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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 22, 2024 1:05pm-2:05pm MSK

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it seems like he either cut him, or immediately threw him into the river, cut him, andrey should write detective stories, of course, or horror films, this spaniard went down in the history of tennis as the youngest world ranking leader in history after winning the us open 22, vlad carlos alcaraz, absolutely true, this is the correct answer, thanks to which the seven heroes from the fairy tale of alexander sergeevich pushkin understand that in their theorem there is an outsider, the answer.
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hello, on the air of the program sas is authorized to announce its presenter nadezhda sas, greetings, i remind you that this is a program for those who want to better understand what is happening and understand how these processes, events, people will affect the life of the country of each of us. in today's program.
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pharmaceutical production. as a result of official negotiations between the heads of the two states , a package of international documents was signed, including an intergovernmental protocol on the mutual use of electronic systems for certification of the origin of goods. on the eve of the president's visit, the heads of belarusian government bodies and enterprises held negotiations in baku with by their azerbaijani counterparts. in addition, these days the largest agricultural exhibitions in the region are being held in the capital of azerbaijan. during the forum, belarusian manufacturers. reached agreements for
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$54 million. the right-wing anti-immigrant freedom party will enter the dutch government for the first time in history. after six months of negotiations, right-wing leader geert wilders, whom opponents call the trump of europe, announced on thursday that he had agreed a coalition agreement with three other center-right parties. myself wilders will not receive a post in the government, so as not to provoke unnecessary criticism because of his own. past sharply anti-islamic position, he stated that the program of the new cabinet includes the maximum tightening of rules for obtaining asylum in the netherlands, refusal to provide migrants with social housing as a priority, lowering taxes on fuel, building new nuclear power plants and easing restrictions for farmers and fishermen, introduced under the pretext of concern for the environment. in addition, the right promises to fight harder against street violence. crime and deport those granted asylum if they commit violence. crimes.
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slovak prime minister robert fica was the victim of an assassination attempt and received several bullet wounds. a few minutes earlier, the head of the slovak government left the cultural center in the city of gandlovo, where a government meeting was being held, and decided to communicate with the people. at that moment, someone in the crowd called out his name, and then shots rang out. the shooter , a 7-year-old poet, admitted that he committed the assassination attempt for political reasons. the tragic incident caused. the shock of indignation is not limited to slovakia. leaders of many countries sent messages to bratislava with words of sympathy and support. “i believe that this is the result of heightened passions and the division of slovak society into two irreconcilable camps,” said the acting chairman of parliament. “i am terrified of what hatred of other political views can lead to, ” the elected president of slovakia and longtime ally of robert fico, petr pellegrini, commented on wednesday’s event, adding that attempts on the life of the prime minister seems. a threat to everything that has hitherto
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adorned slovak democracy. the head of the ministry of internal affairs expressed a similar opinion. “for the first time in the 31 years of our democratic sovereign republic , it happened that someone decided to express ... political views not in elections, with a gun on the street,” he said. it is known that the best game for politicians and diplomats is not classical chess, but the ancient chinese game go. it teaches thoughtful strategy and long-term planning. in this game, the concepts “snt” and “gotte” are of great importance. cst suggests that the player can choose which move to make at the moment. based on your tactical and strategic considerations. that is, the position on the board does not force him to make any particular move under the threat of losing stones or seriously deteriorating his position. a get is a position where a player is forced to respond to the opponent’s previous move in a very specific way. it is clear that china is in
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a cnt position, it is above the fray; how long this will last will be discussed in today’s program. i'm glad to welcome you is taking part in our program today.
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the central european country of slovakia is peaceful, quiet, prosperous, 5.5 million people, all the chapels, everyone works, a completely clear development prospect, and well, no, no need and misfortune of the masses, nothing that would provoke any serious internal conflict, there is nothing of this, this is an artificially introduced political confrontation, which ended in such a criminal episode, fortunately not tragic. yes, nikolai evgenievich, from the very beginning we have been following the situation surrounding the assassination attempt on robert fitz. this fact is the result of decades of hatred, incitement to violence, vulgarization of society in order to more effectively control it, and many find traces of the globalist elite, which
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is interested in this and understands that the main enemies at the moment for their world order, the vision of what it will be the world is... which is trying to protect the interests of its own state, trying to pursue policies in the interests of its own people, let it have certain characteristics, but it is a political leader who claims to be independent;
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no one wants to allow this in today’s europe, and moreover, they clearly show and demonstrate that this is impossible for anyone who tries to pursue an independent policy.
