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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 23, 2024 6:00am-7:00am MSK

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good morning. belarus! good morning belarus! tatyana matusevich and ekaterina antonova will celebrate a new day with you today. on the calendar may 23rd is thursday, but what does that mean? yes, that there are only 8 days left and that a huge number of festivals, sporting events and cultural events have started in belarus. well, if you want specific facts, then go ahead. in the capital, in the upper city, a favorite has already started.
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classics at the town hall, these are weekend musical evenings that will last until september. a half marathon was also held on may 19 onerun in minsk. well, let me remind you that this is an annual event that starts simultaneously in dozens of countries. and this saturday in the agricultural town of porechye, grodno region , the syabrow fanfare festival of brass music will start. and tomorrow the annual voronovo 2024 bike festival will begin for all motorcycle lovers. and you know, this is just the beginning. with the onset of summer , cultural and sporting events are held in our beautiful country literally every day, in every big and small place, well, in any case, it turns out that belarusians use the summer to the fullest, and that’s the way it should be, and dear friends, here we have to say, this is about the amount of information for today for you, so that you wake up faster, recharge, enter the new day with a good mood, wake up.
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i walk through the grass as if i’m lunging, i want to understand that i’ve accepted winter. why my soul, i’ll turn the hands on my watch, crucify a little, life goes on, alas, without editing, how to believe in happiness again, with a heart that has shattered into pieces, make me. breathe, breathe again, without
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trying on an outfit, without distinction, heaven, force breathe me, breathe easily, share the summer evening with you again, but without you. everyone shouted to me, don’t ask, don’t believe, but judge, who? the one who has not tried on fate is not afraid of flight, but i am still flying, but now with one wing, i believe and ask, this sky has one thing, how to believe, again pouring my heart into happiness.
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determined for an hour, make me breathe, breathe again, without trying on an outfit without a difference in the sky, make me breathe, breathe easily, again sharing a summer evening with you or the sky, but just flock, lead a little more, i’m waiting at threshold, a ray of sun will come from the water.
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make me breathe, breathe again, without trying on an outfit without ever trying. what heavens, make me breathe, breathe easily, share the summer wind again with you or not, without you, make me breathe, no difference does not food create me.
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the international arts festival slavic bazaar in vitebsk 2024 will be held from july 9 to 15. the 33rd festival will simply surprise you with its programs; believe me, 24 hours a day will not be enough for you. yes, everyone who has been to the slavic bazaar understands what we are talking about, because vitebsk simply does not sleep, round, round day. because everyone is just walking, dancing, singing, this is how musical vitebsk is, this is what a musical summer is, but by the way, not only vitebsk will become a place of attraction for stars and guests, this year the cozy city of pruzhady is very lucky, from june 6 to 8 , the sports and cultural festival vytoki krok to
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olympus will be held there; from june 28 to 30, pruzhany will become a place of attraction for all rock music lovers, because for the first time a large-scale solstice rock festival will be held there. yes, in general, we have formed plans for you for the next month, or rather, we have begun them form, and we will continue during our broadcast. but we are ready to tell you what awaits you in the next 3 hours, specifically with us, right now. so, let's go. he became the founder of belarusian philosophical lyrics. our regular column will tell you how else the famous russian poet yanka luchina changed the world. we will also continue to comprehend art. to understand art, today the great impressionist, edouard manet, is on the agenda. there is a reason, on world wrestling day, together with our correspondent nastya rutskaya, we will talk about unique sports. and the sports topic on our broadcast will not end there.
