism. the language issue could provoke a split in society and lead to fraternal hatred. how it happened in ukraine and the baltic countries. the symbolism imposed by the bchb threatened to inflict a mortal wound on entire generations, which
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knew what was behind it. years later, it is clear who benefited from it and where they wanted it. turn our country around, then in order to survive, it was important to maintain the unity of society and once and for all determine our own path and development, without wars of shocks, and the belarusians said: yes. more than 83% of citizens agreed that russian should become the state language on an equal basis with belarusian. 75% voted for changing state symbols. more than 83% supported economic integration with russia on... almost 78% agreed with amendments to the constitution regarding the powers of the supreme council. when we worked in the supreme council of the thirteenth convocation, it was. there were a lot of different such issues, there was politicking, we were involved in lawmaking a little less, on february 24, this referendum
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of the year ninety-six took place, and on february 27 , the supreme council of the 13th was created ceased to exist and a house of representatives of 110 deputies was organized, of which we were included. well, here we have already begun to engage more in legislative activities began to do what parliament should do. building a clear system of state power that would allow management decisions to be made quickly and would ensure their implementation turned out to be an extremely difficult task, all countries of the post-soviet space have gone through this, and some are still making trouble. the supreme
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council prepared its version of changes, the main question remained: should belarus be a parliamentary or presidential republic? the attempt to drag citizens into the conflict failed; people, having seen enough of things far from life discussions in the supreme council, they trusted more the one who simply works. solving their specific problems, here is the visit of the head of state to mogilev, thank you, thank you, and this is gomel, here the president once again stated, the fate of the young state is only in the hands of ordinary people, today it is not easy, yes, today there are a lot of problems, but... believe me , we have to solve these problems here, whether anyone wants it or not, but only we can solve these problems, no matter
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what it is or not, only we are able to save our country and bring it to that level, which our belarusian people deserve. even at the beginning of his journey, the president took a principled position, all important ones. decisions will be made together with the belarusian people; it is their initiative to convene the first in the history of a sovereign state, an all-belarusian people's assembly. 500 people listened to the report, which transparently reflected the tactics of the young politician, only the people have the right to decide their fate, and then the court discussed the socio-economic development program for the next five years together, including increasing exports and development agro-industrial complex, that it is time to revive the pace of housing...
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hence the record turnout figures at the republican referendum of ninety- six, people understood the weight of the voice and the role of everyone in state building. more than 6 million people came to the polling stations. the amendments to the constitution, which were proposed by the head of the state, were supported by more than 70% of citizens. the results of the referendum showed absolute support for the position of the head of state, including people who agreed.
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this will later be noticed by historians and experts. task from the president it was absolutely clear: to protect the interests of honestly working people, and not speculators and privatizers. and put national interests above. what the west is blindly trying to point out. it was necessary to look at all sectors of the national economy from a fresh angle; their effective work would strengthen the social sphere. how and with
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what? what is missing in medicine to prevent the development of serious illnesses, what to add to pensions and social benefits, is the soviet school in need of transformation, we were not talking about big reforms, rather about updates taking into account what life dictates. then, as first-graders, we received these innovations with a bang, for those who went to first grade as seven-year-olds, as recruits had to try out a twelve-year school, 10 classes for the base, this...
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in the nineties the word education completely disappeared, so we were told that teacher, lesson giver, he must give a lesson two knowledge, give knowledge, education does not concern him, but we see what this could lead to if we did not catch it in time, so a lot has been done, we have returned profiling, the fact that belarusians have chosen the right path for the formation of a young state has already confirmed rethinking, incomes have increased, and new buildings, no matter how they predicted the collapse of our economy, and those who like to give out unsolicited assessments, over the five-year period were able to increase the indicators to the crisis of the nineties , step by step, we moved towards the fact that in order to ensure employment of citizens, today we have a very low level of official unemployment, everything has been done to ensure that citizens are employed and receive wages payment, there are no problems with receiving pensions.
