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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 23, 2024 7:20am-8:01am MSK

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a representative of the financial police, the woman allegedly declared 18,000 rubles, in fact transferred all her savings to the swindlers, bribed the victim with a convincing speech and a fake employee id, which was even written with errors. a schoolboy escaped from class through a window in minsk and broke his leg jumping from the second floor. the administration of the frundinsky district of the capital said that two sixth-graders tried to leave classes. when this failed, through the central one. entrance, then the students decided to win from the window toilet, for some reason on the second floor, one of the praguns received a compound fracture of his leg. this was a project zone x, don’t miss our evening broadcast on belarus 1.
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dobre raadici. belarus, good morning
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belarus, good, good morning, beloved country, we continue to wake up, ekaterina antonova, tatyana matusevich to greet a new day, it’s thursday, may 23, it turns out that there’s nothing left until summer, but if you count it, then specifically 8 days, we enjoy every moment, the warm season, it literally seems to me, was created for belarusians, well, if you want facts, here you go, in the capital, in the upper city , your favorite has already started... classics at the town hall, these are such weekend musical evenings that will last until september. also on may 19, the wanner run half marathon was held in minsk. and let me remind all our viewers that this is an annual event, it starts simultaneously in dozens of countries. and on saturday in the agricultural town of porechye, grodno region, the festival of wind music fanfare syabrow will start. and tomorrow the annual bike festival will begin for all motorcycle lovers voronovo 2020. believe me, friends, this is just
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the beginning. with the onset of summer in our beautiful country, literally every day, in every big and small place , cultural and mass sporting events are held. but what has already happened in the mogilev region will be told right now by our colleagues, nikolai kamantsev and ekaterina rubegina. colleagues, good morning to you. good morning, magilev. good morning, colleagues, you look great, by the way. and of course, a huge morning greeting to everyone.
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an exhibit that caused a real stir among history buffs, this is a restored icon of the mother of god of mogilev, what is its uniqueness? has three layers: the top one belongs to the painting of the 16th century, the second layer to the middle of the 16th century, the third is the oldest, and its age is now being determined by experts. each layer is a separate icon, this was discovered by minsk experts during the restoration process. with further work with the shrine, modern technologies will allow you to see all three icons at the same time, well, this is what the triptych will look like. well , now let's do it. young people of the mohel region this year they will work in student teams. the work semester started back in january;
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these days, for example, the first construction team of schoolchildren began work in the belychsky district. young people work on the livestock farms of the rodina collective farm. the scope of work is very different. well, for example, folding tires to make it easier for animals to cover silage pits, by the way, this is a job the guys can do, well, someone else here purposefully comes to the detachment there, so the participants told us, they say: we want to earn money for a new computer , somebody says: we want to help parents. the working day for schoolchildren begins after classes and lasts just over 2 hours. by the way, there are nine livestock production facilities where the labor force is ready to continue working. let us remind you once again that in total in the mogilev region this year 3,000 schoolchildren and about the same number of students will work in the summer, 6,000 in total, well, good intentions, let everyone succeed, let everyone earn money for their little dream, well, i i suggest moving from occupational therapy to
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beauty, of course, when everything around is all the more conducive to enjoying beauty and endurance, but this is almost the motto of the competition, which... was held in mogilev, this is precisely the republican stage of the miss security department competition, from different parts of our country to mogilev girls in uniform arrived all in order to prove that they are not just beauties, but that they are also professionals in their field. and of course, all the details are in our story. ekaterina, thank you very much for your good news, magileva, hello, and of course, we we'd love to meet you.
