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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 22, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm MSK

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[000:02:19;00] watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel, this is the country's news from. broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting trips around the country, feature films for all ages, on
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site. iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. adjust the satellite dish to the space-1 satellite. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear. and open for yourself belarus. please explain to us how vedic astrology differs from others. astrology studies the real state of affairs in the sky and makes some predictions. with saturn in aquarius, you understand what this can lead to, there will be some
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changes throughout the world. obviously. how to distinguish an astrologer from a fraudster? if a person goes to a bad astrologer, who is essentially a healer of the soul, then his soul can be crippled; a good astrologer will not advertise himself. hello, you are watching the program “say don’t be silent”, in the studio victoria popova and tatyana shcherbina. and our guests today are astrologer ekaterina korneva. good afternoon, ekaterina. good afternoon. hello, ekaterina. you are not just an astrologer, you are a vedic astrologer, right? explain to us, please, how vedic astrology differs from others, there, from
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some? yes, that is, this classic so -called story, of course it doesn’t work anymore, the degrees have already shifted, everything is at the wrong angle, now it’s definitely march 22 - it’s still fish, and until the end of march it’s
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still fish, all this you can find out by simply logging in on astronomical sites, roscosmos, nasa, you will see everything there, you will see if you were born when everything was still working, whether i’m still a calf or not, this has not been working for several centuries. programs with which you are born, there is such a thing as samskaras - these are those images that are embedded in a person’s unconscious part, and well, indian astrology, i think, classical western, implies that there is a soul that is reborn, it is eternal,
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she accumulates experience, and this is called samskara, the experience that i lived there centuries ago, astrology shows this general picture, those programs, the experience that you have laid down in your unconscious part. previous incarnations, so in essence, if an astrologer directly predicts the exact future for you, he, as it were , tells you those programs, a scenario that you can repeat, that is , astrology does not give prospects for development, this is the starting point with which you were born , if you follow this scenario again, according to the same programs, then you will live something similar to what you lived. many lives ago, and this is like a loop, that is, this wheel of samsara is spinning and a person cannot get out of it, that is, he repeats the same mistakes over and over again, makes the same choices, this exactly the trap that a person falls into and he cannot move
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forward, and he gets stuck at this point, astrology seems to show this scenario in which you are stuck, so essentially a good astrologer, he will tell you your programs, and those ? a scenario that you repeat from life to life, and it should help to get out of them, but the most important thing is to get out of this scenario, that is, now even psychology says that we are all programmed, there are strong beliefs that hinder us, which need to be changed, that is, these automatisms, in essence an astrological chart, a natal chart - these are your automatisms, and it is not only possible, but also necessary to get out of them, so astrology , first of all, should highlight
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these automatisms, these... but even this area of ​​predictive astrology, which with geopolitical , with works on climate issues, this is also a separate astrological block, very serious, there are astrologers who focus only on this... therefore, i prefer to be skeptical about such accurate forecasts, because it is cyclical, that is, it is still a repetition, and if a person looks at his fate, any person, i am 99% sure of this, he will notice these cycles, when fate over and over again confronts him with some similar situation, he again... well, as people say, steps on the same rake, this is this
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programming, this is this wandering in this labyrinth of an astrological chart, well, let’s go to the other side, this person was born to do this, and you confuse him by saying break your chart, cyclicality and so on further, this is just a trap, a person was not born to do this, but we remember the story of the buddha, yes, that is, he was destined even in his mother’s womb. become a buddha, yes, but i'm sure that in his chart he was born a king, and if he followed the beaten path path, astrological programs, according to the patterns that are in his natal chart, he would not have become enlightened, in fact, every person has the main task of getting out of the programs in which he was born, astrology for this is still getting out of the program for leaving the program, of course, left the program, had to become a king, left
