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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 22, 2024 12:10pm-12:40pm MSK

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starters and generators are irreplaceable automotive components, without which neither a tractor, nor a dump truck, nor a combine harvester will leave the assembly line. almost four dozen technological equipment worth 15 million rubles. the company is 65 years old, but it is not inferior to its competitors, all because of the engine of development, new technologies. these are new jobs, this is the creation of new innovative products that we traditionally produce by starting generators. um, this new generation of product allowed us, let’s say, to take a step forward
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towards progress and reach a higher level in part of import substitution, and this is maryana-gorka, here they also relied on innovation within the framework of the program, one district, one project is building a drying complex with a boiler room, the project will make it possible to produce products with higher added value, expand the geography of supplies, and reduce logistics costs. we will be able to produce products such as floor boards, blockhouses, and imitation.
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in the case of chips, they will be used to operate the boiler room, that is, the production is still waste-free. last year, within the framework of the program one district one project in belarus more than 3,500 new jobs have been created, investment has increased in almost all regions, so innovation can happen not only in big cities, but in the outback. ilona volynets, alexey yunosh, ilya puchko, tv news agency. closer to the summer holidays, the work of the employees of gi, the capital, is more intense. the traffic police perform intensive
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service near educational institutions, conduct conversations with schoolchildren during safety lessons, the task is to avoid injury from accidents on the roads, especially near pedestrian areas, playgrounds and in courtyards, where most often dangerous collisions occur. we will remind work teams and educational institutions when carrying out preventive measures about road safety for children, including preventing the commission of traffic accidents. administrative offenses on the road network, those that are mainly committed with the participation of minors, are violations of the rules for transporting passengers without special restraints. this year, more than twenty minors were run over . guy, reminds, from may 25 to june 5 drivers will need to drive with their headlights on low beam to be more visible; violations will be subject to fines.
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be part of the plan is the motto of the international day for biological diversity. its preservation is one of the directions of state policy of belarus. the presentation of the list of wild plant species that are planned to be included in the fifth edition of the red book will take place today. this is how the week of native nature continues in our country. the program includes seminars, presentations, exhibitions, lectures and excursions. and everything is based on scientific organizations of the department of biological sciences of the national academy of sciences. belarus. we have the first law in europe to protect the use of peatlands, which has no analogues at all, we have been active recently, in recent years, in the principle of protecting the habitats of ecosystems that none of our neighbors have, that is, we are developing such an area as the protection of rare typical biotopes, the red book actually functions, it does not function formally, it is truly a normative document that provides. indicator for ensuring
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environmental security of the country. according to the latest data, the situation with changes in biodiversity in the country is stable. 56% of the territory of belarus is occupied by natural complexes and ecological systems. most are forests, about 41%. the remaining 15 are shrubs, swamps, meadows and water bodies. the fauna includes more than 70 species of mammals. the flora includes more than 11 thousand different plant species. to save. and development of biodiversity, all necessary measures are taken. the best service dog is chosen in belarus. in the all-around championship 16 of the best dog handlers take part with their pets. among them are teams from the presidential security service, internal troops, border and
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customs committees, and the security department of the ministry of internal affairs. today is the third day of the competition. they are carried out in several disciplines: searching for a person by smell, following commands, detaining a criminal. in order for a dog to repeat some element, you need to show it by your personal example and explain to it what to do like this, a personal example, an obstacle course, sometimes to a dog we need to show that this is not scary, this needs to be overcome, the fourth championship among dogs in our country, the winners will be awarded on friday, the prize-winning dog that best completed the task receives a sports category, and also a service category during such competitions.. pets gain experience, which helps them better navigate the scene of a crime or incident. further sports news, we will update the information at one o'clock in the afternoon. stay on the first button.
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the russian team athletics championship ends in sochi today with the participation of belarusian athletes. this start is a qualifier for the brix games, which will be held in june in kazan. as part of the competition. elvira grborenko became the palace champion in the 100 m hurdles and elena soboleva in the hammer throw. the world judo championship ended for belarusian athletes after the first round. egor varopaev, who competes in the weight category up to 90 kg, lost to the representative of lebanon, karamnob sagaip, and
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daria kontsevaya, in the weight category up to 78 kg, lost to the korean lee chong yun.
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at the beginning of july 1954, a meeting took place in moscow a closed meeting of the presidium of the council of ministers of the ussr, at which a resolution was adopted under grief on measures for the further development of the oil industry. the agenda includes a discussion of the construction of a new large-scale
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oil refinery with an estimated cost of 315 million rubles. ukraine, its northern regions, the bryansk region and the bssr were considered as possible sites. the conversation at the meeting is more than emotional. khrushchev lobbied for ukraine. the chairman of the council of ministers of belarus, kirill mazurov, put forward his arguments. as a result, the plant received by the republic. and not only because its territory met the criteria, proximity to the borders of western europe, where the export of petroleum products was planned, a developed railway network, infrastructure, but the belarusians’ arguments turned out to be more convincing in the main thing. the economy of the bssr developed. at a rapid pace, and during the years of the first post-war five-year plan, the groundwork
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for high-tech production was created, and the fact that this was so was confirmed by the decisions taken by the party leadership of the ussr in the early fifties to build a number of large enterprises of general mechanical engineering, machine tool building, radio electronics, optics and instrument making. this became a kind of... recognition of the great work that was done by the republic to restore the national economy, the heroism of its inhabitants, who in a short time were able to transform belarus into an industrialized region with great economic potential. the bssr proved this by releasing its products, which supplied the entire soviet union and exported to many countries. at the beginning
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of 1948, the portork radio plant named after molotov together with the chief engineer, we were once again inspecting, or rather evaluating, a brand new radio, one of the first produced at the enterprise. emotions were overwhelming, they... were able to do it. not far away, in a place of honor in the red corner, is a receiver, a pioneer. it was he who was the main object at the plant in the first months after the liberation of belarus. after their shift , people crowded into the dilapidated building to listen to the latest report from the belarusian radio about the situation at the front in the republic. now we were waiting too. changing workers, only for a different purpose: demonstrate the new product in action.
