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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 23, 2024 2:00am-3:10am MSK

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it shakes you so much, well, whatever happens there, you know, uh, there is such a thing, after all, how would it be easier to chase than to worry? so, well , probably an everyday question, like a father, father, and tummy, what is sick, you know, you probably know how to diaper, you went through everything here, that’s right, i understand this school of life, i don’t hide anything, yes, i i can change the child’s clothes, feed him, put him to bed, take him for a walk, as it were, it doesn’t take any effort for me. and as if everything was simple, as if i could get up at night, and yes, there were these first sleepless nights, when the child cries, yes, of course, somewhere anya will sleep, somewhere i will sleep, of course, you change in any case, she plus even when she started training, well, i train, as if of course these are the first moments, it’s been hard for 3 months , you go to training, you’re so tired, you want to sleep, you know, well , it’s like this, well, you overcame all this , it all seemed to go quickly, smoothly and... your tummy hurt
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or didn’t hurt, this espomisan was all that too , we all went through all this, it was as if this one was cutting his teeth, it was generally just sleeping and sleeping at night, then he screams sharply and you don’t you know what to do, but you already understand that these are teeth, as if everything has been read already, as if everything, you get up there, took painkillers or something else, again the question is of course for a crazy perspective, but still you want your daughter to have a sports career , thought or not? maybe cycling is a priority in her life or biathlon, well, tell us your thoughts here, to be honest, our child will choose his own path, he wants, maybe she will play the guitar, study at a music school, how would she will choose on her own, we definitely won’t force her, how let's see if she has something to gravitate towards and let her go. and that’s all for
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today, the tv news agency presents a project of sports footage for belarus 5. see you later. its history, its nature, its culture, its faith. her people and her generosity. you will feel it once and never forget it again. everything is real here. hello, the program “sas is authorized to announce its presenter” is on air.
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will not do it, because of the respect for our relations between the fraternal peoples of belarus and azerbaijan. alexander lukashenko also noted that belarus offers azerbaijan to create joint pharmaceutical production. as a result of official negotiations between the heads of the two states, a package of international documents was signed, including an intergovernmental protocol on the mutual use of electronic systems for certification of the origin of goods. in anticipation of the president's visit, leaders. belarusian government bodies and enterprises held negotiations with their azerbaijani counterparts in baku. in addition, these days the capital of azerbaijan hosts the region's largest agricultural exhibitions. during the forum, belarusian producers reached agreements worth $54 million. the right-wing anti-immigrant freedom party will enter the dutch government for the first time in history. after 6 months of negotiations, right-wing leader geert wilders, whose opponent. will not receive, so as not
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to provoke unnecessary criticism due to his past sharply anti-islamic position. at the same time , he stated that the program of the new cabinet includes the maximum tightening of the rules for obtaining asylum in the netherlands, and the refusal to providing migrants with priority social housing, reducing fuel taxes, building new nuclear power plants and easing restrictions on farmers and fishermen, introduced under the pretext of concern for the environment. in addition, the right promises to toughen the fight against street crime and deport those granted asylum if they commit violent crimes. slovak prime minister robert fica was the victim of an assassination attempt and received several bullets. a few minutes earlier , the head of the slovak government left cultural center in the city of gandlovo, where a government meeting was held and decided to communicate with the people. at that moment, someone in the crowd called out his name, and then shots rang out. the shooter, a seventy- one-year-old poet, admitted that he committed the assassination attempt for political reasons.