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the belarusians survived solely by their wits and labor, without having any natural resources, and this was truly the beginning of a new stage of statehood, when the confusion of the first years of independence was left behind. by 2004, belarus already produced a third of the world's output of heavy-duty vehicles, and more than half of the production was exported. a new five-year plan was underway, and with it the next presidential election. people had to decide. with a course for the future and who to entrust it to, according to the constitution, a second term for the first president of belarus was the final one, but the people judged it wisely in their own way. let's look back, look at our other states, we began: take russia, take ukraine, take tajikistan, uzbekistan, what's going on there, and look
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at... his policies, his goals, the whole family listened to the president's address, and i believe that it very timely, it gives people the opportunity to think about their choice, and i think that the majority of our people will still be inclined to give alexander grigorievich opportunity to run for this position again. the cross-section of opinions from the 2004 referendum showed 79.42.
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to invite our population of the country to make such an important choice about resolving the issue regarding extending the length of stay.
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this version of the basic law went into print and was sent to everyone involved in lawmaking. a special copy in the office of the head of state. in the printing house this book will be called constitution number one, a non-standard format of thick paper, on which five colors were applied with the addition of bronze. there were a lot of variations, it’s necessary it was foreseen, because there is embossing in printing, that is, also bas-relief and gold, but it was chosen so that our coat of arms, it looked absolutely natural, at that time there were no transfer technologies yet. color images onto non-absorbent, so to speak, leather materials, an embroidery machine was specially purchased, the leather was even selected, not just smooth leather was used, like a laptop with such a slight
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hairiness effect, it reflects all of our path, the character of national principles and interests, what we remained faithful to, we decided even on the threshold... we ourselves will determine foreign and internal policy, defend, if necessary, our integrity and independence, and adhere to democratic principles, where a person remains the highest value of society, the state, this is a monolith, which allowed us to survive even in those years when there was quite a storm; the head of state openly warned more than once long before the coup attempt and aimed at something that would be tested for strength from the outside more than once. in our common home, alone the foundation is already not enough, it’s time to strengthen the walls, let’s try to approach this issue from different angles, carefully, so as not to make it worse, i’m glad of the countries that gained independence together, have already changed the constitution several times, and so
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on and so forth, but that’s not the point , new problems, new challenges have appeared, and time requires something new, probably this is not a secret, we need to start with the main thing, if we... decide on this, we need to create this group of sages, smart people, lawyers, which the fundamental law will analyze, and if it will be necessary, we need a constitution, we will overcome this, we see that this is necessary today , this question will have to be answered, we will agree to it. this statement can be considered the beginning of a large analysis of the current constitution; the need to modernize the basic law was dictated by political and economic reality. in 2016 they did not yet know that the document would require changes that could not only provide development, but protection. foresight or a clear forecast, but 2020 confirmed what the president has said more than once: the country,
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which puts national interests above everything else and is not ready to sacrifice for the sake of others, turned out to be a tasty morsel for the collective west, which by this time had already fed poland, lithuania, and latvia. but it is not in the mentality of belarusians to give away what they have acquired through back-breaking labor, what kind of scenario was awaiting belarus if the situation had turned out differently, but exactly the same one that our closest southern neighbors managed to pull off, a springboard for nato troops and practicing the skills of militants. production and cities, which were built with such difficulty just a disturbance. in this situation, belarus simply had to protect itself from external interference. how? the whole country joined in the search for a solution. dialogue platforms
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and public receptions, ordinary belarusians voiced their opinions, argued and came to a consensus. later, it was counted that more than 45 people took part in the discussions. these were representatives of public organizations, political parties, and businesses. community, student and thousands of offers. we must not succumb to working youth; outside pressure has been collected over the months. we see that today some forces, inspired, among other things, by western intelligence services, are starting such a policy to discredit our referendum. the state still remains socially oriented, this is our brand. the most important thing is the amendment on the preservation of historical memory. why? because if we do not know our past, if we do not preserve it, we cannot build a future. the changes that concern the family institution, the preservation of family values, and the preservation of the traditions of the belarusian people are very important. this community marathon showed how
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people are not indifferent to the fate of their country. we are not ready to trust her political appointees, as in the baltic states, and even less so the cooks. the future of writing to the belarusian people, everything that was said was to come. i told everyone, i will not interfere in your work at all, i ask you only one thing: when you make this or that decision, you remember that according to this constitution, your children will live and your grandchildren will live, then make it. first of all, collective work built a clear system of state power, providing systems of checks and balances, insuring the country from rash, behind-the-scenes, lobbying decisions of random people in politics, balance. the all-belarusian people's assembly will have to hold on, the people's
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body for the first time was given a constitutional status and a specific term of office of 5 years, thereby strengthening the original model of the belarusian people of power. it was not the first time that all members of the commission signed the final document. by the way, there were also a lot of questions regarding the all-belarus people's assembly. the moment is very delicate, here it was necessary to establish a balance very strict so that the supreme national assembly does not replace other government bodies. we had a lot of disputes about who would...
