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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 22, 2024 9:45pm-10:35pm MSK

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gdp, despite the fact that france’s budget is only 340 billion, that is, france spends 16% of its budget on defense, and formally the country is not even at war yet, well, what kind of membership of the ruined and plundered ukraine in nato can we talk about at a discount, such was not yet in the alliance, but for always its participants were already tired of counting tribute to igazamorsky. even more specific facts in our telegram channels. a major renovation of healthcare facilities is taking place in pinsk, where an infectious diseases building was built from scratch, they carried out a large-scale reconstruction of the oncology clinic, began the same work on the medical building of the central hospital, are carrying out major repairs in the nursery, everything so that every patient can receive high-quality medical care in comfortable conditions on site, not only... in regional and
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republican centers. on the development of regional healthcare using the example of the capital of belarusian polesie in the section what people need. opportunities for professional growth, which especially attracts young professionals, and excellent working conditions. oncology dispensary nikolai fedorovich’s first place of work returned to rodnupinsk by assignment a year and a half ago. the entire range of endoscopic examinations is carried out here using modern equipment. today he is already fulfilling his duty. head of the office, we perform all gastroscopic procedures and colonoscopies, we can perform them either under anesthesia or without it, plus due to the receipt of new high-quality equipment, there is now the possibility of earlier detection of formations, literally in december last year he the code dispensary opened its doors after a large-scale reconstruction; some of its buildings even before the revolutionary... before construction
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in their previous condition no longer met the standards. almost everything here has been replaced and updated, including the equipment; in the future they plan to install a linear accelerator. the device is designed for external beam radiation therapy. we also have a wonderful centralized sterilization department and a new catering unit. the centralized sterilization department is designed for the work of both an oncology clinic and a maternity hospital, and a antenatal clinic. currently, more than 11 thousand people are registered; more than 1,200 operations are performed in the surgical department per year, including complex high-tech operations. the result was then assessed by elena dyrman from lunitsa; for six years she has been periodically coming for treatment to the pinsk oncology clinic. it was very inconvenient there, there were no repairs, this time i came for another examination and it was as if i was in a new hospital. here
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everything was done very well, cozy, very attentive, good staff, i am very grateful, and this is the pinsk children's hospital, 80 thousand small patients, treatment is being carried out here in various fields, while the building is undergoing a major renovation, everyone was placed in the building of the local maternity hospital. more than half of the internal work has already been completed here; an infectious disease building has been opened in the city’s central hospital, built from scratch in less than a year. previously, patients were served 15 km from pinsk. in the town of molotkovich, there were only up to 20% of the required boxed wards, everybody is here. the turn has also come for the reconstruction of the twelve-story medical building of the hospital; dismantling work is now underway. these serious measures for the reconstruction of the largest healthcare facilities in pinsk, they were planned in the program of social and economic development of the city of pinsk for the years 21-25, since pinsk is included in the cities of accelerated development, the task was set for... the design of the reorganization somewhere
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healthcare system, all the work is done so that a resident of any area can receive qualified, high-quality highly specialized assistance. in total , the city's healthcare institutions serve more than 370,000 patients; these are residents of the pinsk region, as well as from the tolinsky, luninetsky, drogichensky, ivanovo districts, and pays serious attention to medicine in other regions of the breshchina. work has begun on... major renovations at the baranovichi children's hospital, and design documentation is also being developed for the reconstruction of the baranovichi maternity hospital, work is scheduled to begin by the end of this year, one of the main facilities, which is being built here in the brest region, this is a new building of the brez regional clinical hospital. at the stage of completion , the reconstruction of the regional children's building is being updated, the main healthcare facility in mikashevichi is being updated, and even this year the central district... it was given back by the head
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of state, the identified shortcomings were eliminated by the ministry of health in close cooperation with local authorities . hundreds of rural outpatient clinics have been repaired throughout the country, and new equipment has been purchased. see details this thursday in the joint project of atn and the committee state control under the control of the president. availability, quality, timeliness, facets that set the vector. development for rural medicine, but the most necessary thing is healthcare, because we all come here all asking for help, equipment or qualifications, what is responsible for the contrast of these lines? communication between the doctor and the patient,
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it requires some kind of more attentive approach to each other. in general, what is the volume, so to speak, of the disaster that needed to be corrected? native land, it is much closer, again, here is responsibility to the people you grew up with, a joint project of the state control committee of the television news agency under the control of the president, look at may 23, the voice rhymes in the criminal procedure code of poetry,
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an intelligent sports city, today in the columns they are effectively investing in the minsk motor plant, it works here branch, this is tretze. famous for woodworking, meat products, fruits and berries; the most fashionable cinema in the city is located in the columns; a new social center will also be built service to the population, we will feel the comfort, style and stolptsov hospitality together with evgenia slesarchik, who has devoted many years to the field of education, the panorama project is a place to live.