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because we can’t not be together, but your pillows are so more interesting, there’s enough tenderness, probably years on the table, gourashkas are similar, but it’s like that with you, a python in the ocean of weightlessness,
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goosebumps, you love you, i love you too, let’s go without nonsense. vayu, that’s my name, time does not stand still, if you want to go to the clouds, if you want, come to me, who remembers only together, i’ll give myself to you, thank you, i’ll follow you along the edge, my soul, enough tenderness, probably years on the table, goosebumps are similar, as they are similar to you. we're driving to an ocean of non-madness, goosebumps on the skin, you love
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you, too, when let's go without stupidity with you in the sky, it's like you, and day after day, and at home, i'm dying. mistakes have been made together, it’s not all in vain, i love you, how similar to you, how similar to you, i understand in the ocean of skies, goosebumps, you love, i love you too, let’s not be nonsense, we’ll show you our troubles, we’re so similar to you . i feel like i'm in the sky with you, it's like i'm with you,
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you love me, i love you too. i fly around the world like a lonely bird, unengaged, unnamed, changing the years of the country, city-faced, i say goodbye, proud, untamed, someone will tell me, you are smart and brave, someone will say, you are absolutely incompetent, only the most important will tell you to hear,
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you are all incomplete, someone will tell me, you are smart, brave, someone will say, absolutely inept, only the most important will say, so they can hear, you're awesome, you're awesome, someone will say, you're smart, brave, someone will say , absolutely incompetent, only the most important will say, so they can hear, you're
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awesome , you're awesome, someone will say you're smart and brave, someone will say you're absolutely inept, only the most important will say so that they can hear, you are awesome, you are awesome, awesome, you are awesome. you are awesome, we’ll tell you how
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to choose high-quality products for healthy dishes, take the nuts in your hands and estimate their weight, don’t take ones that are too light, such fruits either have no kernels at all or they are dried out, the minced beef is dark red in color, the smell is pleasant, light milky aroma. a proper breakfast is the key to health and good mood. today we will cook lasagna with pumpkin and spinach, quite unusual, but it seems to me. sometimes you can pamper yourself, let’s get started, if you have a difficult day ahead and you know that you need a huge amount of energy, this is the breakfast that will help you, don’t forget about invigorating exercises, raise your hands up, raise legs and we do such a cool exercise, cockroach, we start shaking
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our arms and legs, our lymph flow starts, see the breakfast of the champion project. on the tv channel belarus 24.
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and let's start about everything in order in these morning hours. throughout the republic it is very comfortable, in in numbers, this morning looks like this: in the capital of the republic, minsk, +11 +13 and cloudy with clearing weather, but so far no precipitation throughout the country. we move further in breest +14, +16, in veitebsk not yet higher than 13. in gomel the thermometer rose to 12-14°, in grodno 14-16 above zero, in mogilev +12 +14. let's look at the daytime ones. ateliers, because there they will grow as much as possible, real summer will happen in spring. in minsk + 22-24, while weather forecasters say that the probability of precipitation is 90%. they promise rain and thunderstorm. in brest, the highest temperatures will be up to 28, while it will be cloudy with clearings and possibly dry. in vitebsk the picture is the same in terms of precipitation, there it
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is cloudy with clearings and up to 26. the same in gomel + 22-24, but the weather forecasters promise us there. rain with a thunderstorm, we'll see if there will be special effects in grodno, most likely yes, it's +25-27, thunderstorm and rain, damp weather conditions are also expected in mogilev and no higher than 26. you know, the weather is very, very good for us now needed because there are so many plans and so many of them are out in the open air we have to carry out this summer, well, in just a couple of weeks , the festival of national cultures, which traditionally takes place in grodno, will start. this year it will be on june 7-8, for the fourteenth time it will bring together numerous nationalities and this year there will be 35 of them. yes, since there will be new nationalities on the friendship alley, seven new exotics will appear in kolozha park. this year he will plant trees dedicated to argentina, mongolia, buryaatia, cameroon and even egypt. in addition, they haven’t taken it for a long time participation in the festival of nigerians and pakistanis.
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there are no trees from their countries on the lei, but i think everything can be fixed, so this year they will definitely be there. will appear, and in general there will be a lot of interesting things there and a lot of surprises, as always, yes, but we’ll tell you a little more in detail as part of the festival of national cultures celebrating the bicentenary of the august canal, and i’ll remind you that this canal is a monument to the hydraulic engineering of the 19th century, consists it is made up of a series of locks and drawbridges, this canal is navigable and connects the nemon and vistula rivers, its length is more than 100 km, so plan your weekend in advance, i remind you that this is the beginning of june, and i also want to... remind you that in just 5 minutes we will talk about the results of the first asian women's forum in world history with marina ilna, a member of the council of the republic of the national assembly of the republic of belarus. this will be a little later, right now we invite you to the place of work of mechanic dmitry moroshkin, because it is interesting to find out how he greets his morning. my name is.