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protect themselves from rash actions, the same applies to the use of the atom, in our country it is only peaceful, while we do not exclude the right to defend one’s state, so as not to stray from the course, the preservation of historical history is enshrined in the constitution memory and traditional family values, as well as the concept of marriage as a union of a man and a woman, and invariably consulted with belarusians before putting innovations to a vote, there was no secrecy, were present.
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the forms are specifically defined, how this will
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take place, in what format this procedure will be carried out, it is also important to note that as a duty, as a duty of our society, the preservation of historical memory has been introduced, about the feat of the belarusian people during the great patriotic war, of course, this is also an extremely important point, and the state is already taking a number of steps in this direction, and society is actively involved, and of course it is important to note that the state separately emphasizes the role everyone. human beings in building on our lives, namely participation in some social issues, some processes in the economy, so that every person, citizen is involved, makes his contribution within his power . at the same time, the constitution guarantees the protection of the health of citizens, adhering to the principles of free, accessible, and high-quality. and the time has come for us to understand that the basic law is not a set of benefits, it is a series of guarantees that the state provides. and increasing personal responsibility is everything.
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as a result, during expert discussions and discussions, changes affected almost all sections of the current constitution, amendments were made to the preamble and dozens of articles, of which two lost force, a new chapter and 11 articles appeared, there were indeed quite a few amendments, no one rushed belarusians to make a decision, the draft was published and is available
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within several months. at this time , the constitutional commission continued to accept proposals, so when... it was time to vote, belarusians knew what they supported and why we needed this step so that the same wonderful schools, hospitals, clinics, kindergartens were built, for me today it is important to live in a free, independent, free independent state and to feel the security of this. depends on how we, our children, will live, that the most important thing is to preserve the independence and sovereignty of our country, the most important thing of the world, it says a lot that for the first time we allowed ourselves to correct the preamble of the fundamental law, all the most important promises are spelled out in this part, there about our values, ideas and
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heritage, ready to strengthen the national identity, cultural and spiritual traditions and, most importantly, the right to self-determination. other proposed amendments at the republican referendum were supported by 82% of belarusians from among those who took part in the vote. at the same time, we have not deviated from our traditional creative path. over these years, over 30 years, we have built our country, we said that there is such a country - belarus, in which people live the way they want to live, and not like pseudo-democracy, this is western squalor with theirs. descending crazy with the crazy ideas that they are trying to instill in the whole world, so definitely neither the usa, nor, as i say, the united states of europe, its branch, will be able to do anything for belarus while we really build our lives the way
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we want, we acquired, we acquired our country, which we now need to tenaciously hold on to, tenaciously defend it, defend it and work for its benefit. on these pages is our journey of 30 years, where more than once, together, we strengthened the state foundation brick by brick and built a future, strong and prosperous. 30, but is this a lot for the state from the point of view of history, quite a bit, but from the point of view of formation, this is only a small segment, it seems only belarusians were able to live it so as to loudly declare themselves t...