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the program, became a soldier, you were killed in the war, is this a good way out? but no, it still doesn’t work like that, astrology sees a problem, it doesn’t even always see a problem, there is in fact, positive programs that are for the better, that is, we are all woven from light and darkness, and there are conditionally positive scenarios, conditionally positive beliefs, but again, if you want to get something else, you can come to an astrologer and. .. ask him that i would like to try myself in such and such a profession, there should always be some kind of request, of course, the astrologer will tell you that, in general, it’s like your map, that is, according to the program, these are the -abilities and you shouldn’t get into this profession go, this is a bad astrologer, a good astrologer will still say that look, in order to achieve success in this area, you need to improve here, you need to change your opinion about yourself in this area, that is, this is also visible in the map , then you will be able to reveal this potential, this talent. that is , if a person, well, he does not have the ability to sing, but he wants to sing, the astrologer will
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tell him what classes he needs to attend, yes, what can be done, what needs to be changed in order to become a singer, i believe that a person has an unlimited number of possibilities, and the map reveals this, and it seems to me that now society has more opportunities for self-expression, so people, as a rule, have at least two or three talents, well, you will agree ... you won’t find a single person who knows how to do only one thing, he may be passionate about something, yes, professionally it may be one area, but the person is talented in many areas, and it seems to me that modern youth, they are more free in in this regard, she was born in different realities, in different conditions, she understands that she has many opportunities, she can try several professions during her life, the main thing is that it does not harm society, i ’m talking about this exactly, you can try until infinity, the main thing is to get high in this about... and to the death of life, blame everything on the mother, who inflicted psychological trauma in childhood, did not allow him
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to open up, this is of course a problem of society, you know, in this regard, indian astrology is very strict, and first thing any indian astrologer will tell the client that parents should be given unconditional respect and respect to remove any official this story, that parents owe us something, is considered in vedic indian philosophy, that this is the very first story that closes in... this is such a fundamental very much a book, well, not
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a book, works, and it says that the main story is to come to this earth, and you come through parents, who are essentially not gods, but we often look at parents as ideals who should to give some example, that is, this is already the deification of a person, but in fact, two parents are just two ordinary people with their dreams, with their fears, with their problems, who live as best they can and raise you in strength. their capabilities, the most important thing is not to see gods in them, not to idealize them, but simply to pay tribute to them, as two living beings who gave you the opportunity to live another
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life. in my opinion, expect some important achievements, very important and global ones as well, but bright for the better, and therefore that fire is still a warming energy, i think that some kind of thaw will come , including an emotional thaw, and in general, again, in my subjective opinion, astrological, we have already passed some climax of tension, and the twenty-fourth year will be more favorable, more of an energy upswing, not a decline. important areas will be science and space. i believe that in these areas there will be some very important discoveries and undertakings, perhaps we will fly somewhere, or someone will fly to us, that is, i i don’t rule out the possibility that we will establish
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contact with some kind of alien civilizations, this could happen, and also, well , scientists may just make some discoveries in this area, maybe. some natural phenomena, interesting, bright, we have already kind of observed, even in our country the northern lights, they may appear in very unexpected places in other places, because there will be climate changes, including some -meteor showers, some unexpected starfalls, maybe some asteroids, which come very close to us, that is , the year will be filled with the theme of space from all angles, well, here we can say that
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marina vasilevskaya is really into space. and in many areas it has stabilized, so i still think that the trend is a decline in tension, yes, it can be supported with information just in case, but in any case, even if you look at the mood, in general, it is still emotional rise, well, you know, i don’t agree with you here, perhaps, when we, well, yes,