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the tragic incident caused shock and outrage not only in slovakia. leaders of many countries sent messages to bratislava with words of sympathy and support. i believe this is the result. inflaming passions and dividing slovak society into two irreconcilable camps, noted the acting chairman of parliament. “i am terrified of what hatred of other political views can lead to, ” petr pellegrini, the elected president of slovakia and longtime ally of robert fitz, commented on wednesday’s event, adding that the assassination attempt on the prime minister poses a threat to everything that has so far adorned slovak democracy . the head of the ministry of internal affairs expressed a similar opinion. for the first time in 31 years ours. it is known that the best game for politicians and diplomats is not classical chess, but ancient chinese game of go. she teaches thoughtfulness, strategy, and
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long-term planning. in this game , the concepts “snt” and “goth” are of great importance. cst suggests that the player can choose which move to make. based on his tactical and strategic considerations, that is, the position on the board does not force him to make any specific move under the threat of losing stones or seriously deteriorating his position. goto is a position where a player is forced to respond to the opponent’s previous move in a very specific way. it is clear that china is in a cnt position; it contraction, how long it will last, this will be discussed in today's program. i'm glad to welcome you. participating in our program today is nikolai evgenievich budin, chairman of the standing commission on human rights, national relations and the media, house of representatives of the national assembly of the republic of belarus. glad to see you. and also today in our studio sergei borisovich
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stankevich, politician, political scientist from the russian federation. greetings. good afternoon. well, the doctors managed to stabilize the state of slovak prime minister robert fitz. but the situation is still very serious, this is a topic that we could not help but discuss at the beginning of the program, despite the fact that we stated the topic of our program, after all , the visit of mr. fitz was committed for political reasons, this was the statement made by the head of the ministry of internal affairs of slovakia about the assassination attempt. do you agree with this statement? i agree that... that this is a purely political crime, a small central european country, slovakia, peaceful, quiet, prosperous, 5.5 million population, everything is fine, everyone is working, a completely clear development prospect, and well , no, no need and misfortune of the
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masses, nothing that would provoke any serious internal conflict, nothing this is not the case, this is an artificially introduced political confrontation that ended with... such a criminal episode, fortunately, not tragic. yes, nikolai evgenievich, from the very beginning we have been monitoring the situation surrounding the assassination attempt on robert fitz. this fact is a result decades of hatred, incitement to violence, vulgarization of society in order to more effectively control it, and many find traces of the globalist elite, which is interested in this and understands that the main enemies are currently theirs. world order, the vision of what the world will be like, are such right-wing conservative politicians as the same robert fitze, mr. orban, the leader of serbia, mr. vucic, and of course, the key players in this battle are the belarusian leader
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alexander lukashenko, and the leader russian federation, vladimir putin. i completely agree with you, here it is worth talking about the principle that whoever is not with us is against us. what's the point? the fact that a national leader has emerged who is trying to defend the interests of his own state, trying to pursue a policy in the interests of his own people, even if it... has certain characteristics, but this is a political leader who claims independence, no one wants to allow this in today’s europe , and moreover, clearly shows, demonstrates that this is not possible, anyone who tries to pursue an independent policy is not immune from such a development of events, since slovakia is the smallest country that... i would say, even safely, what we just talked about is precisely in this country, carrying out
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such a terrorist act, there is no other way to call it, directed against the highest official of the state, it demonstrates the scope or limit of cynicism that modern globalists can go to in order to solve own tasks, and no one is immune from this development of events...
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recently i heard news from a belgian newspaper, they cited statistics that more than 50% of slovaks support russia’s victory in the so -called russian-ukrainian war. and they stated what was happening on this issue.
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and this is only possible without the participation of the united states, which has its own interests in
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this world. sorry, last question for you. how will this situation affect the upcoming elections to the european parliament? we must wait at least a few more days and see what will be the results of the investigation.
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if it weren’t for the short timing of his tour, there would have been a meeting with robert fitz, because mr. xi, i think, perceives these leaders as his partners, including the russian federation and the republic of belarus. yes, sergei, two more words about robert
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fitz, this is not his first time in power, he is not a newcomer who has been elected for the first time, he has been in power four times, four times in slovakia. everything he says and does is not news, not for slovakia, not for the world around him, he a consistently nationally-minded , nationally active leader, a peaceful leader for development, for international interaction, in this capacity he continued his activities, but why now, because, firstly, a president was elected, his like-minded person, pilgrimi and, that is, they have such a powerful tandem, a political connection, and secondly...
