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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 23, 2024 12:40pm-1:01pm MSK

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the republics of the ussr, tatar, bashkir, mordovian and others, became locations for belarusian production, all of which worked on the production of military products. more than 100 scientists of the republic also ended up in the soviet rear, including academicians, doctors of sciences, candidates of sciences, already in november 1900. forty-two
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, a session of the academy of sciences was held, at which the work of scientists was discussed, what they had done during the evacuation in the soviet to the rear. their developments were used upon returning to their homeland for restoration national economy. educational and cultural institutions. in total, 20 higher secondary educational institutions, six theaters, and more than a million human resources were moved to the east. people, they had to be returned back, as well as production, large industrial enterprises, plants, factories, institutions, in the shortest possible time to restore the production of products so necessary for the republic, its territory was scorched earth, the republic was so drained of blood in terms of human resources that before the leadership
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the main question was: what forces in general to raise the national economy? the government of the republic central committee of the party continued to receive alarming telegrams, all of them had practically the same content: there are not enough workers. in the minutes of the meeting of the bureau of the central committee of the party of the republic in the section they listened to recordings. in a number of regions of the republic, the number of working-age population was in the hundreds; in other collective farms there were not even two dozen people. a new front was beginning for the residents of the republic. labor. for the belarusian people, the struggle began again, but for the revival of the republic, the struggle selfless.
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prince yakoga tavarysh mazur pratsue 130 zhanchyn, issued to the rank of cashier ulyana semyanchuk, good work on the hay field in kalgas kim karchypinskaya village janchyny cashier of ulyana and nadzeya novak, garka parti i raivykan we had 27 flatbreads from stakhanovak, like goods and money.
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let's talk about complex things in simple terms. today we’re talking about what to do if you’ve lost your work book. is the belarusian cloud reliable and how long will it be? sick leave, let's go! since 2003, the social protection fund has maintained a database of everyone who officially works, receives a social insurance certificate, that same green card, and pays monthly payments to the federal fund. whether the person does this himself or the accountant at his job does not matter. a lot has changed over these 20 years, the system has been adjusted, the information about belarusians in it has been made more detailed, and obtaining data has been simplified. a personalized accounting system was created so that data about a person’s many years of work would not be lost and would be available to him at any stage of his life. after perestroika and the collapse of the union, many could not prove that they had earned
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pension. in the late eighties and early nineties, fly-by-night enterprises didn’t bother taking into account employees. people were often forced to combine the work of a bouncer, a music teacher, or a taxi driver and... a nuclear engineer; they thought about how to feed their family, and not how to secure an entry in the work book. after perestroika, filled with enthusiastic anticipation of change, came the feeling that our train was rushing to hell, and many stopped believing that they would live to see retirement. but in ninety-four, a young and energetic man jumped into the driver’s cab. alexander lukashenko. he took control into his own hands and put the country on a safer track. the passengers calmed down, returned to reality , and many... discovered that part of their work experience was recorded only in their memory, because the salary was in cash and in envelopes. to prevent this from happening in the future, in 1999 the president signed a law on personalized registration in the state social insurance system.
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we prepared the platform for 4 years, studied the experience of other countries, adapted it to our practice, took the best from the ussr, created tracing paper of the base, tested the system in different areas since... january 2003 it started working throughout the country. since 2003, for everyone who gets a job, the social protection fund opens an individual personal account; a long number from the person’s passport, his place of work, the date of dismissal, the amount of earnings and contributions to the social security fund are entered there. in 2019 , the system was pumped up and everything that was written in the work book began to be entered into it. only the name of the employer and periods of work, but also profession, position, rank or qualification, name of the structural departments where a person works, the form of labor relations, that is, a work contract or a contract, and even the reason for dismissal, that is, since 2019, the federal labor fund keeps a copy of the work
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book of every belarusian and losing its paper version is no longer as dangerous as it was before. the information is really very detailed and personal. but you should not be afraid of its leakage, it is stored by the republican data center, the domestic electronic cloud (bcloud), this is one of the most reliable virtual storage facilities in eastern europe. there contains not only information about our pension contributions. all government organizations and large private companies in belarus store their documents on this platform. information about our pensions is duplicated several times so that there is always a backup copy. and all the messages that... donations from employers to the federal social security fund are securely encrypted, so it is impossible to open them simply by intercepting them. people who do not trust electronics can contact the territorial office of the federal social security service. it is usually called a department, sector or department
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social security fund. there you can take an extract from your personal account, you need to carry your passport and insurance certificate, that same green card. the statement will indicate where and... when the person worked, how much he earned and how much went towards pension payments. this data can be obtained on paper and placed in a closet for peace of mind. you can find out where the nearest fszn departments are located on the website the territorial bodies of the fund will be written on the main page. below the entry are tabs with the names of the areas. click on yours, a map with locations will appear. look for the one that is closest to you. important, extract. they will be issued at any branch of the federal social security service in the country, it is not necessary to go to one of your own, there are so many of them for the convenience of citizens, and not in order to tie people to specific areas. this is for those who want a piece of paper. belarusians who are comfortable in the digital world can obtain the same information through a single portal
