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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 22, 2024 6:20pm-7:00pm MSK

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from the most ancient cities of belarus they were celebrated. this city was founded in 985 by grand duke vladimir and given into the possession of ragnedi and yateslav. what was the earthly path of the saints? she devoted time to the princes, reasoned, instructed, reconciled them, she paid attention to the elderly , delved into their infirmities, helped their needs spiritually and financially. he especially brought up the younger generation with love for god and devotion to the homeland. what unique shrines are belarusian churches famous for? in the cathedral of the exaltation of the cross of the monastery there is a copy of the same cross which was created with the blessing of st. euphrasinia. another important shrine of the monastery is its relics. we will tell you and show you in spiritual and educational projects. on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. information and analytical project, a current microphone on air on the belarusian radio, belarus24 tv channel, with you the presenter andrei sych, as well as our guest, editor-in-chief of the minsk courier kirill kazakov, good afternoon, good afternoon, viewers, good afternoon, in fact, a huge number of incidents happened that were overdue. expired president, people take out a jar of sour cream from the refrigerator, as i understand it, with the inscription president, many scoff, take out this jar in green, open the car window, say, it smells like something, i really like it with sour cream, i think sour cream , ryazhenka, i don’t know, i won’t go into such deep, let’s say, questions, but they open up. a jar, sniff it and say that
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the green president, that’s it, it’s overdue, what do you think about this, in ukraine they have already said that it’s ipso, that’s all the russians they do, the ukrainians are generous, they don’t share this position and everyone is sure that zelensky continues to exercise his powers, absolutely legally, legitimately, and so on, what do you think about this, well, let’s remember that meme that they wanted to slip to us in the twentieth year, say that let’s be like in ukraine, well, like in ukraine, that is, we are getting great money now.
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sounds, but it will sound, for example, from london, paris or washington, that is, excuse me, everything that was signed has no meaning, in fact, now the most constitutional subjects of power in ukraine are the constitutional court and the supreme court, these are two two branches, or rather the judicial authorities, two such institutions that essentially have the right to some kind of conclusion of agreements, some decisions that are made some people are still talking to the verkhovna rada. the verkhovna rada, its powers officially end by the end of this year, that is, elections to the verkhovna rada should also be announced and should take place in the near future, but apparently, no elections president, nor elections to the rada will be held, but it seems to me that the western world is quite happy with this, because on the one
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hand, putin has already said in order to conclude some kind of agreement with ukraine, and everyone is already talking about that in the end, in a year, in two, in six months, in a week, these agreements should be, because naturally, no one wants any victory for russia, everyone wants to conclude some kind of peace, and so putin has already said that well, we must determine and ukrainians must still determine the degree of legitimacy of this president, because i think that the lawyers in moscow are also quite competent, and any conclusion of any agreement, it should have some kind of initials after, for example, some kind of parliament or the sco structure or the eu structure, i don’t know, that is, what structures should be involved in order... to ratify, for example, these agreements, because, well, for example, nato, naturally, in fact, is a party to the conflict, the un, well, to me it seems he is completely has degraded from the point of view of an organization that fights for world peace, so the complex structure, it seems to me, will be peace negotiations, and the fact that
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zelensky at a certain moment will drop out of political life, well, also probably just needs to be given some kind of demobilization 100 days before the order, that is, the reverse has already begun. term, because as even the same ukrainians joke, even small dictatorial african countries, well , they imitated elections, as it is believed, in order to remain in power in ukraine, democratic, which is a candidate for the eu and a member of the eu within 5 minutes, of course, nothing like that , but those same 100 days that you said, they are already starting to grow quite brightly, we see a blocked rostrum in the verkhovna rada, poroshenko is interested, let's just say, he starts the brovada with his statements. no questions , but there is one nuance, he says, of course, it still doesn’t arise in this vein, it’s legitimate, but elections must take place, and accordingly, given the fact that no one is going to hold them, the question is most likely
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the emphasis will be not on the fact that zelensky is illegitimate, but on the fact that elections are not being held, they will put pressure on this, and the most interesting thing is why the question of recognition has arisen right now. again, or the closure of the ukrainian orthodox church, again poroshenko is promoting, lobbying for this moment, including questions being raised about the presence of defensive structures and the line, say, on the line of contact, which has now arisen, because these are the dragon’s teeth that are piled up , many questions arise, not only among parliamentarians ukrainian, but among ordinary people, this is probably even more a reaction to the discussion that is now unfolding on social networks, plus zelensky went to some fortifications several times, they showed him something, he reported everything there that yes, yes, yes, a huge amount of money has been invested, we are ready to repel attacks and so on, in reality it turns out that there is nothing, well, i don’t know, i’m actually speaking, it seems to me that this whole story is orthodox,
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in fact i mean, it's very surprising alekseevich, the man who got into trouble with thomas, yes, that is, now he is changing his name in the air, but on the other hand , it seems to me that both zelensky and poroshenko... these are just such active executors of certain behind-the-scenes structures, for example, transnational corporations there who use ukraine as such a washing machine, that is, let us launder money through ukraine, well, zelensky also said several times last week that almost all the help that was allocated by the americans, it remained in america, because new jobs are being created there, primarily in the military-industrial complex, they are investing in production, in fact, shells. give birth, well, it’s clear that everything that was allocated by america will go to america, or will go to where america has its financial interests, so the money should not leave the borders of the united states, but in fact, it turns out that the group that , which lobbies zelensky earned its money, probably needs