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we are watching how it goes further, let us recall the details of sidinpin’s tour to europe in our story, we are watching together. sitzen pin's tour of europe has become one of the most discussed topics in mass media. from may 5 to 10, the head of the people's republic of china visited france, serbia and hungary. this was the leader’s first trip to europe in the last 5 years, which also showed that beijing values
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​​chinese-european relations, as these words are confirmed by dozens of agreements signed during the visits. cooperation. we have a special understanding of the east. we also have a special understanding of china. and we never view china as a danger. we always consider him as a relative, a friend. sedenpin's trip to budapest became the most important in his european tour in terms of investments. chinese investments in the hungarian economy exceed 16 billion euros. this is partly why beijing attaches great importance to the development of relations with hungary. in addition, all three countries are china, serbia and hungary. high-speed railway budapest-belgrade, so the choice of countries for sidin pina’s visit is not accidental. france, serbia and hungary pursue independent foreign policies to varying degrees. simply put, the influence of the united states in these states is least noticeable. and this is
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the trip of the chinese leader, including an attempt to show that china is ready to take a course towards... for this, and on mutually beneficial terms, because in budapest in belgrade the leader of the people's republic of china was greeted especially warmly, as xidin ping himself noted, chinese-sino cooperation serves the fundamental and long-term interests of both countries, this, perhaps, is the main message, he seeks to demonstrate partners opportunities for mutually beneficial cooperation. the republic
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of serbia and the people's republic of china are moving away from the strategic relationship to which we managed to raise our bilateral ones. beijing is ready to develop with paris and it’s not just about the economy; analysts believe that the head of the prc is betting on macron as the future leader of the eu, who will be able to reduce the eu’s dependence on the united states. the head of france openly disagrees with washington on some issues, for example, regarding the middle east. paris and beijing certainly have common ground. so, during the french-chinese summit in paris, the parties signed 18 agreements, they affected the aviation industry and agriculture. humanitarian sphere and beyond. in china they understand that against the backdrop of the country’s economic and military development, its relations with washington will become tense, but not all of europe blindly
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believes what is said in the states, and building relations with these countries is a fruitful idea. china is interested in having as many influential poles as possible in a multipolar world. nikolai evgenievich, you are a frequent guest on our program, i am very happy about this, and we have a tradition of starting a discussion on the topic of the program with blitz.
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interaction with china is what we have been able to create over many years, please note attention, 2022, 2023, we are increasing in any case, we are increasing in all directions, and this allows us to survive the most difficult times, when we are called: aggressors, when all possible economic levers are closed to us, how they are used on us, when we markets are closed, in these conditions, this figure shows that the country has chosen the right vector of external development, that once many years ago the right direction was chosen in terms of development, the first from the point of view of its own allies and friends, and for us this...
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they're going to china to see sidinping, what's this about? says,
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this shows that fools look far away, they understand that china cannot be stopped, and much will depend on china in the future, they were lucky to participate in this event, this phrase from our president clearly describes the trends that are happening today moment in the world, what is happening, anyone can talk about china, whatever you want, but everyone is going there. bow, everyone is trying to organize interaction with this state, but china clearly chooses friends and clearly chooses partners and draws this line that borisovich just spoke about, by the way, i really remember this, clearly, he said the head of state of the chinese that this is our partner with whom we will deepen cooperation, and that phrase, who chose he
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is on his side, the chinese never say: for taking the time to us, hello, hello, always, it’s a pleasure to communicate with you, well, my first question is as follows, as part of his european tour, chairman xi, whom you know well personally , from three stops, two were done in the capitals of countries that, on many issues, refuse to follow the course of washington and brussels and maintain good relations with russia, apart from a slap in the face by the decliner, as you call the western elite,
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see... well, i would, of course, like to consider this as friendly gesture, but in this particular case, chairman xi, as a leader of geopolitical scale, he , first of all, of course, always proceeded from the national interests of china, and this, by the way, is good, because this is the brix alliance, which we have formed, where we and china play a very important role, this is... is an alliance of sovereign states, that’s what each of these states cares primarily about its national interests, and let’s say not about overseas interests, and does our union is so promising, and this is precisely the fact that the authorities of hungary and the authorities of slovakia are trying to implement their independent policies, which is precisely why the eyes of not only the russian
