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tv   100  BELARUSTV  May 23, 2024 3:25pm-4:30pm MSK

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broadcast on the tv channel belarus adzin are working on the news of the capital of the minsk region, with you on the air elizaveta lashkevich, good day and good times. short. with swimming pools and a football field. or two tanks, unique structural elements, the bridge on chkalava streets is expanded and covered , new asphalt tents, two palaces for the river, historical heroes and the history of the city , theatrical excursions in nyasvizh this castle, which was plowed by the guards of the radzvila palace. with swimming pools,
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a football field and a spartan garden minsk and the opening of the school in the microraion of lebyadzin, already in the new educational year in the country for more than a thousand students. the academic department has two educational buildings, a library, various creative studios and masterminds. at this time , everything will be built at the aquatic center for the activities of young swimmers, and there will also be spectacles for ice skating for 100 months, with good health and comfort for the sake of goodness ... construction is in its final stage, completed and the finishing of educational buildings, in which there are already 95% of the furniture has been installed, now we will to give away the first block for moving in, also furniture, well, we’ll already be waiting for schoolchildren, work is also being carried out on the arrangement, leveling of the soil around the object, arrangement of paths, it will have... all the necessary equipment
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that meets modern trends and trends in the field of education, we are talking about computer classes, in addition there will be a modern material base in terms of sports, uh, which means that the school will have two gyms, large and small, in addition there will be a gym, and there will also be enough a large number of multifunctional areas that can also be used in - lebyadzina in the spring we are building up the construction of other pre-school facilities , and a new school is being built in the microdistrict of minsk. world. the bridge to chkalava streets was completed and opened for the river, the steel frames were dismantled and the curtains and treads were adjusted to strictly defined terms. two palaces and two tanks, new asphalt tents.
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violation of traffic rules, both gross and those traffic rules that are causally related to ongoing accidents involving route vehicles, including preventive conversations will be held in work collectives that transport passengers, to remind citizens about what categories of violations of traffic rules must be reported to the state traffic inspectorate if they witnessed, as passengers, a steam locomotive... guess what,
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passengers in the cabin are sometimes in trouble there will be more for the number of passing months for illegal rules, and all minibus taxis will be subject to a fine. rykhtavat frames for realnaga.
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collection of main stories from 41 to 44 presentations of books for belarus , the project of publishing handicraft literature museum of history in the old days of adnoilena hell of hitler's attack from germany to the ussr and from our country.
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there was no such book before, there were a lot of notes, gifts, and letters in the time of the great war on... there were a lot of tants after 250 years, many did not come back, but their creations were frozen, good for the partisans, because many of the partisans were in partisan events, and all the yanka kupala wrote partisans, belarusian sons, many works that were written during the war have become classics belarusian literature. you can find out about the issue in the reading room by placing your order. zakhavalnik historia zaslavya, museum zapovednik prapanuye akunuzza ў light of the day and ўbachytsya meat production such as it was before ragnedze and zyaslava. sold out virtually reconstruction project for the past few hours radnyaga for the present. the development of our products
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is possible with the help of vr-acular. virtual reality glasses have appeared in our museum, and when we usually tell visitors about this, they immediately remember something like that, you know, modern, where you can do something, see some of their feelings, get emotions, yes, but we don’t just have virtual reality glasses here, where you came, looked, left, this is a very important point that we have here an artistic reconstruction of the note, the place where ragneda and jadislav used to live, and that is, you are not just... the virtual excursion covers several stories from different eras in the history of zaslavskaya garadzia at the time of the war . the newest of the season is a theatrical
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excursion to the nyasvizh castle by barbara redzivil bunasforze, images of historical heroes can be presented at the daily museum and reserve as well as tour guides. the reports of the hysterical pits that have been here for many years now are coming to a close during the weekend. yana well done, the raffle is given a theme of torture to the guards of the radzivila palace. such a historical theme as the cadet school, we know that in the old days there was a cadet school at the princely court, we also play this theme on weekends.
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music, dj, hello everyone, in exactly a minute a guest will come to us and an answer...
