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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 23, 2024 2:05pm-3:00pm MSK

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here i will support one story by andrei lazutkin about the fact that there is a perspective, a strategy, a concept of the future, yes, when we understand that ilham aliyev is a man who has come to rule this country for a long time, when our president has also been building the country for quite a long time , then this is a strategic future, so it needs to be treated this way, in no other way.
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calculate in numerical order: first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, calculation is complete, tarich cadets, listen to me very much carefully, today your life is only in your hands, we perform the jumps accordingly.
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numbers, we place our right foot in the right corner of the door so that the toe sticks out a few centimeters forward, we put our left foot back and keep our balance, under no circumstances should animals poke your head out, otherwise it will blow away, we put our hands crosswise, on my command, let’s go , the first number approaches the door and pushes off with his left foot, we jump like a soldier, the interval between the landing troops is 2-3 seconds. the task is clear, that’s right, comrade lieutenant colonel, the cadets are ready to load, run, march, well, comrades. pilots
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are afraid to jump from a parachute, they compare jumping with a parachute to a catapult, so as they say, have fun, even if the fuck it’s not fun at all, well, tell me, what do you get pleasure from? i don’t know, from the plane, listen, i was surprised, but we’re all sick of these planes here, but you probably enjoy the girls? you get it, but no, from the borscht it’s boiled, i don’t have little girls, well, it’s in vain that no, believe me, the little one is better than the borscht, comradely, okay, team, okay, first, let's go.
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the second one went, let's go where the crayfish are, so, the third one went, the fourth one went.
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i would have my eye on vanka. van, oh, let me, let me sew you a suit, and you’re so handsome here, well, my hands are itching to dress you up somehow, but where will he go to you in your suit, well, where,
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he’ll walk through the barracks with a step , shut up, your quick-eyed muzzle, you threatened tanka, but he’ll jump out? already for a kazakh, i’ve given birth to such chukchis, okay, don’t sniffle, you’re also a handsome man, indescribable, but well, oh, van, and van, you have a girlfriend, but you don’t, well, it’s clear, you’re yurka, look, you, look, keep a good eye on him, otherwise some professional girl will take him away from me, they’re always such good guys, to marry some first, aunt, masha, well, you have a tongue , well, well, by the way, you could have done without aunts, i also found a child, oh, well, there’s no
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better sight for a woman than to watch, like a handsome, young, strong man. eats , yes, yes, you eat, eat, vanechka, eat, so you add extra for yourself, well, and i, and i’ll go to your brother’s hotel or something, thank you very much, funny, my dear, this isn’t even a letter anymore, i’m just writing to you in a thick notebook, maybe someday you’ll read it and you’ll understand how bad it was for me without you, i there is no one to share your feelings with, and no one needs them, and apparently you don’t either, vanya, i don’t believe, i
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don’t believe that you forgot me, i see your face, i hear your voice, you remember that you told me then, remember, then on the dusty road... god, how hard it was for us. van, you do you remember your last words? i will love you all my life. these are your last words. i too will love you all my life. my only vanka, no matter what happens in my life, i will love only you. what does it mean? does this mean that petrushin is your bastard? well, this is not, not news, but what are these keys? my keys. petrushin, i didn’t intend to rent any apartment for you. so you have two options. the first is my living space, the second is the station. choose. but great, that means now i have nowhere to live, i mean, no, wait, so i’m for the especially deaf
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and those who don’t understand, i repeat loudly, penis separately, meadow, you have two options, please, i appreciated your broad gesture, well , take it, i’ll do without your apartment, wait, you won’t get by, because first of all you have i really have nowhere to live, and secondly, i don’t have an apartment, but a room in a communal apartment, well, let’s get serious, my car is full of your junk, i’ve been dragging around for half a day, you can open a library of books , it’s amazing, let’s go, what? lyosh, how do you imagine us living together? it's normal, you're at the stove, i'm with the newspaper, as in to my brotherly soviet family, very funny, no, lesh, why not, zhinik, why, explain, huh? no, what are you talking about, lyosha, zhenya. marry me, scare me, i
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’ve loved you for 2 years, you’re blind, and lesh, i, no, lesh, well, you, wait, don’t rush to answer, no, lesh. forgive me, lesh, let's go, okay. okay, let's go, you'll live with me, i 'll hang out with one of my friends, let's go, that's it, you'll live with me, don't discuss this,
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let's go, come on, come on, both of you, give me ten, one, two, three, boar, four, five, very. 7, 8, 9, 10, boar, the cat is lucky, what a hoe, they take envy, it’s unenviable for you, as if you didn’t want such a brother, you wanted it, any fool wanted it, your brother got the cat, and the cat is a tripach, and why do you hate the cat so much, it’s envious, otherwise you really love him, you ’re friends with him, just like a bro.