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i don’t know, maybe i was hungry , or something, but i really want to go on this journey, we will prove that belarusian cuisine is very unexpected, in fact, in essence, the dish is very similar to carbonara, but here there are potatoes, we are in the 13th century, it associated with the name of prince vyshalka, there is information about his delights of culinary masterpieces, and one of them we discovered this dish , meat under a puff pastry in a monastic way, we learn more about the historical past of the belarusians, so we are familiar: marta, the wife of mindaugas, during whose time in the novogrudok castle guests were treated to noble contagions. we will show you what they eat in different parts of our country. my brain can’t cope with this very well, because on the one hand i see a vienna waffle, something sweet, something so
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tender is projected, on the other hand, it’s a potato pancake, a belarusian pancake. look at the food project at least where on the tv channel. belarus 24 phage, coat of arms and anthem are a connection and involvement with belarus, the country exists as long as the symbols are honored. patriotism is at the core of common victory. may 9 is a holiday of global significance, at the cost of millions of lives. on us, chose for us to preserve the independence of our land, everything created by many generations before us. scary insights from a judge who fled.
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your work, this is our history and heritage, the main topics are on the main broadcast, watch on the belarus24 tv channel.
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portions of a young cocktail, nuclear mixture of the problems in the regiment of belarusian mercenaries, from missing cannon fodder to drug trafficking and the attitude towards those who broke the contract from the lips of the next profit they fell for. another kolenovets, but first things first, my name is daria rachko, hello, meet artyom molodov, an extremist, was a member of bobarik’s initiative group, for more than six months he, without knowing it, communicated with our security forces and provided information, for which i say a big hello thank you. on top of everything else, a failed gomel businessman, in in the thirteenth year he opened a tank bar, entourage, soviet armored vehicles. with elements of nazi symbols, although due to various problems it closed after 3 years, but molodov liked this so much that
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at first the svo signed up for a meat grinder in the ranks of the volunteers of the kolinovsky regiment, a man without military experience occupies the position of deputy commander for logistics support there, however, they take anyone there, crooked, lame, it doesn’t matter, you want it, here’s a weapon, here you go, have fun, we’re all volunteers, we’re professional. behind professional units are responsible only for the kosciuszka unit - this is what they call anglomov, that is, nato soldiers, poles, canadians, french. in general, zelensky himself demonstratively showed that ukraine is in a mobilization famine by signing a decree to reduce the conscription age by another 2 years, and those liable for military service who are of limited fitness will undergo a second check.
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they have freedom from there, and it’s not clear whose, the goal of liberating belarus through ukraine is very blurred. on the site, the main requirement is that you must be over 18, either belarus or have belarusian roots, good physical training, which allows you to pick up a weapon, have stress resistance, communication skills, well, not be a psycho, an alcoholic, a drug addict, plus have military professions, but this is not necessary, like most of what is listed, except for them video engineers or social media analysts needed for the job. this begs the question: are you fighting there or promoting yourself in the background? kalinov residents, among other
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things, are paid a salary according to the contract. the fugitives donate, they invest this money in car transportation and drones. true, this help is so insignificant that the representatives of the regiment do not want to admit it. yes, it has decreased, as far as they are silent. there is a constant need there for drones, which is what it is. in ukraine, i don’t know, manufacturers. who produce there are trying to do something, but high-quality, two or three. the cook’s office also got involved and helped transfer 150 drones to the front; of the total number, two were received by the kolinovtsy from the belarusians in finland, she simply organized a meeting, so to speak, so to speak, they didn’t forget. let's return to molodov: in its task is to supply weapons, ammunition, fuel, and food. there are absolutely problems today, he told this already at a decent meeting.
