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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 23, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm MSK

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you can accomplish a lot in 24 hours, and even more in 7 days. in our project you will learn about key dates, events in the country and the world that happened during the week, in just 20 minutes. there will be time for entertainment.
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exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits, a series of films from the pearls of belarusian cinema, and of course, online travel around our amazing country in search of a new place on the map, all this and not only in the weekly project ether 24:7, watch everyone on our tv channel friday evening.
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the best journalists are economists and historians and lawyers, the years go by, but you don’t change. greetings to tv news, why are you anchored in this particular structure, this is the best thing that can happen to journalists, at the beginning you had a live broadcast, and then a parachute attack, yes, yes, my colleagues told me the other day that you’re not a real boss , from what it grew, authorial journalism, the twentieth year gave us this, the president said about it, that no one will leave us alone, simply because we want to go our own way, but what’s important about this is that we still dictate the agenda, your writing talent, i write i write fairy tales, poetry, and some pieces of prose somewhere. not to
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publish them, is it easy for you to go to work behind the scenes, this is such a philosophy of gentle acceptance of life and small steps, do what you can, and you will slowly move forward. hello, the program “tell me not to be silent” is on air, svetlana smolonskaya and victoria popova are in the studio. and today our guest is our colleague, journalist, tv presenter, deputy chief director of the tv news agency bel tv and radio company victoria senkevich. vika, we welcome you. well, since we’ve known each other for how long it’s scary to say, that’s why.
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everyone just tells me about that time that i had a revolutionary image, i didn’t perceive it as revolutionary at all, i lived with this haircut, before that, when i had different colored hair, i won’t go into depth, it was a little revolutionary, a little daring, yes, and when i came to the television casting, there were several hundred people, only five of us were chosen and...
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it’s true, practical journalism is the best school, probably in our country, not i beg in no case the merits of other directorates and other television channels and other television and radio companies, we are all professionals, but the television news agency has a very large amount of content that this directorate produces, and we always accept young, young journalists, people from other professions with an open heart , we train them, perhaps i feel very harmonious there, well , it wasn’t always like this, when you came with a short haircut, and this... began to take shape, that’s how its evolution is, if you follow these years, what has changed here, when i came to television, i believed that rel is a state within a state, this is the vatican, it remains so, but you can say that this is such a separate caste, you can afford it, because you are operational ,
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mobile, relevant, punctual, it’s all about you, everything is so, yes, thank you very much, we really started, i started in 2003, news agencies, of course, already existed. but i started working with the so-called bkakams, we went on air from cassettes, if you remember, yes, those times, then we switched to digital, then we switched to hd, now we are looking forward, and as ivan mikhailovich eismant, chairman of the belarusian radio company, has already announced, we are working on creating an information channel, this will be a completely new product , a very large team of professionals is working on it, not only in agencies the entire bel tv and radio company is working on this, what i want to say is that there is a separate tv news agency. without colleagues from the beltiradiocompany, without you, my dear colleagues, he cannot realize himself and it is impossible to imagine his work, yes, but we we are changing, we are growing, just like you are growing, but do journalists grow, i mean, you say, we joyfully accept our embrace of youth, but they are already different, vika, how are we
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different, we who came then, we are happy we considered it an honor to get up at 5:00 in the morning for the broadcasts, and leave work there at 11 at 12 at night - yes, young people are different now, but i will say this, people come with the same burning eyes, only those who ... good, in a good way, is sick of this profession, we are all a little crazy, we everyone is a little dependent on the broadcast and on adrenaline - live broadcast, uh, besides, we work with information, here you need to be very responsible in what you say, what numbers you give, what definitions you give, yes, you name people’s positions, that is, there should be such a thing in a person...
