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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 23, 2024 3:00pm-3:10pm MSK

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the tv news agency team continues the information day. tatyana korol is with you, hello, now i’ll tell you about the main thing in the country in the world. the president’s busy schedule, personnel thursday and the new chief of the general staff, as well as reports on the vns, our political nuclear weapon, will be noted by the first. military confrontation and the desire to subjugate the whole world. nato is again talking about expansion, and france has tested a missile capable of carrying a nuclear warhead. and dreams about big. there is a new head of the general staff in belarus,
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the personnel decision was made by the president, major general pavel muraveyka, today appointed to the post of chief of the general staff, first deputy minister of defense. previously, he served as first deputy secretary of state of the security council of belarus, and before that he worked as a deputy for 9 years.
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is directly involved in planning, implementing certain military activities, well, everything that the troops live with, there is a very fine line between the minister of defense and the chief of the general staff, so it is very important for us here that you find understanding, you served together, you know each other well, but i say this not only to sharpen this issue. but so that you understand that i am closely monitoring the situation not only in the country as a whole, but also specifically, especially in this situation, a complex, difficult situation, on those issues that are developing in our armed forces and, above all, in the army, and i am not indifferent, it is important what the relationship will be. in the ministry of defense itself,
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a lot depends on both of you, so let's aim at developing the armed forces, just as we did before still, studying everything that is happening around, especially what is happening, unfortunately, in ukraine, but this is also a lesson for us, a serious lesson, we must see what modern war is like, we have already drawn certain conclusions for ourselves, we understand. what are mines and a minefield, what we once wanted to destroy at the behest of the west, thank god, we preserved, we know what counter-battery warfare is, we especially understand that in modern conditions it is impossible to fight without unmanned aerial vehicles, and also without electronic warfare systems, which should act effectively on unmanned aerial vehicles.
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analyze and implement so that we have as few negative manifestations and challenges to our state as possible and... this is one of the main and main functions of the general staff, for me this is an important and quite interesting step in my career. the position is very complex, very responsible, has a huge range of responsibilities and tasks, so i am grateful to the head of state that he trusted and supported my candidacy for the appointment: position of chief of the general staff. pavel muraveyka noted that the task of the general staff is to objectively assess the situation and make timely adjustments, making the military security system more flexible and tenacious to modern challenges. and today the president, as chairman
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of the all-belarus people's assembly, heard reports from the deputy chairman of the head of the secretariat of the supreme national assembly. let me remind you that at the end of april the first meeting of the seventh all-belarus people's congress took place. meeting in a new constitutional status, everything has been decided priority organizational and personnel issues, and the most important documents for the country were adopted: the concept of national security and military doctrine. alexander lukashenko draws attention to the fact that this is only the beginning of a lot of work. it is necessary to form a clear system of interaction, meetings with government agencies, vertical management principles of work. according to alexander lukashenko, it is necessary to integrate the vns into the political system of the country, taking into account it...
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that they should not replace other government bodies, i know that appeals are already coming people to the governing bodies of the supreme national assembly, there will be appeals, but these appeals should be dealt with primarily by the delegates of the all-belarusian people's assembly, but the appeal to the appeal...
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the all-belarusian people's assembly to the secretariat or to you or to me as the chairman, so that we can bring this appeal to the appropriate bodies for decisions, but the main thing is to show people that this is not the work of the supreme council, the supreme national assembly is a kind of political nuclear weapon, which is used in exceptional cases, if it is necessary to hold an extraordinary meeting there.
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among the main issues that alexander lukashenko drew attention to, the organization of management of the all-belarusian people's assembly, the vertical should be built as follows: the chairman of the supreme people's assembly, his deputy, the presidium, the secretariat, and delegates of the supreme people's assembly. as the deputy chairman of the meeting, alexander kosinets, explained in a conversation with reporters, it is planned to form 10 delegations, including from the regional governments, parliamentarians and deputies of local councils of deputies from the judiciary. the main aspects of their work will be efficiency, control, efficiency and execution. alexander lukashenko will hold negotiations with vladimir putin on may 24. the president of russia will be in belarus today and tomorrow on a two-day official visit.
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negotiations between the heads of state will take place in the palace of independence, first in a narrow format and then in an expanded format. the parties will discuss the state and prospects for the development of the entire complex of belarusian-russian relations. integration agenda and implementation of decisions adopted by the supreme state council of the union state, political dialogue, promotion joint trade, economic and cooperation projects, strengthening security,


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