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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 23, 2024 3:10pm-3:26pm MSK

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deputy chairman of the assembly alexander kosinets plans to assemble 10 delegations, including from the regional governments, parliamentarians and deputies of local councils of deputies from the judiciary. the main aspects of their work will be efficiency, control, efficiency and diligence. alexander lukashenko will hold negotiations with vladimir putin on may 24, the russian president will be in belarus today and tomorrow on a two-day official visit. negotiations between heads of state will take place in the independence palace, first in a narrow one, and then in in an expanded format, the parties will discuss the state of the prospects for the development of the entire complex of belarusian-russian relations, the integration agenda and the implementation of decisions taken by the supreme state council of the union state, political dialogue, promotion of joint trade, economic and cooperation projects, strengthening the security of interaction in the humanitarian sphere. the focus will also traditionally be... on the current agenda, the situation in the region, and
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a joint response to emerging threat challenges. we develop union dialogue in all spheres, a joint board of tax authorities of belarus and russia was held in brest. let me note that last year the parties implemented one of the interstate programs to create a system of indirect taxes; this required high technological implementation in both countries and serious organization of labor. the result of the work done is one of the key issues. the meeting discussed interaction between departments in order to suppress violations and improve the international legal framework of countries for the exchange of tax information. we are investing very seriously in electronic document flow, and this investment is associated not only with the need for both digital transformation and improvement of our control procedures. we also see this as a huge benefit for our taxpayers.
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the more automated processes we have, the less we will distract companies and businesses from their core work, and moreover, the more certainty we can provide within our procedures. our main efforts are focused on creating conditions, rules for the passage of commodity flows, ae, cash flows, while at the same time, in order not to overload payers with any control procedures, moreover, conscientious payers are practically...
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chief prosecutor karim khan in relation to israeli politicians in the gas sector is gaining momentum. in an interview with cnn, he spoke about the threats that he began to receive after the investigation began. in particular, he was asked to comment on a letter signed by a number of us senators, where they threatened sanctions against court employees and their families if arrest warrants were issued. netanyahu. according to khan, several heads of state came to him and frankly stated that mus. was not created to try the west and its allies, it is almost openly reported that the international court is just another tool to promote washington’s interests in global politics. the west continues to escalate the situation in the world. france successfully conducted the first test of an updated missile capable of carrying a nuclear warhead. this was stated by the country's minister of armed forces. a missile without a warhead was launched from a fighter jet, for sure. testing site is not
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it is reported that they were carried out on french territory. at the same time, the west and nato again started talking about expansion. now they want to include ireland, austria, malta and switzerland, which use the nuclear umbrella of the alliance, into the alliance. according to the british minister of defense, there is now no place for neutrality; such a decision could become the tenth stage in the entire existence of nato, including the latest recruits, sweden and. finland. at the same time, the west does not hesitate to deal with the nazis. the french army is training ukrainian non-nazis, writes mediapart publication. paris couldn't help but notice this. one of the servicemen of the third assault brigade of the ukrainian armed forces has a tattoo of the ss symbol on his face. there are others who openly show their beliefs in a photograph of a ukrainian soldier, with an image of hitler in the background. the publication asks questions from the french ministry of defense. the selection
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of soldiers for training in europe is carried out by kiev, we do not comment on the process itself. as long as we remember history, we will not repeat its terrible pages. belarus is preparing. to mark the eightieth anniversary of the liberation from the nazi invaders. iskander will march through the capital's streets in a parade for the first time. preparations for the big holiday are underway actively. training was organized at the training ground in lipki. belarusians will see a total of 300 pieces of equipment at the parade on july 3. we start from a simple principle. we get 5-6 playthroughs, no less.
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3 days a week we practice directly here on the machines, directly honing our passing skills. republican scientific and practical conference with international participation on issues of prevention, diagnosis and treatment diseases of the circulatory system started in minsk. there are more than a thousand participants, these are leading specialists in the field of cardiology from belarus, the cis countries and abroad.
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they will discuss the most complex controversial issues, chronic heart failure, primary prevention, secondary prevention of circulatory system diseases.
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to restore order in healthcare, such an order was given by the head of state last may; the identified shortcomings were eliminated by the ministry of health in close cooperation with local authorities authorities, hundreds of rural outpatient clinics have been repaired throughout the country, new equipment has been purchased, see the details today in the joint project of atn and the state control committee on control.
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a joint project of the state
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control committee of the television news agency under the control of the president, see may 23 after the panorama. the qualifying stage of the biting ball continues at 20:24. the minsk region picked up the baton of a football tournament among children and teenagers for prizes. yes, worthy ones, our most fun, yes, even if we lost, we have two, three, four
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we cried for minutes, we didn’t cry, we were just upset, and then we are happy that we came to the competition. the presidential sports club writes the history of not only children's sports. this is how the next drawing of the football for everyone project started. according to the terms of the competition, you need to make a video of the sword being minted as many times as possible and upload it to your own. page on instagram, subscribe to the club’s page, tag its account, leave a hashtag with the name of the project. the competition will last until august 23. a sports review is ahead, right now about the main ones elizaveta lashkevich will tell you about the events of the minsk region. lisa, good afternoon, what interesting things await the viewer in your episode? tatyana, greetings, we have educational premieres with a swimming pool and a sports town . a school in the capital's lebyazh microdistrict is preparing to open. where else can we expect the discovery of historical heroes as guides, a theatrical excursion in
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the nesverzh castle is already on our air. thank you, we will see you at 17:00, see you later! daria klyuchinskaya became the first in the single kayak competition among juniors as part of of the belarusian open cup were kayaked at ikonoe. the athlete was able to be the first to cross the finish line at... a distance of 1,000 m, the juniors in the same discipline had no equal to ilya filimonov, daniil dubinin became the best in single canoe, laid out the distance, start, rode the first half, held on, added the second half, well and won, today was no problem, calm, easy, i didn’t jitter in any way, for example, like yesterday at 500 m, today i went out, everything was neat, calm, i did everything that was required of me, and quite well. the belarus open cup will end on may 26, according to the results of the tournament, coach. headquarters will determine the team that will represent our country at the brix games in kazan, where the rowers will compete for 29 sets
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of awards, the competition is shown in full by the belarus 5 tv channel, follow the program schedule, each person must remember where he gave out from, if you remember that you here is a russian, a belarusian, that this is your homeland, before you look towards the yes... shores, look, what can you do here? today there is only one a truly united civilization, it is called the western world, where britain is located, which does everything so that other civilizations can never unite. tourism is one of the most important factors, including patriotic education. all their conceptual documents, including the newly adopted british ones , say that by the year 1930 they will neutralize the russian federation. if you just do it once a year. holidays in at least one region of the russian federation, we have 89 of them, and if to
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add six belarusian regions to him, it won’t be enough for him, 95 years old, every person can form his own impression about russia about belarus, what a wonderful country we have, what a wonderful culture we have, nature, project , don’t be silent, don’t miss new episodes on the tv channel belarus 24.
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broadcast on the tv channel belarus 1 from the capital of the minsk region, with you on the live broadcast of elizaveta lashkevich. zen are kind. right main path is short: with swimming pools, a football field and a sports garden and a nearby school, near the steel microdistricts of lebyadzin, where we are waiting for new aspects of education. new asphalt pavilions, two palaces and two tanks, unique structural elements, a bridge on the streets of chkalava, additions and shelters for the ruins, historical heroes of the city, theatrical excursions in nyasva zhskiy castle, which was plowed by the guards of the radzvila palace.


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