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the engineer was concerned about how all seven lamps that were used in the new model worked. partork, having chosen the record he liked , started the player. now all this was combined in one receiver. in the new cycle of anniversary broadcasts of the thirtieth anniversary of the republic, which began to appear on belarusian radio, announcers continued to talk about the successes of enterprises. before the broadcast, according to tradition, they scanned the text for the last time. the radyoslovsky republic had an important padzeya. the leader from the production line of the minsk
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radio plant named molatava came out of a new made, similar to the one in the region. radiola minsk-r7. i want to not only listen to the joy, but also play my favorite songs. madel is a unique distributor of belarusian specialists. zusіm hutka pruduktsyya minsk radyozavod pastupіts u...
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at that time, of course, was very popular, this radio, in principle it still works, we had to repair some samples, everything there was done according to the present, that is, with with love, with soul and high quality. it took the enterprise team only
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a few years to switch to the production of main products, new models of receivers already... assessment of the expert council of the all-union chamber of commerce of the ussr, demand was widespread, so to speak, throughout the entire soviet union. the horizon company made a breakthrough in the development of not only radio products in the republic, but also high-precision
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production. it created the groundwork for such a new direction as electronics. since the minsk radio plant came the pioneer of the production of radio receivers, and then the first television sets, then of course this brand, which was then already won by the enterprise team, was naturally appreciated by subsequent consumers of our products, this is the experience that was acquired in the first five years.
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the horizons of our horizon have expanded, the brand that was born in the post-war years is developing, increasing its competencies and at the moment you see the leading production company of the horizon holding. by the early fifties, the republic was doing a breakthrough in other areas of the national economy. this was largely determined by the fact that the post-war five-year plan placed its main emphasis on heavy industry, primarily on the heart of the industry, mechanical engineering and metalworking. in addition to the minsk
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automobile and tractor plants, new industries appeared in the republic, including road production. machines and mechanisms, tools and ball bearings, the machine tool industry reached a qualitatively new level, and the production of agricultural machinery expanded. all this formed the basis of the industrial development of the ussr and the bssr. how as a result, the republic demonstrated success in many areas. some even became unexpected, especially in...
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our prime minister’s report, that in the 51st year the plan for coxase was exhausted by 223%. in the regions of minsk region, rudzensky, pukhavichy, chervensky districts. the tasks assigned to the republic regarding the production of chestnuts for the country’s culture, the belarusian vegetable was poured out with fees. this message is also in the collective farm club named after. osovsky village council of bobruisk district and also a broadcast from the congress of rubber producers, which was organized by
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belarusian radio. among the foremost leaders was komsomol member glasha khodosevich, the team leader of the local collective farm, and the district was noted at the republican rally as having successfully completed the assigned task. on this occasion, the meeting at the club received certificates of honor from raykon. komsomol of the region to the entire link. from a field of almost 3 hectares, they managed to collect 42.8 cents per hectare. and the obligatory congratulations from the pioneers with a fashionable chant. those who walk together in a row are the replacement of the komsomol, our pioneer detachment. despite... the fact that the main indicators for agriculture are not were completed, many things were learned for the first time. in the country, at the level of the central committee of the cpsu, subordinate orders were announced
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on the widespread cultivation, no, not corn, that will be later, coxase with strict procurement plans with maximum allocation of farmland for this crop. with socialist competitions, leaders in production, reports classified as secret or for official use, products of defense significance, rubber was produced from it, growing a crop in an uncharacteristic climate was truly a feat. in the early fifties, in september 1952
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the industrialization of the region was a big victory. during the years of the first post-war five-year plan,
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grodno, brest, baranovichi, pinsk, molodechna, lida became major industrial centers. new industries were created here, agricultural engineering, textile, and sugar industries. enterprises have been reconstructed.
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and the seventh session of the supreme council of the bssr in july 1945 reported: in the bssr there are over 400 hospitals, 810 outpatient clinics, 175 regional sanitary-epidemiological stations. doctors carried out a massive sanitary treatment, 3 million people examined. in the first half of 1945
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, occasionally from... on january 1, 1945, there were 1,800 doctors and 8,657 mid- level health workers in the bssr. over the five-year period, the number of doctors has increased one and a half times. key medical institutions and belarusian
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blood transfusion centers began their work. resumed work from the first days of the liberation of the republic and in 1945 alone collected twice as much blood as in the 9 years of its work before the war. in 1946 , a penicillin plant came into operation, now bel-medicines. since 1949 , the first specialized inpatient departments, neurosurgical and pediatric surgery, have been opened in minsk. psychoneurological and others. much work is beginning to vaccinate the population against dangerous diseases. the base created in the first post-war years became the basis for the emergence of an entire school of combating epidemics.
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there are many social facilities in the plans for the coming decade, including a new modern building for the belarusian radio. radio has experienced many moments in its development, development


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