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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 22, 2024 10:55pm-11:55pm MSK

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well, comrade cadets, let’s keep quiet about the fact that they recruited for childbirth, but don’t worry, guys, the first jump is the most difficult, although the rest won’t bring you much joy either. that my pilots are afraid to jump from a parachute, they compare jumping with a parachute to a catapult, so as they say, have fun, even if the fuck it ’s not fun for you at all, well, tell me, what do you get pleasure from? i don’t know, from the plane, i’m listening, i was surprised, but we’re all sick on the head from these planes, but you, probably from the girls. you get everything, but no,
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having opened the rich one, i don’t have the keys, well , it’s in vain, that no, believe me, the little god is better than the rich borch, so the team, yes, first, let’s go. the second one went, come on, where are the crayfish, then, the third one went, the fourth one went.
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van, don’t be shy, feel at home, thank you, yurka, oh, if only i were a little younger, i would have my eye on vanka. van, oh, let me, let me
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sew you a suit, and you’re so handsome here, well, my hands are itching to dress you up somehow, where can i get it in your suit, well how to where, show the army with three steps, be silent, your slant-eyed muzzle, you persuaded tanya to marry a kazakh, you vilified such chukchi, okay, don’t sniffle, you’re also a handsome man with us, indescribable, oh well, oh, van, and van, you have a girlfriend , but you don’t, well, clearly, you, yurka, look, you, look, keep an eye on him, okay. otherwise
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some professional woman will take him away from me, there are always such good guys marrying some bitches, aunt, mash, well , you have a tongue, well, how, by the way, could and without aunts, i also found a child, oh, there, there is no better sight for a woman than watching a handsome, young, strong man eat, yes you eat, eat, vanechka, eat, so you add some extra for yourself , well, and i, and i’ll go to your brother’s hotel, i’ll sort it out, thank you very much, it’s funny to you, my dear. darling, this
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isn’t even a letter anymore, i’m just writing to you in a thick notebook, maybe someday you’ll read it and you’ll understand how bad it was for me without you, i have no one to share my feelings with. no one they don’t need them, and apparently you don’t either, no, vanechka, i don’t believe, i don’t believe that you forgot me, i see your face, i hear your voice, do you remember what you told me then, remember, then on the dusty on the road near the truck, i will also love you all my life, my only vanka, no matter what happens in my life, i will love only you! what does it mean? this means that petrushin is your bastard. well, this is not news, but what are these keys? my keys. have you ever planned to rent an apartment from you? so you have two options. first -
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this is my living space, the second is the station, take your pick. great, that means i have nowhere to live now. so, for the especially deaf and those who do not understand, i repeat it loudly.
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and lesh, i’m not, lesh, well, you, wait, don’t rush with the answer, well, zhenya, well, seriously, no, take it. forgive me, lesh, we've passed, okay, fine, let's go, you'll
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live with me, i 'll connect with one of my friends, let's go, that's it, i'll live smarter, not discussed, let's go. people are envious, it’s unenviable for you, as if you didn’t want such a brother, you didn’t want it, but the fool wanted it, ratu cat from the wheelbarrow, but it’s enviable that you hate the cat so much, otherwise you really love him, you’re friends with him, just
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because he’s his brother, he promised to introduce you to him, and you’ve got plenty of bullshit, just sit there and don’t blather, just go away or give him away brother. you're getting wet in the ass, hold it, hold it,
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come on, senior lieutenant, let me analyze the flight and get a remark, go ahead, on takeoff you made a deviation to the left, so you retracted the landing gear at an altitude of 15 m, that 's okay, you retracted the landing gear at an altitude of 10 m, look, look, see how your older comrade flies, so strive, come on analyze further, on the first turn i allowed more than the specified roll, right? the long-range drive went 20% higher than the set altitude, and landed at the end of the runway just like
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a landing, picked up the speed a bit late during the leveling process, and in general, of course , a cadet of cats, if you move in the same direction, i don’t even know, i’ll have to praise you, or something, well , you don’t deserve a little more, as in general the sensations, great, pity, little, vital, well, not enough, the cat isn’t enough, you know,