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technology or not, there is an opinion that no, that they simplify, yes, the process, but there is no depth of presentation, that is, we are becoming we are in this era of goldfish, yes, where do we have a very short attention span, yes, and we switch, we are used to switching from content for content, this format of social networks where we scroll through videos and so on, yes there is some truth in this, of course, but at the same time, well, where would we be without technology, we are developing together with our viewer, our viewer is already completely different , that is already. analyst, not to see another picture, not to see what they are talking about in the picture, yes, not to see the same productions that are being discussed and so on, so today, well, maybe three to five
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journalists can work on one story, collecting it all, content production times are reduced, you will agree that once you could do a plot there for several days, now this is also possible. big, serious, good materials are made in a serious amount of time, but from the wheels - this is just our everything, so write on the knee in the car, somewhere on the phone in the phone all the stories. written on the phone, even the films that i brought about serbia, all the voiceovers, all the transcribed interviews, it’s all on the phone, we drove around serbia there 300 km one way, 300 the other, we went to kusturice, yes, to that time i’m transcribing other interviews, i’m sitting, why not on a laptop, not on a tablet, but it’s heavy, you know, there’s no point in carrying women’s backpacks on your shoulders, well, there’s no point if you have everything on your phone.
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yes, it was love at first sight on television, absolutely, but i was so not a classic journalist who came, i don’t have a journalism department behind me, i’m an economist, and as one of my once leaders said, the best journalists are economists, historians and lawyers, i still believe that this is absolutely so, because it’s a cool background of any of these educations so that you can speak on serious topics and write about serious topics, but already when i got here, when i sat down in the studio, when was my first live broadcast... first my broadcast was live, in fact, i had no recordings, i left the studio, i remember, completely
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stunned by what happened, like a parachute jump, adrenaline was released, i don’t understand what to do with it, i realized that i i'll stay here for sure, i'll be here, well look, at first you had a live broadcast, and then a parachute jump, yes, yes, thanks to television too, but how quickly economic education was forgotten on television, well, how? how can you forget him? no, i haven’t forgotten at all, naturally, i don’t use some things there, but i have to turn to him constantly, including we do economic programs, here i am the chief editor of the talk show economic environment, this is the evening prime, this is this format , which explains complex economic processes, we try to put it in simple terms to do with very distinguished guests and the presenter, and in order to talk on these topics, i need to understand how the gross domestic product differs from the gross national product, then...
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for myself i call it a heavy suite of information analytics, we are working on it, in principle, for myself, but i can’t , and it’s the main information project, so to speak, there is one main project, i think that every project i work on, every film and every report and every interview, is the main thing for me, i i literally get sick of the hero, that is, me it’s always very painful to cut these extra minutes of an interview, i just always tear it from my heart, sometimes to the... i ask the editor, please cut me, because it hurts, i’m scared, it seems to me that this is all for
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work, so i’ll tell you, i brought most of these young people to television, i saw them, and together with the management , a decision was made that these people will work in a television agency, they will work on air, and i am very proud that i can find and can see people, who will probably show themselves in this area, then these are not even some kind of castings, this is a program during the castings. we are part of a large team of managers of different channels and different directorates, we selected people, and people come to us, they just ask, i think it’s no secret that even on social networks you can write to everyone, and we read everyone, we look and consider, but i personally have such a principle, because i once came from a casting on television, i have such a principle that i kind of repay this debt, and i consider everyone, i give everyone a chance for at least i should look at myself, am i going to step over this? here is the line of embarrassment of young people, he writes a lot to me, not only to me but also to my colleagues, we exchange all the time that
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ivan mikhailovich also said when he was in the studio, that a girl also wrote to him on instagram, in my opinion, or on some social network , and she is very young, she is 17 years old, and some journalists, i know a journalist who also wrote to the boss on social networks, but she is a very successful journalist now, a pool journalist and presenter, but there is also this problem of personnel rotation, that is, you are letting me down. because this professional jealousy, please, give us a scandal on the air, and maybe even another topic is that they are outbid? and this is a natural process, everyone should grow in their profession in their life and not even necessarily grow up in position, but grow in their development, and do something new, that’s how i started, i once sat in the frame, then i very asked, give me the microphone, show me how stories are made, i i’m not a journalist, i don’t even know how they are filmed, but i learned how to make stories,