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columns are my small homeland. i was born here, and i returned here as a young specialist. and now i have been working in the education system for 20 years. i am the principal of secondary school number three. recently our educational institution celebrated its fortieth anniversary. a significant event for residents of the stoptsovsky district was the opening secondary school number 4 in the city of stoltsy in the new one. the microdistrict school consists of five blocks, where there is a gym, a swimming pool, a gymnasium, assembly halls, an office for visual propaganda of the ministry of emergency situations, and stem offices.
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as a mother of two children, i am very proud of our central regional hospital, in recent years our hospital has been strengthened materially and technically, modern cosmetic renovations have been carried out, and of course, the hospital has acquired modern medical diagnostic equipment, it is open and functioning - an x-ray machine computed tomography, reconstruction of the surgical building was carried out, at the hospital we operate an interdistrict trauma center for m residents. five districts. stolbtsy is a city with great industrial potential. we have a branch of the minsk motor plant, where
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a casting complex was opened in 2020. also on the territory of the slavtsovsky district there is a meat-packing plant with almost a century of history, as well as the novosvezhensky forest. plant, we also operate the polos agricultural complex, now we are located at a branch of the gorodeysky sugar plant, where new types of sugar measuring are produced and developed. also, 19 recipes for the production of fruit and dessert fillings have already been put into production. birch sap, which is produced by the sugar plant, is in great demand not only in the columns, but throughout the republic of belarus. our cinema belarus received a second life, a major reconstruction was carried out, now
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it is a modern, multifunctional, developing space for young people. next to the cinema there is an area where they can watch movies outdoors. various promotions, events and presentations are also held here. stolbtsy is a place to live, i am proud of our city and i want it to remain as green and clean as it is now, and its residents to smile and be happy.
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this was the information picture of this environment, then the trends project is on air, all the best and don’t switch. the overdue president of ukraine, what new tests has the west, disillusioned with it, prepared for a country with empty streets? population ran away or died? or hiding somewhere out there, the death of the president of iran and the assassination attempt on the prime minister of slovakia, fatal accidents or a pattern, there are 100% political motives, the united states is not hiding anything about biden’s capacity and studying the consequences of nuclear strikes. i don’t know why you are all so surprised by trump, he has already proven so many times that we cannot be trusted. boeing aircraft are no longer considered reliable by the corporation. serious problems, two sudden deaths of engineers, all i can do is just
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run, it’s like i’ve been to hell, eurovision, a competition of winning lgbt activism, and now satanic occultism. this is the trends program, we are starting. zelensky's presidential powers have ended, of course, he... is not going to go anywhere, the vaunted western standards about the turnover of power, compliance with the legal principles of democracy, etc., etc., are now officially a fairy tale for the populace, using ukraine as an example. obviously, this state turned out to be a bubble inflated by the west; it took 2 years of svo for sobering up to begin. rights do not apply in ukraine people, people are being rounded up to the front there.
