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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 23, 2024 12:45am-1:09am MSK

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i was born in the city of baku, i am a native baku, i know my roots back to the 18th century, i am azerbaijani by nationality, absolutely by accident, i had a business trip here two years ago.
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consciously i feel like in the city where i lived for 50 years, we had such an informal meeting in grodno with my work comrades, i said that i don’t know how long god has given me to live, but i think i’ll live it in belarus and when they ask me where you are from, i will say, i come from grozny, please tell me, today, where do you work?
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so the employees told me afterwards and they were pleasantly surprised, the language of my communication is the first russian, well, in addition, i speak other languages, also turkish, english, a little ukrainian, so i understand a little bit of the belarusian language too. elgar, you have a very impressive resume, you have worked, have experience in different countries for life, and you have chosen belarus for yourself. why? you know, living in belarus was my conscious choice.
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this is the very first object, a large one, a capital construction object, which is completely was carried out by ours. our nitrogen releases it, production is loading, but currently there is no loading, this is a loading area, this is a storage tank, and the production itself directly takes place behind this blue fence.
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enterprise, engineer, especially the chief chief engineer of our unitary engineer, this is, let’s say, the brain of our
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enterprise, the success of our enterprise depends on its coordination, correct decisions, production issues, when i started managing this enterprise, i was literally entrusted with 3 days before admission to the position, prepare and present a business plan, the first thing i indicated is that i need a team, it should be...
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i’ve traveled, i ’ve been to somewhere in more than twenty countries, well, i don’t want to, there’s no one to talk bad about, well, here we go it’s when you’re walking down the street and people throw guns or some kind of garbage. i was on a business trip, just from here to zagreb in croatia, i also noticed that there were even cigarette butts there, although this is europe, and you noticed that in any city, even a small village, if you pass through belarus, no one will allow himself this to do, a person often, well, this is his essence, he probably cannot appreciate what he has,
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a truly socially protected country, and people are just used to it, i don’t think there are so many countries where the person who works pays.. 20% to lead a team of belarusians, now we came to zhilibert park, after work, when the weather allows me to not be too tired, i like to walk, i often walk in this park, i also like sovetskaya street, it’s like arbat, a similar street. we have it in baku, it was called before the revolution trading
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we also have a great concept of family, namely a full-fledged family, when both a man and a woman create a family, do everything for the children, and then if god gives the opportunity for grandchildren, you have also done a lot for your family, i have two daughters, they are both students , my eldest daughter is now continuing her...
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there are very wonderful lakes, forests, you have different ones, we also have forests, there are many beautiful forests in the caucasus mountains, but these are the belarusian forests, they are different, they are not even like in russia or on kurain, well, i don’t know, i already it seems that i know how to answer this, let's go on an expedition to...
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uvakhodzіny spўlyayutsya, chula, and i am asked, as yany geta so hutka pubudavalіsya, dziva neikae, good day at your hut, may the good news be rich, and give new ones to the old traditions zhytstsio, first šy moladzets bary dzevitsiu, the garden is harvested, the unmown grass is right for projects for peradumina. on the belarus24 tv channel, the flag, coat of arms and anthem are a connection and
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involvement with belarus; the country exists as long as the symbols are honored. patriotism is at the core of common victory. may 9 is a world holiday meanings.
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we are now on the banks of the wonderful neman river, you know, it’s better than me. attracts, it does not flow along one line, it is like life,
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it has many different turns, like in life, but at the same time it continues to flow, when you stand on the bank of a river or lake, a person gets some other sensations, he -to another, perhaps even looking at the world, and of course the fox. there are not so many forests in azerbaijan, for example, i ’ll say this thing, i picked mushrooms for the first time in my life last summer, and this black one too.
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in many cities where i have been, this is not artificial, but a love that comes from the soul, for the exploits of previous generations, and belarusians were able to pass this on from generation to generation, when the conversation turns a little bit about the future, i
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always wish it to my belarusian friends. .. to loved ones, so that we, including me, can preserve what we have, this is peace on our land, you know, history is always heterogeneous, in the life of every person and every country there are different stages, but most importantly - save your face, do so, to be respected. i believe that belarus occupies a worthy place among other countries, and this will only strengthen in the future. i sincerely believe there is a good future for the belarusian people and the country as a whole. from the first day i stepped on belarusian
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soil until today, i have never felt myself. yes, i have a russian education, i speak russian perfectly, but nevertheless, the attitude of belarusians towards people who want to live and work here, i would say, it is ideal, i have never felt like a stranger here, except moreover, for example, in gronno itself there are churches.
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this is also important for a person, for different people there are different values, for some material values ​​are placed above, for others.
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maybe, but it’s very pleasant for me to be here mentally in every sense of the word.
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she sings once, she sings twice, i flog you, canor, complain about my singing. twenty traditional songs are among the elements of the intangible cultural decline of belarus. young cossack, young cossack,
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i’ll take it and slaughter it. drawing on fabric is the easiest way emphasize your individuality. today , ornaments are so diverse, ranging from classic stripes or checks, to abstract ones and even those that are stored. we have centuries-old traditions of weaving, but is it so easy to transfer a design onto fabric, what modern technologies are used today, and most importantly, how did a design on fabric come to life
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in the distant past? let’s talk with real professionals in their field and find out the answers to these and many other questions. alina nivoina is with you, and this is the fashion for culture. many of you are familiar with the poem of our outstanding one. compatriot, poet maxim bogdanovich slutsk pumpers and the forgotten hand for the mish of the persian pattern of flowers radima cornflower. weaving is perhaps the most widespread type of belarusian folk art. the ability to weave was mandatory for every girl, and it was not for nothing that the bulk of the dowry consisted of woven items, bedding, towels, tablecloths, and weaving. was a purely female occupation, only with the development of commodity production it became the lot of male craftsmen. many ancient folk rituals and customs are associated with this craft.
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very often it is mentioned in belarusian folk songs, but how did the design on fabric appear, for example, embedded weaving, with the help of which our ancestors created rich decorative designs, complex in technology, and various geometric and floral patterns.
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belarusian art -


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