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traditionally, on thursdays in our studio we will meet sports columnist andrei kozlov with a stack of the most interesting news from the world of sports. and of course, nowhere without people. and we are also waiting for guests, so after 7:00 in the morning we will talk about the results of the first asian women’s forum in world history with marina ilyina, a member of the council of the republic of the national assembly of the republic of belarus. well, we will also discuss the issue of youth employment during the summer holidays with representative of the ministry of education of the republic of belarus. but we remember that holidays come first. rest, but rest should also be creative, for example, you can visit gastronomic festivals, for example in bobruisk, by the way, on may 29, smackfest starts in this glorious city and will be held for the third time, this year there are gastronomic sets with a theme, they are dedicated to the centenary education of trade bodies, we are sure that
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it will not only be very interesting, but also, of course , very tasty, yes, as you understand, we we continue to formulate a program for you and don’t stop there, but for now our food blogger anatoly moiseev, it seems to me, was inspired today by national cuisine, because his recipe is based on potatoes. we’ll find out what we’ll cook from potatoes right now. good morning. today we remember the recipe that our grandmothers used to cook. i assure you, you will definitely be pleased with the result. we are preparing improved potato dumplings. minced meat for those who don’t know what matrushka is, let me explain, this is ordinary sour cream, then there is dough with curd filling, and we will make a hearty version, for this we will need boiled potatoes, minced chicken, cheese, butter, onion, dill, parsley,
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tomato paste, coriander, salt and pepper. first of all, grate the cheese on a coarse grater, finely chop the dill heel with a knife. finely chop the onion, add a small amount of vegetable oil to a heated frying pan, add the chopped onion and fry. a couple of minutes, then add the minced meat, sprinkle with seasonings, pepper, salt and coriander, add tomato paste, mix everything and fry under the lid for 10-15 minutes until the minced meat is ready, pour boiled potatoes into a deep container, add butter, pepper, salt, chopped dill and parsley using... form balls from the potato mixture with your hands , put them in a baking dish covered
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with parchment paper, use any suitable small dish to make a depression in the balls, turning them into cheesecakes, pour a little grated cheese into the middle, put the finished minced meat on top, sprinkle with grated cheese again, we decorate the sides with finely chopped herbs, and bake the cheesecakes in the oven for 15 minutes at 180°. appetizing cheesecakes with a golden brown crust are ready. they taste like zrazy, but unlike them, when baked rather than fried, they turn out to be more healthy. potato loaves with minced meat are very tender, tasty and filling. a delicious breakfast is the key to a successful day and bon appetit. the
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tv news agency presents an overview of popular print and online publications. from june 2021 in belarus, when paying wages in an envelope, not only administrative, but criminal liability of the employer. tightening of penalties for evasion of both mandatory insurance contributions and income tax transfers, etc. initiative of the state control committee, practice has shown that fines on non-parental employers did not work; last year alone , the tax authorities identified more than 2,500 such citizens, the respublika newspaper learned how they are calculated and how they counteract the payment of salaries in envelopes. oh, paris, since last summer your bedbugs have been making noise throughout the world. later to they were joined by squeaking rats, the invasion of which. has been observed since the fall, and the garbage collectors also contributed by scheduling
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a strike right on the days of the olympics, or rather a month before and after, so that it would definitely stink. in april, it became known that part of the triathlon competition was in jeopardy due to poor quality water in the canopy. e. coli, monsieur. recently , dengue fever also broke a record in france; 10 times more cases have already been recorded than a year ago. the mayor of paris stated that... the city's transport system will not be ready for the games, and the problem homeless people who are now literally thrown out of the capital, here you have human rights, they won’t solve it, faster, higher, stronger, every athlete who decides to stick his nose into this claaha will have to be a voiced nightmare, what else surprises paris, writes a rural newspaper. scientists have long been studying the effect of sugar on the human body. research in recent years has shown conflicting data indicating the opposite effect
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of sweeteners, which were previously considered harmless. at the scientific and practical center nan-belarus, in turn, note: confectionery products with low sugar content, like any other products in this group, are not harmless, much less healthy, but neutral. according to the endocrinologist, the regulatory framework developed and adopted in belarus. meets all the requirements for products of this kind. an endocrinologist’s opinion on sugar-free sweets, sweeteners and solutions to excess weight problems in the material of the belta news agency. vitamins are those that are found in healthy
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foods, vegetables and fruits, vitamins are such a substance that a person is made of, also a vitamin, orange, tangerines, bananas, these are such fruits, there are a lot of them. vitamins, vitamins c, vitamins c, vitamin k and... vitamin t, they are tasty and healthy, help the body, sweet, bitter, in arugula, slides, very tasty, and if they are not enough, take special vitamins, artificial, like
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i think they are made at some factory, they bring them to the store. then people buy them so that their teeth are strengthened, so that they are always healthy, so that their teeth are very strong there were and never suffered from caries, vitamins are such, such a thing that, if, if people drink it, then they will be healthy and smart, well... for example, vitamin d, exactly d, strengthens bones and teeth, i don’t remember vitamin a, but d is very necessary for the skin, they are good for health, for the mind and for sports, adults and children, but adults need more of them,
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well, children also have the same amount, every day, according to two pieces, what? if they were big, adults also need to take vitamins so that they too are healthy, like children, because adults, children have bones and teeth, they need to be constantly strengthened so that they also have teeth, very much strengthened, yes.