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to bring back the group that once allowed poroshenko and those behind him to earn money, so this is simply a change of people in this garbage office, which , in fact, leads to the fact that there is war. who literally after 5 years again changes his opinion about the tomos and now let’s preserve the ukrainian orthodox church, let’s, another 5 years will pass, perhaps poroshenko will be the most important person who will bring i don’t know orthodox judaism to ukraine and will also say that probably just because the ukrainians dug into the mediterranean sea, somewhere there they organized this religion, that is, this can happen, so there is quite a lot of stupidity and insanity now, this is the very thing...
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to completely push it all over your world, well, the second amazing news that borders on cynicism, well, this is blinkin’s statement today, when he spoke in congress about why, in fact, the state department, well, wrote some words of condolences about the death of raisiya, and blinkin was accused of he lowered his flag as a sign of mourning, but why does this happen, because... this is such a tough president who brought so much evil to the middle east throughout america, and blinken
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was accused of the fact that there is no american leadership in the un, well, that is, this completely changes any news, any fact the way you want, i was just getting ready today, i thought that for us some moments in history, especially the last 4 years for information specialists, we look at all these things and are surprised at how how easily we have to fight off those... fakes that are formed against our state, it was somehow easier before, yes, yes, that’s exactly the level of insanity, while i was watching the news with blinkin, this skirmish with one of the congressmen, when he was talking, he was accused of what it means, the state deb condolences, i understand that american television has been focused on this story for several decades, and for them it is completely routine, that is, let’s make it so that raisiran, come on, ok, that’s it, the same thing is happening now in ukraine.
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the third ukrainian republic, let it be on the territory of kharkov, because it seems to me that odessa is still a russian city.
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you know, i’m also interested in the level of insanity that arises in the information agenda, i just chuckled when this chief european gardener published, made a post, let ’s say, josep borel that i called zelensky, asked him are you legitimate, he told me, yes, i am legitimate, and i proceed from this, that in general everything is happening, no, you well, this is verification, no, well, andrey, the most interesting story.
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the united states, which said that we would introduce sanctions against the criminal court, suddenly realized that how this can be done, in general, it is illegal, the state is introducing sanctions against the international criminal court against judges, but many forget the situation with afghanistan, how ... openly, when the topic of us war crimes in afghanistan began to arise , he said, so i will generally introduce personal sanctions against each judge, i will block their accounts in american british banks, and let's see who will find out and investigate what crimes and where, what kind of absurdity is this in general, no, absurdity, well , again, i remember from this short
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interview that i watched with blinken and the congressman, about that blinken is specifically accused of being absent. how american society lives, american hegemony, american leadership, including in international organizations, there is no talk of any equality of rights, even at the level of this interview between blinken and the congressman, american leadership, this phrase, which is actually the very apologist with whom we have to fight, when we talk about the fact that states gather at the un to
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consider on an equal basis some issues of peace and war on the planet, the goals clearly indicate development theses of their state, they are completely far from morality, the value of human development, something else, well, we can say that, strictly speaking, we cannot even conclude any temporary agreements with these states, because we are deceived as soon as we let's turn away, let's go celebrate the victory, so
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it will be, in this context, i really like the situation around international law, when , well, these are not my words, these are... taken for the right, well, to be guided by the same system of legislation, we are already talking about that , that some by-laws, including resolutions, do not have legal force at the moment, they laugh at this on the territory of ukraine itself, but zelensky still managed to sign the law on mobilization, at the moment too the situation that is developing on the streets of ukraine is being actively discussed, when people
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go out and shoot videos that there is not a single man on the streets, nor in shopping centers, nor... in some city squares and so on, people began to actively quit their jobs. work, because enterprises are obligated to purposefully transport the male population to the shopping centers and metallurgical enterprises , they hire women, because male professions, strictly speaking, do not have any gender identity, they are actively discussing this situation, that’s exactly now - the respected telegram channel yellow plum premium is publishing news that a certain ukrainian is reporting an incident: at the military registration and enlistment office - directly at the shopping center - they jumped with a grenade launcher straight from the line, we are of course already accustomed to the fact that in ukraine it is absolutely commonplace. the situation is such a hot potato with grenades that explode almost every other day on the streets, including those who are published by grenades, and there was quite a resonant
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case when a man came to a meeting, in my opinion, of the city council of deputies, threw three grenades, how many casualties there were, just a huge number of dead, so this situation is interesting, well, this is now being openly discussed, including at the level of the verkhovna rada, that the economy will come to an end, well, you...