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that they will now have more support, this
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could negatively affect the leaders of the slovak opposition in the upcoming elections, because in recent days, weeks, even months they have spread an atmosphere of hatred, they have tried to push people into the streets so that they organized demonstrations against robert fitso. timing of his tour, then there would be a meeting with robert fitz, because
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, i think, mr. xi perceives these leaders as his partners, including the russian federation and the republic of belarus, two more words about robert, this is not the first time in power, this is not forever, who was first elected, he was in power four times in slovakia. says and does, this is not news, not for slovakia, not for the world around him, he is consistently nationally-minded a national leader, a peaceful leader for development, for international interaction, in this capacity - he continued his activities, but why now, because firstly, the president, his like-minded person, pellegrini, was elected and, that is, they have such a powerful tandem, political connection, and secondly, sharply escalated.
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development of one's own country, not to participate in with those politicians who are focused on bloc confrontation, in this bloc or in this bloc, and let's compete, who is more important? yes, with those leaders who are developing their country, care first of all about their national interests, these leaders were interested in china, china, the chinese leader and naturally he met with them, well now we are watching how it will go further, let us recall the details of sidinping’s tour to europe in our story, look together, shizen
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ping's tour of europe became one of the most discussed topics in the media, from the fifth to... on may 10 , the head of the people's republic of china visited france, serbia and hungary. this was the leader’s first trip to europe in the last 5 years, which also showed beijing values ​​chinese-european relations, as confirmed by dozens of cooperation agreements signed during visits. we have a special understanding of the east, we also have a special understanding of china, and we never see china as a danger. we always consider him as a relative, a friend. sedenpin's trip to budapest was the most important. on his european tour in terms of investment. chinese investments in the hungarian economy exceed 16 billion euros, which is partly why beijing is placing enormous emphasis on the importance of developing relations with hungary. in addition, all three countries - china, serbia and hungary - are connected not only by friendship, but by similar views on some fundamental issues. the countries are also uniting the
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belt and road project, within which kainer is building a high-speed railway from budapest to belgrade. therefore, the choice of countries to visit. pin's day is not accidental. france, serbia and hungary pursue independent foreign policies to varying degrees. simply put, the influence of the united states in these states is least noticeable. and this is the trip of the chinese leader, among others, an attempt to show that china is ready to take a course towards resetting relations with europe, but only with its independent countries. during this visit, we will sign a joint statement on deepening and improving china-serbia comprehensive cooperation to open a new historical chapter in bilateral relations. vučić and orban are often criticized by brussels and washington for being out of step with the collective west and allegedly contributing to a split in european unity. but not only europe can help serbia and hungary to develop. beijing is also ready to make its efforts for this, and on mutually beneficial terms. that’s why the leader of the people’s republic of china was greeted especially warmly in budapest and belgrade.
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as xidin ping himself noted, chinese-serbian cooperation serves the fundamental and long-term interests of both. countries, this, perhaps, is the main message of sidin ping. he strives to demonstrate to partners the possibilities for mutually beneficial cooperation. the republic of serbia and the people's republic of china are moving from strategic relations to which we managed to improve our bilateral relations. we are moving to a community that talks about the common future of our two countries, this is the highest level of cooperation. beijing is ready to develop cooperation with paris, and this is not only about economics. analysts believe that the head of the people's republic of china is betting on... macron as the future leader of the eu, who will be able to reduce the eu's dependence on the united states. the head of france openly disagrees with washington on some issues, for example, regarding the middle east. common ground between paris and beijing there certainly is. an important component of stable relations between the two countries is trade and economic interaction. thus , during the french-chinese summit in paris
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, the parties signed 18 agreements. they affected the aviation industry, agriculture, humanitarian sphere, etc. only in china they understand that against the backdrop of the country’s economic and military development, its relations with washington will become tense, but not all of europe blindly believes what is said in the states and building relations with these countries is a fruitful idea. china is interested in to have as many influential poles as possible in a multipolar world. nikolai evgenievich, you are a frequent guest on our program, i am very happy about this, and we have a tradition of starting a discussion on the topic of the program with a flash question. today it sounds. based on this, it forms its own policies and builds its own relationships;
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this is a country that looks to the future and engages in strategic planning. yes, thank you very much, sergei borisovich, please give me the floor. well, i would reformulate the question a little differently, if you allow, so for the huge, unprecedented delegation that president vladimir vladimirovich putin brought with him to china. for her, the main question now is: is china still a partner or already an ally? the chinese leader immediately outlined this framework. on the first day, he said that we will deepen our long-term, comprehensive, strategic partnership, that is, from...