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on the belarus tv channels, one of the satellite channels belarus24 continues the live broadcast of the good morning program belarus , good morning everyone again, we continue to wake up and welcome a new day, exactly may 23rd on the calendar. by the way, the sun woke up at 4:50 today, will it be just as bright and hot today, all the detailed information, and in numbers, from my
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colleague, katerina, over to you, over to me, tanya, thank you, and i’m ready to share this information with all our viewers today it will be warm, looking ahead, i’ll say right away, that’s how interested you are, i ’m telling you, so, in the capital today it’s +22 +24, but there will be precipitation, and even today we have thunderstorms planned in minsk, it will be dry, it will be cloudy with clearings and temperatures up to 28°, today during the day in brest, we envy brest, but for now i’ll tell you about vitebsk, it will also be dry there +22, +24. in gomel + 24-26, but unlike vitebsk, rain and thunderstorms are also possible there. it will be in grodno too rainy, there may be thunderstorms and up to 27 with a plus sign. in mogilev today +24, +26 precipitation is possible during the day. there is rain there, no thunderstorms are forecast yet, but this
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is how it is, but i wanted to say that summer has come, but no, it’s still the end of spring, and of course, we were waiting for these spring thunderstorms, here they are. came to us, yes, weather forecasters promise precipitation today in most of our country, so please keep in mind that it will not only be rain, heavy rain in places, but also hail, by the way, if you are interested in the weather in naliboki, then until the end of the week there will be no precipitation and +25, why did i remember about this agricultural town, because these days, or rather this weekend, the amateur marathon for liboki 2024 will be held there and by the way it will be held for the sixteenth time, friends , but what if you didn’t have time to register? don’t be upset there, there will be places to run in our country this summer, well, for example, on june 9 a park half marathon will be held in novopolotsk, and on june 16 in grodno the kharadenskaya vandrouka. and on june 22, we can all take part in annual athletic competition orsa x-trail, and this is only the running schedule for june only. let’s run a little further,
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because these days registration is underway for the minsk half marathon, which will take place on september 8. this year, the organizers of the largest running event in belarus expect about 20,000 participants to compete in the main 21 km race, athletes will even selection, why are we here... right now we’re telling you it’s time to do all this, because the application must be submitted before august 8, yes, because for many it works such a system that the closer to the date of the race, the more expensive it is to participate in it, yes, because if certain races are paid, you will have to pay more, so plan in advance , pay less or look for free races altogether. well, we will continue to talk about sports together with our correspondent nastya rudskaya. physical strength, endurance and agility in greco-roman wrestling are no less important than knowledge of techniques. the task is to unbalance the opponent and press him
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to the mat with his shoulder blades. the sport that character, hard work, all the best inclinations for a man, are strengthened. warm-up should be mandatory, this is firstly, time protects us from injury, and classes go easier, after training it is best to run for a couple of minutes, restore your breathing, as... all sudden stops are very harmful for the heart. greco-roman wrestling is a tandem of flexibility, strength and, of course, strong-willed character. for me , sport is my whole life, let’s say, my whole life is a struggle, consider it associated, because for every period of time you have to fight, look for yourself, somewhere show yourself. and we continue to get acquainted with interesting, unique and at the same time difficult sports. dealing with emergency situations is daily painstaking work that requires... it includes such elements as putting out a fire and overcoming
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some obstacles, so is the speed there, the coherence of work in the unit, so sport is an integral part of our direct work. there will be special perseverance, stamina, concentration, endurance and excellent physical preparation, because there is no room for error, well, if honestly, i’m already scared now, yes, yes, yes, yes, and you will be stuck on the search, i’m going to the left, and this is industrial mountaineering, the guys do the hardest exercises every day, for example, individual elements with climbing technologies, when you see people hanging on before... on some structures - these are industrial climbers who perform some types of work. here we are engaged in teaching rescuers how to rescue, how, how to properly, how to
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let them back to the ground if there is something wrong with them happens. work at height, associated with a certain risk to life, and accordingly, you need to be physically prepared, you must have a certain strength endurance, speed, and the ability to think at height, the ability to think in certain... conditions in difficult conditions, what do you want again ask and something is incomprehensible, and what were you listening to when she explained everything, well, what did you say there, inaudibly and inaudibly, it’s so funny for them, but you have no time for school at all in your head love, love, your soul is empty there’s a test, a test again you're in favor desk...