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i learned how to make films, interviews, and so on , and just like any other professional, he wants to raise the question. no, if he sees himself, some kind of field opens up for him, believe me, a lot of people, this is a very small market, a media market, and in belarus there are many people, well , firstly, they are on our arbiter anyway, and secondly , well, someone is coming back, i just somehow, i don’t know, i ask myself, could i do it like this, if they grew it there move on, no, i actually don’t suffer at all from such feelings as professional envy, or i feel sorry for losing some cool journalist, on the contrary, i’m proud that here we are, all together, the whole team of a large company, raised and raised a person, they once gave him a chance, now he’s so cool that tv channels are fighting for him, well , such self-confidence, but i really like vika, well, these people are grateful, yes, yes, yes, yes, that’s all, that is, for me, i
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can’t say, maybe i’m a happy person, it just happened that way, well, maybe i was lucky, but everyone, even those who leave ... this sphere altogether, and this happens, firstly, many people want to return, because you know, this is a drug, today it’s like that just to get off this live broadcast from the information agenda, yes, and secondly, both those who leave and those who remain in this area write a lot, we always meet at our big television parties, events, this is the top tv and others, yes, we see each other on some filming, we can work on computers at neighboring tables working on some kind of location shooting, giving each other videos there, that is, it’s still a community, a great camaraderie. for some reason you remember an interview with kusturica, yes, serbia, it was just recent, and it was very pleasant for me, and in terms of the atmosphere, tell me, what is your impression of serbia, because i adore this country, quite by accident, it became part of my personal history, the first time it was an editorial assignment to go there to film, this was my third time in serbia this year, they were filming the next anniversary
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of the nato bombing, the bombing of yugoslavia, such a sore subject, such a wound, but... the president of belarus flew to them in 1999, he was one of all the leaders who flew, it meant a lot to them , they were simply killed then, and kusturica agreed to give us an interview solely because we are from belarus, he said so, the honorary consul of belarus in the city of novi sad called him, kusturica was flying from some event and told me this story, he says: and i got a call,
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here is a journalist, he says: i can’t, i’m writing a script, he’s now writing a new script, working with russia on a film, right? and they say to him: well, these are journalists from belarus, he says: yes, then there’s no question, come, he walked with us for an hour around his ethno-village dervyangrad, he fed us lunch, he was wonderful, this creative genius in everything and in communication and in his train of thought, in his judgments, how he sees the globalism of this world, yes, how clearly he sees the motives of those who are trying to rule our country like puppets, you do you think serbia is the country that will withstand pressure.
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situation in the region, but in serbia itself , believe me, there is something to see and you can even fly for yourself. vika, well, you’re on camera working on projects and managers, that’s how much of you is a tv personality, and how much of you? boss, my colleagues told me the other day, you’re not a real boss, yes, yes, why not a real one, why are they so, probably, authoritarianism was not
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enough, some, uh, no, i call myself a journalist, initially, although she acquired her journalistic education in the field, from their colleagues, they taught me, i hope that there is more of a journalist in me, as in all our leaders, by the way, they all work almost behind the scenes, as journalists and producers, you know all this very well, this is the whole thrill of the work of professionals , when you are on your team, regardless of position, you can brainstorm and discuss the project, so that it will be cool on air later. well, i understood correctly that you consider a journalistic education unnecessary, but what are your students like? first about journalism education? no, i don’t consider it superfluous, like any education, it gives you a broad horizons, the ability to think systematically, experience communicating with a wide variety of... people, this is a big plus, and of course some basic knowledge of how journalism works , besides, now journalistic education is different, so you ask what kind of students, now students
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come to my belter company, yes, they come to the studio, they are interpreted in the studio, they write stories, they write a script, they come to the editors’ club, they sit down and watch how are the leaders of journalism, the heavyweights, of our profession, how they make the program, but this was not there 20 years ago, when i started working. authorities in the profession? when i came to see the playing coaches, and you have some kind of television, i honestly admit that there were no authorities in my spirit, i watched little television, in principle, but i came, fell ill with this atmosphere, this profession, this work, i realized that every person can teach you something, and you need to listen very carefully, especially to those who have been here for a long time, starting from the operators, who you know, that lighting operators are
