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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 22, 2024 10:35pm-10:55pm MSK

10:35 pm
love, however, not for the act of prostitution itself, but for refusing the client. more than ten times within 6 months. the reasons for the measures taken are too frequent, a turn-around. let me remind you that this european country recently adopted a revolutionary law for sex workers. their rights are now regulated by the employment contract. workers in the intimate services sector can receive annual paid leave, have the right to maternity leave, and benefits. unemployment, medical insurance, pensions are awarded for their length of service, however, in addition to rights , brothel workers will also have responsibilities and refusal to have sex can be considered a violation of the employment contract, the innovation does not apply to webcam models, porn actors, strippers, so i’m wondering if this profession, so to speak, is offered to the unemployed at the labor exchange in belgium, if a woman refuses the offer twice...
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vacancies , will her unemployment benefits be cancelled? in general, there are no more important things to do in belgium. it was the trends program. all the best!
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over the past year, the memorial was visited by more than 520 thousand people, and these were citizens not only belarus, neighboring countries, but also from abroad , the memorial was visited by representatives from myanmar, angola, vietnam, china, great britain, france, the usa, and a number of other countries, it must be said that as part of the reconstruction, it was created.
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the memorial complex is already a historical monument, but it must be said that on the open part of the memorial a very significant element of the memorial appeared, it was a recreated church, a church that was lost, just as the village was lost during the great patriotic war, the church itself was dated to the end xvi century, it was illuminated on november 6 , 1794 in honor of the virgin mary, then it moved into the womb. some new church, and not
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a reconstruction of the old one, yes, exactly a copy of the one that was in khatyn before the tragic events, but in addition to the church itself , the bell tower was also recreated, which was mentioned in the same documents, a bell tower on four pillars, it had three bells different weights, so everything is really this part of the village of khatyn, it was really recreated, well , let's say, completely down to the smallest... very important bits, well, they say that the new interactive museum is also of particular interest to visitors, tell us about this project, yes, indeed, in addition to the open part of the memorial and the renovation work carried out there, a new museum was created and opened, a completely new exhibition, and this is rather a museum of emotions, a museum space in
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which, with the help of new information technologies, there is a complete immersion in those dramatic events, the story goes rather than through: facts, although there is quite a lot of information presented there, in each room there are information panels containing information not only about the period of the great patriotic war, the first hall, for example, is generally historical, it covers a large period of our history, from the 10th to the 20th century, there is information about the post-war period, how memory was preserved, about those tragic events and tragedies that occurred on the territory of our country during the period of a...
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at the end of last year, khatyn was visited by a lot of belarusians, about half a million, in addition, foreigners also came, there were more than 11 thousands of people, why do you think our memorial complex is so popular? the memorial itself is such an open book that allows you to see the result of any military conflict, any aggression, any war, which, unfortunately, fell to the lot of belarus , and today, thanks to the creation of a new museum, this is... the topic is revealed by new information means, and visitors coming to the museum see how important it is to preserve peace, how important it is to know those tragic humanitarian
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catastrophe. 81 years have already passed since the nazis massacred civilians in khatyn, and we keep this memory, why in your opinion is this really important today. well , it must be said that you cannot build the future, you cannot live even today without knowing your past, and such a central place, but a very important place in historical memory, is occupied, of course, by the events of the second world war, the occupation that lasted on the territory of belarus for a full 3 years, led to huge human losses, this there was really a policy of genocide, tactics...
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the mood, i don’t know whether it’s necessary to put on a second beauty for beauty, let’s be afraid, you know, it will be very beautiful, imagine, here are the girls, boys, he’s talking about the roman patricians, and i he sews so beautifully and so well with a needle, god, this is just a piece of art, and there are also many interesting
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educational stories, greetings for the day, thank god for everything, besides the fact that he plays well, he also works with a masterful weapon. waved that i was just here you say correctly, and then immediately , inspired, a song comes, that’s what i actually thought, my name is marie, mesyatin, artist, ask. traveling is not only about getting to know history and sights. in 1717 , anna rodivil's wife.
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the route was built on the belarus 24 tv channel and
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the anthem is a connection and involvement with belarus, the country exists as long as symbols are celebrated, patriotism at the core and common victory, may 9 is a holiday of world significance, at the cost of millions of lives. you know, that is, this, this is intelligence, the mechanism puts a microphone, the device sends
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signal, and we need to regulate that the clock was running too, to preserve what our ancestors put into their work, this is our history and heritage, the main topics are on the main broadcast, watch on the belarus24 tv channel.
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how long have you held a book in your hands, flipped through page after page, greedily devouring every word? of all the manifestations of human creativity, the most amazing and worthy of attention are books.
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everything that humanity has accomplished has been preserved, as if by magic, on the pages of books; through reading , people survive centuries. doesn't bring closer generation, we value the past for our present. belarus 24.
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similar to euphrosyne, another important shrine of the monastery is its relics, we will tell and show it in spiritual and educational projects on the belarus24 tv channel.
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in numerical order, calculate first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth , seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, calculation is complete. darichka cadets, listen to me very carefully, today your life is only in your hands, perform the jumps according to the numbers, place your right foot in the right corner of the door, so that the toe sticks out a few centimeters forward, put your left back and keep your balance, under no circumstances should your head be exposed, otherwise it will blow away, cross your
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arms, follow my command. the first number approaches the door and pushes off with his left foot, we jump like a soldier, the interval between landing troops is 2-3 seconds, the task is yes, that’s right, comrade lieutenant colonel, the cadets are ready to load, run, march! well, comrades, cadets, let’s keep quiet because we’ve got water in our mouths, but come on guys, the first jump is the most difficult, although the rest aren’t much fun for you either they will bring it, my pilots
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are afraid to jump from a parachute, they compare jumping with a parachute, with a catapult, so as they say, have fun, even if the fuck it’s not fun for you at all, so tell me, what do you get pleasure from? i don’t know, from the plane, listen, i was surprised, but we’re all sick of these planes here, but you probably enjoy the girls?


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