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federation, but also... such powers as china are turning to them, in general, i heard, i read a lot, that's it an attempt was made on the life of a pro-russian politician, well, that’s what our enemies basically say, you know, even the one who shot said that he shot because he seems to be pro-russian, in fact he is a leader who has enormous political experience, he comes out of the fundamental interests of the people of slovakia, in fact, the leader of hungary is doing the same. therefore, here is just such an alliance of sovereign states, completely sovereign states, or states that are on the way towards liberation from such semi-colonial or neo-colonial dependence, this is a very promising alliance, and we will strengthen it in every possible way, for this, by the way, we formed, including with belarusian comrades in february , a worldwide movement for the freedom of the nation, dmitry anatovich became its chairman of the permanent committee medvedev. yes, andrey
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arkhavich. i absolutely agree with you, indeed, sovereign states are a key target, yes, for destruction by the western alliance, but at the beginning of 2022 you in russia were one of the few who called for a sober look at russian-chinese relations in the context of the special operation in ukraine, and to rely mainly on one’s own strengths. and you really turned out to be right; china never came out openly in support of russia, as many in moscow probably would have liked. at the same time, western politicians and experts unanimously assert that the role. the fact that russia withstood unprecedented pressure from the west and entered a victorious trajectory, this role is quite significant, for what exactly in your opinion should the russian people be i am grateful to my chinese friends in this difficult time, you know, of course, in general, in principle, we are grateful to all those states that did not follow washington’s lead, and
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this is not just a figure of speech. and here, strictly speaking, there are no trifles in this matter, we understand that we must do our work ourselves, in the end we are talking about protecting the security of russia’s national security. this is not some kind of special assistance, you know, this is precisely the continuation of partnership relations, but i must emphasize that there are states who really provide what is correctly called assistance, there are not as many of them as we would like, but they exist, they
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provide this assistance very seriously, and they do it understanding all the risks, by the way, our chinese comrades, when they continue a normal partnership , it’s exactly them... it remains, uh, let’s say, very promising, it has huge potential, it’s mutually beneficial, you mentioned here that i actually had the honor of participating in some personal meetings with the chairman
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of this negotiations, so to speak, on exchanges opinions mainly on our party format, but there have always been very frank conversations with a full understanding of what is happening in reality and in the global world, in our countries, therefore it is very convenient to work with such... partners, and this is truly mutually beneficial cooperation . yes, andrey arkavich, stay with us for just a couple more minutes, nikolai evgenevich, i can’t help but ask you about this. last year there were enough grounds to assert that the union state of russia and belarus a coordinated policy in the chinese direction emerged. this is how you see the role of minsk in this tandem this year, can we expect it to be in dialogue with other new centers of power, india, iran, brazil, and many.
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allows the development of the eastern direction, i really liked the thoughts that were just said by our colleague, yes , china definitely has its own views, they have their own national interests, like any country, but in today’s world we have these
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interests russian federation, near the republic belarus and china have a common direction of development, and if we are together, we show, demonstrate to the whole world the ability to... counter all possible threats in today's conditions, despite the wildest pressure, despite the fact that they are trying to kill us economically, we are able to overcome these difficulties, and seeing this, other states are little by little joining us, yes, andrei arkadyevich, i really would like to hear an answer from you regarding the role of minsk in this tandem, you know, we at one time... signed fifteenth year , a joint statement with china was made on may 9 on a very significant day, between moscow and beijing, and there were such words about the need to interface the chinese project, this one belt, one
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road project of our project together with the republic of belarus, by the way, eurasian economic integration, in this regard , all official documents have already been signed, moreover, i will tell you, we now have a very powerful... party dimension of our russian-chinese relations, it is already more than 20 years old, the united russia party is cooperating here with the chinese communist party, but when a new party, white russia, appeared in the republic of belarus. we really provided assistance in order to very quickly include ours in this dialogue - that means, as one of the participants, namely representatives of white russia, the leaders of white russia, now, in particular , the movement for the freedom of nations that i spoke about is there a permanent committee has been formed, and a representative of the republic of belarus, the white russia party, and naturally our very high-ranking officials are present there on equal terms chinese comrades, so we are expanding this work. in very different directions, in different formats, and of course, we
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continue to develop our community within the framework of the russia-belarus union state. by the way, when i spoke about countries that directly help us in this difficult moment, of course the republic of belarus was among them. thank you very much, incredibly grateful for your time, andrey arkadyevich, we will be glad to see you in subsequent programs, thank you. well , let me draw your attention to the fact that vladimir putin and xiding ping in china. a joint statement following the meeting, which also mentions ukraine, states that beijing supports russia’s actions to protect its sovereignty and territorial integrity, and also opposes outside interference in its affairs. russia positively assesses china's objective and unbiased position on the ukrainian issue, the parties note the need to stop any steps that contribute to prolongation of hostilities and further escalation of the conflict, they call to prevent it...