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the data indicate that this cooperation is quite successful, please pay attention to the ends of this graph, you see the fall down into march -2%, unfortunately, trade has dropped, this is due to the fact that a huge pressure is now coming on china, on chinese banks from washington, so that they stop making payments, blocking payments. for trade , the geopolitical enemy has already managed to achieve that trade has declined, and this is one of the most important topics that
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russian representatives in china must now discuss and find a solution to. and it is important to pay attention to the graph of trade growth of belarus and the people's republic of china, please, we have the following data - on today, yes please. about the republic of belarus to other markets, in this diversification and redirection of goods situation, this is a consequence of our long-term policy, interaction with china, this is what we have been able to create over many years, please note, 2022, 2023, we are in any case we are adding, we are adding in all directions. and this allows us to survive the most difficult times, when we are called aggressors, when all possible economic levers are closed to us, as
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they are used on us, when markets are closed to us, in under these conditions, this figure shows that the country has chosen the right vector of external development, that many years ago the right direction was chosen in terms of development. first from the point of view of our own allies and friends, and for us this, no matter how anyone says it, is the russian federation and china, and china, these are two countries that today allow us to survive the most difficult times for the country and at the same time not reduce the capabilities of our own people and their livelihoods to maintain at the required level, that’s the short illustration is purely practical. on the eve of our broadcast, i was at a plant near minsk, at a belarusian plant, where they began assembling chinese cars,
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sales of which will go to russia, to the russian market, well, because the belarusian market is narrow, only belarusian, which means sales will go to russia , that is, in fact , both of us benefit from interaction with china, you see, he did not expect such consolidation. joint work on the importance of interaction with the people's republic of china, the belarusian leader said alexander lukashenko. let's hear direct speech. and no matter how much the americans demand from their vassals, they take turns going to china, to sidingping. what does this mean? this shows that fools are fools, they look far away, they understand that china cannot be stopped, and many things will happen in the future. depend on china, i was lucky to participate in this event, this phrase from our president clearly describes the trends that are happening
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in the world today, what is happening, anyone can talk about china, whatever you want, but everyone goes there to bow, everyone is trying to organize interaction with this state, but china clearly chooses friends and clearly chooses partners and carries out... solutions within the framework of its strategic tasks. i am glad to see andrei arkadyevich klimov, senator of the russian federation, deputy chairman of the committee
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of the federation council, in our program. fs of the russian federation for international affairs, andrey arkadyevich, glad to see you, thank you for spending your time with us. hello, hello, it's always a pleasure to communicate with you. well, my first question sounds like this: as part of his european tour, chairman xi, whom you know well, personally, out of three stops, made two in the capitals of countries that, on many issues, refuse to follow the course of washington and brussels and maintain good relations. with russia, in addition to slapping the decliner, as you call the western elite, do you see this as a friendly gesture towards the russian federation? well, of course, i would like to consider this as a friendly gesture, but in this particular in this case, the chairman of the council of europe, as a leader of geopolitical scale, he , first of all, of course, always proceeded from the national interests of china, and this, by the way,
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is good, because that’s... the brix alliance that we have formed, where we and we play a very important role with china, it is an alliance of sovereign states, it is the fact that each of these states cares primarily about its national interests, and let’s say not about overseas interests, and that makes our alliance so promising, and that’s exactly what the fact that the authorities of hungary and the authorities of slovakia are trying to implement their independent policies is precisely... that is why the eyes of not only the russian federation, but also such powers as china are turning to them. in general, i heard and read a lot that an attempt was made on a pro-russian politician. well, well, that’s what our enemies basically say, you know, even the one who shot said that he shot at the fitz because he seemed to be pro-russian. in fact, this is a leader who has vast political experience, he comes from
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indigenous interests. of the people of slovakia, in fact, the leader of hungary is doing the same thing, so here is just such an alliance of sovereign states, completely sovereign states, or states that are on the way to liberation from such semi-colonial or neo-colonial dependence, this very promising alliance, and we will strengthen it in every possible way, for this, by the way, we formed, including with the belarusian comrades in february, a worldwide movement for the freedom of nations. its chairman dmitry anatolievich medvedev became the permanent committee. yes, andrei arkaevich, i absolutely agree with you, indeed, sovereign states are the key goal, yes, for destruction by the western alliance, but at the beginning of 2022 you in russia were one of the few who called for a sober look at russian-chinese relations in in the context of a special operation in ukraine and rely mainly on your own strength, and you really turned out to be right, china never came out
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openly in support of russia, as was probably
