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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 23, 2024 9:50am-10:00am MSK

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received mortal wound. soon after the death of kambrig, the partisans received a radiogram informing them that the people's avengers partisan brigade had been named after its commander and organizer. today, streets in minsk and lagoisk pleschenniki bear voronyansky’s name. we have a huge number of projects, there are so-called russian houses, they are called that by the people, formally they are all beautifully called russian centers of science and culture, the most important ones are naturally located in minsk, they are all a kind of point attraction for people who... come
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there to different circles, to different seminars, to different conferences, film screenings, concerts, exhibitions and so on, a huge number - all sorts of, as they say now, activities, activities, well, that's just what is done in russian homes themselves, besides this there are a large number of different programs that are launched from moscow, from the central apparatus of rossotrudnichestvo, exchange programs, internships, trips of young specialists to russia, educational programs, the lot. there are obvious ones for we have dates associated with victory day, may 9, of course, a holy day, various events are dedicated to this, such as a candle of memory, a garden of memory, a victory dictation, a huge number of different events, we participate, by the way, in the training of immortal regiments with great respect, so to speak, this is a huge honor for us, besides this there are interesting stories, for example, the forum of regions.
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which took place in belarus, we also participated in its preparation in the organization, there are educational programs, there is a recruitment of students from belarus to russian universities, there are several important considerations here, it is very important for us that these are not just visits of friendship, which is obvious, there should be visits of friendship, of course, people should be happy with each other, but the plan of events that we are drawing up between the russian partner and the belarusian partner, exchange of some kind...
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bow to the city authorities, because we have twin cities of the same grodno, this is, as far as i remember, tambuv, it seems to me, vologda, there is also a whole list, right up to sakhalin, it seems to me that we should ours colleagues should come to grodno and see how it works. let's return to the topic of russian centers of science and culture, recently one appeared in grodno, what tasks do they perform ? how many of these are there in belarus already? well, we have concluded an agreement on the activities of these cultural centers between russia and belarus. as far as i remember in 2009 , the first large cultural center, this so -called russian house in minsk opened already in the tenth year, now we have a new one in grodna, there is a center in brest, there is a center in gomel, i hope that they will open moreover, they are in demand, we saw this by the number of people who came to the opening in grodno, this is a platform, a platform in demand among the locals.
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from russia and speakers, belarusian children who choose foreign universities prioritize russian universities, yes, what bonuses are provided for our compatriots and what specialties do they most often choose? we have several programs under which belarusian children go to study at russian universities, and this is simply direct commercial admission there, he concluded contract, i went to study, and there is an olympiad movement, it is possible to apply through the state ... russian exam, just with
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some additional one, and there is the same quota that was mentioned, this is the government of the russian federation, 1300 people, we had almost 200 applicants. well, it’s a good competition, mainly these are medical specialties, medical there up to dentistry and so on, there are engineering ones, it interests the guys from belarus and i repeat once again, this is a two-way road, now belarus is making it easier admission for russian students to belarusian universities, as far as i read for several days based on the results of the unified state exam: russian students will be able to enter belarusian universities, great, absolutely, somewhere around thousands of places, quota for russian students, 1300 is ours. i repeat once again, this is important, it is very important for us that students return, make belarus richer, better, more successful, and so on
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and so forth. analyzing the opponent, working on... mistakes, choosing the right strategy for the match, athletes have to work a lot with head to become a champion, they know exactly what success is on sports grounds, but still, to become a champion, emotions subside, some realization already comes that they have actually achieved such a significant goal both for the club and for the fans, but what will be the result in a real battle of the intellect, what is the name of the gymnastic apparatus, where two... parallel bars are installed at the same height, vlad bars, bars, absolutely true, what the abbreviation stands for, you need to press, you don’t know further, then everyone will guess it, the belarusian federation, maybe everything, everything, is, yellow,
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the coach who won all these titles, while he is the only one, actually, he always considered himself, he always considered himself the only one - this is jose mourrinho, this is the correct answer . absolutely right, portuguese specialist. watch the intellectual and sports show "head game" on our tv channel. we are never completely satisfied with any job; everywhere we know where we can do better. and we strive for this. the works of their workshop were presented to the pope, patriarch of moscow of all rus'.
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all four are the top best scanners in the project belarusians teslya family their unique technique of inlaying with wood shavings, which they restored after a century of oblivion, we use wood from the forest, buckthorn, sumac, or as people call it vinegar tree, everything that grows in the garden, all the fruit trees, stone fruits, we cut everything and collect it from our friends,
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we ate it little by little, sipping on the words of our skin. the greatest creativity, the most valuable and useful ivagi - these books. the books contain the thoughtful thoughts of the people, the reports and expressive chatter of people. everything that chalavetstva created, she ate up on old books, bytstsam witchcraft. we read the past
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centuries, the closer ones, we appreciate the past for our daily life.


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