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derzhinsk, there is such a village of koski , derzhinsky district, that’s where i’m from, born in 1976, so
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it’s easy to calculate how old i am, in a completely ordinary family , from absolutely ordinary parents, with great pleasure i went to school , not like my peers at 7 years old, at 6 years old, because i really wanted to study, and i was in love with a neighbor boy who was going to school, so i really wanted to go with him, so it so happened that i graduated from school before everyone else, and then gladly went to the faculty of journalism, because... i was active at school, and it always seemed to me that this was my future, i was never mistaken, to be honest, because... all the time i work in journalism, i do it’s with great pleasure, i really love what... i do, well, that’s it, in short. you did it in one minute. so, we have 100 children in our studio, each with their own question, let’s see how quickly you can answer. children, who is ready to ask a question first? hello, my name is olesya. do you think it is more difficult for a woman to be a leader than for a man? it seems to me
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that it is always difficult to be a leader if you are a real leader and not just come to sit in a chair, yes, because it doesn’t matter who you are, a man or a woman. the main thing is how it works your team, how you lead them, so i wouldn’t divide here, to be honest, into men and women, it’s difficult to do any work if you do it responsibly, what did you want to become as a child, who had a greater influence on you when choosing profession, in childhood, whatever i dreamed of becoming, to be honest, but at that time we all dreamed of becoming astronauts and teachers, because teachers for us were just such divine people. who came down to us to give buildings, and it seems to me that everything the girls wanted to be either a russian language teacher or a history teacher, and then, when i grew up a little, i really wanted to be a salesperson, i really liked this cash register with buttons, my mother is a salesperson, and i liked coming to her work, look how she communicates with people, how she helps them choose what they need, so i had such a dream, but at the same time i
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wrote essays well, was a presenter at many school evenings, and somehow a russian teacher. .. that just during my stay student, it was the second year, ninety -six, a new department was being created that processed information for radio and television, students were recruited into this department, and it so happened that i, as a student, got to work there, there was no talk of big money or something else, i just needed hands, yes, that would help
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process this information, that’s how i took a small step towards television. well, then, of course, we talked with the guys from television, we got to know each other very quickly, when you have a desire work, you will always, you will always have an offer, so gradually i entered this story, which is called television, at what age did you discover your leadership qualities, how did they manifest themselves? well, actually, i didn’t find them in myself, to be honest, but it just somehow turned out that mm, well, i saw that my guys, so... my classmates hear me, well, somehow they listen, i have i always had a lot of ideas, i always wanted to participate in some kind of, you know, different processes, not only there we organized some good things, somewhere we were harmful and, as it were, well, when you realize that people are following you, well , it’s probably called these leadership qualities that manifest themselves, but in me they certainly manifested themselves in school, who is your idol among famous
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women leaders, idol among famous women leaders, natalya ivanovna kachanova. among men, the president of the republic of belarus, of course, please tell me, do you consider yourself a careerist? well, to be honest, i never thought of my career as something that is mandatory for me, so i have to go there step by step along these steps to strive for something, in my life it just worked out that way, that is, there were people who noticed me, there were some proposals, for me there is a rule not to refuse offers, i always want to.