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the information component, when we hear that the world is approaching, is on the verge of a third world war, when there is talk already about the use of nuclear... not talk, she is studying real events, they have not happened and will not happen, will not happen, no, the stars show it just like that, definitely, and recently they transmitted this informational component of a sun flare, an extraordinary magnetic storm, they recommended giving up long trips, everything was malfunctioning, equipment and machinery and electronics in the house, i don’t know about this... or not, what do you think, have under them the basis for such forecasts and what consequences do we have to experience from such a magnetic storm? yes, solar activity will really increase, these are the words we heard about, that space will prepare some surprises for us, this is true, not only from the side
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of some scientific discoveries, accomplishments, but from the outside, of course, some kind of cosmic catastrophes, that is, magnetic storms - this is actually not yet... the most unpleasant thing that we can, we will be able to survive, but again, i don’t want to talk about these cycles, i can to break it all down in detail, and even from the point of view of some dates, it can really be calculated, but you see, it’s the same as stepping on the same rake, that is , it’s the same cycle that we cannot change in the force of the fact that we are somehow not behaving as we should, that is, we are behaving in the old way. we think in the old way, we feel in the old way, society develops in the old way, that is, some political events, well, let’s say, are resolved in the old way, that is,
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there is no new approach. systemic, structural planet and system management will generally change the management system, aquarius is a zodiac sign that always does not agree with the foundations that exist and demands new ones, so it’s like saturn in aquarius, you understand what this can lead to, there will be some- then changes, but again this energy, it can be used in different ways, so these are the kind of point-by-point predictions, i don’t like it when astrologers make, after all, there is always... subjectivity and some kind of personal history of the astrologer, there are just periods and there is, i believe that there are definitely many
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paths, the main thing is to take advantage of this opportunity, in fact, astrology is like a weather forecast, i can tell you what actions are favorable now, in what areas you can start something, in what spheres, it is advisable to postpone the undertaking, but what undertakings, again, i can tell you, but in essence, i’d better tell you how... to switch something for yourself, then you yourself will come to the right conclusion, the main thing is always not to follow the automatic first thought , because it always the reaction that is inherent in the unconscious part, it will always lead you along the same road that you are used to walking, so you can get into trouble, but you always need to do things differently than you want, not as it seems at first glance would be correct, that is, it usually turns on automaticity, this is not intuition. intuition works differently, your primary reaction will lead you exactly into this wheel of samsara, into your karma, and you will go again,
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so what’s bad in this, there is traditions, you know, security acquired over the years, security is unconditional, but there is no movement in this, there is no development in this, there is no expansion in this, this is endless repetition, well, let’s take britain, yes, they have been honoring these traditions for centuries, we know about the lawn, about. .. that’s it, i think that this is some kind of fulcrum, i think this is automatism, no, when it can be, again it gives this feeling of security, that is, that is, what they now have prime minister, this is an ethnic hindu, this is some kind of update for britain, this is exactly yes, this is just... a story with an update, but again, that is, this opportunity can be taken advantage of, who will take advantage of it, for what purposes will they
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use it, clearly people who know astrology well and they know well in which direction the ship can now be turned, the main thing here is to take actions at the right time and know what actions to take, then you will start a new cycle, you know, you will either repeat it, unconsciously go there and return to the same point from which.. . go out, or you will take advantage of this period that astrologers talk about and turn the channel in your direction, whichever way you want, this is what you are talking about, this is just someone very competently using those periods that are turning their ship where he wants, but don’t believe these forecasts that say point results that it will be exactly like this, this is the story of programming, and for now we ’ll take a break for a while, i remind you that we have a telegram channel, don’t be silent, subscribe , ask questions and
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invite guests. we are in touch, we are going on an expedition in the corners of our country, we are going to breathe water on the wild meadows, the forests and the pale and a wonderful life in the future, we are going on a folklore expedition, and more times in advance ... to the best administrators, mikalay khlyustsin, who great beloved horse. meў pan 150 galova violent ragatay zhively swedish people. and what did you know that marysya and stas uvakhodzina were having a wedding. chula, and i am asked, as yany geta so hutka pubudavalisya, dziva neikaya. good day
