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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 23, 2024 12:10pm-12:40pm MSK

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the kidneys of her health, human life is a great miracle, a miracle, a gift from god, pregnancy is not a disease, it is a normal condition for women. next, sports news, we will update the information at one o'clock in the afternoon, stay on the first button. plus two medals on the penultimate day of the competition, belarusian shooters added to the treasury of awards at the russian open championship, which ends today in ignatovo, moscow region. in the small-caliber rifle shooting from three positions at a distance of 50 m, among mixed pairs, the duo of vladislava won gold pronko and vladimir chernov, and silver went to ilya chergeiko and maria martynova. at the moment, the belarusian team has 17 awards, seven gold, six silver and four bronze. belarusian pentathletes.
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continue to fight for rating points to qualify for the olympic games in paris. the day before, our athletes started at the final stage of the world cup in ankara. based on the results of two types of programs, maria gnetchik takes fourth position in semi-final a, anastasia prokopenko in semi-final b , post-race, eighth. for men maxim maruk is in seventh place. let me remind you that only the top 9 strongest will continue to fight for medals.
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in the studio of the radio house on revolutionary 3 , announcers lyubov botvinnik and vladimir yurevich were preparing to go on air. it was difficult to hide my excitement by taking up my usual routine.
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a live broadcast began from germany, from nuremberg, from the next meeting of the international tribunal for nazi criminals. from the beginning of the process, such meetings were broadcast on belarusian radio, but this was especially important for the republic. february 8, 1946 in... borussi with
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we were especially excited about the speech at the trial in nuremberg by the chief prosecutor from the soviet union, lieutenant general of justice, roman rudenko. exactly this one. day on for the first time in history , the destruction of cities and villages, the looting of public and private property in the ussr. at the morning meeting of the international military tribunal, his accusatory speech about humanity was heard, justice is faced with crimes of such a scale that caused such dire consequences. for the first time , criminals appeared in court.
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fastas were destroyed and burned in the occupied territories of 1710 cities, more than 70 thousand villages and hamlets, destroyed over 6 million buildings, deprived more than 25 million people of their homes, invaders destroyed 31,850 industrial enterprises, a large number were stolen to germany, more than 17 million heads of cattle alone, 7 million horses were plundered and destroyed 98 thousand collective farms,
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the damage caused to residents and populated areas of the country was determined in the amount of 679 billion rubles.
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first territories for the period when information was collected even in the context of ongoing military operations, when the first losses of the bssr after liberation. a full assessment of the damage from
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equipment, other material and cultural assets, and human labor resources exported to germany has not yet been given. and this time of 2 years became a drama for the republic; its residents had to live through the most difficult period in the history of the restoration of belarus. information about the damage caused to the bssr began to be made public immediately after the enemy was expelled from belarusian soil. march 21, 1944 in gomel, the first regional city of the republic, liberated from the fascists, the session of the supreme council of the bssr began its work. it was the first in the history of the soviet union to take place on liberated territory, but
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still in the context of an ongoing war. the very fact of holding the session became a message to the whole world. the end of the war is near. inevitable, the report of the first secretary of simon reminded us of this. the whole of it was turned into a wasteland, more than 10 thousand civilians were killed. from
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the speech of delegates from the brest region. the nazis shot and tortured over 90 thousands of people, burned over 10,000 peasant farms, destroyed the ancient city of brest, and drove over 35 thousand young men and women to germany. so, in every speech. and
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thy supracounika radyovozla, which paved the heat of my father. despite the difficulties,
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radio broadcasts in gomel resumed in december 1943, almost immediately after his release. invaluable help from the military. at the direction of rakosovsky, the commander of the first belarusian front , the radio center was assigned an engine with an electric generator. electric lamps, electrical details, how important the start of broadcasting was, was confirmed by events: residents of the liberated territories needed truthful information, german propaganda worked professionally, refuting the offensive of the red army units.