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a call and first love, excellent girls, but everything doesn’t matter anymore, this is your last call, and it’s your love, no one will know, you hear, no one will know, and this is your last call, and your first love, excellent students , however, everything doesn’t matter anymore, it’s a stupid story, but still you sit and learn, you’re a polyglot, you’re now aware of all the rules, right? now you know everything, now you are a graduate, but you don’t know what life is, what’s wrong, there’s a medal on her neck, but she
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doesn’t care, because she’s boring. everything is happening correctly somehow, but after 5 minutes she has a graduation certificate medal and he, however, doesn’t matter anymore, this is your last call, he is your love, no one will know, you hear, no one will know, and this is your last call, and the first love in an excellent girl, everything else doesn’t matter anymore, this is your last call, it’s your love, no one will recognize, do you hear, no one will recognize... this is your last call and first love, excellent students, but everything doesn’t matter anymore, this your last call and he is your love, no one will know, you hear, no one won’t recognize you, and this is your last call, and the first one, the girls are graduating, but everything doesn’t matter anymore, there are no flowers at your feet, tears will flow in buckets from your eyes, but
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not... today is your graduation, and thoughts about him, ah, it doesn’t matter anymore, this is your last call, and it’s yours, no one will know, the last call, this is what will sound for many today in bres, because it is there that the republican last call will take place from may 23 to 25 with the participation of, by the way, the minister of education andrei ivanets, to the city by the way, about 700 graduates will come, there you can see elena mirai, who will become the host of the central event, to see how she has changed over the years since the filming of this video, because we watched and were nostalgic. friends, meanwhile, other events are taking place in italy and we are also ready to tell you about them. so, an unusual exhibition is gaining popularity in the italian city of forli. for the first time, a large selection of works by the british art movement pre-raphaelist brotherhood is exhibited alongside works of italian masters, who
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, strictly speaking. their inspirations included michelangelo and batty jaley. the movement began in the mid-19th century as artists became bored with the rigid traditions that dominated victorian british art. they sought to revitalize english painting, which was considered to be in decline due to overly formal and strict rules. as a result, the masters developed a distinctive and instantly recognizable style, fire-haired women, bright colors and untouched nature painted in the smallest... exhibition of more than 300 works, including paintings, sculptures, textiles and jewelry. visitors can see works by dante gabriel rossetti, edward burton jones, ford madox brown, william morris, as well as the above-mentioned inspirations, so to speak, michelangelo, batticelli, segnerelli and many others. but this exhibition will last until june 30. for creativity, i believe there are no boundaries, and
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these are the same. the masters felt and created as they wanted, and now the whole world is talking about it, and i really like the idea that once someone inspired someone to create, and he just seemed like an unattainable ideal for him, something that one could only strive for, but several centuries later, two centuries, yes, later, they find themselves side by side at the same exhibition, a beautiful story, it ends beautifully, yes, well, let’s still continue our virtual exhibition. together with matvey lenchonok, today the famous painting by edouard manet is in the spotlight. breakfast on the grass. let's take a closer look. manet's painting is characterized by several periods. the artist received an academic education, and this can be seen in his early works. nuanced color solutions, precise, clear triangular compositions and body anatomy. flawless. later, while in creative search, at the dawn of impressionism, he
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began to paint expressive works. it’s strange, but today we’ll talk about something extremely ingenious, although it dates back to the early period of manet’s work, and its name is breakfast on the grass. it was with this work that the inevitable transformation of painting began towards liveliness, freshness and color, namely towards impressionism. the painting of breakfast on the grass was not accepted at the salon; the public found it offensive. and it's all about naked young ladies. and then the question arises: how little of this kind has been written before? answer: are you naked and naked? in art, the concepts are different, art critic john bergen expresses a very interesting idea on this matter: nudity is a certain form of clothing, so a naked person cannot be naked, the point is that a naked person always knows that he is naked and that they are looking at him, he looks from the canvas straight into the viewer's eyes, while the naked a person is alone with himself, for example, changing clothes in his chambers or resting on a closed terrace, and even if you accidentally saw him, he is not aware, he lowered his head