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very important for tv presenters, they can make you beautiful, or maybe this was the first advice from sveta borovskaya, when i stepped over the responsibility of television, be friends with the operators, and of course all the editors, producers, chief editors of our news programs, people who taught me. we’re all teaching each other something, that’s how i’m diplomatically, and for now we’ll take a break for a while, i remind you of our telegram channel say don’t be silent,
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subscribe, offer us guests ask questions, we are in touch, on the air again, don’t be silent, our guest... today is journalist and tv presenter victoria senkevich, we are meeting on the eve of the tv summit of the award ceremony for professional television workers, there is a pleasant buzz in our teams, i feel it, what emotions you are experiencing, and are there any authors of vtn, yes, if we are talking about the triumph of author’s journalism, which you think should be celebrated, marked with a statuette of a tv pinnacle,
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i oversee many of these projects of author’s journalism, so i would really like, to mark all the authors that we have, but firstly, because author journalism has its own specifics, these are people who write, who think, these are people who understand the cause of global processes, such people, as it turned out, also need to be looked for, these are also unique diamonds of journalistic thought and style, so well, i would mention all our colleagues, including not only the news agency, but... also other tv channels, but our writing colleagues, who came on air and also became the faces of our some columns, blog vlogs, and from submitted projects, well, of course the
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tv news agency submitted projects. i will really root for some of them tomorrow, i’m just very afraid, don’t get me wrong, a little superstitious, but i’m very afraid that i won’t list those i want so that others won’t be offended, i understand that, but tell me, but still from what this is what author journalism has grown, this is what the twentieth year gave us, and in many ways, people wanted it, they found their own voice, they wanted to speak , or firstly, people wanted to speak, and secondly, there was a big demand for it.
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put pressure on our beautiful belarus, we have to defend ourselves, defend ourselves, but knowledge and the word are also weapons, and i am very glad that our viewers and our internet users prefer to be with these weapons and prefer to be at least informed about the processes that happen because we lived until the twenties, we were such cats, it’s just that everyone, you know, is belarusian, but everything was fine, but you must agree, no bullying, no aggression, we are used to the fact that we walk the streets in the evening, let the children go streets, look, in europe this doesn’t exist, you can’t let your child go for a walk there in the evening, you yourself can’t go for a walk in the evening with a backpack with an expensive watch, simply because you fear for your safety, we just don’t even think about it, and of course, when suddenly they began to rock our country, some got lost in this information field, did not find guidelines, did not understand at all how to interpret certain events, yes, someone trusted sources of information that were not actually sources
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information, but were. impact on people, psychological, informational, then we saw the faces of those who were behind these sources of information, we observed, yes, the platforms from which they broadcast, and well, in general, the smell still somehow exists, but what about you? i survived my twenties, and it’s not so easy, of course, i would like to say with a smile that this is all nonsense, nothing, of course it was a shock for everyone, i think yes, because it’s hard. it’s emotionally hard to see your society split, even partially, it’s emotionally hard to see people whom you considered smarter, tactfully, we will say, you see some of their actions or some of their words, obviously so short-sighted, so erroneous, so undermining the basis of the state system, even yes, that we see now it is qualified by certain
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well, you don’t follow the news, you don’t know what the arab spring is, you haven’t seen how the system is changing in these states, in all of them, look to the south, at our neighbor, what happened there in the fourteenth year, these are not toys, that's it what did this lead to today, yes, unfortunately, to great regret, for our entire continent, because with these hands, the hands of these ukrainians, just other powerful people in the world are trying to solve their problems, that’s all, nothing more, this is a bargaining chip, and the country is the richest, once wonderful.
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well, as for safety, this factor is now put in first place by everyone who comes to us, that is, it is no longer cleanliness, but safety in belarus - this is the most important thing, you see how times have changed, they once said your streets are so clean , and we we say, enough about clean streets, look what we have, and the enterprises
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we have, the agriculture we have, and what we have, we have a lot of things, not to mention the people who simply wonderful, i had such a fear that these authors, journalists, who were then actively on the front line, they would not find themselves in this well...