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the red sector is on your right. do you remember how you made your first money? first money? oh, i don’t even know, is it worth talking about how i made my first money? no, it was honest money, but it was money that i earned in commerce. my youth fell just at the time when the first commercial stalls appeared, these were some such moments, as they called them, buy and sell. well , i made my first money on such a buy-sell story. what time does your workday start and how do you start it? well, i ’ll say this, since i’ve been working on television, and this is practically my entire adult life, my working
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day doesn’t start and my working day doesn’t end, it’s without any extra ones, because when you work in information, you have to live it, live it constantly, and you never know what will happen, and you never understand when at what moment where they can pull you, so this is the state of life at work - this is... the state of life, in principle , gradually becomes, therefore, but if to ask you how long i wake up, i wake up at 6 am, for me this is the ideal time to wake up at 6:00 am, i try to go to bed early somewhere around 10-10:30 pm, i still try to persuade myself go to bed, it doesn’t always work out, but at least i try, hello, my name is tanya, do you sometimes use feminine cunning at work to solve problems? some questions, well , in general it seems to me that women always use feminine cunning, that’s why we are women, well, rather, maybe it’s not even cunning, but some of our feminine moments,
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our feminine charms, yes, when possible force men, for example, to do something just by smiling at them, yes, boys, keep in mind, women, when they smile, they really want you to smile back at them, do what they mean they ask you, so you can’t refuse a woman, well, probably in this regard, yes, when... it’s easier for a woman to join a male team, because men by nature have it that way, when they see a woman, they really want to help and support, well only if in this regard, yes, well, and i believe that every woman should do this. since you run both a television and radio company and a women's union, can we consider that you have two jobs? well, in general , the belarusian council of women is a public organization; everything i do there is mine social burden. but in essence, of course, sometimes i don’t even know which organization i devote more time to, yes, because everything is so intertwined, so one is the job
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where i receive a salary, the second is a place for my soul, for my hearts, yes, where you can open up, where you have communication with women, where it is so great and where what you do, you do sincerely, even if only because you don’t get money for it, what your manager’s office looks like by what... sign is it possible understand that this is a woman’s office? well, you know, it’s a good question, when i go into the office of a female leader, i always try to notice some things that are associated with women, and in this regard, well , you can’t say that i’m not a woman, yes, but for me in the office, the most important thing is that there is a table, a comfortable chair and a computer; everything that is around me does not matter much to me, as a rule, when i go into any one. office, i don’t really change its surroundings, yes, because i understand that, of course, for a woman leader it is important that there, the color of the walls was nice, and there were some flowers, like the office of a woman manager,
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so thanks to them, there are flowers in my office, and paintings hanging, the walls were repainted in such a warmer color, and a feminine color, but i’m always in a mess on the table, this is also probably something that is not typical for women, women usually still have order, i have... olga alexandrovna, what is in your office, in your opinion, the most unusual, the most unusual in mine office, now i’m trying to draw an office inside, the most, well, the most unusual thing in my office is me, probably the black sector is next in line, i’ll have to turn around, hello, my name is ksyusha, what does the women’s union do anyway? what does the women's union do? ksyusha, where does mom work? at the republican institute of knowledge control, and you ask your mother if they have a primary organization of the belarusian women's union, yes, because in general the belarusian women's union is a very large organization, we have 165,000
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belarusian women who are united in this organization, so i i can take a long time tell us what we do, but in general for the belarusian women's union the center of attention is always the woman, with all her problems, questions, with all her desires, we help women realize. through our various actions, yes, so that women are not confined to home, family, work, but have some broader outlet. we want to show women that at any age they are capable of any self-realization, right? and, of course, difficult questions that women have, a woman should know that there are women nearby who are capable of hear can help in any situation. it seems to me that this is why we work as the belarusian women’s union. but ask your mom, okay? to your right is the purple sector. why is there a belarusian women's union, but not a belarusian men's union? and you know, i would love and welcome the emergence of a belarusian men’s union, and most importantly, that
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it appears. well, i’ll tell you that it’s probably not very beneficial for me, as the chairman of the belarusian women’s union, for a belarusian men’s union to appear, do you know why? because i already told you that the belarusian women's union is an organization that does not take money from them, conditionally for some things, yes, therefore, when we need to carry out something important, grandiose or something that requires investments, requires funds, where women go to ask for money, where, girls, we go, to men, that’s right, and men. they always know that the belarusian women’s union will come and we must definitely help it, so we like the way our men treat us. why do you think people unite in party unions, is this necessary for weak or strong individuals? weak or strong? well , it seems to me that this is necessary for those who care, so here you are, how do you create, for example, some kind of community of your friends, yes, when you unite by interests, do you have