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come on, senior lieutenant, let me analyze the flight and get a remark, go ahead, on takeoff i made a deviation to the left, so i retracted the landing gear at an altitude of 15 m, that’s okay, you retracted the landing gear at an altitude of 10 m, look, you see... how is your elder comrade is flying, so strive, well, let's analyze further, on the first turn i allowed a roll more than the specified one, so the long-range drive went above the specified altitude by 20%, and landed at the end of the precision landing strip, picked up the speed a little late in the leveling process, and in general, of course
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cadet cats, if you move in the same direction, i don’t even know, should i praise myself, or what? well, you don’t deserve a little more, how does it feel? excellent, sorry, not enough, hovered, well, not enough, not enough for the cat, you know where it’s pointing, where the comrade is pointing, not terzi, major general cherkassov will answer this question for you, he demanded something from you, what have you done, what is it like no, look at my cats, let me come in, come in. hello, comrade general, hello, ivan, come in, sit down, how are you doing, good, comrade general, berezin called yesterday and said hello to you,
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since he has matched you with me. i’m taking custody of you, i want to send you to my dacha on sunday, but help me with something, only the only thing, among the cadets, keep your mouth shut, unnecessary conversations for me i don’t care about anything, i wound it on my mustache, that’s right, comrade general, here’s... the address and how to get there by bus from the bus stop , about 20 minutes through the forest, i’m still walking to class, there’s a comrade general, decide to go. oh,
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my dear mother, my gladranians have appeared, again the merciful croaks will save you from you , oh, i won’t, i won’t give it to a hungry child, that’s enough to bow down to god himself, come to me, one, hello, hold on and that’s equally for everyone, understood me, pin, i ’ve already taught you, you’re so impudent and gluttonous, i’ll share, thank you, masha, just hold on, well, he’ll shit, put it down, put it down, whoever i’m telling you, i’ll see you again, i’ll rip your head off, to the core of the nephenya, fuck, shur, why are you tearing out the throat, well, the toad has strangled the sky, don’t be poor from your apples, hello, tarasych, oh , pin, hello, where is your gang, he’s catching up, will you, no, no,
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what joy do you have here? the train, the only entertainment for children, hold on, my leg is aching, it looks
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like it’s going to rain, today it’s bound to happen, somehow it’s not yours, you don’t have it, you don’t have it, but i have it, i see it, it’s crooked, like the devil, and the hooves of a goat, pash, what are you doing? did you make your eyes round? i bet he’s 9 years old, his legs are gone, they sawed off and threw them in the trash, like they sawed off, on the aspor, i told the men that i could saw off my leg with a saw, i decided to test myself, my will and strength in sport, here you are stir, you tested your strength and will in sport, no, did you check, no? well, i say, dead guys, a man must be strong and brave, i have a strong, brave brother, he fought for me in the war,
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pashka, that’s why you are hiding behind your brother’s back, you are responsible for yourself, you must be strong and brave, brother for you are not the defendant, but then you keep pouring in brother and brother, show yourself, then brag about your brother, i’ll have to show you, we’ll see. let's see, well, well, good evening everyone, hello zhenya, will you have some soup? no, thank you very much, dash, i don’t want to, thank you, here you go! eri, what do i need to say to aunt zhenya, thank you, but for nothing, and you, as i understand it, evgenia alekseevna always burned out from here, no, as soon as i sort out the mess, i’ll immediately return it to you, of course, when the cancer hangs on the mountain. no, but where is he now at a friend’s, and that’s great, they use it there, of course, alexey to
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i’m not a fool to take a sip of a bottle, i hope you know this well, no, i don’t know, i haven’t noticed this, although we’ve been friends with me for the first day, well that means you’re not good friends, i ’ve never noticed this either, you yuri petrovich are always in some kind of nasty way you accuse, i don’t... i don’t just make false accusations, okay, excuse me, manager su, goodbye, you better tell me, daria, horned mammal five letters, goat, yuri petrovich, deer, daria, hello, arina nikolaevna, hello, zhenya, zhenya, and you what is there, and i’m on duty all the time. so today anya ivantsova is on duty, no, no, today is the eighth, even, today is the night, today is the seventh, zhen, yesterday night lyosha was on duty, and
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today anya, yeah, and lyosha has already gone home, home, where are you going home, he already has some problems with housing, he has been spending the night with us in kostelyanskaya for almost a month, they are probably sleeping there after the night. like kastylyanskaya, kastylyanskaya, okay, okay, i understand, thank you very much, sorry irina nikolaevna.