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the audience, let's say, these are thinking and analyzing people, they also grow with our journalists, god grant that we have positive news feeds, we are only glad talking about a cleaning company, talking about the holiday season, this is happiness
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for a journalist, believe me, but now there is a flourishing of author’s journalism, topics related to security, national security and a specific person, and of course this viewer is already such an adult, an adult viewer, we have grown up, can you tell? are very interested in the movements of journalists, like where they travel, what they eat for breakfast, and so on, that is, i recognize this nineteenth, twentieth, same handwriting, which makes me think that money allocated again, money allocated, i also talked about this not so long ago, yes. it is clearly felt that there are some budgets that people have gone to develop, but what is important here is that this process will always be there, they will not give us peace, and the president said about this, that no one will leave us alone, simply because we want to go our own way, we don’t want to give our resources of our people to
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someone else, that’s all, but what’s important in this is that we still dictate the agenda, that is, well, they can’t take a step without us, well, colleagues, they it’s so interesting what we do for work, what we do on vacation, and it only gives them informational leads. i lost something like this, you regret it, no, i’m probably lucky too, i’m surrounded by thoughtful people, but really, i’m telling you sincerely, no, it’s impossible to talk about anything here from my family, we always
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support each other very much, well and we are all pro-government people, absolutely, friends too, i have a lot of friends from our profession, because here we spend our whole lives, as you know, we are friends here, so... changed me, just a profession, forced me not to even wear a mask, no, but to reveal rather well, no, in fact, journalism me a little bit another side of my nature, which manifests itself in communicating with people, it turned out that this is also good and interesting, it turned out that people are wonderful conversationalists. without them it can be completely sad and boring alone,
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so extrovert and introvert, introvert in life, my favorite weekends are when i’m alone at home, however, even my loved ones sometimes get offended, they say, what’s wrong, i say, well, i really need it, just one day a week, so that no one, good, what do you do when you’re alone at home, read books, walk, run, ride a bike, swim, think a lot, that is, i’m somehow in kind of in my own world, yes, but mostly i read, i really like it. uh-huh, i even saw on your facebook, you have your own column, yes, yes, i decided to finally open something personal, a little bit of myself, real and write about what i read, because it turned out that we communicate a lot with our colleagues behind the scenes, yes, it turned out that there are a lot of reading colleagues, well, this is natural, and such a profession and such people began to exchange some recommendations, we directly grab each other, that is, we are already waiting for books from each other, we already have our own community there, if anything we'll join you. thank you, with pleasure, let’s join this clique, i knew
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that you were with us, your writing talent, and it exists, it exists, well, i wrote to the helmet, yes i wrote, the fact is that this is not what you do in your own way will, so that you understand, that is , they forced you, yes, well, i, i write fairy tales, i write poetry, i write some pieces of prose somewhere, not to publish them, it’s not that i’m there so much... there i consider myself a great writer, that now i owe something in eternity, yes, how can i leave it, it happens completely differently, for example, i sleep at night, everything is fine, it’s just that at some point it’s 3-4 in the morning, and i wake up from the fact that the lines are knocking here, knock-knock-knock- knock-knock-knock-knock, i say, no, i want to sleep, everything is there, i tell myself, i really want to sleep, i don’t want to, everything is closed, and i don’t i can fall asleep, i take the phone and i’m like, okay, okay, i’m writing something down. it doesn’t matter, it could be a poem, a few lines of just
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some prose or something else, it lets me go and i continue to sleep, i don’t know if such a story happens to all writers, but it’s unlikely for serious ones, they it has its own scheme for writing works, but for me it’s exclusively like this, you need to give it away and publish it, my friends actually persuaded me to do this, somehow publicly, because i always said, well, this is so exceptional mine, you know, the experience and living. you write something, you also comment on parades,
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you have such a page in your creative biography, you probably already know what features will be this year, maybe something can already be said, this year is a special year, it’s the eightieth anniversary liberation of belarus, that is, on july 3 we are waiting for a serious, good event, beautiful, and i always say with pride that i have been the voice of official state events and parades for more than 15 years, that is, this is such a reason for me to be proud. airplanes and helicopters will fly over the police, our