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men are hiding in their homes, this is a european country that does not let its citizens go abroad, with the western world, which does not see this, and it seems that it will soon begin to return. i don’t think so, i don’t think so, the coffee shops are empty, that’s it, and the wives are walking around, you know,
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even ukrainian journalists were unable to communicate with potential mobilizers, which is what the stories on local television are about, now all those liable for military service must clarify their data within two months, if you won't do it a wide range of punishments, deprivation of a car license, fines, possible arrest. property, writing off money from accounts, did not appear after being served with a summons, criminal liability, on television, deputies are indignant that they are choosing between prison and the front, people... one can understand that there is no way out of the armed forces of ukraine, but there is a way out of prison, for the army , for the home there is no way out, but from prison it’s okay, the expired president with expired powers zelensky blames the whole world for what’s happening. in the first hours of its disappearance, its legitimacy appeared
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a petition with a proposal to issue him a summons, but it was quickly deleted. west of the legal conflict that has arisen. doesn't seem to notice. there are more important things to do. the swiss publication claims that its population is in favor of the return of 11 thousand men to ukraine. there is information that the eu is introducing new rules for the stay of ukrainian citizens on the territory of the european union. an interesting paradox: ukraine’s allies are almost ready to deport escaped conscripts. and countries such as hungary advocate not extraditing its citizens to ukraine, because this actually means.
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countries before the hostilities, kiev cleared out the information field, banning alternative and opposition tv channels, and recently stopped paying pensions to old people who left for russian territory. the ukrainian crisis for the united states followed an unfavorable scenario. this is recognized by the fugitive russian opposition. kiev west is losing to putin. khodorkovsky's forecast is that if something is not
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changed, then by the end of the year ukraine will lose kharkov, and odessa in the middle of next year. attempts were made to expand this conflict to include belarus, the baltic countries, georgia and moldova, but this did not happened. the situation in the united states is such that they will try to intensify all possible hot spots that have been fueled in the last 30 years. why did blinken fly to kiev, not only to say that more people need to be sent to the front, but also karaoke, as well as dinner with kuleba, this looks like a distraction for the public, turning zelensky into a pumpkin after... the expiration of his legitimate presidential powers create interesting opportunities for radicalization. in kiev, blincon met with a number of political players, such as, for example, poroshenko. there is a concept for the return of the otaman region in ukraine, just like during the civil war of the 20th century, many mini-greens, instead of one main one, with their own armies and ambitions.
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you can play with them too. the us always does this. with this tool, it is possible to end a conflict. radicalize, at one time petlyura handed over control to the poles, that is, to an external manipulator, and since the united states does not care about ukraine, they will use every opportunity to realize their own interests, even if it costs ukraine existence. the stripping of the veil from the politics of the west continues through the mouths of its best minds; the fast-paced political strategist dominic cumincks, who in the nineteenth and twenties... was the chief adviser to british prime minister boris johnson, gave a scandalous, but also extremely frank interview. in it, he accused the western elites of starting the conflict on... without diplomatic frills, he formulated extremely precise characteristics of the current moment. so, four quotes that explain the essence of things that have been happening over the last couple of years.
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the west should not have gotten involved in this stupid situation in ukraine and talked about kiev joining nato. russia has repeatedly stated that this should not be done, why did we get involved in this stupid dispute, what is all this about? about a corrupt backwater country. committee on national security and defense and intelligence, david arakhamia said that the war in ukraine could have been ended in the spring of 2022, but boris johnson
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called on kiev not to sign anything with russia and just fight. while us president joe biden has once again demonstrated how difficult it is for him to control even his own speech. after he leaves you can. will compile a voluminous discussion of quotes from the politician’s mistakes, this time he made a reservation, but this is essentially the purest truth. during his speech to supporters, as well as criticism of trump, biden said that his administration could not be trusted, which caused laughter in the audience, but apparently did not understand such a reaction. by the way, according to the gelop survey, the disapproval rating of the united states as a leading global player has increased to 36. let me remind you that the white house doctor earlier said, that the president had been diagnosed with obstructive sleep disorder, which can lead to memory loss, decreased
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performance and deterioration of intelligence. joe biden's incompetence is a frequent topic in the west. at the end of this speech, the oldest president in american history again went to say hello to the void, as he had been seen to do several times before. how much i love donald trump, but i hope he loses the election, because then we will never hear new stand-up comedy from joe biden again. just listen his latest joke is that joe biden and his administration cannot be trusted. i don’t know why you are all so surprised by trump, he has already proven so many times that we cannot be trusted. how much longer can we hear trump's evidence that i can't trust biden? i don't know, this can be done forever, so they 're trying to sue this guy every single day, just because if trump doesn't go to jail, he'll damn well