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or looks somewhere into the distance at... it’s not clear in the playpen, the girls are not naked at all, they know about their nakedness, oh, horror, they are not ashamed of it. the image itself at first glance seems harmless, but it’s worth... taking a closer look at the details: clothes scattered around, a girl undressing or, on the contrary, getting dressed in the background and not at all a shy girl in the front, looking straight into the viewer's eyes. all these details indicate that these are representatives of the oldest profession, who went out into the open with wealthy men. farce, scandal, such domon has never been written before. it is no wonder that the audience reacted negatively. who wants to see themselves in the picture? after all, of course, the upper class used the services. partisans, but all this was, as they say, under the cover of darkness, here at the main exhibition of the country they show all human vices and put them forward for general condemnation, the public i recognized in the picture the heroines of ancient myths, venus or even aphrodite, everything would have been fine if
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it weren’t for the men around dressed in the latest parisian fashion, if it weren’t for dandy in black tuxedos, then perhaps the picture would have been perceived like this, venus in the garden or bathers, depersonalized and sublime, but the presence around objects from the usual... world turns deities into ordinary people with their own problems and their sins. after monet was rejected, he continued to write satirical works; after only 2 years he became one of the most bought artists of paris. it’s true, they say, if you don’t fit into the standards, make sure you become the standard. we thank matvey for helping us understand art in more detail, it’s amazing how an artist, having placed the right accents and choosing the right colors, conveys some of his point of view to the public, to the audience, and not only edouard monet could do this, but claude manet also dealt with this well. let's take a look at these two painters. firstly, their last names are spelled differently: edward, manet, claude, monet. but in fact, they
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were really very similar to each other, they were often confused, both wore beards, both had a painting called breakfast on the grass. let's still dot all the points and just like that. artura martinez opened this restaurant 20 years ago; according to him, success came because of the quality of the ingredients and their proper preparation. in the mornings and evenings the establishment is always full of slag, and this despite the fact that the prices there are quite
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high by mexican standards. look, one taka costs about 5 dollars, but along with a street food stall in bangkok, it is one of the smallest establishments ever to receive a michelin star for half a 9 m2 premises. occupied by a massive grill, in another melting area there is an area where a worker rolls out dough for tortillas and a place for customers who eat, among other things, from plastic dishes. until that time, i thought that a michelland restaurant was something for the rich, this is the place where you go , spend two salaries and, of course, don’t eat, but here your salary is safe and sound eat the right food, no, well, you said it right, for mexicans this cost is quite high, on the other hand , you can’t eat so cheaply in another michelin-starred restaurant. i know that i liked that only four dishes are on the menu, and it seems to me that this is some kind of hallmark of a good restaurant when there is not a huge menu, but several items,
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but they are all good. in any case, friends, it is not indicated what day it was for this larik, about whom we told the historical story when he received that very a michelin star, but we have other information, it was on may 23, 1923 that this day became historic for the belarusian banking system, because it was then that the first savings bank in the bssr opened in minsk with a huge crowd of people. it was located in the house of labor on freedom square, and the first investor was yanka kupalo. he put the fee for his book spachin, published in 1922, on book number one. and in fact, we now see this cash register on our screen. yes, this is the story that changed the world, that's how it once was... real name ivan neslukhovsky was born in 1851 in minsk into a noble family. after graduating from the minsk
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classical gymnasium, he entered the mathematics department of st. petersburg university. however, a year later he preferred the profession of an engineer to mathematics and transferred to a technological institute. since 1877 he was in charge of the railway. as a poet. in 1886, the newspaper minsk listok published his poem in its first issue , not for the sake of fame or calculation, but a manifesto for the new publication. in a year the first poem appeared in the belarusian language, which the author signed with the pseudonym yankaluchina. this was followed by publications in various magazines and poetry collections. the poet actively participated in the literary and theatrical life of minsk. he translated the works of vladislav syrokomli,
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ivan krylov, heinrich heine, translated from ancient greek into polish, homer’s iliad, collected folklore and recorded fairy tales for the famous ethnographer pavel shein. yan kolushchyna wrote several poems: field watercolors from polesie, violetta, gannusya, andrey. a significant part of his works is devoted to themes of peasant life, but the poet managed to combine two literary movements that were relevant at that time: realism and romanticism. in addition, luchina’s poems began to be called one of the first examples of belarusian philosophical lyrics. the poet wrote in three languages. several russian-language works, the story verochka , a collection of lyrics in the belarusian language, were first published after the author’s death, at the beginning of the 20th century. jan kaluchina is a man who changed the world of belarusian literature. a the belarusian musical world, if it doesn’t change, then for sure. will complement the first electronic music festival lotos music