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lyosha - lyosha, yeah. lyoshenka, uh-huh, zhenya, what are you doing here, behind you i came, uh-huh, let's go home, lesh, uh-huh.
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no, well, it’s necessary, but on such a day it stalled, but don’t care about it, let’s get there, quickly, and there’s still a whole hour before it gets hard, you’ll have time, don’t be nervous, i’ve prepared food for you, come home, eat, you understand, i’m obeying , so, by the way, meadow, we need to buy a bed first, because it’s dough, and you , like a football player on the football field , kicked me all night, you’re lying dunaev, i swear to the party, okay, we’ll tie our legs together, but i’m kidding, i even like the way you suck, i like it and in general, listen, by the way, lugovaya, what’s your last name? i made a certificate, but we were quickly signed, well, evgenia andreevna, dunaeva, i congratulate you on your legal marriage,
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and i congratulate you. i love you, dunaeva, and now quickly go on duty, i’m blowing dunaev, bye wife, bye husband, excuse me, but you won’t tell me to hold the pine hill to the left, to the left, you fly, a little with an instructor for now, but i fought the whole war on humpbacks.
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bonnie, bonie, who came there? who came there, my dear, let’s run to me, hello, hello, i’m visiting stepan alekseevich, but stepan alekseevich is not at home, yes, where is he?
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who knows, he left on business, yeah, stepan alekseevich told me to come at sixteen, i arrived, well, since i said it, it means it’s necessary, well, why are we all standing, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, sit down, thank you, i’m natasha, and you are ivan, right? so much has been heard, but why is it ivan, it’s like they swallowed a stake, that you’re some kind of wooden ivan, relax, no one here is going to chop you down with an ax, that we’re all shaking like in the 17th century, come on, okay, okay, anyway, mom and
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dad left. to the airport, to meet my mother’s parents, so you will have to wait for your father in any case, ivan, let’s talk, what kind of music do you prefer, none, but what’s up, somehow i wasn’t in the mood for music, well, in vain, let’s go to the house, i ’ll play you a jazz record, it’s the first time i’ve seen such a handsome and such a downtrodden guy.
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it hurts, what’s your name, vitalik, new, yeah, with me. mom died 3 months ago, and my dad , a sailor, doesn’t go on cruises, so take me with him it can’t, i lived here with my grandmother, she’s already quite old, i can’t hear anything anymore, it’s clear, but what’s wrong with the eye, they correct squints, i read a lot, my mother taught me, when the eye doctor sealed it up, they forbade me to read a lot, but i didn’t books are bad, i have no friends, instead of friends there are books, when i read myself as the hero of a book. i imagine, and i really believe in it, it turns out great, it’s clear, my mother died too, i don’t have a dad, no measure, no doctor, no one at all, when i was little, my
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brother told me that my dad was in the war i fought, so i believed, just like you in your book, and you believed, right? sorry, vitalik, let’s tell you about them another time, okay? come on, you've already left, you've already left, okay, thank you, i'm very glad that we're friends with you, i'm very glad too,
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hurry up!
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what other kitten, well, you’re a cat, everyone calls you cat, but not everyone calls you, i’ll call you kitten, like taiwan, it suits me better, oh, i’m not interested at all, what suits you there? by the way, you ’re better off without her, it’s as if michelangelo sculpted him from granite, who? oh, everything is clear that you are you interested in anything else besides your planes? sorry, i have to go and stand! by the way, i came here for you. i had never come to my father’s work before, i didn’t care, okay? and what? what about the fact that i came to the cinema to invite you? shall we go on saturday? actually in the cinema? guys invite girls, and not vice versa, but i don’t really care about yours, listen, whether you want it or not, but i won’t leave you, because i like you, i
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’ve never liked any of the guys before, never, they all some colorless, tomorrow morning i’ll take cinema tickets, and in the evening at 7:30 i’ll wait for you near the pennant until the kittens. and what will happen if you put it on the rails ? nothing, it will come, it will rush further, and the train will reach your brick, the elephant will reach the ants, but in our village the boys lay down under trains, like under trains, and they
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lay down right between the rails and waited until the train rushed off, and that it i really pressed you, i probably wouldn’t have gone to bed, but you went to bed for a year? “i don’t even know where you are, you only know how to brag about your brother, how hard it was to lie down, so straight away your pants wet with fear, whose pants are wet, i’ll take it now? if you don’t lie down, then you ’ll get up on the bed, and we’ll urinate for you and tell everything to your brother, come on, lie down, lie down, lie down, lie down, show me, some strong, brave man, like your brother.
