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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 23, 2024 12:00pm-12:11pm MSK

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noon news on belarus 1 in the studio vladislav bunders, hello, first, briefly about the main thing. personnel decision against the backdrop of a difficult situation in the world, the president appointed a new chief of the general staff. farewell
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ceremony in iran. the funeral of president ibrahim raisi will take place in the evening in his hometown. mexican election passions and awesome campaigning. during the rally, the wind blew away the stage. there are dead. first business from school and bonuses for specialized classes upon admission. how the education system sharpens personnel to meet the needs of the economy. personnel president's decision. a key post in the security department no longer remains vacant. major general pavel muraveyka has been appointed to the post of chief of the general staff, first deputy minister of defense. previously , he served as first deputy secretary of state of the security council of belarus. and before that, he worked for 9 years as deputy chief of the general staff, head of the main operational directorate, that is, he was deeply immersed in the work of the department. addressing pavel muraveyka, the president spoke about the current issue.
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topics and lessons to be learned. events in ukraine are one of them. the military needs to take into account the peculiarities of modern warfare and draw conclusions. and today the president, as chairman of the all-belarusian people's assembly, heard reports from the deputy chairman of the head of the secretariat of the supreme national assembly. let us remind you that at the end of april the first meeting of the seventh all-belarus people's assembly in the new constitutional status took place. all priority, organizational and personnel issues have been resolved. and. the most important documents for the country have been adopted: the concept of national security and military doctrine. alexander lukashenko draws attention to the fact that this is only the beginning of a lot of work. it is necessary to form a clear system of interaction, meetings with government agencies, vertical management principles of work. meanwhile, nato’s appetites continue to grow, they are again talking about expansion, this time they are trying to include ireland, austria, malta and switzerland, which they are using, into the ranks of the military bloc. nuclear
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umbrella of the alliance. according to the british defense minister, there is no place for neutrality now. this expansion could be the tenth stage throughout the entire existence of nato. the latest recruits include sweden and finland. in iran, mourning ceremonies of forgiveness continue with the country's president ibrahim raisi, as well as others who died in the helicopter crash, the minister of foreign affairs of iran, the governor of the east azerbaijan province and the friday imam of the city. from iranian. the leader and head of the foreign policy department said goodbye to the residents of tehran, tabriz and qom. today the ceremony will be held in the city of bergent. after this, raisi's body will be sent to his hometown mishkhet. farewell will take place in the mausoleum of imam riza. high-ranking delegations and foreign officials will take part in the funeral procession, including the minister of foreign affairs of our country, sergei aleynik. tragedy in mexico during an election rally due to strong winds. it was not
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the candidate who died. less than nine people, including a child, more than sixty injured. the incident occurred when the presidential candidate of the civic movement party, jorge maines, stood on stage with his team. due to a strong gust of wind, part of the structure was literally passed it on to people. the hospitalized person canceled his classes. the main thing they are trying to achieve is to reduce the number of students in classes. the workload has increased, including due to the influx of migrants. and the salaries of german teachers do not keep up with inflation. the problem is not new. since 2021 , the trade union has been seeking to conclude a collective agreement to protect the rights of teachers, but so far without results. preparing
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personnel for the real sector of the economy is one of the main tasks of the belarusian education system: over 57 graduates are preparing to leave school to make the choice easier. graduates of such specialized classes
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will not need to take the test; it will be replaced by an oral interview; the key requirement is that grades in specialized subjects must be at least eight, and in other disciplines in the certificate at least seven. and even from school , you can even try yourself in business. there are almost a hundred similar projects in the minsk region alone. at the negorelskaya secondary school , students grow ornamental thujas, spruce and muleberries, and since last year they have become interested in strawberries. they introduce the buyer to bioproducts at a local fair, and the harvest grown on school grounds. the project is also supported by the local forestry enterprise. my involvement in this project prompted me to think that perhaps i would also like to open one in the future. we’re purchasing our own business, i’m sort of, well , perhaps, putting together the colors, selecting ribbons for the paper, choosing which pots to decorate everything on, how it will be done correctly, the children
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are interested in this, because after analyzing the admissions of students from previous years, students are admitted in 2020. in their second year it turns out that 50% of students entered institutions higher education related to economics and management specialties. school business has its own structure and departments : design, technology, economics, management, and each direction has its own head. this system helps increase sales and interest in products. there is also a lot of attention in the country.
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zennik's records, darechs, letters at the time of the lasting war on the dandies there were more than 250 people, many did not come back, but their creations stopped, the good ones of the partisans, and many there were osmenniki partisans, partisans, belarusian sons, many works that were written in the hour of war became classics... the publication can be viewed in the reading room of the national library by pre -order. she gives belarusians hope for a happy future with warm children's hugs. she dreamed of becoming a doctor, grew up in a large family and today has
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three sons. obstetrician-gynecologist of the minsk central regional hospital, tatyana kudelich, the heroine of a new series of folk belarusian superwoman project. a sensitive doctor, a professional in his field. faithful friend and loving mother, how she manages to combine everything, how she found the strength to live on after a terrible family tragedy, what she sees as the meaning of life, watch in the evening broadcast on belarus 1. i believe in boundless love, the love of children for their parents, of mothers for children, human love in general, i work at the minsk central regional clinical hospital. hospital since 2001, i came here by assignment, came as a novice gynecologist in a large friendly collective, we are the ones who lie at the beginning of a woman’s journey in the chain of her health. human
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life is a great miracle, a miracle, a gift from god, pregnancy is not a disease, it is a normal state for... women further sports news, we will update the information at 1 pm, stay on the first button. plus two medals on the penultimate day of the competition , belarusian shooters added to the treasury of awards at the russian open championship, which ends today in ignatovo, moscow region. in small-bore rifle shooting from three positions at a distance of 50 m among mixed pairs, gold was won by the duet of vladislava pronko and vladimir chernov, and silver went to ilya chergeiko and maria martynova. at the moment the belarusian national team has 17.


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