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get rid of biden. however, the depth of the problems with... the usa has long gone beyond the discussion of its strangeness political elites. entire sectors of the economy are in a serious crisis, one of them is aircraft manufacturing, which accounts for 98% of the corporation’s current order portfolio. the reason is us foreign policy. all modern passenger aircraft are equipped with a system for generating neutral nitrogen gas. it prevents the formation of an explosive fuel-air mixture; without it there is no work. air supply and air conditioning system in the cabin, the main mechanical part of the system are heat exchangers, they are made in russia, after the introduction of us sanctions against russia, supplies
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stopped, it turns out that no one else makes them on an industrial scale, except for the russian federation, which is subject to sanctions, then witnesses in the trial about boeing defects began to suddenly die, some believe that this is very... about western import substitution and critical mistakes of the giants. our next material. one of the largest aircraft manufacturing corporations, whose products were held in high esteem even by world leaders, is leaving the radar of civil transportation; they are working in the wrong country. strict sanctions policy the united states is affecting both production and demand. china has already added this company to the list as part of its retaliatory measures. unreliable organizations. we're talking about boeing. now he is prohibited from engaging in trade with beijing or making new investments in the country. a blow to the production
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capacity of the aircraft giant also came from moscow. it turned out that boeing could not fulfill the plan for the production of the 787 dreamliner aircraft; they could not establish production of important spare parts and heat exchangers in the required volumes. they used to were supplied from russia from a joint american-russian venture. after the start of the svo, the americans curtailed their business in russia, they failed to find other worthy contractors, and that’s not so bad. the build quality not only leaves much to be desired, even premium class aircraft literally fall apart. in the sky, such situations are clearly not to the liking of the world's air carriers, the number of orders for aircraft and boeing in april alone decreased by 16 times, in march 85 problematic boeing 737 max were ordered from the manufacturer, but not in april.
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one thing, you shouldn’t be surprised at such a peak; even employees are talking about the company’s negligence. in 2019, i reported on workplace chaos, a dysfunctional safety culture, and the dismal government work in investigating two plane crashes. the world was shocked to learn of boeing's ongoing product quality problems. and i'm not surprised, because after two plane crashes nothing has changed, not a single employee went to prison, hundreds of people died, and justice was never served. if not accepted measures and managers will not be held accountable, every person boarding a booing aircraft is at risk. an al-jazeera reporter also demonstrated an example of courage. with a hidden camera, he asked boeing workers if they themselves would fly on the planes they assemble? would you fly on one of these? no. would you fly on it? no, you would fly on your own plane, it’s doubtful.
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doubtful, yes, i would probably do that if i had a death wish. other truth-tellers have no time for laughter, already two boeing whistleblower died under mysterious circumstances. former company employee joshua dean, after a sudden illness, although he led a healthy lifestyle, and before that , josh barnett, who the day before testified against aircraft manufacturers, allegedly committed suicide. others are receiving real threats. all i can do is just run, i feel like... i've been to hell, given my past, now i jump up at 3:00 in the morning from the feeling of someone stabbing me with a knife. boeing management denies everything, no persecution, just some employees the fantasy is too wild , the tongues are too long, as stated in the security service, the administration is intensively but politely dealing with the staff who are spreading rumors, however, billion-dollar contracts, the american airline has in production a more
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important and profitable product, military aircraft, and this allows not only to shut up orts are objectionable, but neglect the safety of civilians with impunity, war always comes first, and the white house will cover. they say you can't step into the same river twice. once secretary of state colin pavel, who left this world, showed off a test tube with chemical weapons for convincing. us aggression against iraq. it turned out that it was a pure fake, most likely washing powder; saddam hussein did not have any chemical weapons, but iraq was bombed. now the israeli ambassador to the un, during the general assembly, he remembered the test tube trick and clearly used a paper shredder to shred the un charter. and the whole point is that by an overwhelming majority , the united nations
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voted to force it. declared as justice for all, which is what we are talking about in this case, is that realpolitik turns out to be playing along with talk. it is impossible to approve of the actions of pro-palestinian radicals who massacred israelis, but in response, tens of thousands of palestinian civilians, including
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children, were killed, and it cannot be said that... the americans, british, french, who voted at the un against the right of this country to membership, ukrainians, germans, canadians, poles and finns would allow something similar to happen. it was normal, and for israel it was also normal, do whatever it takes to survive as a jewish state. another interesting and alarming news: the us house of representatives asked the country's ministry of defense
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to provide a report on the possible consequences of a nuclear explosion in space in connection with the threat from russia. this is the wording. people are preparing for a future they believe is likely. if we translate this into normal language, they are wondering if the united states hits russia with a nuclear weapon, what the retaliatory consequences might be. the future is being chosen in lithuania; presidential elections did not take place there the elections, well, that is, as they did not take place, there will be a second round, but what is happening is quite a movement in the footsteps of ukraine, an independent candidate who recognized the ownership of crimea by russia and said that the security of lithuania has decreased. lithuanian nationalists threatened to kill for nato, of course, it did not pass, the choice of the lithuanian voter is programmed, this is a pro-american, pro-nato path. as
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vladimir nabokov wrote on a similar occasion, elections in lithuania represent, except perhaps of entomological interest, special discoveries you can’t do it here, just like watching the life of butterflies, what happens is a literal repetition.