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stone, icon and saborta, and hell has gone to hell developed the monastery itself. in the actions of these ladders, the might of the saints was killed, and it is true that if they succumbed to the altara, then the price was required for these ladders and the faithful ancestors of this ladder on their knees. cultural-asvetnitskiy project, architecture of belarus. architecture has no such thing as lapses. there's a little shark there, and there 's a little girl there. we are embarking on an expedition in
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the depths of our country. pragna will breathe the waters of the watery meadows, forests and pale forests and the admirable memory of life in the distance. today we are going on a folklore expedition. we will succeed and we will fall just ahead of vitsebshchyna. let's follow the history and myastsovye abrads. the greatest rulers would be mikalai khlyustsin, like... the grandee of any horse. meў pan 150 galova violent ragatay zhively swedish people. and what did you know that marysya and stasem were visiting the entrance hall. chula, i'm asked. yak yany geta so hutka pubudavalisya. dziva neikaya. good zen at your house, hi gastsey budze bagata. and give new life to old traditions. perši moladzec.
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allow me to enter, come in, i wish you good health, comrade general, hello, come in, sit down, well, how are you doing, good, comrade general, yesterday berezin called and said hello to you, since he matched you with me, i’m taking custody of
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you, i want to send you on a secondment on sunday. to your dacha, but you’ll give me some help, just the only thing, among the cadets, keep your mouth shut, i don’t need unnecessary conversations, i got it on my head, that’s right, comrade general, well, that’s great, let’s do it by an hour at sixteen. here is the address and how to get there by bus from the bus stop about 20 minutes through the forest, that’s it, i’m going to your lesson, there is, comrade general, do you decide to go? oh,
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my dear mother, my beggars are showing up , you’re feeding grandpa’s kids again, you hurt the merciful dinks, i won’t save you from you, oh, i can’t get rid of it, it’s too much for a hungry child to bow down to god himself, hey, gentropal, come to me, hello, one, hello, hold on, and that it’s equal for everyone, you understand me, pin, i’ve already taught you, you’re so impudent and gluttonous. “i’ll share, thank you, here, just hold it, come on, you asshole, put it down, put it down, whoever i’m telling you, i’ll see you again, i’ll tear your head off, don’t give a damn about the core, fucking noise, well why are you tearing off the throat, well, the toad didn’t strangle the fight, don’t be poor from your apples, hello, oh, pin, hello, where’s your gang,
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he’s catching up, fuck it, the day before yesterday he ran over a train from the woodsman, okay, okay, ok, what joys do you have here, to meet the train, the only entertainment for children, hold on,
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it’s no good, it looks like it’s bound to rain today. to saw off my leg with a saw, i decided to test myself, my will and strength, for sport, so you tested our strength and will, and you tested us, well, i’m saying, dead guys, a man must be strong
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brave, my brother is strong and brave, he fought for me in the war. that's why you're hiding behind your brother's back, you answer for yourself, you have to be strong and brave, your brother is not responsible for you, otherwise you're talking about your brother and brother, show yourself, then brag about your brother, i'll have to show you, we'll see, we'll see, well, well, good evening everyone, hello, zhenya, will you have some soup, no, thank you very much, sales, i don’t want it, thank you, here you go! eri, what should you tell your aunt wife? thank you. and you, as i understand it, always kicked evgenia alekseevna out of here? no, as soon as i sort out the housing, i’ll return it to you right away. of course, when the cancer hangs on the mountain, where is it now? at a friend’s, but it’s great,
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they use it there, of course, alexey is not a fool to take a drink of a bottle, i hope you know this well, no, i don’t know, i haven’t noticed this, although we’ve been friends with me for the first day, well that means you’re bad friends, i’ve never had anything like that either i noticed, zhenya, why are you here? and i'm on duty today. so is anya ivantsova on duty today? no, no, today is the eighth, even, i am
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tonight. today is the seventh, zhen, yesterday night lyosha was on duty, and today anya. yeah. has lyoshka already gone home? home, home somewhere? he already has some problems with housing; he has been spending the night with us in kostelyanskaya for almost a month. probably, they are now sleeping there after the night, like kastylyansky, kastylyansky, and okay, okay, i understand, thank you very much, excuse me and prick.