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phrase is a classic one from the commentary, and of course there are honor guard companies, a parade ground - it’s always a very beautiful highlight and feature of a military parade, by the way, it has its own characteristics of the commentary, you know what the guys do here these beautiful elements with rifles with fastened bayonets to the music , they count to themselves, listen to the music, and thus our task as commentators is already, our voice sounds in the square. we know when to intervene with our voice, so many people are interested in this topic, and we remember both covid times, but post-covid times, when viewers from various countries write to us that our parades are the most spectacular, the coolest, the most precise, as you say, well
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long-awaited, we will be waiting for you on the air with your colleague on july 3, but for now we will take a break for a while, i remind you that we have a telegram. to the channel say, don’t be silent, subscribe, ask questions and suggest guests, we are in touch! the program “say don’t be silent” is on air again, our guest is tv presenter journalist victoria senkevich, vika, well, one of your hobbies is running, you probably run half marathons, you probably wanted medals. not much, but more, but here it’s not about the mileage, it’s about the lifestyle, as i say, the one who runs, yes, a running person, he is always in shape, you should always be ready to wake up this morning to run, how much - yes, thank you, how many
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kilometers do you need, so, well, this is a special philosophy, yes, you’ll explain this, it’s a little staicism, a little buddhism. this is acceptance of the world, acceptance of the idea that the world can change, you ran into the sun, but while you are running, it may rain, and you will have to move through this world, the world is not to blame for anything, you must be mentally prepared for this, accepting your changes, you are changing, your opportunities are changing, today you you can do something, yes, there is no tomorrow, and there is nothing wrong with that, yes, that is, your body is changing, that is , this is such a philosophy of gently accepting life and taking small steps, do what you can.
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some numbers, yes, that you can be proud of, just top-level motivation, well, there is no, absolutely, i’m not talking about achievement, yes, that is, i won’t even talk to me about speed or the number of kilometers traveled, because in principle i think it’s not
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entirely correct to do this, we all who are there in this this is the culture of amateur running that we are experiencing. there is an opinion among us that if you have already reached the starting line, and it doesn’t matter, you can even go, but you have found the opportunity in yourself, now to devote this time to your health, namely health, we are not talking about achievements, then you are already ahead the one who is left on the sofa, lying there somewhere, and you’re already doing well in any case, in any case at all, but it seems to me that there are more such people in minsk, yes, a lot, when i started, it was more than 10 years ago, uh-huh, uh, i was actually running through the park, mostly alone, people were looking at me. the dogs didn’t run for now, listen, it’s such a thrill when you run out after work in the evening somewhere on a day off or in the morning, no matter where, i live there in one of the microdistricts of minsk, where there is also a large green park area, and there are a lot of runners, and sometimes we even recognize each other by sight, because well, in this whole
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atmosphere we are there, we are welcoming, we have our own rituals there and along the way, and it is truly a great happiness to live in a country in which people have realized the value health and your own... the variety of your physical activity is the better, you can’t run all the time or drive all the time or swim all the time, do everything different, it will be great. vika, there is a lot of criticism towards cyclists now, they are in the way.
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you count the kilometers, well, i look at in photographs, you sometimes post there, i post kilometers, when running i post kilometers, yes, mostly for myself, so that it comes up in a year, in 5 years, and so that oh, look, i did so much there that day , cool.
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as with all life, you have to grow, try something new, i love it very much, i always start something new there, some sports with a mentor or a coach, they taught
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us how to swim too, a good, very good coach taught me and my friend , yes, we came there together, i came for company solely with the promise that i with you it’s like training, don’t expect more from me, i don’t swim, i don’t like swimming, okay, in the end i take two slots on the basfor 2 years in a row, swim 6.5 km, that’s it... i think he said , what you need is to feel like a fish, and to swim, you just need to feel changes,
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accept these changes and be changeable yourself, but something like that, yes, i completely agree with this, that you need to accept changes if possible, this is also about a philosophy that, while running and while cycling and while swimming across the basin, oh, so much there you need to accept from the world, you push away a jellyfish somewhere, oh my god. you swim, focus on flags, on buildings, that is, it’s not just a swim from shore to shore, you must go through a certain trajectory through this strait, that is, you must navigate where you should turn in the water, which means matching the signs, girlfriend , with whom you went for company, she swam across the basfor, everything is fine, we all swam across the basfor and you will swim, don’t worry, come to training, yes, if you want, well, that’s not really about it either achievement, it's more likely.