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your hut. getting to know belarusian enterprises and the outstanding results of their work. today we are already installing elevators with cabin speeds of up to 2.5 m/s. and this makes it possible to install elevators in buildings up to 45 floors. in belarus, this is generally a unique enterprise, the only one that is engaged in the production, development of integrated circuits and semiconductor devices, and microelectronics in general. an approach to business that everyone should strive for, we constantly monitor messages, information is processed, necessary, corrective
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measures are developed, first of all , they are welcomed and present here. this is teamwork, without teamwork it is almost impossible to produce high-tech products. watch the project, a quality mark on the belarus 24 tv channel. the say don’t be silent program is on air again, and today our guest is astrologer ekaterina korneva. surely, ekaterina, we will not be mistaken if we say that the top requests for an astrologer are to find out about personal relationships, yes, family relationships, about financial well-being, you can confirm our guess? in fact, the most popular request is my purpose, what i was born for, the meaning of life, after all, the meaning of life, i wonder
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if you manage to satisfy this request, but in fact yes, you can certainly answer this question, and that there as if a whole spectrum of planets, positions, nakshatras is considered, and purpose should never be confused with social realization, because, as a rule, purpose is the experience for which you came into this life, a person can get it not only through profession, but he may work all his life, for example, as a watchman, but his purpose is completely
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different, and this is also in the chart: each zodiac sign, based on the time of birth, which is determined, has a ruling planet, it is very important what position it is in, what it is in sign, what house she is in, then there are the so-called demonic knots, rakhuketu, this is considered to be the demon that a person holds in this wheel, these are some very stable samskaras, beliefs, there are fears or very strong desires that hold a person in dungeon, in prison in this life, and he essentially
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takes and drinks the same cup every time, forgets again, comes to life, drinks... forgets the same cup, this is this wheel of samsara that we are talking about we’ve already talked to you, these demonic nodes, two lunar nodes, they show what experience it’s time for you to get out of, that is, it’s holding you in prison, and you can’t seem to realize it, but how many people are there per minute ? is born on earth, well, i don’t even know, but it seems to me that they will all have the same scenario, no, there's another place here that turns out to be an important place
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, essentially the same place is important. of course, there will be a lot of similarities, there will be a lot of similar nuances, but you see that the destinies are different, well, okay, let’s say you explained this with the help of astrology, but also astrology. claims that the different positions of planets and houses in the horoscope create a unique pattern of fate, yes, that is, our personal tasks, lessons and interests, each planet has its own sphere over which it supervises, well, this, in a nutshell, yes, the sun - this behavior in society, moon - emotions, way of thinking, stream of consciousness, jupiter - prosperity and spirituality, saturn - patience and discipline, mercury - intellect and thinking, venus - romance, beauty and creativity, mars, will, strength as such, achievement goals, there is such an expression, there is strength. there is no need for intelligence, yes, does this mean that mercury, responsible for intellect, means, together with mars, responsible for strength, cannot simultaneously influence the same person,
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they certainly can converge in one horoscope, in one person, and i would even i have improved your table, although everything is written very correctly, and in fact all the planets are steps towards self-realization, when all the planets are in a strong position, this usually gives the astrologer... well, such decent confidence that this person will be very successful, because the very first thing is the position of the sun - this is strength of spirit, willpower, power of influence, stability, internal support, this is important, if a person is not confident in himself, no matter how talented he is, he will not be able to self-realize, then comes the moon, here you have that's right, these are emotions, emotional stability, again, if a person is not psychologically stable, but it is unlikely that he will be able to self-realize, then all the planets they give how to act. movement, that is , mercury is an opportunity to set a goal, to come up with something interesting, mars is an opportunity for action, willpower, that is, to the extent that i am not only a theorist, but also a practitioner, that is, if i can do,