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lyosha - lyosha. uh-huh, lyoshenka, uh-huh, she came for you, uh-huh, let's go home, lyoshenka, uh-huh. no, well, it’s necessary, but it’s stalled on such a day , but don’t care about it, we’ll get there, let’s hurry,
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and there’s still a whole hour before it gets hard, you’ll have time, no be nervous, i’ve prepared food for you , come home, eat, you understand, i’m obeying, by the way, lugovay, we need to buy a bed first, because it’s cramped, and you ’ve been kicking me like a football player on the football field all night, you’re lying dunaev, i swear to the party, okay, we’ll tie our legs together, but i’m kidding. they wrote, well, evgenia andreevna, dunaeva, i congratulate you on your legal marriage, and i congratulate you, i love you, dunaeva, and now quickly blow on duty, blow on duty, bye bye
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wife, bye husband, excuse me, can you tell me to hold the left-hand pine hill, left-hander? you fly, a little with an instructor for now, but i fought the whole war on humpbacks, i hope you’ve heard of this? of course, i heard, the legendary soviet attack aircraft l2, they also call it a flying tank, right, but the nazis called it a butcher, a meat grinder, a plague, it was a good car, it’s a pity i don’t have time, i could tell you a lot about it, you’re in a hurry, that’s right, then go ahead your pine hill. and may the sky submit to you, thank you very much.
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boni, boni, who came there, who came there, my dear, let’s run to me, hello, hello, i’m visiting stepan alekseevich, but stepan alekseevich is not at home, yes, where is he, who knows, he left on business, uh-huh,
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stepan alekseevich told me. i came, well, since i said it, it means it’s necessary, well, why are we all standing, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, sit down, thank you, i’m natasha, and you’re ivan, so, so, i’ve heard a lot, but what are you doing, it’s like you swallowed a stake, that you are some kind of wooden ivan, relax, no one here is going to chop you with an ax, that we are all scraping around like a century, come on, okay, ok, in general, mom and dad went to the airport to meet mom’s parents, so you’ll have
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to wait for dad anyway, ivan. let's chat, what kind of music do you prefer? none, so what? yes , somehow there was no time for music, well, in vain. let's go into the house, i'll play you a jazz record. this is the first time i’ve seen such a handsome and such a downtrodden guy. please!
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so i believed, just like you in your book, and you continue to believe, it doesn’t work out, my name is pash, i can become your friend, if you want, i really want to, but if you want, i’ll give you all the books retell what i read, if you want me to tell you about the three musketeers, come on, these were three friends like that, they lived in france, served in the royal regiment, their name was... cat, cat, come here, forgive me, vitalik, let's tell me about them another time, okay, come on, you’re already gone, you’re already gone, okay, thank you, i’m very glad that we’re friends now, i’m very glad too, cat, hurry up!
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nature, i feel exactly at home, i want not only my roots to remain here, but also my children to feel here too right here, house to house stayed here, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, who and how is helping to make our lives better, what scientists are working on today, a group of small devices is being created, one device is made by belarus and... and two devices are made by the russian federation, this the grouping is designed to study near-earth space, weather forecasting only a network of surface non-theoretical stations is not enough, because the weather, as we know, is formed at altitude, so we need high-altitude
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observation data, complex things in simple terms, we today we are seeing a trend where the magnetic poles are shifting to the south, due to this , an effect such as northern sowing is already observed in belarus. as well as the most interesting facts: the history of belarusian synoptic meteorology began in the thirties of the last century, when we opened a hydrometeorological institute. watch the “science is nearby” project on our tv channel.