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no one knows, someone says that these are some kind of corruption schemes, someone says, these are the people who fit in there, practically they are military men who received some awards, came from the front, but it turns out that there is a certain caste of people who are tskashniks , this is such a special nation, this ukrainians, the ukrainian heritage of all ukrainians, well, it turns out.
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a specific division is already on a supranational principle, this is already a specific division on a class principle: someone has fallen into the class of otism, the point here is that we see the military and this class of military is now beginning to terrorize ordinary citizens, ordinary citizens find themselves, well, simply in this position of an absolutely enslaved person, that’s why people don’t go out on the street, that’s why the economy suffers, when they started saying that well, well, we’re... we will come to the conclusion that ukrainians joke that if all restaurants and all service sectors are closed now, then we will come to the point where it will be like in europe, that is, they even joke that there are 10 items on the menu, per room, for example, in a restaurant
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two cooks and two waiters, in fact, it is very expensive, and very tasteless, what we have now, we finally realized that europe is not the best story, ukrainians say that the service is great, but he will suffer now, and the number of qualified people even in delivery just. will disappear, that is, if before they at least brought you a hot pizza, now it’s good if they bring it and it’s good if it’s whole. the conversation, of course, is possible, it’s quite tough and cynical, but in fact, yes, the economy in ukraine is starting to slowly die, everyone understands this very well, but again we can say that those people who are behind the incitement this conflict, well, we probably don’t need people in this territory, we need... we need fertile lands, it’s quite likely that we need some kind of deposits in these lands, we need access to the sea, perhaps we need to settle here a certain number of those migrants who will digest them there,
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replace the arabs with them, return the arabs to kiev , make a kind of colony here, a territory that will survive all this, again it seems that this conspiracy theorists, again it seems that these are science fiction writers, but in fact, when you start adding a + b, maybe it won’t be true, but it seems only one thing, that is the plan. yes, let us remember, for example, in russian times there was such a concept of the institution of recruitment, that is, the recruit served 25 years, that is, when the son left the family to become
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a soldier, that was it. and people simply leave to serve, given the intensity of the fighting that exists in the 21st century, there is practically no chance of survival, that is, we essentially get a country that not only has no strategic future, not in terms of demographics, not in terms of economically, not in terms of industry, there is no tactical future, because in fact no one knows when he will die. no one knows when his business will die, and no one knows when his cities will, for example, be populated, well, either in the case of, say, a conditional world, by arabs who will come from paris, or in the event of russia's victory, a russian state will appear here, in this situation the russian state is the most democratic, but we essentially live in belarus, in a union state, we perfectly understand the concepts and mental features of the ideology of belarus
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and russia, and we really... are finally beginning to become the very pillar of democracy that the americans used to be, we are just changing roles, because traditional values, certain christian values, certain values ​​of internationalism based on the soviet past, in fact, the concept of a single mental space that exists between russians, belarusians, many countries of the former ussr, ukrainians, attracts more, so we... sorry for expression, i worked very often in chisinau, i perfectly understand the traditions of this society, that well, i don’t know, people will leave the central stefan chelmara avenue somewhere around the corner and will just to receive concrete blows from the head just because excuse me, well, gays walked along the main street
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of the central... yes, more than thirty people there have already indicated that they were caught dead, but no one is talking about the presence of an autopsy, that they show and so on, but one, one of, say, the news makes it clear why people are drowning in a seemingly not so huge river and they can’t swim, they find them shot, it’s just these idiots who are trying swim across to the territory of a neighboring state there, but they are simply shot in the back,
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for this reason... when a border guard guards the border, he has no feeling of envy that someone has now been released from this prison, and he can be sent to the front at any moment , well, out of anger and envy he shoots in the back, this is far from serving the law, well , everyone already understands this, because even the news that we receive from ukraine in a certain way puts together the same picture: people are embittered, people hate each other, people segregated into certain quality groups. and the most important thing is that this segregation will soon affect the regions, mind you, well, for example, last week’s news, i can’t vouch for its veracity, but it was written in one of the telegram channels that i trust that the shopping center is from lviv they came to catch people in zaporozhye, tsk from ivano-frankivsk to dnepropetrovsk, that is, the west comes to catch the east, but i don’t know how much the east is allowed into the west, segregation by the west and voskolk, which was still in the days
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yanukovych and kuchma, it led to it deteriorating, including after may 20, when the legitimacy of vladimir zelensky ended, at the moment, there is no other way out of this situation, and many , including many, speak openly about zelensky’s prospects of getting a bullet in the head after completing his powers, including, i think that no one will be particularly surprised by this after these rather serious events in the international arena, the assassination attempt,
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the situation with... with the president and iran, what is it is this some kind of deliberate story or is it some kind of coincidence in your opinion, because i was delving into the topic.