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practically implement this idea, this is the next step, then saturn is discipline, that is , as far as i am not a sprinter, but a long-term player, that is, i rock with my idea, according to mercury i come up with it, according to mars i start doing, doing, doing, and then i get blown away, this means weak saturn and... strengthening saturn , the astrologer can again see just these flaws, which interferes with self-realization if saturn is weak, you simply lack patience, endurance, discipline, diligence, when you strengthen saturn, this is what to do, and well, there are also certain recommendations, this influence is certainly possible, but it depends on how you look at astrology, that is, i can certainly tell you that you you know you have weak psyche is unstable, you can’t be a leader, well, you can’t be, but i can say that you need to tighten up, for example, venus, i can tell you that you lack creative energy, you have a poor sense of beauty, well, you lack some - creative streak, inspiration, your heart is closed, i can say so, you don’t
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feel, you don’t know how to love, but how to fix it, you, yes, of course i can tell you how to fix it, what to develop in yourself, what to focus on attention, how to compensate for this, if your heart is closed, how do you open it? well, now, in general , it seems to me that a very popular method is studying. beautiful beauty, now there are a lot of bloggers, namely art critics, musicologists, who tell, show people, teach them to feel beauty through the knowledge of paintings, music, dance, and this also develops, plus there are certainly some energetic influences, that is meditation, the easiest way is to keep a diary every day of observing the beautiful things that you see, so you saw a beautiful dress, a beautiful woman, a beautiful tree, a beautiful flower is the simplest meditation, you stand in front of this object, or concentrate your attention on it, as it were, and say beauty, come in, at this moment you need to imagine how this energy enters your heart,
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it reminds you of a student’s day, clearly , yes, yes, it’s very easy to deceive, that is, this is also programming, and he will believe in it. ekaterina, does anyone come to you with a request to draw up a horoscope for a child? and is it worth doing? yes, of course, this is a popular request, astrology charts a child, but from a certain age, that is , it is believed that from three, from 4 years old it is only possible to draw up a map, and this is useful in the sense of looking at the child’s psyche, at his abilities and, again, from childhood , developing some kind of correct approach in education in order to help him realize himself in the future, and this will not somehow interfere with his, say, well, even the development of his life, that is. it turns out that the parents will constantly interfere in his personal space, let’s say , well, it seems to me that while the child is small, parents constantly interfere anyway, but not in essence, well, sometimes you just see that he ’s succeeding in something and well, just do it and i
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won’t interfere, here according to your natal chart it’s written to you that no, you won’t draw, you will be an excellent engineer, go - don’t draw leaves, not flowers, but some kind of house publications, well, in fact, i still have my own map, a person feels from birth, and i very often come across what a person says during a consultation : and i dreamed about it, and this is how i want it, and this is how i feel, that is, well, my own programs, as it were, we feel the scenarios very well, there is a slightly different aspect here, the children’s chart still helps to see how... there was some kind of birth
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trauma or something else during childbirth and the brain did not receive enough oxygen, let’s say hypoxia and so on and the like, that is , from the point of view of doctors, it will be one explanation, but the stars say something differently, these are just different research tools, what’s wrong with the child, because the doctor is right, the astrologer is right, if he names this reason, and this is visible from birth injuries and
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in general, all injuries are visible on the map.
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there are psychologists who use astrology as an additional tool, just classical psychologists, clinical psychologists who, sooner or later, somehow come to this, and i know people who do this , that is, they cannot explain from the point of view of psychology, medicine, any this phenomenon or some act of a person, some development of events, then they already turn to the stars, and you know, when there are, for example, phantom pains, that is, when a person comes to the doctor, and he is healthy, that is... in this area, well, nothing bothers him, then it’s as if the doctor says: go to a psychologist, that is, this is something psychological for you, an astrologer can say that this is the same samskara, for example, you in a past life you were at war, you were mortally wounded, i don’t know, you died from an injection in the back, and there is phantom pain in a person, i had such a client, but on the other hand , you said that not all questions are answered by astrology, for example, she can’t explain childhood autism, not that she can’t,
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sometimes in the chart... i’m not sure that there are no medical errors, perhaps, but now many seem to be disputing even some kind of vaccination topic, another big chapter of astrology is compatibility by zodiac signs, what do you think about this? in fact, there is compatibility, but it is rather energetic compatibility, and not according to the signs of the zodiac, of course, according to individual cards, that is, here is the card of one person, the card of the second person, they are superimposed, this is a certain technique and looks at what connections