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production of korean dump trucks, mechanical assembly work at the plant for i wake up at 6 am in the morning with coffee and basically get ready for work, we start work according to the schedule at 7:30, my part includes installing and adjusting the empennage and mining dump truck. the specificity of our work is that we work in tandem with the crown. the parts are very heavy and can only be lifted with a crane. i came to the plant after eleventh grade and received the profession of mechanical assembly work sledger at the plant.
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i underwent training for 3 months, more experienced senior comrades helped me gain experience and already here i worked at this plant 13 years. i have had it since childhood. it’s interesting to take something apart and put it back together, so i came here to the factory, so i’m making my childhood dream come true, working with parts and mechanisms. basically, we have a friendly team, our carn workers are women, and men are the result of mechanical assembly work. my profession is very important because i am involved in the final assembly of mining dump trucks. our technology is everything.
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swiss sanatorium, and oddly enough, the composition of the muesli of that time was very different from what we mean by this word today: muesli consisted of oatmeal soaked for 12 hours, to which was added lemon juice, a spoonful of condensed milk , a grated whole apple along with the peel and all the seeds, then almonds, hazelnuts and hemp grains were added to this product, and they say that this product was incredibly wonderful in terms of its taste, of course, if muesli had
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exactly this composition today, then the price of this product simply would not exist, because there really is so much fiber, and not only insoluble, but also soluble, which serves as the main food for our microflora, there are quite a lot of... polyunsaturated fatty acids from nuts, and there is even a useful component of dairy products from natural condensed milk, and vitamin c from lemon juice, put vitamins and minerals from apples, and that is , if muesli were like this today, then it would really be a valuable, cool , balanced breakfast, but today, unfortunately, the word muesli already hides a product that is not at all of such quality. like this it was once in switzerland that if you consider muesli as a breakfast for a child, then it would be a good idea to first look at the composition
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of such a product, and if sugar is in the first row, then it is better for your baby to put this product aside, but if the basis of such a product is - these are grains, a small part of dried fruits, if the muesli has natural... and a minimum of simple sugars, then this is quite possible, a fairly good breakfast, especially if you also add a protein component to such a breakfast in the form of eggs or dairy products. they were born in different corners of the world. i came to belarus from siri, i came here to study. i came from kazakhstan, the city of almaat is very beautiful. we took part in several shows, which we
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organized first here in our village, then in the city of lida there was the opening of such a creative space, i also had a fashion show of massok there. each hero has his own unique story and his own view of belarus. i love syrah. consciously, and belarus consciously, because belarus gave me everything, the nature here is beautiful, i feel like i’m on the belarus tv channel 24. good morning belarus. good
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morning everyone again, and we continue to welcome a new day on may 23 on the calendar. in mid-may , the first asian women’s forum in world history was held in samarkandi, and our country took part in it. we will talk about the results of such a large-scale event with our guest in the studio, member of the council of the republic of the national assembly of the republic of belarus marina ilyina. good morning, good morning, please tell us how uzbekistan received you and share in general. impressions, i can say that this forum is really was grandiose and large-scale, starting from the temperature of 32 degrees at the airport, flowers to all forum participants, in continuation of the speech of the chairman of parliament and tanzila kamalovna with a speech from the president of uzbekistan, we understand
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that... if the president at such a forum says words of gratitude to women about that they have gathered together, that they are solving the problems of their regions, that they are solving world problems, that they are communicating, then this already emphasizes the significance of the level of this event, and everything was organized like this in a way that we could communicate, exchange opinions, we could debate, it was really hot on the platforms. this is how women can argue, it turns out, then tell us who argued, because i know that, or rather , we argued and exchanged experiences, let’s call it that, more than representatives of a huge number of countries, more than a dozen asian countries, and we there were also there, who represented our country, what a joy for that, of course, more than thirty countries took part in the forum, i’ll say, these are women from aman, india, china, tazbekistan, that is... the geography