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a challenge, and we responded to it the way a sovereign state must react, it was very serious, it was serious, a very large part of the states in the world understand what we are doing, directly or indirectly continue partnership relations with us, that is, this is not some kind of special assistance, you know, this is precisely the continuation of partnership relations, but i must emphasize that there is a state and they do it. this is understanding all the risks, by the way, our chinese comrades, when they continue a normal partnership, and that’s exactly what they do, they just continue a normal partnership, regardless of any threats there, they themselves are under sanctions, under american ones, and the number of these sanctions is expanding, in this sense , this fading hegemon, he is, in fact, causing enormous harm to himself and his
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own criminal alliance. zunatovsky, but uh, in any case, our comprehensive strategic partnership with the people’s republic of china remains, let’s say . very promising, it has huge potential, it is mutually beneficial, you mentioned here that i really had the honor participate in some personal meetings with chairman xi, in negotiations, so to speak, in exchanges of views, mainly in our party format, but there have always been very frank conversations and with a full understanding of what is happening in reality and in the global world, in our countries, so it is very convenient to work with such partners, and this is truly mutual cooperation. yes, andrey arkaevich, stay with us for just a couple more minutes. nikolai evgenievich, i can’t help but ask about this. last year it was there are enough reasons to assert that the union state of russia and belarus has developed a coordinated policy in the chinese direction. this is how you see
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the role of minsk in this tandem this year. can we expect that in dialogue with other new centers of power, india, iran, brazil, and many others, both russia and belarus will work together? i am sure about that. and, probably, no matter how it may seem, it’s not entirely correct, maybe to some extent, but it was belarus that for many years built good neighborly relations with both russia, so with china, and the most interesting thing is that we did not have elements, even with china, elements of some kind of mutual claims, some kind of economic squabbles, it can be called that, and most importantly, both china and belarus throughout for many years we have been building friendly relations in the full sense of the word, at one time based on a concept called reasonable
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pragmatism. what is this, we have common views on life, we have common views on the future development of the world, it is precisely this trend that allows the eastern i really liked the direction. despite the wildest pressure, despite the fact that they are trying to kill us economically, we are able to overcome these difficulties, and seeing this, other states are little by little joining us, yes, andrey arkadyevich, i really would like to hear
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an answer from you regarding the role of minsk in this tandem, you know, we once signed a joint statement with china in 1915, this was done. on may 9, a very significant day between moscow and beijing, and there were such words about the need for pairing, the chinese project, this one belt, one road, our project together with the republic of belarus, by the way, eurasian economic integration, in this regard , all official documents have already been signed, moreover, i will tell you, we now have a very powerful party dimension of our russian-chinese relations, it is already more than 20... years old, the united russia party has been cooperating here with the chinese communist party, but when the new white russia party appeared in the republic of belarus, we really provided assistance in order to very to quickly include ours in this dialogue, which means as one of the participants, namely
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representatives of white russia, the leaders of white russia, now in particular the movement for the freedom of the nation that i spoke about, a permanent committee has been formed there, and a representative of the republic is also present there on an equal basis belarus, and white russia, and naturally our very high-ranking chinese comrades, so we are developing this work in very different directions, in different formats, and of course we continue to develop our community in within the framework of the union state of russia and belarus. by the way, when i spoke about countries that directly help us in this difficult moment, of course, the republic of belarus was among them. thank you very much, i’m incredibly grateful for your time, andrey arkadyevich, we’ll be glad to help you.
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in which, on what platform did he choose a side?
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on the issue of the geopolitical conflict in which russia found itself drawn, china did not choose the side of one of the participants in the conflict, china chose a third party, and this is very important because he is, as the leader of the global south, in the global south of the 8 billion living on earth, but at least 6 billion are definitely included, so this is how... the leader of the majority of humanity belonging to the global south china contributes to the reconciliation of this conflict, not to expand geographically, so as not the whole of europe was affected, and not to escalate in terms of the level of use of various weapons, here china is insisting on a peace plan, before it put forward its twelve-point peace plan, i hope that now after the two leaders have conferred, there will be some kind of road map, more detailed, pointing... to the world, in this sense, china as a reconciling leader is priceless, this position
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of the global south is priceless, on another issue, china has taken a different, more definite position, this the question of the future world order, we live in eurasia and we are neighbors in eurasia, in this case we mean both russia and china, and we are responsible for the order that will be in eurasia, for the new one... was for to prevent bloodshed,
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to prevent this clash of two forces, and i i think that in the near future there will be a meeting between the belarusian leader and mr. sidinpin, so combining efforts can ensure a cessation of hostilities? here you don’t even have to, it’s called making some kind of forecasts, this is a reality that will ultimately come and it should be given. to our president, who , step by step, constantly talks about peace, even at a time when no one wants to listen to him, when his proposals are simply rejected, and this is a consistent policy the head of our state allows us to hope that a positive result will be achieved, you see, here we need to talk about this: yes, everyone is talking about peace, the west is talking about peace on its own terms.