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but in the case of lithuania we are talking specifically about clans, here politics is a matter of class, strangers are not allowed into it, and even less people who are not under control are allowed in, and nausėda looked compared to his main rival. a moderate man, at least he did not demand to send lithuanian troops to ukraine, block russian transit to kaliningrad and, in general, spoke empty but correct words. our priority is creation welfare state, it is necessary to reduce social isolation, believe me, everything will be fine. elections are too important to be left to the whims of the electorate. in lithuania it is. fundamental management principle. 20 years ago, local political clans got burned; rolands paksas was elected president here, who decided that the mandate had been handed to him by the people; for just trying to sell a state-owned oil company to
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the wrong person, the self-confident president was impeached. there was a formal occasion, but everything, of course, is fine they understand that the dismissed one had a long trial and even achieved rehabilitation, but in the presidential... if someone else had been sitting for a long time to give up his place, he, of course, did not give up his seat. manageability and controllability are the main thing in lithuanian politics, so this version of the appearance of a certain eduard savaitkus on the ballot is quite appropriate. the only supposedly pro-russian candidate who was allowed to participate in the elections, i suspect for secret service purposes, to look at ... his election events, an approximate, approximate number in absolute numbers of the population loyal to russia, but of the active population. it’s a completely fair assumption: you can
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live in a lithuanian prison for a long time for a complete trifle, for flowers at a monument or insufficient enthusiasm for ukraine, and for an incorrect answer to the question whose crimea belongs, another would rot in hard labor, her hard labor today. no, but for the sake of such an opportunity they would not be lazy to create it, and vaitkus got away with it. the people of crimea voted for crimea to be part of russia. and the active operation of the lithuanian special services discovered something terrible. 7.5% of the population against constant confrontation with russia. moreover, they dared to vote for vaitkus, that is, they are not really hiding, but there are also secret sympathizers who were afraid to rebel, even just by checking the ballot. the president and prime minister immediately spoke out on this matter, in the sense that they did not hesitate.
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life in lithuania is the same as in the united kingdom. the voter who came and voted for a president who will make england better, has most likely already bought tickets back to london for 26 of may. the real lithuanian elections are not elections between nouseda and shamamet, but elections between spain, norway, sweden, ireland, germany and... other countries
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for labor migration, a choice in the absence of a choice, designed for a predictable result, in any case the president of the war will win, the president with the motto everything for the front, everything for the victory of ukraine, do not spare anyone, and understanding the varieties of lithuanian political clans is, in general, a completely useless matter and a very big amateur. the penultimate week of may will be remembered for two emergency incidents, one of them is the strange death of the president of iran: the helicopter could have been shot down. this version is naturally in the air. iran has plenty of enemies who would try such a combination in an attempt to find new points of destabilization in the middle east. he can confirm or refute this version. however, the proven story of the downing
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of iranian air force one can stir up the local society, again there will be those who want to saddle the people's anger in the style of controlled chaos, so perhaps the truth about the death of the country's president will become iran's main state secret in the near future. eight people, various officials and managers, died along with him; new elections must be held within 50 days. duties of the president. iran's vice president muhammad mukhbar will perform the duties. the second strange and tragic event is the assassination attempt in slovakia on prime minister robert fitz. five shots were fired by a seventy-one-year-old pro-ukrainian activist, writer, and supporter of the opposition party progressive slovakia. the country's intelligence services officially assume that the old man could not act alone. meanwhile, western journalists are already linking the shooter to the prime minister.