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something in common? interest and you either protect or develop this interest, there may be different options, but it’s good for you when you have like-minded people next to you, right? well , i don’t know, maybe now, of course , the trend is a little different, and young guys like to be alone, but it seems to me that this wrong, because all the same, just like in a family there should be a person who will support you, who will help you, who will give you advice, that’s why public organizations and political parties are created, and public organizations... these are organizations that are created for some reason... then such public tasks and interests. political parties, they have a slightly different task, this is still a struggle for power, and these are also ambitious people, they have different ambitions, but they also have common interests, they have common views, yes, some common ones moments, how they look, in principle, at the political structure of the country, at how the state is structured, some political issues are discussed and decided, so it seems to me that this is why people unite, and it has always been so, well, it is common for any person
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to unite. even if you take history there from the moment of the appearance of man, once upon a time adam was bored on earth, he had eve, yes, that is, this is the first community that appeared on earth, but it appeared because man also could not would to exist alone, so it seems to me, for this, in order to go through life together, so that someone shares your ideals, so that you understand how you develop your own positions, can you say that the belarusian women's union is not only an organization, but also a political one, do you have political ambitions? no, we are a public organization. many people asked me a question about when we will have a women's party, we have not come to this yet, perhaps someday we will come to this when there will be a need, as you know, once upon a time the head of state, when they asked him about the political structure, about the emergence of a party, he very correctly said: any party, any political party, it must mature from below, that is, there must be a request from the public for the emergence of one or another
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political force or political party. for now, it seems to me that we, as a public association, are resolving issues that arise from below, until we reach this moment of our degeneration into a political party, but this does not exclude that someday we will feel that we need it. are you generally a risky person? are you ready to risk what you have for something new? if we are talking about some things that concern the risk to life, in this regard i am
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not a very risky person, that i understand that my life is dear not only to me, but also to the people who surround me, and i have no right without the need to risk it, and if you are talking about some things that are related to my work or career, then i always take risks in life, to be honest, so that i don’t they offered something new, and some new, new interesting projects, and new interesting work or something else, i always go for it with pleasure, because i really like getting out of my comfort zone, yes, because when we don’t take risks, we don’t leave this comfort zone, so i won’t answer for them, but for any public person, the more you appear in public, the more you communicate with people, you still want to leave something like this for you. such
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a small hole, yes, into which you can always go, or into which you can always, it is inaccessible to the general public, you know, there is a phrase “some people love silence,” if this is their island of happiness. who loves silence and does not like display, then, probably, they have the right to this, but is your heart, my heart, free, you mean now , in terms of husbands, if you have a lover, a loved one, no, i’m not married and - i don’t have a husband, i would like to ask you this question, what qualities do you value in men, in men? first of all, of course, i value masculinity, in the literal sense of the word, yes, because in my understanding, a man is a man of action, a man is a man who does not stand still, constantly developing, who is able to take responsibility not only for
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himself, but for his family, if a man is able to take responsibility, if a man is able to move forward and lead the family, then this is a real man for me, i completely agree. with you, another question: what do you mean by the concept of women's happiness? a woman's happiness, if a sweetheart were nearby, but not quite like that, of course, and you you know, a woman is happy when, when her parents are alive and her children are healthy, of course, because children are our continuation, they are our future, we see ourselves in children, yes, so the happiness of children is, well, probably that , for which any woman lives, if a woman is lucky... she has the job that she loves, then she is truly a happy woman, this is probably a woman’s happiness. what music did you listen to as a teenager and what music do you listen to now? well,
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in general i'm not a very musical person, well in general, of course, we went to discos, of course, we all listened to tender may, now i listen a lot, because our television and radio company includes radio mir, so i.