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fest, which will be held at the end of july in the village of bulkova near brest. magical dj sets will take you to other dimensions and help you dissolve in unearthly music. i really hope that on this day of the festival we will be lucky with the weather. but in fact, you know, friends, hearing is a great miracle. and in the uk, for the first time, a child was able to restore his hearing using gene therapy. let's tell you more about this. pal sandy became the first person in the world to experience the new treatment. a girl who is now one and a half years old was born with deafness due to auditory neuropathy. this is a condition in which the transmission of nerve impulses from the inner ear to the brain is disrupted. during the sixteen-minute operation, she was injected with the corrected copy of the gene. now the girl hears perfectly, but according to doctors, the result was even better than they expected. for the first time, scientists were able to successfully use such therapy in 2000.17, but then the tests were carried out on mice,
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these moments, these emotions, when a child hears his mother’s voice for the first time in his life, which he knows better than anyone in the world, but has never heard before, it seems to me that this is priceless, i agree, of course, technology and medicine work wonders, and in general may all our children, all the children on the globe will be healthy, will see, will hear and may they never have pain, probably the greatest wish of any mother, indeed of any person. in general on earth, yes, yes, but right now we invite you to the locksmith’s place of work dmitry moroshkin, because kakaterina and i are curious to know how he greets his morning and generally spends his working day. let's get to know him. my name is dmitry moroshkin, i work as a mechanical assembly worker at a plant producing korean dump trucks. i wake up at 6 in the morning,
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get ready to go to work with coffee, we start work according to the schedule at 7:30, my part includes installing and adjusting the empennage of mining dump trucks. the specificity of our work is that we work in pairs. from the crane operator. details very heavy, they can only be lifted with a crane. i came to the plant after eleventh grade and received my profession as a fitter for mechanical assembly work at the plant. i was trained for 3 months. more experienced senior comrades helped me gain experience, and here i worked at this plant for 13 years. since childhood, i have been interested in disassembling
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something, assembling it, so i came here to the factory, so i am realizing my childhood dream, working with parts and mechanisms, basically we have a friendly team, we have great craftsmen it turns out that women and men do mechanical assembly work, my profession is very important because... i participate in the final assembly of mining dump trucks, our equipment is world famous, and i am proud of it. “i love my job because it makes the morning of my country good. but, friends, you know, it seems to me that realizing your childhood dream in your profession, in adult life, is a great, great happiness. we wish dmitry and his colleagues great day, and in the meantime
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we continue to tell you how you can have a great time in the summer in our country. well, for example, on july 6 a flower festival will be held in skidel. florists there will create their works in front of the public, and the highlight of the holiday will be a parade of flower arrangements, how colorful it will all be, brightly fragrant, most importantly, i just imagine that this will be such a point of maximum attraction for all bloggers, all instagram lovers, all those who like to collect likes, who like to create quality content, because it will be very, very beautiful there, i hope in all these locations you will have plenty take pictures until they bloom, well , let’s not do everything at once, but let’s talk about watering right now, and for this you simply need a high-quality widow sprayer, i’m saying everything correctly,
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please tell me, you’re great katerina, but i honestly don’t i know how to choose a good one of such high quality, i want to tell you more, i used to think that a watering can was enough, it turns out that you really need a sprayer. let's figure out how to choose it. today we choose a garden sprayer to preserve the beauty and for the health of plants in your garden plot, you need to regularly treat them from pests. let's start with the fact that, according to their design , garden sprayers are divided into hand-held, shoulder-mounted and backpack-mounted. manual ones are the simplest models; they are well suited for irrigating flower beds. shoulder and backpack ones have larger tanks and do an excellent job. with large volumes, that is, if it is some kind of small greenhouse, then a 5 liter sprayer is enough, yes, if it is a fairly large vegetable garden, then it would be advisable to choose a backpack sprayer for 12 liters for 15 liters, which has a battery-powered pumping effect, that is, it