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one of the european countries that opposes the modern trends of the eu, lgbt, democratic, in quotes, bombings, undemocratic, also in quotes, countries, the rest of the rest, and you know, what is happening with the eurovision song contest is essentially a good mirror showing history, if not degradation, but a serious change in europe of the western world over the past half century. about 10 years ago, when i was working at one... channel we sent a correspondent to eurovision. when she returned, she shared the idea that she could walk around there completely naked, and no one would be interested. but this is such a strong hint at the total homosexualization of the competition. the current trends of eurovision, in addition to lgbt, are a strong occult component, satanism and
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deconstruction of christian morality. the threshold, which was considered such in the time of aba, today is already a demonstration. freedom and dignity, what is it, the destruction of traditional values ​​through culture. exactly 50 years have passed from the performance of the band aba at eurovision. the group members refused to take the stage of the competition in 2024; instead, they performed digital copies created by a neural network. the tv music festival is strong. has changed, once upon a time toto cutugno, julio iglesias, silinzione sang in it, they had songs. today it is very difficult to remember eurovision music, there have been no hits at all for many years, and you won’t be able to unsee the modern participants, even if you want to. what kind of eurovision is it without
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russia and belarus? what happens when music comes first instead of music? policy. the discrepancy between the ratings of the audience and the jury in israel was the opposite, which is why there was such a strong discrepancy in the bookmakers’ forecasts. there is an opinion that israel is on purpose. condemned. ukraine and croatia are the only countries that did not give israel a single point. the netherlands were completely disqualified right before the final,
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and no one admits why exactly. it turned out that countries such as moldova, without the traditional support points of belarus and russia, were destined for last places. now the agenda. eurovision as a parade of freaks has not been new for the last 20 years. however, this was not so obvious. today he demonstrates on this stage. at home for paraphernalia, behavior on the verge, men in thongs, frankly obscene things, i was unpleasantly surprised by britain with a number that was dubbed an imitation of sodomy in a public toilet, i was pleasantly surprised by the reaction of the audience, who awarded zero to this performer, but this was a drop of honey in a big barrel of tar and other similar numbers, looking ahead, i note, the guy named vue won. this year we added to the already familiar theme of non-traditional values. occult motives, they were present in many numbers, but the singer from ireland distinguished herself more than others, calling
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herself a witch and a non-binary person at the same time, her performance was a real satanic ritual: a symbol of the devil, a pentagram, summoning a demon, it is also interesting that the irish participant took sixth place in the audience vote, sixth place in the jury vote and sixth place in the overall rating, that is, it collected three sixes, sixsix. all that remains is to carry out the sacrifice live and you can rename the competition into non-vision or satanic vision. the winner was a guy from switzerland, who also turns out to be a non-binary person in a skirt and a pink sheepskin coat, that’s what he looked like before, but this didn’t help him win competitions, or what’s wrong now, the guy even managed to break it. crystal microphone, the main eurovision trophy. the tv festival perfectly shows the degree of degradation of the eu. if satanism and
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the threshold are not covered for many, there is only the surroundings of a toy. you can wonder for as long as you like how the cradle of talented classical composers in europe turned into something like this. but the most important thing to remember is that when you are invited to a cannibal party, it is not a fact that you were not invited as a dinner. what they fought for, they came up with, in belgium they introduced fines for priestesses of love, but not for prostitution itself, but for refusing a client. more than ten times within 6 months. the reasons, the measures taken are too frequent, a turn-around. let me remind you that this european country recently adopted a revolutionary law for sex workers. their rights are now regulated by the employment contract. workers in the sphere of intimate services can receive annual paid leave, have the right to maternity leave, unemployment benefits, medical insurance,
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and are awarded pensions for their years of service, but in addition to rights, a brothel worker will also have responsibilities and refusal to have sex can be considered a violation of the employment contract. the innovations do not apply to webcam models, porn actors and strippers. but i’m wondering, is this profession? so to speak, it is offered to the unemployed on the stock exchange labor in belgium, if a woman refuses an offer twice.


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