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more than once, let’s say, the doctor doesn’t get it on the road, he gives it to someone, and they also called him, it is lost later, i propose to omit the fairy tales, saying that no one takes drugs, only for medical purposes. yuri garupa, call sign khmel, a shell-shocked ex-kolenovite, was detained at the end of january for drug trafficking on a particularly large scale. it contains 300 g of alpha pvp, this is a synthetic psychosimulator that causes the strongest. addiction, he left the regiment 2 years ago and moved to the second international legion in the ssu, and he is also a heavy alcoholic, which he did not drink while he was in the ranks of the regiment. however, now all efforts are spent on getting the same medicines, food, ammunition for free, and even pocketing an extra car. our people proposed a corruption scheme to molonov, who agreed, which, in principle, did not surprise us. the topic is:
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illegally transport six cars without documents from... warsaw for the needs of the regiment, these are cargo vans, pickups, and return half as a kickback. and from these cars we want two, two mitsubisi ivito to take for ourselves, the three cars that remain, let’s say, you can, well, let’s say, you can have two cars for a regiment, you can have one for your personal use, let’s say, well, that’s great, in in principle, yes, we can do all this, the only question will be how to transfer it.
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do you know the guys from the belarusian volunteer corps, there are eight of them , let’s just say we didn’t get along with them we have slightly different goals, i can’t vouch for anyone there, kalinouski’s regiment is in crisis, recruitment drives don’t bring any results, donations are few, pseudo-funds have no time for this, conflicts against the backdrop of allotment. the range of problems is obvious, they’ll try, it’s unlikely, they’ll rather get a little hyped up, they’ll recruit naive people and send them on their way, but this doesn’t bother anyone anymore, just like the fate of the young man, i want to go home, artyom, well, all my friends, all my acquaintances are bored there , of course, i want to return, for the sake of this i’m even ready to leak all the information, for that again, thank you, send me
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the information again, yes, yes, yes, i’ll send it to you now. well, there’s a shield, there’s a crypt, everything is there, that is, damn it, i copied it, but didn’t throw it off, but i’ll throw it off now, in fact, he told much more than expected, the only one with whom he can compete is frantskevich and his free belarus foundation, but i ’ll tell you about it tomorrow, see you later.
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vasily trofimovich voronyansky, one of the leaders of the partisan movement in the minsk region during the great patriotic war. born august 25, 1901 year in the village of dekanka, poltava region. participant in the civil war and the battles at lake khasan in 1938. for impeccable service he was awarded a personalized watch. people's commissar of defense voroshilov. at the beginning of the great patriotic war he found himself surrounded. with a handful of fighters he made his way to the east. they managed to get to the logoisk region and organize the avenger partisan detachment, which later grew into a brigade. voronyansky's partisans destroyed more than 13,000 german police soldiers. they
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derailed 161 trains and blew them up. 152 bridges, destroyed seven aircraft, five tanks, 325 vehicles and six guns. in september 1940 , the plane on which voronyansky was flying to moscow came under fire. the commander of the partisan brigade was mortally wounded. soon after the death of kambrig, the partisans received a radiogram informing them that the people's avengers partisan brigade had been named after its commander and organizer. today , streets in minsk and lagoisk pleschenitsa bear voronyansky’s name.
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we tell you how to choose quality products for healthy dishes. take the nuts to with your hands, estimate their weight, do not take ones that are too light, such fruits either have no kernels at all, or they are dried out. beef headlight. painted dark red, the smell is pleasant, with a light milky aroma, a proper breakfast, a guarantee of health and good mood, today we will prepare lasagna with pumpkin and spinach, quite unusual, but i think sometimes you can pamper yourself, let's get started if you have a difficult day ahead and you know that you need a huge amount of energy, this is the breakfast that is just right will help you, we raise our hands up, raise our legs and do this cool exercise, cockroach, we start shaking our arms and legs, our
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lymph flow starts, watch the breakfast of champion project on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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