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hello kitten, what kind of kitten? well, you’re a cat, everyone calls you cat, but not everyone calls you, i ’ll call you kitten, somehow ivan suits me better, oh, i don’t care at all i’m interested in what suits you there, by the way, you’re better off without her, it’s as if michelangelo sculpted you from granite, who? oh, it’s clear that you ’re not interested in anything else besides your planes? sorry, i have to go, stand, by the way, i came here for you, i’ve never come to my father’s work before, i didn’t give a damn, it’s clear, so
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what? and then, and the fact that i came to the cinema to invite you, let's go on saturday, in fact , guys invite girls to the cinema, and not vice versa, but i don’t really care about yours. listen, whether you like it or not, i won’t leave you, because i like you, i haven’t liked any of the guys before, ever, they’re all kind of colorless, i ’ll get movie tickets tomorrow morning, and in the evening at 7:30 i’ll wait for you near vynpel until the kittens are born.
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and what will happen if you put it on the rails, what, nothing, it will come, it will rush further, and i will go to your brick, to the elephant ... and in our village the boys lay under trains, like under trains, and just like that between reals, we lay down and waited, the weather would not rush the train. and that he really pressed them? no, i probably wouldn’t lie down, but you would lie down for a year, i don’t even know where you are, you only know how to brag about your brother, how to lie down, so immediately your pants are wet from fear, whoever’s pants are wet, now i’ll take it and lyaku, you won’t lie down, the pressure is weak, exactly, the pressure is as tarasich said. if you win an argument, that means you are brave and strong, but
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if you fall asleep and lose, then you will stand on the kairachka, and we will urinate on you and tell everything to your brother, come on, lie down, lie down, lie down, lie down, show how strong and brave you are, how your brother. until the train passes, don’t move, i understand,
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maybe it’s not necessary, but he’s already sucked, right? cat, ko, cat, cat, ko, cats, cat, cat, cat, cats, cat!
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oh, alexey, eating dry food is extremely harmful to the stomach, i see, your wife, by the way, doesn’t spoil you with pickles, but mine will learn and work, i’m not a pickle eater. uh-huh, she’ll ruin
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you, you’re madame zhanko, don’t croak, the guy has his whole life ahead of him, an outstanding russian artist, from a russified german family, the second r, seven letters ends in v, and this is brilov, right, right, and you’re very shrewd person, margarita afana, why guess, help yourself. yes, you know , i can’t, help yourself, thank you, put it, i ’m still, i love brelov very much, that’s what, he has such ladies, all with skinny, ala natalya goncharova, you know, like now, brilov, by the way, was in love to countess samoilova, i just lost my mind because of her, pathological poisoning of a person, eight letters, nenya, this is for our doctors, please,
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toxicosis, why, toxicosis, well, toxicosis, this is when pregnant women, you know, how from where? hello, hello, lesh, come out, please, what's the deal for belarusians?
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that navi is pregnant, uh-huh, a pathological
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condition caused by poisoning, the same as eight letters during pregnancy, why tunav, what are you talking about? and the devil knows me, zhenya, my dear, my dear, hurray, i will become a father, i will have a child, thank you, zhenya, there are none, hurray!
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well, the third day, after all, he’s been lying drunk, how will he fly now, nothing, i talked to the commander today, he said that they will get into position, positions, head something like loved him, loved him for everyone, because of his father, for his mother. such a stupid death, i feel sorry for the boy, i feel sorry for ivanka, he’s still alone in the whole world, nimble, and don’t
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say anything, my soul hurts, but at the grave he screamed, my heart can’t stand it , yuri, and yuri, what if he doesn’t get better at all, he gets better, man, he’s strong with us, he’s for him, you know, what kind of character he is, he really wants to fly, i think this will get him out. i forced him to drink this vodka myself, i think it will make him feel better, some kind of thing, and it gushes and gushes, there’s no way to stop maybe.