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memory of our past years, how great it is, thank you, thank you, applause! is it necessary to have a higher education to work in television? higher education in order to work on television, well , it seems to me that now it’s not a goal in itself to have a higher education, the goal in itself is to be a professional, yes, because when to me people come to get a job, i don’t ask about their education, i don’t care what kind of education this person has received, what’s important to me is his horizons, it’s important what he’s imbued with, it’s important how much he likes what he does, how well he succeeds. it is clear that without some good foundation, it is impossible to write good material, yes, so there must be education, but what does it consist of simply in your diploma of higher education, or you may not receive a diploma, but be a very educated, erudite person, this
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then the story is different, so if you are talking about higher education as a crust, it does not matter at all, if you are talking about such a broad concept of higher education as packages and the knowledge base that you have... inside, this is important, hello, my name is valeria , do you like watching tv? very much, i do this around the clock, one might say, only when i’m not sleeping, i’m not watching tv, and then i don’t dream about it often, i’ll honestly tell you what your favorite show or series is, yeah, show, well, now i can name you one favorite show, this means to single out someone from those people whom i love very much, who work on all tv channels in... the country, it’s impossible to single out someone, so i won’t say what my favorite program is, i love all the programs very much, right now i i really love the broadcast of 100 questions to an adult, yes, because well, that’s how i would become a participant in this program, and as for the series, i really love everything
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connected with some kind of detective stories, yes, everything connected with investigations, everything related to some complicated situations, these are the series i i love. imagine that you are hosting your own talk show, who would you invite first , which world star? well, honestly, now i’ll remember some world star and name it. yes, but to be very honest, very sincere, but i would make my heroes not just stars, but ordinary people, because when you come across the stories of ordinary women, you understand that their stories are much more interesting, theirs is this this is worldly wisdom, it is much more important than the story of some star, how it rose there to some of your peaks or took some of your first steps, we’ll be happy to see, we’re moving to the yellow sector, hello, my name is. and what was the best day of your life, why do you think so? i
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believe that the best day of my life has not yet come, i perceive every day as the best day of my life, do you know why? because you wake up, you see this world, you can get out of bed, you can get dressed, eat, go to your favorite job, communicate with people who are dear to you, loved ones and... go to the gym, do what you want to do, because this is the best day, really, and if we are talking about some very happy moments in life that happen, then of course this is the birth of my daughters, this is, of course, the day that completely turned my life, my inner consciousness, and myself upside down, and this is probably the day that brought new meanings to myself in my further continuation, so, probably, from if we we’re talking about what’s already about... this is this day, but i believe in what’s yet to come
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there are a lot of these best days in my life.
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zoya kosmedemyanskaya, a participant in the great patriotic war in october 1941, being a student of the tenth. voluntarily went to the front. as part of reconnaissance sabotage groups, she carried out missions behind enemy lines, participated in mining roads, blowing up bridges and crossings, and destroying wire communication lines. on november 29, while carrying out a combat mission, zoya was captured by the nazis. the girl was subjected to severe torture and humiliation, but despite everything, she did not betray her to the enemy. neither their mission targets, nor their comrades.
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the girl was silent and only said that her name was tanya. after prolonged torture, zoya kosmedemyanskaya was hanged on petrishchevskaya square. zoya kosmedemyanskaya, the first woman during the war, was awarded the title of hero of the soviet union. posthumously. how do you feel about studying abroad? if you apply in belarus, where? to study abroad? well, first of all, i don’t have any feelings about studying abroad. because i don’t really understand why you need to go study abroad, yes, if we are talking about the first higher education, any other education, then the point is to go far from your parents, from your country, from yourself in order to learn some basic things like this, plus this is your mentality, your language, your
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teachers, we have higher education, our belarusian education is valued absolutely everywhere, although everyone says that it is at a very good level here, i... am not opposed to students going somewhere and studying somewhere, but having learned something, having absorbed something, you still have to come to your country in order to implement my knowledge in this country and develop my education system so that it goes further, yes, because i have many examples, since my daughter recently graduated from the university in belarus, university , there are many examples of how her peers go somewhere to study, for what purpose, but what next, what development is next, and what will happen to you there after receiving that higher education, do you have a clear plan for your further success future, it will definitely be here, yes,
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because even because you are a belarusian or a belarusian, your country definitely needs you, and you will definitely make and build a career here, because you are a person... of this country, this is your homeland, these are your roots. i 'd love to know how you manage to stay physically and emotionally healthy as a leader. i am a person who likes to play sports, and morning exercises have always been mandatory for me, and if possible, the gym, but i don’t like the gym in terms of lifting something. heavy weights or something else, i love everything about our girls, pilates, colonetics, these are some such stories, but for me this is important. i’m doing this, it’s emotional, well , i’m lucky, i have very good teams, in which very good people work, they don’t force me to burn out emotionally at my job so much that some of my emotional health is disrupted, yes, that is, well as it were - plus these are my family and friends, to whom i always
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come with pleasure, who give me this this recharge, some kind of emotional good recharge, i love to do this, there is a black sector to your right, please tell me: what is easier to understand, why they put pizza in a square box or women? by the way, why pizza? well, it’s easier to make a square box, it’s just cheaper in the end, in fact, it seems to me cheaper to make a square one than a round one, so they put it in a square one, but which is easier? well, it’s not difficult for me to understand women, maybe because i’m a woman myself, yes, so when they tell me such things, there’s a woman’s logic or there to understand a woman, i don’t know who comes up with this, i...