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of electronic services, but only people who have issued an electronic digital signature will be able to do this. well, everyone who has a smartphone will soon be able to check how old they are. work until retirement and how to... pay and length of service, time until retirement, and this is only at the start: developers will expand the functions of the service based on new user requests. it is important that in paper form, the application will contain data starting from 2003. before this, we did not keep personalized records and there is no information about places of work before 2003 in the system. records of places of work before 2003 are in the work book. if the work book is missing, lost or damaged, but the person remembers where
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he worked, it can be restored for this will have to be requested from each place of work for a certificate of experience, if the enterprise where the person worked is no longer liquidated, for example, you can contact the local archive, organizations are required to submit documents there, including before liquidation, most do this, but not that's all, if there is no work book, the employer is liquidated. he didn’t hand over anything to the archive, all that remains is to go to a court of general jurisdiction, where they will initiate proceedings and try to find evidence that the citizen worked in the places he spoke about. his words must be confirmed there will be two more people who worked with him, so if you are lost, prepare two witnesses. belarusians are not required to prepare a package of documents for retirement themselves, unless we are talking about complex restoration of lost data. for a person who works before retiring, information about his length of service is collected by his employer. after the employee informs
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about the approaching retirement age, the personnel service requests materials about him and his former employers in the archives, prepares a package of documents and submits them to the federal social security service department at the place of registration of the future pensioner. with a personalized accounting system, this process has ceased to be something complicated, and thanks to the latest resolution of savmina, many payments to the social security fund will become... larger, more transparent and easier to implement. resolution number 945 of december 30, 2022, a document according to which belarusians will be paid for sick leave. the reaction to it swept across the network with a relieved exhalation from those who are sick on their feet because they are afraid of losing their income. change one: now the minimum amount of sick pay we calculated on the basis of 50%. will be from
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the minimum wage, which is now 554 rubles. change two: now the accountant calculates the average daily earnings of the sick person over the last 6 months. in the first 12 days of illness, a person is paid 80% of his average daily earnings, only from the thirteenth day the payment is 100%. earnings will not be counted for 6 months, but will be paid for from the first day of sick leave for a year and a half, this is the third change, it applies to all working citizens, and not just those with 10 years of experience. well, fourthly - for for bees who have several jobs, sick leave will be paid by one main employer, but it will contain... salary shadows for all places of work of a person. the social security fund will see from which employer
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how much the sick person has earned over the past year and a half, add up these amounts, calculate the total average daily earnings and pay sick leave taking this figure into account. this means that a recovered belarusian will no longer make trips with certificates to all places of work, and accountants will no longer be able to make up mistakes. in accruals and will not have to do this at all. the amount will come alone. immediately for all employers. let's fix it: the minimum sick leave payment will not be half the bmp, but the whole minimum wage, that is, three times more. those working longer than 10 years will receive 100% of lost earnings from the first day of sick leave, that is, the total amount will increase. the average daily salary will be calculated not for six, but for 18 months. payment increases are possible again. those who have two and three jobs will have sick leave paid for everyone employers immediately. one translation. agree, such guarantees during illness are reassuring. stress as much as possible only at
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work, relax due to the fear of getting old or getting sick. belarus is a social state, not in words, but in deeds. and contrary to the forecasts of skeptics, the guarantees for us are becoming stronger every year. don’t be afraid of digitalization, but don’t be shy about asking for a paper document if it gives you peace of mind. in the end, that's it. the peace of mind of every belarusian is the main goal of the person who brought our train to a new the path teaches us to forge titanium rails for this path. i'm marina karamany, what awaits working belarusians in the big time... we figured it out, everything is clear, see you,
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only for our tv viewers, we choose the best routes, today we. oh, you know that for a long time i thought we would fight here, because this is a city, real history, is it true that this is a former post office building? yes, 1952, the post office building, and not exactly a civilian one, there were military units here, that is, the guys received correspondence, and we set off on an exciting journey around our country. olya, a girl, this is a children's museum, but i'm already an adult, they don't let me in or i don't, she says yes. a very interesting towel, it is also wooden, the oldest towel in our collection, there is also an old grammar, when there are eras, but in the 11th century in the st. sophia cathedral not only was there a service, here the prince received ambassadors, concluded agreements there, that is, the cathedral was administrative with such a building, discover belarus together with the belarus24 tv channel,
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good morning belarus with svetlana borovskaya, this is a fascinating acquaintance. with unusual people, you are a historian, yes, i have one technical education, the other one is history, but they decided not to teach, to immediately make a museum, so that whole classes, well , the secrets of a good mood, i don’t know if beauty should be put on a second beauty, let’s do it , you know, it will be very beautiful, imagine, here are the girls, boys, he is a pro-roman patrician to me, and i loved him so much, thank god for everything, in addition to playing well, he also works as a weapon. like first communion, this is the work is one of the most expensive, in the fourteenth year it was sold for 18
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million dollars, watch on the belarus 24 good tv channel. and he’s married, mom, don’t start, he just gave me a lift, yeah, consider him fulfilling his medical duty, well, you know, we have a lot of doctors, but it was he, andryush, who gave me the lift, and the girl, a believer, i i know, hello, thank you, i don’t need your services anymore, i didn’t say anything, it’s our neighbor, grandma lisa and dad saw how long we were looking...
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why? very severe, spleen damaged, large blood vessels are affected. watch the series rare blood group on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. there is one in belarus news now in the studio vladislav bunder, hello! alexander lukashenko will hold negotiations with vladimir putin on may 24, the russian president will be in... belarus today for a two-day official visit. negotiations between the heads of state will take place in the palace of independence, first in a narrow format and then in an expanded format. the parties will discuss the condition and development prospects of the entire complex. belarusian-russian relations, integration agenda and implementation of decisions adopted by the supreme state council of the union state, political dialogue, promotion of joint trade and e.


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