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in relation to state leaders, as one of our colleagues, dmitry kiselyov, says , it’s a coincidence, i don’t think, i don’t know, i won’t add another phrase here, because there is absolutely, too much, too densely, and relatively speaking, great britain
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tried to govern for 500 years this world and the phrase that they did it only this way, divide conquer, if it didn’t work out, for example, to divide the people economically, they simply killed the leaders, listen, they killed their presidents, ukrainian and european agree in their conclusions that at the moment britain and america have different opponents, so they do not act as a united front, if for america it is the key... with its rival being china, then for britain traditionally the main, say, competitor is russia, and maybe this certain fragmentation of them helps us in this situation due to the fact that somehow it is observed and we want to believe that brix
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and the sco will act, despite the difference in their cultures, mentalities and perhaps interests in some kind of united front, nevertheless, thank you for participating in our broadcast, informationally and analytically. the current microphone project was broadcast on the belarusian radio tv channel belarus24, with you was the presenter andrei sich, as well as our guest, editor-in-chief of the minsk courier, kirill kazakov. see you. only for our tv viewers, we choose
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the best routes, today we are in polotsk, oh, you know what, i haven’t thought about visiting here for a long time, because this is a city, real history, it is true that this is a former post office building, yes, the fifty-second year of the building. discover belarus with the belarus 24 tv channel. who and how is helping to make our
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lives better? what are scientists working on today? a group of small devices is being created. one device is made by belarus and two devices are made by the russian federation. this. the grouping is designed to study the near-earth space; weather forecasting only a network of surface weather stations is not enough, because the weather, as we know, is formed on... complex things in simple terms, today we are observing a trend when the magnetic poles are shifting to the south, due to this, such an effect as the northern lights is already observed in belarus, as well as the most interesting facts: the history of belarusian synoptic meteorology began in the thirties of the past century, when our hydrometeorological institute was opened. see the science project nearby. on our tv channel,
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only for our viewers we choose the best routes, at that very second the merchant decided to praise the gods, on the nearest on the island, he first erected a temple, then built huts, and founded the city of veresye and we set off on an exciting journey, he , like a wizard, controls the light, extinguishes and lights the lanterns, thereby marking the beginning and end of the day, constant, like... moon, you have a vacation put or you have a double to show how extraordinarily wonderful our country is. please note that the top of the gate is decorated with a sculpture of a stranger; who she is is still unknown; the locals call her the patroness of small towns. behind the walls from which these ruins remained, decisions were made issues of national importance. well, yes, ruzhany castle was in no way inferior to the palaces of the kings of the grand duchy of lithuania. in ruzhany literally. the church of the holy trinity is visible from everywhere. the uniqueness
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of the temple is that it was never closed, even in soviet times, like other churches in belarus, it was not turned into a storage facility, a cultural center, or a theater. watch the program "cities of belarus". on the tv channel belarus 24. while nato is conducting exercises near the western borders of belarus, it is increasing its military contingent. on our southern border, intelligence agencies every now and then they catch ukrainian saboteurs. today in our country. all conditions are being created to successfully repel any aggression, but our western neighbors did not really like the appearance of nuclear weapons in belarus, while their placement on the territory of nato countries suits everyone, but this is probably different, there is a redistribution of spheres of influence in the world, well, besides, one polar world to a polycentric world, the republic of belarus is essentially located at the junction of these two...
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in the project it’s different, watch it on the tv channel belarus24.
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hello, live news, lyudmila kazak is with you, watch this evening episode. improving control and supervisory activities. the topic was continued by deputies in the oval hall; the state control committee spoke about the results of its work.


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