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vanya kotov here, let’s say, and what else and what else you call me immediately, i’ll take it and i won’t call you, i don’t have a yard where i can’t let any girls into the house. to the dacha.
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good morning, kitten, i’ve come to my senses, van, you are the best man in the world, you loved me so much tonight, by the way, who is zhenya? well, shall we get up? let's go, kitten, our mother is there tomorrow. obrigadão.
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well done, well done, come on, come on a little more, just a little bit, well done, more, stew, stew, a little, just a little, well done, well done! well done, just a little more, just a little bit, well done, here, here, here, well, well, well, well,
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mommy, your son was born, 71, 72, 73, 74 , 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 8 89 9 91 92 9 4 9 5 9 6 90 what are you counting ivan 185 uh it’s you for me it’s me for you yeah and i’m counting the steps in vain yes yes i should read poetry , what kind of poetry do you like? ivan, you don’t need to read poetry now, you need to sing songs now. yes, yeah, but i’m not ivan, i’m alexey, that’s how it is, yes, but
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i thought your wife called you while she was giving birth. well alexey, your son was born, congratulations, son, yeah, son, son, oh! “i’m not forcing you to get married right now, this matter can wait until the new year holidays, we’ll play the wedding quietly, we don’t need the school to know that you’re mine, it will interfere with you, you’re already like
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family to us, understand , that now you are not alone, you have a family, i am like your own father, and olga yuryevna dotes on you, and that you have absolutely no feelings for natasha, why are you silent, don’t you love her like that? oh well, she’s my girl, she’s smart , she’s tenacious, she’ll tame you, i’m not into that i doubt it, be caring, don’t offend her, that’s enough for me, and you won’t offend me, guy, you’re
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decent. beznitsa, i saw through you right away, just like that, she fell in love with you at first sight, now i can’t recognize you, i won’t be able to. to deceive yourself, to deceive natasha, it’s better to kick me out, you learned, i won’t be able to , but you were able to sleep with her, you know how it happened, comrade general, i was not sober, these are not excuses, ivan, a matter of honor above all, there is you have a man's honor, or are you
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a loser, you slept with a girl in the bushes you fade away. why are you silent? no, i won’t fade away, why am i being so friendly here? i can’t, kick me out, are you a man or not? man, i'm getting married, comrade general.
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promising projects and investments by a great stone resident are approaching a billion dollars. about big plans, the plot of the program. work of service 115 bel of the law on drinking water supply. we'll soon tell you what the relevant parliamentary commission discussed with the minister of housing and communal services. boom in the capital's real estate market. why is the number of transactions growing and what is happening with housing prices, we ask. specialist this is an area of ​​interest, we are talking about significant events in the economy. veronica buta is with you. hello. the great stone industrial park is drawing up development plans until 2030. the number of residents
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is planned to double, meaning up to 270 companies and 11 thousand jobs. investments in the implementation of projects are estimated at no less than $1.5 billion, and annual exports of goods and services at 500 million. housing and clinics will be built on the site. schools, kindergartens, so that social infrastructure does not lag behind production. it's half already the park's companies produce finished products, including engines, lasers, the latest medical equipment, and gyroplanes. this is a platform for new high-tech products. initially , companies that were engaged in logistics or warehouse activities entered the park. now there is a great demand for production space. 133 companies, moreover. big plans for the development of the park came this year, the prime minister was told about them. from this year we are planning the first stage, in fact the infrastructure has been developed, from this year we are planning to move to the second stage, the second stage is along
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the airport runway, 417 hectares, gray in color, this is an industrial development zone, the most key project there is the railway terminal - the eurasian railway gateway, which means that now, by the way, this site is already being prepared, here it is, 40 hectares of land already.


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