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are formed, here on the analysis of these connections, you can give some predictions, but again, you understand, you need to be careful, because i had
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people in consultations who were absolutely incompatible... the compatibility of the child’s parents is very important, how you influence your child with your card, this is also very interesting to analyze, if the mother is yes, then the card is something yes, you know how interesting it is, as a rule, from the child’s card you can see what kind of mother he has, and this absolutely does not coincide with what kind of woman she really is, this there are these automatisms , this theory that we live in a big game, everything play our script, which we have inside,
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and that we need to protect the child from... explain how he sees you, look at what angle and why he sees you that way, through what actions you use words and help, you can also change the strategy of communication with as a child, well , here, by the way, i probably agree, because as always, any mother will say, i wish only good things for my child, she sees that this is exactly how this good should be presented, but it seems to the child that someone it seems that he has too much freedom, and some people think that on the contrary, his freedoms are being infringed upon. is it always necessary to correct this maternal behavior? well, when there are problems, adjustments are naturally needed. and how can problems be expressed? specifically in interaction with the child? well, it’s a misunderstanding, often mothers come with the following request: i’m a bad mother, i don’t love my child,
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he annoys me. well, it’s true, there is such a thing. and here you can also understand what the triggers are, for example, a child wakes you up, why are you irritated, what in yourself, for example, should you work on? and some recommendations it’s just that even physiological ones can be given, because each planet has a certain physical activity, but in the indian tradition there is yoga, for a reason, because geometry, form, as well as sound, influence the level of consciousness when you place yourself in a certain color scheme, you surround yourself with a certain shape, you build your body in a certain shape, you already think differently, even psychologists, and this body-oriented therapy, it also gives certain exercises, for example, for self-confidence, for becoming a winner, you know, like... feet shoulder-width apart, arms up. in this position, if you stand for a couple of minutes, you cannot be sad, you simply cannot be sad. you have different emotions. also, an astrologer can give some purely physiological practices that will help raise a certain energy within a certain planet and you will become a different person. well, let’s say the lunar cycle
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is female, is it somehow possible to correct this mood swing with the help of astrology? yes, you can, but of course there is an interesting story with the moon, that is. at everyone’s chart has the position of the moon, and this, firstly, speaks of how dependent you are, in principle, on lunar cycles, because there are people, they are directly dependent, they feel the new moon, the full moon greatly influences their mood, their choices , and here this person needs to be explained, on which days he really doesn’t need to believe what is happening in his head, on which days everything seems to be more or less calm, if you, for example, have a strong moon, of good quality, this can be seen according to the sign, according to the house, according to the degree, then
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you are stable, well, psychologically... when a person cannot even make a choice, people come with a weakened sun, because the sun is precisely self-confidence, when a person hears his desires, by the quality of the sun in the chart you can see how confident a person is in himself, how much he generally hears himself, how much he can take responsibility for his own decisions, hear his desires, and often with a weakened sun people come to astrologers, psychologists, because they have a lot of doubts, they don’t hear themselves, or are afraid to trust themselves, or are afraid to do
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the first step, because they are confident, and here, of course, to some extent, the astrologer helps to find this support, but here, in parallel , the person still needs to highlight this problem, and you know how to cut off such people from yourself - this comes with practice, because initially it was even painful to listen to some kind of criticism, and initially it was hard to perceive when a person does not agree with what you... say, and it took me a lot of time to figure out what, uh, if a person doesn’t feel it , this does not mean, that this is not the case, and in the end, well, somehow some kind of balance is found inside, but this is practice, it’s hard, hard to separate emotionally, especially when a person often comes in difficult situations, it’s just this empathy, empathy, sometimes you have to say unpleasant things things, because the reason for everything that happens is in our automatisms, in our chart, i see it, i see... there, according to the position of mars, for example, what problems are in the character and why this situation happened, but this must