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they asked whether china has chosen a side, so here it is the question is what, in which, on which platform did he choose to side, in the question of the geopolitical conflict in which russia found himself, in which russia found himself drawn, china did not choose the side of one of the participants in the conflict, china chose a third side, and this is very important , because he, as the leader of the global south,
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is definitely included in the global south out of 8 billion living on earth, well, at least 6 billion, and so, as the leader of the majority of humanity belonging to the global yoke, china contributes to the reconciliation of this conflict, not to expand geographically, to not all of europe was affected, and do not escalate in terms of the level of use of various weapons, so china insists on a peace plan, before it put forward its twelve-point peace plan, i hope that now after the two leaders have consulted... china in as a reconciling leader in the sense that it is priceless, priceless, this position will be some kind of more detailed road map, indicating the way to peace, in this global south, in another issue, just china has taken a different, more definite position, this is the question of the future world order: we we live in eurasia and we are neighbors in eurasia, in this case we mean both russia and china, and we... accordingly, the order that will be in eurasia is for a new
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fair world order, because both countries consider the previous one to be unfair, they are ready to fight together, here they are already, one might say, almost allies. thank you very much, i think, nikolai evgenevich, you will agree that similar actions, a similar position, peace-loving, kaiminsk has always been in favor of preventing bloodshed, prevent this.
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about which they talked about the finzinapin plan, it is being finalized, there were 12 points, now 16 points have been added to it, that is , development is underway, there is an understanding of the processes that are taking place in the world, adequate additions to this plan are appearing, all that remains
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is to sit the parties down negotiating table, this is where the republic of belarus, our president, who offers a platform and proposes appropriate the conditions for the conduct create the conditions for this, here it’s worth saying, any conflict will end someday, we won’t get away from it, sooner, later, but it will end, in these conditions, the sooner we think about it, the sooner...
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the conflict between russia and ukraine, in general , is coming to an end, and this is quite obvious, the war is running out of steam, there is the only danger that can really threaten the world in a broader sense, this is the direct involvement of nato troops in this conflict, this is sending troops on behalf of nato bloc on territory of ukraine, this is the main danger, it must be prevented, how? using one or another method of deterrence, in terms of deterrence, we have seen precisely the interaction between russia and belarus in practice, including in this, in these exercises, in these trainings related to the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons, in no case it will not be
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used, but to remind, to remember the skills of handling it, it was useful. let me remind you that on the air of the program sas is authorized to declare the topic of today's program is the game of go, china in the battle for the future of eurasia, right now i suggest you pay attention to the graphics that we prepared with our colleagues trade of the people's republic of china with the european union, please see, unfortunately, attention has been repeatedly emphasized in the programs that the sovereignty of the european union, it...