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the conditions for the conduct create the conditions for this,
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here it’s worth saying, any conflict will end someday, we won’t get away from it, sooner, later, but it will end, in these conditions, the sooner we think about it, the sooner we begin positive steps in carry out a certain side, the better the result will be, well, you see, this is the agony western countries understand it, because they themselves unwittingly pushed it. to the rapprochement of the russian federation of the republic of belarus with the people's republic of china, let's pay attention to the latest statement by mr. blinken accusing china of supporting the military efforts of the russian federation. china shares machine tools, semiconductors and other dual-use goods that helped russia restore its military-industrial base, you see what, well, this is a hoax, cynical yes
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comrades, ball bearings are becoming a dual-use item, you know, in blinkin’s eyes, what’s here? they hope to turn the tide of events, but this is unlikely, the conflict, the military conflict between russia and ukraine, is, in general, coming to an end, and this is quite obvious, the war is running out of steam, there is the only danger that can really threaten the world in a broader sense, this is direct drawing
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nato troops into this conflict means sending troops on behalf of the nato bloc to the territory of ukraine. this is the main danger, this - it must be prevented, how, one or another method of deterrence, in terms of deterrence, we have seen precisely the interaction between russia and belarus in practice, including in this, in these exercises, in these trainings related to the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons, in no case it will not be used, but to remind... to remember the skills of handling it, it was useful. let me remind you that on the air of the saz program i am authorized to announce the topic of today’s program is the game of go, china in the battle for the future of eurasia, right now i suggest you pay attention to the graphics,
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which we prepared with colleagues on trade between the people's republic of china and the european union. please. and so you see, unfortunately. repeatedly in the programs they emphasized that the sovereignty of the european union is negligible, there are only a number of states that really fight for it, and the results we see are the same dramatic events that happened in slovakia, and today, unfortunately, any rapprochement the european union with the people's republic of china is impossible due to the virtual ban of the united states america. nikolai evgenievich, you see, it turns out that the mechanisms. in free trade, on which the entire western world is based, which have been carried out for decades and have been introduced into our consciousness, they do not work today, there is no freedom, there is no free trade, and what we see on these graphs clearly shows , that in principle
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this process can be managed, which is what the united states is doing today, if in 2022 imports to the eu from china reached more than 856 billion euros, then literally a year later, when sanctions came and so on, we can assume how it will develop further , well, a good economic analysis needs to be carried out here, but definitely, you look at what happened at the last meeting of senzenpin with macron, while macron and sindenpin spoke one on one without third parties, there were only statements, and to give credit where it is due, they were looking for common ground. in this case , the president of france acted as an independent player, as a person who, behind whom the country, that is, he was sovereign, but as soon as ursula vonlein appeared, it was necessary to give the position to inzenpin, he immediately felt it, and clearly switched gears, they began to set conditions for him, who began to set
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conditions, the representative of the european union, if you don’t do this, then get ready, they will turn off your taps there. and so on, that is, it turns out that the head of state, a serious state, which is one of the world leaders today, is given an ultimatum, and this ultimatum is directly linked to the policy that it is pursuing, and this, to be fair, does not suit china very much, not in vain throughout here just recently there was a delegation in china, germany, there were serious people involved in economics. and this issue, i think, has already been studied, and to give credit to the leader of china, in a joint statement with putin, he answered this question. yes. he is ready for an equal dialogue with equal sovereign states and representatives,
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but he is not going to, is not going to give up his sovereignty in exchange for some goodies, i would call it that way, this exactly sounds like a political statement from the outside china, it’s not for nothing that these visits are literally one after another. they show the balance of power in the world and the policy that the chinese people are ready to pursue, let’s remember the meeting between mr. macron, here is fkarta, quite an interesting french military presence in the indian and pacific ocean zones, i want to pay more detailed attention to it, armed forces in the united arab emirates, armed forces in new caledonia, these are the data.