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pumps itself without human effort, so you can continuously work with it for 3 hours, except. battery -powered sprayers are pump-type based on the method of supplying liquid - this is the most common option among amateur gardeners, it is convenient for working on a plot of up to five acres, there are also compression models, the main element in this case is a pump pump, creating a pressure of three to four atmospheres, for due to which spraying occurs, so that the sprayer worked for a long time, you need to pay attention to the fact that before you pour the solution into it, you must filter it, because due to small... the network the nozzle becomes clogged and the sprayer quickly fails, before purchasing, study the material from which it is made the sprayer and its parts, most often the tank is made of plastic, pay attention to how thick it is, check the quality of the casting seam: the tip comes in two types , plastic and
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metal, basically, if metal, then it will be brass, tip, plastic, ordinary plastic, of which the lowering itself consists. it is better to pay attention to brass, since the metal is quite resistant to wear, corrosion and damage. sprayers can be equipped with telescopic booms, with its help you can better cover the area and reach tall plants. a one and a half meter rod is suitable for processing trees, and 70 cm for a vegetable garden. quality purchases. hello to everyone who is on the other
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side of the screen right now, connections wow news and a faithful guide to the world of positivity, nastya rudskaya, i burst onto your television to tell you: that from the new academic year new electives will appear in belarusian schools, how many scientific developments the belarusian state university will present at the azerbaijani international exhibition, in which country baked the longest baguette in the world, you will find out in the next 5 minutes. starting from the new academic year, schools will have seven new electives. as part of the program when learning is easy in the world of finance, students third and fourth graders will get acquainted with the world of money. learn to solve problems with financial content, as well. will learn competent financial behavior in society, an elective has also been developed for the same classes, when it is easy to study in the world
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of information security, belarusians are happy to be called, an elective with this name will be able to be attended by students in the fifth to ninth grades, classes will contribute to the formation of a personality ready to act according to the laws of good , justice, patriotism and civic duty, entrepreneurship in in action, the program of this elective for tenth graders: is aimed at mastering basic practice-oriented historical knowledge on entrepreneurial activity, mastering the basic skills of creating and running their own business. also included in the list of new electives are classes on familiarization with the tourism industry of belarus for sixth-graders and zosh programs for eighth-graders. about twenty scientific developments will be presented by the belarusian state university. at the azerbaijani international exhibition agriculture. the event takes place in baku. innovations of the belarusian state
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university were included in the collective exposition of the ministry of education of belarus. bsu demonstrated fertilizers, veterinary drugs, as well as means for treating agricultural production facilities. for example, the biological product roots plus. it is a stimulator of the root system of plants, increases their productivity and fruit quality. the fertilizer is suitable for use. at enterprises of the agro-industrial complex and personal garden plots. compared to foreign analogues, the belarusian product has high efficiency and low cost. also presented at the stand of the belarusian state university are phytosol mixtures based on natural aromatic raw materials, intended for correcting the nutrition of preschool and school-age children. elderly athletes . at an exhibition in suresnes, french bakers prepared the longest baguette in the world. 18 bakers worked on preparing the giant product. they kneaded the dough
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which consisted of wheat flour, water, yeast and salt, and then baked in front of the public in a specially created mobile oven. the length of the impressive baguette is more than 140 m. the new record was officially registered by the present judge of the guinness book of records. the previous record was set in italy, when the length of the product reached just over 132 m. after the official announcement of the record, part of the baguette was cut, smeared with chocolate paste and distributed to the public. scientists have announced the first case of orangutans treat their wounds with plants that are used in traditional medicine to suppress inflammation and pain. a unique case of a biologist. recorded in one of the reserves on the indonesian island of sumatra. an orangutan named rakus, after a fight with another male,
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covered his wound with chewed vine leaves, which have healing properties. previously, investigators had noticed how these monkeys chewed this type of grass, but this was the first time they observed the application of a compress. according to them, this is the first time that wounds have been treated biologically active plant substance was recorded in non-human specimens. previously, the urangu... noticed other skills, for example, they use tools for cracking nuts in everyday life. however, it has not yet been possible to understand where rakus acquired knowledge about the medicinal properties of the plant. by the way, the treatment was successful, the early infection did not persist after 5 days. this concludes our virtual tour of the world of news. don't lose your positivity. bye bye! just for our viewers, we choose the post office building, yes,
