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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 23, 2024 3:10am-3:40am MSK

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ale, what does it mean to you to jump above your head? well, for me it probably means making the impossible possible, doing it perfectly and better than anyone else. the journalist calls my heroine exclusively with the prefix super. she is not afraid of heights, because she understands that in big sports you cannot reach the top without jumping over your head. today my guest is the olympic champion in ski acrobatics, alla tsuper. hello alla, i am glad to have the opportunity to talk with you. talk about your achievements in
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sports and a little about your personal life, i know that you came to freestyle from artistic gymnastics, to take up sports, was it your decision or the decision of your parents? it really wasn’t my decision, or my parents’, who? when, well, my sports career began at the age of 4, i was in kindergarten, and a coach came to kindergarten and looked at the children. i was selected for artistic gymnastics, they gave me a postcard with an invitation to take up artistic gymnastics, and that’s how my sports career began. they say that sports steals childhood, is this really true? himself in fact, yes, because well , as if i didn’t have a childhood, everyone is walking on the street, and alla goes to training every day, and in the summer i always wanted to walk on the street with the guys, with my friends, i even... there was
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a moment when i skipped training and went to the park, walked, that i really wanted to take a walk, but what did sports really deprive you of as a child? well, probably from that very childhood, spending time, that is , some free time, with friends, with games, yes, well, my favorite thing, probably in childhood it was, when i went to my grandmother, and there was complete freedom, i could walk from morning until... i know that because of sports you left early and left your parents in another city, were you bored? well, of course i missed you, it turns out i left when i was 13 years old, went to another city 1.00 km away, well, that’s when i started doing freestyle, i missed my parents very much , i missed my sister, probably on some family holidays how we spent time together. well, at the same time, i was wondering,
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these are new types of training, a new sport, new friends, new communication, acquaintances, how did you keep in touch with each other? did you write letters to your parents? yes, there were letters, yes, a little later it was possible to come to the post office, order a call to another city, call, yes, well, mostly i wrote letters and my parents wrote letters to me, it seems to me that for...
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jumping there is a fear of everyone jump, somewhere more, somewhere less, it probably depends on your condition, on weather conditions, but in our country competitions take place every competition in a new place, different slopes, there you need to select the speed for each jump, so you have to, you had to overcome your fear, sometimes it was very scary, but this is probably the kind of sport we have and... it’s not for nothing that i got into this sport, but when you overcome your fear, you enjoy it. why do freestyle competitions take place in the evening ? it’s more colorful this way, just because of this, and for the picture, for the picture, well , athletes can better see where the sky is and where the landing slope is. well, i already mentioned that initially you were involved in sports gymnastics, how did it happen that you decided to change your sport? well, in artistic
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gymnastics, if you don’t show results before the age of 13, well, how can you end your sports career? i remember we were at a competition. and the freestyle coach came up to my gymnastics coach and suggested, he says, if you have girls who are going to end their sports careers, you can try yourself in another sport, well, as they suggested to me, i went with my dad, it was in the city of nikolaev, i was born in the city exactly, we went to nikolaev, in nikolaev at that time, well, as if there was one in the soviet union. for freestyle, a water springboard, well , here in minsk we jump into the pool, yes, and there we jumped into the river, well, how could i then come and look, freestyle is also a difficult coordination sport, like gymnastics, i thought, well, what... in general, crazy people
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jump like that on skis, do somersaults, double somersaults, i think how it is, and then in september i came to nikolai myself, entered the olympic... reserve school , now in the eighth grade and, as it were, in freestyle my sports career began, do you think this gymnastic training contributed to your success? of course, i was wrapped up, i jumped well and double somersaults and feasts, you jump with two legs and land, then everything is much more complicated, yes, the most difficult element in freestyle is that landing or acrobatic flights there in the air, well, like the whole jump . is really difficult, from acceleration to landing, as our coach said, your jump ends already at the end, when you have already landed, stopped after the jump and there your jump ends, well
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, every stage of the jump is very important, but the springboard jump is very impressive, the athletes stand tall, arms up, well, yes, it’s really beautiful. look like this, when difficult jumps are performed, for men it’s a triple somersault with six pirouettes, there’s still snow, though no one jumped, but the most difficult ones that they jumped in the snow is a triple somersault with five pirouettes, how did your parents react to you decided to go freestyle, after all, this is a very risky sport, they dissuaded us, no, they didn’t know that such freestyle, i started training in 1992, and my first olympic games were in 199...