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was large, i think that our country was represented by very worthy women, three representatives of the belarusian women's union led by olga shpilevskaya, and they talked about our organization of the belarusian women's union, and i represented the parliament, all of us there were four in such a large company of women from the asian world, yeah, well , several sections worked within the framework of this forum, please tell us what key issues were discussed there? and of course, in 2 days there were 10 parallel sections, 10 worked, that is the issues were really global and there were a lot of them, women of the asian world discussed issues of gender equality, educational opportunities, regional agendas that are typical for a particular country, discussed the fifth goal
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of sustainable development? where they talk about gender equality between men and women, and throughout the agenda it was said that if goal number five is realized - gender equality, then all the other 16 goals, there are 17 in total, will be realized in the world, this is the key, this is the key goal, if equality between men and women in all matters of economics, social policy, and political life, then all issues will be resolved, well, much better. we know that your speech was about how to support women in business and economics, but in general , tell us how active belarusian women are, they want to participate in this, they participate in this, i mean in business, in economics, well, i i must say that if asian women talked about how they are fighting for their rights, then we positioned the experience of belarus, i believe that
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a unique experience like... yes, today a woman , on an equal basis with a man, can occupy key positions both in business and in politics, and there are many examples for this, i believe that belarus creates all the conditions for this, well, let’s take at least our legislation , when up to 3 years the mother can remain on maternity leave with her child and retain her job. this is very important, we have pre-school educational institutions, our kindergartens, when 90% of our children go to kindergarten, and mother can go to work and realize herself, but what kind of a portrait of our belarusian woman , an entrepreneur, we studied statistics, this is a woman from 20 to 49 years old, has a higher education or vocational education and a woman
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is absolutely familiar, what is the norm for us, we have no idea what it may be different, for many countries in the world, they say: yes, you can give the child away right away, 3 years, you don’t have to go to work, well, confirm my words, i think it sounded like that, and indeed, when
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we exchanged on the sidelines, to they approached us and asked, but you really have equals right, you can really sit at home and your workplace, yes this is really ours.
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there should be a norm, today three children should be the norm, and the state will support everything, we have something to strive for, we still have everything ahead, i think, yes, yes, marina aleksandrovna, thank you very much for coming to us this morning and sharing the experience of their trip, the experience of this forum, they told our viewers what happened there, i think, some of our viewers. inspired, motivated, well, let me remind you that about the results of the first world history of the asian women's forum we spoke with our guest, a member of the council of the republic of the national assembly of the republic of belarus, marina ilina, marina aleksandrovna, please tell me, we are women, a great force, we are not
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just a great force, we are a driving force, we unite peoples, we promote not only our position as a woman, we are talking about the fact that a man and a woman, if together, then everything will be fine in the world. this is what aura and aura are talking about, by the way, and now we are entering our broadcast. work, career. family of motherhood, we different, but our strength is in unity, we are women, great strength, we make the world happy, bright, beautiful, we are your love, men, your support, come on, girls, let's get along, we are women. you are a great power, we make the world
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happy, bright, beautiful, with heartfelt care, we warm with warmth, we give faith, hope, love to the world, a woman can do anything, there is no doubt about it. don’t let go of difficulties, smile, understand, believe, support, keep warm, only a woman’s heart is capable of this, we are women, great strength, we making peace with'. beautiful, bright, beautiful, but your love, men, your support, come on,
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girls, come on, we are women, great power, we make the world happy, bright, beautiful, with sincere care, we warm with warmth, we are faith, hope, love the world we will hit, understand believe support keep warm. only a woman’s heart is capable, we are women, we are
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women, great power, we make the world happy, bright, beautiful, we are your love, men, your support, come on, girls, go well, we are women, this is what i sow. and makes pete happy, bright, beautiful, we care with our hearts, we warm with warmth, we are faith , hope, love, peace, imagination.
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morning news on belarus 1, in the vladislav studio. hello. a large public discussion of updated legislation on business activities continues in the country. you can submit your proposals until may 25th. more than 300 of them have already been received. they mainly concern the list of permitted activities for individual entrepreneurs. total in the country. more than 250 are working.


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