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has been carried out for decades, introduced into our consciousness, they do not work today, there is no freedom, there is no free trade, and what we see here is these graphs clearly show that, in principle, this process can be controlled, which is what the united states is doing today; if in 2022, imports to the eu from china reached more than 856 billion euros, then literally in a year. when sanctions came and so on, we can assume how things will develop further , yes, well, we need to carry out a good economic analysis here, but definitely, you look at what happened at the last meeting between senzenpin and
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they started setting conditions for him, who started setting conditions? representative of the european union. if you not if you do this, then get ready, they will turn off your taps and so on. that is, it turns out that the head of state, a serious state, which is one of the world leaders today, is giving an ultimatum. and this ultimatum is directly linked to the policy that she is pursuing. and this.
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i hope that the french soldiers in these exotic territories, well, sri lanka, novaya react calmly, well, why not, i am caledonia, they are having a good time, the main thing is that they do not interrupt their peaceful fun and do not move on to military fun, and so v in principle, this does not threaten either russia or belarus with anything special, but about the games that europe is playing, i will allow myself a couple of comments. if china plays go, as we found out, then europe is now forced to play the favorite
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american game of poker with the united states, and it also involves pretending that in reality you have different cards, in this sense old europe, especially france and germany, what are they trying to do, they verbally talk about complete, absolute atlantic solidarity, yes, yes, we are, so to speak, in one camp, we are in one... french business, chancellor scholz is going there, he is bringing the germans there, including, by the way, all the leaders of the german auto industry, there are bmw, mercedes, and volkswagen, all of them, tomorrow they will deprive this great trio , stands for components from china, and there is no automotive industry in germany, so they...
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i would like to continue sergius borisovich in just two words, returning just a hundred colleagues, so what is the point, what is shown here is that in the near future the situation here will continue to play out, namely military component, it doesn’t matter to talk only about france, japan and the united states also appeared here as a player, it makes sense to talk about south korea, the philippines, that small island called taiwan. this could become a stumbling block and problem for china in the coming years, which will be played out no worse than
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ukraine; unfortunately, the pumping is happening today. this region, the creation of appropriate blocs in this region with the invitation to nato meetings of nato, representatives of all these countries, and japan, south korea, and australia, and thailand, and the philippines, that is, all these countries are, to one degree or another, trying to drag them into this big geopolitical game, and speaking about the world that we want to do something, positive, at the same time time to prepare another one. region for war. a short remark, it’s also possible, there was a question about france, that’s one thing, you see, there’s the philippines, yes, there’s a wonderful spot there, so white, what ’s new in this regard? the united states has deployed missiles in the philippines, on one of the philippine islands. medium-range missiles, for the first time on earth
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, medium-range missiles, you remember, there was an agreement to ban ground-based missiles. medium- and shorter- range missiles, it was a symbol of the end of the cold war. the united states withdrew from this treaty in 1919, now they have interrupted the tacit observance of this treaty and there for the first time deployed medium-range missiles covering taiwan and the adjacent coast of china from the philippines. sergei borisvich, a question that i would really like to ask you, what do you think? is aggressive rhetoric related to from the mouth of mr. macron, the leader of france in relation to russia? federations with their failure in africa, i think that this warms up the emotional side a little, indeed from the six countries of the sahel of western africa, in my opinion, in five countries the french had to give up positions, they already had to give up positions, and these are their former colonial possessions, there they had the most powerful positions,
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including in nigeria, they had the main source. uranium as a nuclear fuel, but i don't think that's the main factor. macron now aims to become europe's political leader. it is in order for europe to become an independent player that they foresee a change of power in the united states of america. they foresee that gradually the united states will nevertheless move away from european affairs in favor of these same indo-pacific problems. and he wants to fill , as it were, what is being formed on this wave. vacuum and become the political leader of europe, hence his hints and such strategic ambiguity, as diplomats say, this is what he is actually doing, but i don’t see any fundamental threat here, unless france did not dare to confirm these slogans, to actually send its contingent to the territory of ukraine, this would be to hope that this will not happen, it will remain only
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as scarecrows, but nikolai evgenevich, please, we are completing our program, the final word. if i can have 30 seconds, yes , the serious geopolitical events that are taking place in the world today are impossible without the participation of such grants in today’s politics as russia, china, the united states, the european union, but what the world will be like in the near future largely depends on them, i hope , that this new palette includes both russia and china. and the european union will remain serious centers of power, and none of them will be lost in the near future. thank you, this is where we end our discussion, in conclusion i will say this: unlike games like chess, where victory must be achieved at any cost, so for the sake of checkmate to the opponent’s king, a player can sacrifice almost all of his available pieces and
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still win the game. go is a scoring game that requires extreme precision. calculation and intuitive understanding of the sacrifice ratio, the advantage gained due to it, to everyone expecting a quick result in the battle for the future new world order, this must be remembered, so we must be patient, according to the ancient chinese curse, woe to those who live in an era of change, thank you, this was the saz program authorized to declare. western pressure will not turn china away from a strategic partnership with an allied state. getting to know belarusian enterprises and the outstanding results of their work. today we are already installing elevators with cabin speeds of up to 2.5 m/s. and this already allows install elevators in buildings up to 45 floors.