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that everything was interesting to me, i didn’t even worry much when there were competitions, well , yes, we qualified for the olympic games, let’s go , to be honest, i didn’t even count on such a result, that yes, i ended up fifth, and
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this is only because in the final, during the first jump, i injured my knee, injured my knee, and that’s all that remained. upset, well, to be honest, i was probably a little upset, but not much, after all the first olympic games and coming there to immediately win, well, yes, this is problematic, of course, well, yes, a task. that's right, comrade lieutenant colonel, that's right, third, gone, fourth, gone, my dear, beloved, this is not even a letter anymore, i'm just writing to you in a thick notebook,
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maybe someday you'll read it and you'll understand how bad it was for me without you, what does this mean, it means that petrushin is your bastard, well, this is not news, but what are these keys? my keys, petrush, i wasn’t going to rent such an apartment from you, so you have two options, the first is my living space, the second is the station, choose, well dunaev, you crazy things! i made a certificate, but they quickly signed us up, well, evgenia andreevna, dunaeva, i congratulate you on your legal marriage, let's go into the house, i 'll play you a record with jazz, mommy, your son was born, and where is your husband, actually? at work, and that week i saw him for 4 days in a row while intoxicated, watch the series embracing the sky on the belarus tv channel. who and how helps make our lives better
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what are scientists working on today? a group of small devices is being created, one device is made by belarus and two devices are made by the russian federation, this group is designed to study near-earth space, weather forecasting only a network of surface non-theoretical stations is not enough, because the weather, as we know, is formed on... complex things in simple terms: we today we are seeing a trend where the magnetic poles are shifting to the south, due to this an effect such as the northern lights is already observed in belarus. and also the most interesting facts: the history of belarusian synoptic meteorology began in the thirties of the last century, when a hydrometeorological institute was opened in our country. see the science project nearby. on our tv channel,
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shortly after the end of the olympics in nagana, you decided to move from ukraine to belarus, what was the reason for your decision? well, we had a small conflict with the senior coach of our coach, the senior coach said that... we wouldn’t become anything, we wouldn’t show any success, so they offered us to move to belarus, at that time there was no women, and how would we agree, how many of us are three girls, a guy, one and a coach, we were in belarus in the fall of 1998, we came to belarus, and how were you accepted into the national team, was it difficult to join the new team? well, it’s a little difficult, because mostly there were only men, somehow
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the routine was a little different than what we have there, they expect results from you, because at that time i had already competed at the olympic games and they expected results from me, well, the result only came to me in 2001 , well, during your sports career you performed at 88 stages of the world cup in... cool down, you have to show your most difficult jump, but i didn’t have time to warm up my most
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difficult jump, i jumped it at the competition, the foreigners saw that i didn’t warm up this jump, they submitted it, and this is mandatory, you need to show it it was necessary, and that is , it was straightened out, and i didn’t take any place, the next day there was another cup. world, world cup stage, the next day i took first place, i proved to everyone that belarus is still stronger, but the olympics i didn’t submit to you right away, only on the fifth try. why do you think this happened, what prevented success? well , you know, i'll say this, when i went to sold lake city, that season, that winter season, i was number one, i had a yellow... then they called me the steadfast tin soldier, because i never
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fell, i just fell at the competition, i didn’t even believe at that moment that i just fell and fell, well, it wasn’t such a difficult jump, in turino. it was probably somehow very difficult morally, there was some kind of difficult olympics, so the weather conditions were not very good, i went to vancouver with a broken shoulder blade, i couldn’t raise my arm. it’s very difficult, they taped me there, pain relief before the competition, you know, if i had refused these competitions, i wouldn’t have made the effort, i probably would have regretted all my life that i didn’t perform, what could i have tried,
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after vancouver in the twelfth year my daughter was born and as if i already thought that that’s it, my sports career is over, well, that means it’s not my destiny to be on the podium at the olympics, well, it was probably the same difficult, yeah, it’s a moment in my life to make the right decision, do i need it at all or not? the olympics in sochi, your victory, your gold
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, was it predictable for you or was it still unexpected? probably unexpectedly, well, i will say that there was no pressure from the outside, that we had to, like at the previous olympics we rode and kept pushing and knew that there should be medals in freestyle, but i went to sochi, no pressure, i’m calm i was training, well, i know that athletes are quite opinionated people, were there any signs that would hint at your victory, no, nothing... before the competition they gave me bib number 13, a very good hint of victory, i didn’t attach any importance to it, because i’m not superstitious, i relieved myself of all responsibility, before there were some... either superstition, this is impossible, or when you put yourself in some kind of framework, then something
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happens and you start thinking, thinking about bad things, when you don’t believe. then it’s easier for you to live and train, but still this competitive period turned out to be difficult for you, because in the final part you we got literally from last place, ahead of the nearest competitor by hundredths of a point, yes there it was, it was a chinese woman, in my opinion, yes it was a chinese woman, there was quite a small difference, well, everything worked out that day, as if when you jump, you you don’t think about anything else, only about your jump, you...