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be told to the person correctly so as not to hurt him further stronger, inspire, allow him to believe in himself, also give him tools that will strengthen this faith, energy will be pumped into him, and he will go inspired to change his life. let's take a break for a while, after a short break we'll return to this studio again, for now subscribe to our telegram channel, say don't be silent, look for all our releases on the belarus 1 youtube channel. on the air again , say don't be silent, our guests today are astrologer ekaterina korneva. today we talked about how we feel crises one way or another, and during such, well, turning points, or something, in the history of civilization there has been a surge
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of interest in astrology and predictions. and he doesn’t need a huge number of subscribers to gain huge coverage on the internet, so if you see a modest page, perhaps this is an even better astrologer, because... women for whom i predict exactly up to the month of pregnancy become pregnant during these periods,
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professional changes in people occur during these periods, and moreover, everything... and accordingly, why is there now an information war all over the world, because the most important human resource, human attention, human faith, astrology allows a person to believe in himself, accordingly, some systems are weakened that give this faith to a person that some outsider, religious,
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for example, some kind of egregor will help you or something else,
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or a social security fund. a way to fight, probably, with this false story, with self-knowledge, you probably drew up a horoscope for yourself, a natal chart, knowing the whole layout, you managed to anticipate some events and avoid some disasters? yes, i succeeded, and it seems to me that i even managed to deceive my fate, because i’ll reveal the secret now, well, in principle, what should i hide, it’s already in the past, and i was the age at which i was supposed to get married, but i had not yet studied astrology and... they actually proposed to me, but i said no, then, when i began to study my chart, i saw widowhood in my chart, at that time i was supposed to get married, but after a certain period from the moment i began to study my map, i saw that i had to losing my husband, that is, i could have had such a scenario, and this is a generic story, it ’s also clear in the chart that this is a generic automatism, and
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i actually have four generations of women becoming widows, but i avoided it, although it would have been very difficult for me, well everything you tell, of course, reminds me of the science fiction that we love so much, this is the butterfly effect, yes, which is unknown, who depends on what, and on what accidents sometimes, what accidents sometimes make up our lives, but what do i need today liked it in talking with you, katya, some practical advice, if you don’t like the astrologer, change the astrologer or become an astrologer yourself, figure out your destiny, in general, it’s interesting to work with you, because you always want to learn something new, maybe perhaps we have opened our eyes in a new way today to india, to their culture, yes, to the way they perceive the world, it is always very surprising to learn, and thanks to you, we have sort of captured this
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element, and attention, or something, of the eastern culture, thank you again, tatyana sherbina, victoria popova we say goodbye to you for today. goodbye, goodbye, ekaterina korneva says now. dear ones, believe in yourself, take responsibility for your life into your own hands, use astrology as a tool to expand your capabilities, in order to choose the right period, the right time to be in the right place, begin to fulfill your most incredible, most cherished dreams, and not believe in predictions that say bad things. ekaterina, but despite the fact that you criticize automatism, the wheel from which need to go out. we will still traditionally ask you to leave wishes and an autograph as
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a souvenir. let the stars illuminate your path. is he married? mom, don’t start, he just gave me a lift, consider him fulfilling his medical duty, well, you know, we have a lot of doctors, but it was he, andryush, who gave me the lift, and the girl is a world-class girl? “i know, hello, thank you, we no longer need your services, i didn’t say anything, it’s our neighbor, grandma lisa and
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dad saw how long we were looking for each other, wandering in the world at random, but i just wanted to be alone with you, al, well, tell them, you saw how i sealed it yesterday, but you didn’t see anything, that’s it, let’s get out of here, remember, you said that you dreamed”? to open a first-aid post in your village, so here it is , i knocked out , i’m ripped, okay for this matter, how? where is nadenka? nadya won’t be there, why? the spleen is damaged, large blood vessels are damaged. watch the series rare
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blood type on the belarus 24 tv channel . noon news on belarus 1, studio vladislav bundarys, hello! first , briefly about the main thing about belarusian enterprises. the control load has been reduced, the kgc report at the government house details


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