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we will run a half marathon on september 8, i invite everyone to join in any distance, who else is included besides victoria, the athletics federation will just gather us, i find out, they promised a lot of surprises, they say that our composition has changed a little, surprises in training , that is, well, we’re directly preparing for a half marathon, although this is a story for the rest of our lives, and just like swims, you come and see a lot of people and think, well, this is probably physically possible after all. yes, because when is your first time you go out to this strait, you look at this huge mass of water and think, well, no, no, well, the stories, you know, are so
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reassuring to famous people that i owe it to sports, i’ve never done it. which allows you to better solve problems in other areas of life, make some decisions, organize yourself, somewhere understand that you should not listen to your immediate desires, lie down, although you should lie down, go, walk, yes, somewhere you understand that... you should now put your phone down in the evening and go to bed at 10:00 so that tomorrow you were fine, this is very important, well, many say that with high mental loads, which of course in atn require expenses, yes, but you also need to physically unload, this is our father today, and we look to the famous speakers there, who work 24/7 on
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the air around the clock, everyone ran, vika, and you ran. yes, most successful people, if you look at the lifestyle they lead, they most likely have some kind of activity in life, that is, some kind of physical activity, health is a big resource, uh-huh, vika, well, thank you very much for finding time in your busy schedule to come to our studio, we discussed some pressing issues, learned your philosophy, well, star fever didn’t affect you, despite the fact what is this... thank you very much, thank you for inviting me, it’s a great honor for me to be in this studio with you, thank you, victoria popova, svetlana smolonskaya, we say goodbye to you, until the next broadcast, goodbye, goodbye, victoria is speaking now senkevich, value yourself, your
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health, your resource, love, take care of yours loved ones, your country. with pleasure, sincere guests of space ratings, i wish you a tv show, say: don’t be silent, thank you very much.
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review of the most interesting sporting events. the ruslan soley prize was awarded to sergei kostitsin, that is, a hockey player who showed leadership qualities. dmitry kravchenko was recognized as the best coach of the extra league , and finally, mikhail sholagin became the best hockey player of the extra league. in the seventh round of the major league , slutsk created a sensation, beating mazyryan 1:0 at home. thanks to this victory , slutsk moved to tenth place in the tournament table. exclusive interviews with athletes. a huge number of people are waiting for me like a master class.
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only for our tv viewers we choose the best routes, at that very second the merchant decided to give praise to the gods, on the nearest island he first erected a temple, then built huts and founded a city, birch bark and set off on an exciting journey, he is like a magician, controls the light, stifles the lights lanterns, thereby marking the beginning and end of the day, as constant as the sun and the moon. are you entitled to leave or do you have a double so that to show how extraordinarily wonderful our country is. please note that the top of the gate is decorated with a sculpture of a stranger, who she is is still unknown, locally she is called the patroness of small towns. behind the walls of which these ruins remain , issues of national importance were resolved. well, yes, ruzhany castle was in no way inferior to the palaces of
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the kings of the grand duchy of lithuania. in ruzhany from literally everywhere. church of the holy trinity. the uniqueness of the temple is that it has never been closed. even in soviet times, like other churches in belarus, it was not turned into anything storage, neither to the cultural center, nor to the theater. watch the program cities of belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel , we are never completely satisfied with any of the work, never everywhere we know where we can do better and strive for this , the works of their workshop were presented to the pope , the patriarch of moscow of all russia, the queen of england and the heads of many states. it is not known for certain just from whom, but in principle it does not matter, the main thing is that the work pleases the person. iskani has no analogues in the world; only about 20 people own it, most of whom live in our country. we have four artists, main and two apprentices, three
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of them, well, probably for sure, otherwise all four are the top best scanners. in the project , the belarusians, the tesla family, use their unique technique, and wood shavings, which they restored after centuries of neglect, we use wood from the forest, sumac buckthorn, or as people call it the vinegar tree, everything that grows in the garden, all fruit trees, stone fruits , we saw everything from friends, we collect from ourselves, we learn how masterpieces are created, what is their magic, and the magic, probably, it lies in the fact that , well, a piece of the soul is transferred into the shavings. this friday only on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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noon news on belarus 1, in the vladislav studio. hello, first, briefly about the main thing. in a personnel decision against the backdrop of a difficult situation in the world, the president appointed a new head of the general staff.


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