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belarusian doilitstva, which is important for your jumping and this time you need to learn and master. columns, or not columnar ones, such plasters, are very important in the scene, and also act as a sufficient act. eye for geta abavyazkova zachepizza. history of the creation of significant cultural objects. on the border of the country the village that became the sweaty meats of the fire was not here, there was a roof, a stone, an icon and a sabor, and the hell of the past. once these forests, and the faithful ancestors of this place, were at the altar, then the price was required on their knees. cultural-asvetnitskiy project architecture of belarus. architecture has no such thing as lapses. small at the end there, here
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and there it was small. and here there was a piece of dry grass, there was some dry grass, there was some dry grass. watch on our tv channel, we tell you how to choose quality products for healthy dishes. take the nuts to with your hands, estimate their weight, do not take ones that are too light, such fruits either have no kernels at all, or they are dried out. ground beef is dark red in color and has a pleasant smell with a slight milky aroma. a proper breakfast is the key to health and good mood. today we will cook lasagna with pumpkin and spinach, quite unusual, but i think sometimes you can treat yourself. let's get started. if you have a difficult day ahead and you know that you need a huge amount of energy, this is the breakfast that is just right for you. will still help you. don't forget about invigorating exercises. we raise our arms up, raise our legs
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and do this cool exercise: cockroach, we start shaking our arms and legs . our lymph flow starts, watch the breakfast of the champion on the belarus 24 tv channel . military operations were still going on, the republic had not yet been liberated from the nazi occupiers, but already in march of the forty-third year a special emergency state commission was created to establish the facts of the atrocities
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of the nazi occupiers in the territory republics, as well as their accomplices. the task of this commission was, of course, to establish all the facts of genocide against the population of belarus. the first conclusions of the emergency commission began to be made public in the first months after the liberation of the republic. in the belarusian city of baranoviche, one could see an unusual picture when someone was in a hurry to get somewhere, and it was difficult to catch him on the spot. andrei famich bury, chairman of the city executive committee, usually now threw the wire from the loudspeaker from the window of his office on september 22 of forty years in the center onto the street. picking up
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him, the supply manager was already trying to connect the wiring to the loudspeaker, which he managed to secure under. residents have already joined the executive committee, and they also need to check whether the signal is coming. the broadcast from minsk was supposed to start at noon; they were waiting for an important message. in a small room of a dilapidated building, where they managed to organize a red corner of the minsk radio plant named after molotov, a pioneer was working magic near the receiver, he
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was tuning in to cleanliness, the workers would soon begin to gather, they were waiting for an important message. directors of the belarusian radio lyubov batvinnik and vladimir yurevich could not hide his excitement; for the first time he had to start broadcasting stationary, and even from his home radio on revolyutsionnaya 3. the mobile carriage from which the broadcasts were broadcast was becoming a thing of the past in a dilapidated building. restoration work was still in full swing. during the retreat, the germans blew up the transmitting radio stations, took out the equipment, and installed new ones, as they say.
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destruction only in the capital in large cities, in vitebsk, mogilev, gomel from 70 to 90%. human losses in belarus as a whole
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more than 3 million inhabitants, another 3 million were left homeless, 2 million were forced to live in dugouts. the nazis plundered more than 10 thousand enterprises and agriculture.
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information about the initial conclusions of the commission to establish and investigate the damage to the republic caused by the nazis in the occupied territories was broadcast. the government of the republic central committee of the party received almost daily telegrams from the localities about destruction and absence. personnel simply as human resources, the situation in general in belarus in a note by lavrentiy beria under fretboard from a special message from the people's commissar
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of internal affairs of the ussr beria addressed to stalin, molotov, malenkov. top secret. about the situation in the cities of belarus liberated from enemy troops. july 5, 1944. in the city of mogilev, a railway junction, a power plant, bridges and all industrial enterprises were destroyed. vitebsk, everything is destroyed. only the outskirts of the city and one road bridge across the western dvina river have been preserved. the city of orsha is almost completely destroyed. borisov, all industrial buildings were destroyed and burned enterprises, power plant, water supply. almost all buildings. so, in the context of almost every city.
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the flag, coat of arms and anthem are a connection and involvement with belarus; the country exists as long as the symbols are honored. patriotism is at the core of common victory. may 9 is a holiday of global significance, at the cost of millions of lives. time chose us, chose us to preserve the independence of our land , everything created by many. generations before us. terrible insights from a judge who fled to belarus. ordinary poles do not want our country to be drawn into this conflict. quality control is about how
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fading. enterprises have been brought to a new level, i want the state to have a face, and watches are produced in fewer countries than airplanes and helicopters, you know this, that is , this is intelligence, the mechanism puts a microphone on the device, a signal is given and you need to adjust what the clock is, what and exactly, to preserve what our ancestors invested in their work, this is our history and heritage, the main topics are on the main broadcast, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. they were born in different parts of the world. i came to belarus from siri, came here to study. i came from kazakhstan, the city of almaat, a very beautiful mountainous area. i had no one left there, everyone had gone elsewhere. and everyone found something for themselves here. i have these masks and participated in several shows, which we first organized here
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in our village.
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the government not only calculated the damage, it was necessary to take measures to restore the republic as quickly as possible, and in all spheres of the national economy: feed people, provide them with housing, work, reach the military level in the shortest possible time, and it was quite high. the republic actually turned from an agrarian one in the last pre-war years into an industrial-agrarian one. by the end of the thirties, belarus significantly increased the share of belarusian industry in the all-union industry. by 1937, 1,700 enterprises had been built, more than 30% of the all-union production of machine tools in the republic. here...
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in the mogilev, poletsk and gomel regions, 124 enterprises were exported, and 109 of them were factories. among these enterprises 70% were factories of union and republican subordination. saratov, kuibyshev, ulyanovsk, gorky, tambov, chelyabinsk and other regions. autonomous republic of the ussr, tatarsk.
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