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and your first emotion, i probably couldn’t believe that it still worked out on the fifth try, that it was finally done, of course it was a lot of work, so much for years i devoted myself to sports, the work of the whole team, these include coaches, our massage therapists, doctors, what are you talking about thought stand on the pedistal when the anthem was playing? well, probably, firstly, it was pride, pride for our country, that in belarus we have such wonderful conditions for sports, wonderful people, they train and train, probably my whole sports life passed in those minutes when
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the anthem was playing republic of belarus, how did i get there? from gymnastics to freestyle, after the birth of your second child, you again wanted to end your sports career, but changed your mind, was it your husband who influenced you again? well i'll tell you that to some extent yes, and i probably wanted to try again to repeat the success that i had in 2014. well, we competed in 1918, but we came fourth, but trouble was just around the corner, yes, but the weather conditions were such that it didn’t work out. i have to go up to the pedistal, but i don’t like to remember about it, come on, come on, come on, come on, stop, stop,
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just stop, stop, you took part in six olympiads, but you could easily have taken part in the seventh, but again you got in the way injuries, what? then it happened, well, in 2021 we went with the team to the championship... in kazakhstan and before the competition i jumped and tore my achilles tendon, yeah, and i was recovering, but it was a little bit difficult to recover, after all, it ’s not even 20 years years, then i decided that enough was enough, enough torturing my body, if my frail tendon had already ruptured, it meant that i was just... belarusians’ usual life, swedish grief, enough of jumping, performing,
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my, my health was stopping me, what may seem real to others exotic, volkovysk, if you have already arrived at the time, it would be time to take care of your family, so be
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at home on our tv channel, allah, what is it like to participate in competitions and watch the olympics on tv? well, i’ll say this, when the olympics took place in 2022. i was already calm, i was already mentally prepared that i would not perform, that i would no longer have any opportunities to perform and the desire
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somehow calmed down and looked calm mentally, of course i was worried about our guys, well, somehow everything was some thoughts here what place would i take, if not, i didn’t even think about it and didn’t even want to think about it, because everything is mine. my sports career is behind me, now i’m already well, it ’s probably in your character, well, it’s a cut and a cut, yes, and why bother and torment yourself, well , yes, well, why bother really, well , the last competitions that were in your sports career, this starts in raubichi in 2021, you already understood that these would be your last performances, at that time no, i didn’t think that these would be my performances, you know, it’s fate it turned out that in december 1995 i started my sports career, in
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raobichi, the world cup was held, after the world cup there was also a european cup stage, so i finished with the european cup stage, that is, you also went to kazakhstan, but we after that's why we went to kazakhstan, and there i was injured and , as it were... from freestyle, even a little there from a direct springboard, well, young freestylers are starting to jump from a direct springboard, these are ordinary straight jumps, well... well, it so happened that
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now they try themselves at badminton and she likes it i really like it, and my son plays ice hockey, we decided to change our sports life a little and sent him to hockey, well, it seems that he is also a dynamoor now, well , now that there is less sport and adrenaline in your life. what do you do? i live a quiet family life, i live, i go to work in the evening, this turns out to be training, i left big sport as an athlete, but remained in the sport as a coach, an administrator of the national team. i don't train, i do paperwork. how do you prefer to spend time with your family? in principle, there is not much free time,
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because... my son, one might say, trains every day, there is only one day off a week, we go to the cinema, to the park for walks, recently my son and i took a ride around the area on scooters, yes, of course, he was a little shy, yes, he said, mom, go there, stand aside, well, i don’t know, maybe the fact that i rode with him on a scooter, like a child, we go out every summer, our family, two more families with tents , you already... have a specific route of your own, we have a specific place, very cool place on nemana, wonderful, just 2-3 days in nature, just a great way to spend time, maybe there’s some hopi to eat, a kindergarten or kindergarten, not now, i used to be a little into it and liked fishing, so i’m with sit with a fishing rod,
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look at this float, how is the fish... biting, not biting, well, i, i believe that you were not fishing alone, alone, i, yes, i love, i love solitude, when i’m at home, i just i like to be alone without any music, without tv, i like being alone stay, and there’s something fluffy snuggling on your lap, and we have a dog and a labrador, so he brightens up my mood, he’s a wonderful friend, right? this is wonderful. you have many great achievements in sports. what other achievements do you expect from life? probably, to raise your children correctly, so that they are kind, decent and always remain human in
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any life situation. alla, our program is called the meaning of life. what is the meaning of life for you? well, for me the meaning of life is probably to live and have fun from your own life, so that life brings joy and satisfaction. alla, you have lived a long, beautiful, wonderful life in sports. you have something to be proud of, and we are proud of you. thank you very much, i want to give you this bouquet of may flowers, like a smile of spring. thank you very much, thank you very much, this was the meaning of ala tsuper’s life.
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