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as for the games that europe is playing, i will allow myself a couple of comments, if china pretend to be one, in fact, your cards are different, in this sense, old europe, especially france and germany, what are they trying to do, in words, they talk about complete, absolute atlantic solidarity, yes, yes, we are, so to speak, in in the same camp, we are in the same team, we are in the same formation, we are in the same line, in fact, when he goes there...
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there are supplies of components from china and there is no german automotive industry, so they all stay there in fact, they all buy components there . they largely supply ready-made products, and european leaders, european giants will never refuse this opportunity, that is, we cannot say that right now we are seeing a beginning trade war between beijing and brussels, that is, there is a statement, but again there is a game, i would even venture to say , that there will not be such a trade war, although the game of poker will be in full swing, i would like to literally continue sergei borisovich in two words, returning here. the situation here will continue to play out, namely the military component,
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what is shown here is that in the near future it doesn’t matter to talk only about france, japan and the united states have also appeared here as a player, it makes sense to talk about south korea, the philippines, that small island called taiwan, this could become a stumbling block in the coming years. problems for china, which will be played out no worse than ukraine, and unfortunately, today there is a pumping up of this region, the creation of appropriate blocs in this region with the invitation to nato meetings of nato, representatives of all these countries, and japan, south korea, and australia, and thailand, and the philippines, that is, all these countries are, to one degree or another, trying to drag them into this big geopolitical game, and by speaking words.
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range, for the first time on earth medium -range missiles, you remember, there was a treaty banning ground-based intermediate-range and shorter-range missiles, it was a symbol of the end of the cold war, the united states withdrew from this treaty in 1919, and now they have interrupted the tacit observance of this treaty and there for the first time deployed medium-range missiles covering taiwan from there from the philippines and the adjacent coastline is an issue i really wanted.
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main factor macron is now striving to become the political leader of europe, precisely in order for europe to become an independent player, they foresee a change of power in the united states of america, they foresee that gradually the united states will still move away from european affairs in favor of these same indian -pacific problems, and he wants to use this wave to fill the emerging
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vacuum and become the political leader of europe, hence his such... the events that are taking place in the world today are impossible without the participation of such grants in today's politics as russia, china, the united states, the european union, but what the world will be like in the near future largely depends on them, i hope that in this new palette, russia, china, and the european union
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will remain serious centers of power. and none of them will be lost in the near future. thank you. this concludes our discussion. in conclusion, i will say this. unlike games like chess, where victory must be achieved at any cost, so for the sake of a player can sacrifice almost all of his available pieces to the opponent’s mata-king and still win the game. go is a game for points that requires extremely accurate calculations and an intuitive understanding of the ratio of the sacrifice received due to... due to the advantage of everyone waiting for a quick result in the battle for the future new world order - this must be remembered, so we must be patient, according to the ancient chinese curse, sadly who live in an era of change. thank you, this was the saz program authorized to declare. western pressure is not will turn china away from a strategic partnership with an allied state.
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it is clear to god that the snow has melted into the damp earth, the rain has fallen on the road, the storms of spree, the sun is warmer than the sun, the ice has been crushed, the snow has fallen, the gloom of every day has jumped on us. everything seemed to be going on, the geese were crowing, the spackle was spreading on the oak tree, the cranes were crowing, and the winter was disappearing like smoke, the greener meadow was crawling, like hell our native land was in pain.
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review of the most interesting sporting events. the ruslan soley prize was awarded to sergei kostitsin, that is, a hockey player who showed leadership qualities.
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dmitry kravchenko was recognized as the best coach of the extra league. and finally, mikhail sholagin became the best hockey player in the extra league. in the seventh round of the major league , slutsk created a sensation, beating mazyryan 1:0 at home. thanks to this victoria , slutsk moved to tenth place in the standings. with athletes, a huge number of people are waiting for me, both for master classes, so easy to see, communicate, and i had the opportunity to play for clubs, we have a new team, a new team, we are starting our, well, long-awaited, i think, such a way of returning to the major league, bright moments, real emotions, 8 years later, magnitka champion, i have not seen such emotions, it seems to me, from any team, how happy the metalga players are, everything this. in sports projects on the belarus 24 tv channel. they were born in different parts of the world. i came to belarus from siri, i came here
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to study. i came from kazakhstan, the city of almaat, a very beautiful and mountainous area. i had no one left there, everyone had gone elsewhere. and everyone found here something for yourself. these masks are included in several shows. at home, i want not only my roots to remain here, but also for my children to feel like home here too, at home to stay here, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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