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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 22, 2024 7:45pm-8:01pm MSK

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city, she is studying to be an economist and manager, my second daughter, she is studying to be an architect, they both study well, in the summer i will show this wonderful city, this country, you know, god has given his gifts to each country, suppose if in azerbaijan we have the sea and mountains, then in belarus there are very wonderful lakes, forests, you have others, we also have forests, how... we tell you how to choose quality products for healthy dishes, take the nuts in your hands and estimate their weight, they are too light don’t buy them... either there are no cores at all, or they
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dried out. ground beef is dark red in color and has a pleasant smell with a slight milky aroma. a proper breakfast is the key to health and good mood. today we will cook lasagna with pumpkin and spinach. quite unusual, but i think sometimes you can treat yourself. let's get started. if you have a difficult day ahead and you know you need a huge amount. energy, this is the breakfast that will help you, don’t forget about invigorating exercises, raise your arms up, raise your legs and do something cool exercise, cockroach, we begin to shake our arms and legs, our lymph flow starts, watch the breakfast of the champion project on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. we are now on the banks of the wonderful nema river, you know what attracts me, it does not flow in one line, it’s like life, it has a lot of different... turns like in life, but at the same time it continues to flow, when you stand on the bank of a river or lake, a person gets some other sensations, he maybe even looks at the world differently, and of course forests, there are no such things in azerbaijan number of forests, for example, i will say this thing, i picked mushrooms for the first time in my life last summer, and also this...
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glory is given, then at the eternal flame, in many cities where i have been, this is not artificial, coming from the soul, love to the exploits of previous generations, and belarusians were able to pass this on from generation to generation, when the conversation turns a little bit about the future, i always wish...
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for different people there are different values, for some material values ​​are put
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higher, for others spiritual balance, i can very accurately say that in belarus i found,
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as it is clear to god, the snow has fallen into the damp earth, the spoils of the road have fallen, the storms of revelry, the warmer suns are jumping, the ice
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has been worn away, the crops of the summer have fallen, the gloom of every day has jumped to us. as everything shows up, the geese are crowing, the spack is spreading on the oak tree, the cranes are crowing, and the winter is disappearing like smoke, a government delegation of belarus headed by deputy prime minister pyotr parkhomchik is visiting tatarstan. the development of cooperation and trade was discussed at a meeting of the working group on cooperation.
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the delegation visited one of the largest multi-brand centers of the trading and production company mtz tatarstan. they intend to further develop the site. belarusian machine builders are expanding cooperation with russian partners. are replacing european components, another promising topic is being discussed - aircraft manufacturing, the plans include the first belarusian-russian- made aircraft, a prototype should appear in 2000. for example, at the request of a tatar kazan manufacturer, we are building our own production workshops for painting a certain range of aircraft components, maybe even entire aircraft, for example , we will bring the tu-214 to minsk, paint it and see how well the quality of our kazan collies will satisfy, we will do this with wing elements, that is, we are going into a more complex localization, we get it. those competencies that we objectively did not have. the belarusian food industry presented
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its products for the first time at an exhibition in saudi arabia. the exhibition is formed by the presentation gender of participants from famous domestic brands. at the stand there is powdered milk, a large selection of cheeses and various desserts, everything that is in particular demand in this region. i must say that this exhibition has a representative geography of participants. in addition, it has a good reputation for the effectiveness of the business program, which is why belarusian companies are planning. to form a strong partnership portfolio as part of a meeting of negotiations with foreign businesses. at a joint meeting of the house of representatives of the council of the republic, parliamentarians heard a report from a representative of the state control committee. vasily gerasimov informed the deputies about the results of the department’s activities over the past year. the department carried out 498 inspections and 715 monitoring, based on the results of which recommendations were issued to the subjects to eliminate the identified deficiencies. more than 90% of all recommendations have been implemented. particular attention is paid to monitoring the situation in the consumer market, putting things in order with
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long-term construction projects, and eradicating unjustified intermediation. on behalf of the head of state, a lot of work has been done to change the style and methods of work of regulatory authorities, and work on the prevention and prevention of violations has been significantly strengthened, noted vasily gerasimov. among priorities in work for the current year focus on developing recommendations for resolving complex and sensitive problems. we are talking about housing and communal services, medicines and medical products . the government and the committee on the cost of paid medical services and prices for state control have adopted a plan for 2024-25 to improve the mechanisms for regulating price education in these areas, in the field of paid medical services.
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belarus is currently celebrating its native nature week. the program includes seminars, presentations, exhibitions, lectures and excursions. they are held on the basis of the organization of the department of biological sciences of the national academy of sciences of belarus. according to the latest data, the situation with changes in biodiversity in the country is stable. 56% of the territories are occupied by natural complexes and ecological systems. most are forests, about 41%. the fauna is represented by more than 70 species of mammals. the flora includes:
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in recent years, we have been focusing on the principle of protecting the habitats of ecosystems that none of our neighbors have, that is, we are developing such an area as the protection of rare typical biotopes. really the red book functions, it does not function formally, it is truly normative. a document that ensures the protection of biodiversity at the species level, a quite effective system of special protection of natural areas has been created and is functioning, it is now 10%, there is about 9.5%, this is, in principle, a normal indicator for ensuring the environmental safety of the country. rehabilitation and rest from war. in belarus, 10 children from donbass have been undergoing rehabilitation for more than two weeks, six of them suffered from mine explosion wounds and came to the country with their relatives; in addition to medical psychological assistance, a cultural and educational
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sports program was organized for the children. the day before, guests visited the capital and joined the campaign to collect coins at the museum of the great patriotic war, which will be melted down into a monument, a living memory of grateful generations in moscow. the rehabilitation program for this group will last until may 24. the project is being implemented by the alexey talay foundation with the support of the union state. this it's a small group, but it's there. some kind of experiment, receives health improvement, undergoes rehabilitation, so that in the future we begin to carry out activities in this direction on a larger scale, they are here today... today they receive quality care in one of the rehabilitation centers and sanatoriums of the republic of belarus near mogilev. after reconstruction, nemon stadium was opened in the bridges. citizens and students of sports schools received a full-size football field with modern artificial turf. athletics core with five running tracks, two jumping pits,


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