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this is generally a unique enterprise in belarus. which is engaged in the production, development of integrated circuits and semiconductor devices, in general microelectronics, the approach to which is needed. is available to everyone, we constantly monitor messages, information is processed, if necessary, corrective measures are developed, first of all , teamwork is welcomed and present here , without teamwork it is almost impossible to produce high-tech products, watch the project, quality mark on the belarus 24 tv channel. countries, we are a peaceful country, but peace is at home, we are ready to defend with weapons in our hands and by any methods that we deem necessary to protect our national interests. you are not just a general meeting, you are
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the national conscience, you, i repeat, are the voice of the people. the all-belarusian people's assembly will insure us against a person or forces who want to receive presidential powers to turn things around in the country for or for the sake of it. a government delegation of belarus headed by with deputy prime minister pyotr parkhomchik. the development of cooperation and trade was discussed at
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a meeting of the working group on cooperation. the delegation visited one of the largest multi-brand centers of the trading and production company mtz tatarstan. they intend to further develop the site. belarusian machine builders are expanding cooperation with russian partners and replacing european components. well, as far as the quality of our kazan colleagues will satisfy, we will do this with wing elements, that is, we are moving into a more complex localization, we get those competencies that we objectively did not
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have. the belarusian food industry presented its products for the first time at an exhibition in saudi arabia. the exposition is formed by a presentation floor of participants from famous domestic brands, a stand of powdered milk, a large selection of cheeses and various desserts, everything that is in special demand in this region. i must say that this exhibition has a representative geography of participants. in addition, it has a good reputation for the effectiveness of its business program, which is why belarusian companies plan to form a weighty partnership portfolio as part of a meeting of negotiations with foreign businesses. at a joint meeting of the house of representatives of the council of the republic, parliamentarians heard a report from a representative of the state control committee, vasily gerasimov informed the deputies about the results of the department’s activities over the past year, the department carried out 498 inspections, 715 monitoring, based on the results of which recommendations were issued to the subjects to eliminate the identified shortcomings. more than 90% of all recommendations have been implemented, with special attention paid to monitoring the situation at
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consumer market, putting things in order with long-term construction and eradicating unjustified intermediation. on behalf of the head of state, a lot of work has been done to change the style and methods of work of regulatory authorities. work on the prevention and prevention of violations has been significantly strengthened, he noted. gerasimov. among the priorities for the current year, emphasis is placed on developing recommendations for resolving complex and sensitive problems. we are talking about housing and communal services, the transport sector and the condition of roads. our voters are currently very concerned about this social a significant issue, such as the cost of paid medical services and the prices of medicines and medical products. the government and the state control committee have adopted a plan for... 2024-25 to improve the mechanisms for regulating pricing in these areas, in the field of paid medical services, specifically, so that prices for medicines
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reasonably rise, so of course i would like to see a radical improvement in this issue order and attempts to obtain unjustified excess... income in these areas. be part of the plan is the motto of the international day for biological diversity. its preservation is one of the directions and state policy of belarus. it's now a week in the country. of the same nature, the program includes seminars, presentations, exhibitions, lectures and excursions. they are held on the basis of the organization of the department of biological sciences of the national academy of sciences of belarus. according to the latest data, the situation with changes in biodiversity in the country is stable. 56% of the territories are occupied by natural complexes and ecological systems. big part is forests, about 41%. the fauna is represented by more than 70 species of mammals. the flora includes more than 11 thousand different species of russia. we have the first