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fifty-second year, a post office building, and not exactly a civilian one, there were military units here, that is, the guys received correspondence, and we set off on an exciting journey around our country, olya is a girl, this is a children's museum, but i’m already an adult, they don’t let me in or don’t let me in , she says that yes, a very... interesting towel, it is also a wood-revolutionary towel, the oldest towel in our collection, there is also an old grammar, when there are ers and i, in the 11th century in the st. sophia cathedral not only was there a service, here the prince received ambassadors there concluded agreements, that is, the cathedral was such an administrative building, open belarus together with the belarus 24 tv channel
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. once again, good cheerful morning to everyone, we continue to wake up to greet a new day, namely thursday and may 23, we calculated that there are 8 days left until summer, and no matter how strange it may sound, have time to enjoy the spring,
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remember that the most opportune moment to do this and what? do now, dear friends, let's, for example, enjoy the good weather, by the way, the morning has already turned out to be the best comfortable, from +10 to 16, this was the temperature at night, there was fog in some places, it rained in places, but nevertheless, katya, you will now add my information, it’s nice outside now, and around the country, i’ll add, i can confirm for sure that it was nice outside today in the morning, i’m sure it will be no less wonderful during the day, but let’s start in order, i’m sure our viewers are getting ready to leave the house right now, so we need to know how to dress, for this, numbers will help us , weather numbers. so, right now in the capital it is from 11 to 13°c, cloudy with clarifications, by the way, looking ahead, i’ll immediately say that precipitation this morning is not forecast anywhere in the country, but it’s still better to take the zone with you, because the situation will change during the day, but for now we remain in the early morning hours, and i continue to tell, in
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brest right now +14, +16, bsk up to 13° warm this morning +12 +14 right now in gomel in grodno a little warmer +14 +16 in mogilev no higher than 14, but this is only in the morning, in the afternoon it will become much warmer, but you know , you also need to pay for it somehow, so we have there will be precipitation, look what it is, in the capital today we are even expecting thunderstorms and of course there will be rain, but it will get much warmer +22 +24 expected. today during the day, dry, this afternoon in brest will be the warmest in the country. brest is traditionally lucky, today it’s +26 +28. in vitebsk, this day no precipitation, cloudy with clearing +24, +26. in gomel the same temperatures will be +26, but there will be thunderstorms. thunderstorms will be observed today in grodno, +25 +27 there. just
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rain without a thunderstorm, it will be this afternoon in mogilev +20. we still have plans for today’s broadcast, then we will discuss the issue of youth employment during the summer holidays with a representative of the ministry of education of the republic of belarus, and that’s not all. we will definitely call our colleagues from mogilev, we are sure that a lot of interesting things happened to them during the week, so we will ask them about everything. and, of course, thursday is a sports day, on our broadcast, today will not be an exception, no,
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we do not conduct exercises or warm-ups live we will, we will do it. behind the scenes we promise, but the sports columnist of the tv news agency andrei kozlov will come to visit us, and as always he has a lot of interesting sports news, you know, everything that should have ended up in the sports news, but for some reason no luck, we ’ll discuss it here in this studio, so dear friends, we have a lot of plans, and you stay with us! belarusian doilitstva, which is your jumping, it’s important that this time you get to know the materials , columns, and not columns, pelasters are like this, they are in the scene, and also appear in the action of the dastatkova, the eyes of this abavyazkova zachapitsa, the history of the creation of significant cultural objects in the region of the country,
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the village that became the sweaty meat of the heat. there was no, there was a porch, a stone, an icon and a sabor, and the hell of the city and the monastery itself began to develop. the actions of the hetai foresters had the honor of the saints and... 30 years after the collapse of the soviet union, the concept of democracy has become so distorted, on the one hand, this is good advertising on the part of the collective west, which it sowed on post-soviet space, he said:
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come to us, we have a lot of democracy, but in reality there is the power of capital, so our democracy is focused on every citizen, the collective west has modern technologies for shaking up society, destroying the economy, engaging... tactical nuclear weapons - this is precisely the most important deterrent, which , if not the one with the most power, gives these hotheads the opportunity to start some kind of provocation or military aggression against our country. project markov nothing personal, watch it on tv. rus 24.
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may 23, thursday, i will tell you about the main events of the morning hour, vladislav bundar, hello, watch the episode! what will be the control over prices for goods and medical services? early parliamentary elections have been announced in britain, things are not going well in the kingdom, they have even launched online survival aids.


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