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bend down until the train passes, don’t move, understand? maybe it
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’s not necessary, but what kind of soldiers are they? , cat, cat.
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oh, alexey, m, dry food is bad for your stomach, i see, your wife, by the way, doesn’t spoil you with pickled salts, but mine does. will learn and work, i’m not up to speed, uh-huh, uh... she’ll ruin you, you’re madame zhatko, don’t croak, the guy has his whole life ahead of him, an outstanding russian artist from a russified german family, the second r, seven letters ending in v, and this is brulov , right, exactly, but a very shrewd person, margarita afana, why guess, help yourself, but you know, i can’t. help yourself
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, thank you, put it on, for now, i love brilov very much, that’s what, he has such ladies all with curls, ala natalya goncharova, you know, like now, brilov, by the way, was in love countess samoilova, he just lost his mind because of her, pathological poisoning of a person, eight letters, oh, no, this is to our doctors, please. toxicosis, what? toxicosis? well, toxicosis is when pregnant women, you know, so where? hello, hello, lesh, please come out, what? are you pregnant? yes. pathological condition caused by poisoning, the same as during
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pregnancy, eight letters, what, tuna, what are you talking about, but the devil knows me, and zhenya, my dear, my dear, hurray, i’m going to become a father, i have there will be a child, thank you, zhenya, no, hurray!
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how will it fly now? nothing, i talked to the commander today, he said that i would get into a position, in a position, i loved my head, i loved him for everyone, for my father for my mother, what a stupid death. you’re stupid, i feel sorry for the boy, and i feel sorry for vanka, because now he ’s alone in the whole world, nimble, and don’t say anything, my soul itself hurts, but at
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the grave i was screaming, oh, i thought my heart couldn’t stand it . he really wants to fly, i think this will get him out, but i do it myself. this vodka made him drink, i think it will make him feel better, it’s something that ’s gushing and gushing, can’t stop,
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is vanya the cats here? well, let’s say, and what next, call him immediately, i’ll take it and i won’t call, i don’t have a clearing yard here where i can’t let any girls into the house, where the hell, well, get out of here, i ’ll call the majesty now, vanya kitten, here please , come on, help me!
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good morning, kitten, are you back to normal? van, the best man in the world, you loved me so much tonight, by the way, who is zhenya? well, shall we get up? let's go to the kitten. mom has already prepared it for us tomorrow.
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well done, well done, come on, give it a little more, just a little bit, well done, just a little more, stew on, just a little bit, just a little bit, well done, well done,
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and mommy, is your son born? 71, 72 , 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 81, 82, 83. 84 85 86 87 88 8 89 9 91 82 what do you think ivan 185 - it’s you for me it’s me for you yeah i’m counting the steps in vain yes yes you should read poetry, what kind of poetry do you like? not to read poetry, now you need to sing songs, yes, yeah, but i’m not ivan, i’m alexey, that’s how it is, yes, but i thought your wife
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called you while she was giving birth, well, alexey, you have a son born, congratulations, son, yeah, son. oh, son, oh, i’m not forcing you to get married right now, this matter can wait until the new year holidays, we’ll have a quiet wedding. it is necessary for the school to know that you are my uncle, this will interfere with you, ivan is already like
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our own, and you must understand that now you are not alone, you have a family, i am like your own father, and yulga yuryevna, you don’t care about your soul, but why do you have absolutely no feelings for natasha? why are you silent, you don’t love her, so oh well, she’s a smart girl with acumen, she’ll tame you, i i have no doubt about it, be careful. don’t offend her, that’s enough for me, and you won’t offend,
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guy, you’re decent, no nonsense, i saw through you right away, just like that, she fell in love with you at first sight. i can’t find out now, stepan alekseevich, i won’t be able to deceive myself, deceive natasha, better kick me out, you studied, i won’t be able to, but you were able to sleep with her, you know how it happened, comrade general, i wasn’t sober, that’s not an excuse. a matter of honor above all, do you have masculine honor or did you sleep with someone like a loser? girl running off into the bushes why did you stop talking?
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no, i won’t fade away, but what do i need here, different yarns, i can’t, kick me out, are you a man or not a man, man, i’m getting married, natasha, comrade general.
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the tv news agency team continues the information day. tatyana korol is with you,
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hello, now i’ll tell you about the main thing in the country in the world. the president’s busy schedule, personnel thursday and the new chief of the general staff, as well as reports on the supreme national assembly with our political nuclear weapons, will be noted by the first. military confrontation and the desire to subjugate the whole world started talking about nato expansion again, and france tested a missile capable of carrying a nuclear warhead. and dreams about big.


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