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law in europe to protect the use of peatlands, which has no analogues at all, we have been active recently, in recent years, in the principle of protecting the habitat of ecosystems that none of our neighbors have, that is, we are developing such an area as the protection of rare typical biotopes , the red book actually functions, it does not function formally, it is truly a normative document that ensures... the protection of biodiversity at the species level, a quite effective system of special protection of natural areas has been created and is functioning, it is now 10%, there is about 9.5%, this is, in principle, a normal indicator for ensuring the environmental safety of the country. rehabilitation and rest from war. in belarus, 10 children from donbass have been undergoing rehabilitation for more than two weeks; six of them suffered from mine explosion wounds and came to the country with their relatives. in addition to medical psychological. to help
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the children, a cultural and educational sports program was organized. the day before, the guests visited the capital, at the museum of the great patriotic war they joined the campaign to collect coins that will be melted into a monument to the living memory of grateful generations in moscow. the rehabilitation program for this group will last until may 24. the project is being implemented by the alexey talay foundation with the support of the union state. this is a small group, but it is a kind of experiment. adjustment is in progress rehabilitation so that we can begin to carry out activities in this direction on a larger scale in the future, they are here today receiving high-quality care in one of the rehabilitation centers and sanatoriums of the republic of belarus near mogilev. nemon stadium was opened in the bridges after reconstruction. citizens and students of sports schools received a full-size football field with modern artificial turf and an athletics core for five. running
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tracks, two jumping pits, a shot put sector, stands for 1600 seats seats, led display and administrative and amenity complex. according to experts, the sports facility meets the highest standards; optimal conditions have been created here for physical education and sports, in particular football. basenkov pyotr kharitonovich, participant in the great patriotic war, hero of the soviet union, senior sergeant, was born in the village of vylev, now dobrussky. district of the gomel region in
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a peasant family. during the great patriotic war, he fought with the invaders at stalingrad, on the kursk bulge, in belarus, the baltic states, east prussia, germany. mechanic driver of the t-34 tank of the 326th tank battalion. september 18, 1944, tank crew, which included pyotr kharitonovich. repelled eight counterattacks by enemy tanks, destroying three tanks and one self-propelled gun. left alone after the death of the remaining members of the tank crew, pyotr bosenkov did not stop fighting until reinforcements arrived. one of the streets in the working-class village of kostyukovka, now within the city limits of gomel, is named after pyotr kharitonovich. a memorial was installed on the house where he lived.
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board, i don’t know if i’m hungry or what, but i really want to go on this trip, we will prove that belarusian cuisine is not only potato pancakes, very unexpected, in fact, in essence the dish is very similar to carbonara, but... here are potatoes, we are in the 13th century, it is associated with the name of prince vyshalka, there is information about his delights of culinary masterpieces, and one of them we discovered... we discovered this dish, meat under a puff pastry in a monastic style, let's learn more about the historical past of belarusians. so, meet marta - the wife of mindovg, in the times of which in the novogrodsk castle guests were treated to noble diseases. we will show you what they eat in different parts of our country. my brain
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can’t cope with this very well, because on one side i see a vienna waffle, something sweet is projected, something like that. tender, on the other hand, this is a potato pancake, a belarusian potato pancake, watch the food project anywhere on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. alla, what does it mean to you to jump above your head? well, for me it probably means making the impossible possible, doing it perfectly and better than anyone else. the journalist calls my heroine exclusively
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with the prefix super, she is not afraid of heights, because she understands that in big sports you cannot reach the top without jumping over your head. today i am visiting the olympic... alla, hello, i am glad to have the opportunity to talk with you.


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