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when a man tries to help me support my bag, he asks all the time, anyone, all the time asks, what could be in this bag, what are you there? wear it, can you show it? well, probably, please show me a bag, a handbag for the studio, well, a handbag, well, not... as small as i would like and a woman’s one, so that’s what i was telling you, here’s a wallet, yes, i have a lot of different cards here , comb, fashionable, by the way, comb, yes, girls know, a cosmetic bag, in which there is a lot of everything
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a girl needs, here is a notebook - this is such a must-have story, a notebook, a passport just in case, well - and there is also a recipe in my purse, it was my mother who asked me to buy medicine, there is a recipe, and well here are some icons, and the saint princess olga, an insurance policy, and i also have a license that i carry with me, a car license, they are so very interesting, because they are rare, so i think what a driver’s license is. we didn’t see, but everyone has plastic cards, but i didn’t change mine driver’s license on a plastic card, when i got my license in 1992, i ’ve had it since then, it doesn’t expire. you can’t drive a car with them outside the territory of our country, but on the territory of our country, when a traffic cop stops you and opens this beautiful little book of yours, they are always so
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surprised, they look at it carefully, that’s why i have such a rarity in my purse, it’s always amazed how can so many useful things fit into one small handbag, we continue, then we have the purple sector, you will have to turn 180°, what is your favorite place on earth? favorite place on earth is my parents' house? this is where i come to relax, i have there in this favorite place on earth for me, there is also my favorite place - this is the bathhouse, i really love going to the bathhouse, this is what really gives me pleasure, if you participated in a competition, something like miss world, what would you present at a talent competition, well, my name is smirah, this of course it’s cool, in general i really like to dance in life. i probably would have danced. olga alexandrovna, maybe we can dance, unfortunately i can’t go out and keep you company, but i think there will be a young
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man who will be happy to spin you around in an alse, yes, come out, don’t be shy, let’s get some applause, one two three, one two , three, one, two, three, one, one, two, three, one, two, three, one, two, three, one, you dance well, we are second. the girl is growing into a very good groom. how do you feel about people who say face the truth? it’s very positive, well, i
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believe that the earth rests on these people, you must tell the truth, and if it is an unpleasant truth, well, who said that the truth should always only be pleasant, but it’s the truth. how often do you let your fears hold you back from taking action? what is fear? i always lay out my fear for myself, but the best way to overcome any fear is to look it in the face, you need to understand whether this fear is as terrible as we imagine it to be, and the most important thing is the opportunity to overcome this fear or do the way to make this fear disappear from your life is to do something that you are afraid of, so if it, again, does not directly threaten your life, yes, because it is scary to jump onto... for example, from the twelfth floor there, and do that don’t, let it always be scary, yes, because it will simply end your existence on this
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planet, you can’t do that, but if it’s fear of something new, but that doesn’t threaten your life, it gives you the opportunity to learn something new or developing in some direction will not harm you, then of course you need go forward and not be afraid of anything, because all fears are what live in our heads inside us, and these fears... how do you feel about animals and do you have a pet? i treat animals very well, well, probably because i grew up in
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a private house, we always had cats, dogs and cows, and horses, pigs and sheep, and ducks, rabbits, whoever we had, however, with from the moment i moved to the city, when i had a child, i always knew that there must be an animal next to the child, because it seems to me that this makes you warmer and kinder, that's why we... our child had a cat, she lived with us for 20 years, but unfortunately, in the twentieth year , she died already being such an old lady, we always had an aquarium in which fish swam , and it was always like this, when my daughter grew up, she had a dream of having a dog, when her daughter grew up, she earned herself money for the dog, because she wanted a certain dog of the ausi breed, and this breed was not cheap, but... she loved it wanted, we got a dog, brought us more, well, found it on in the trash, to be honest, it was a small cat, we
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picked her up, and six months later we got another cat, she was found in the elevator. she was practically blind, and her daughter cured her, and now, well, it so happened that we now live in different places, but my daughter, she has a dog and two cats, that’s how i come now in order to understand the dog and two cats to her. what do you think about the draft law requiring pets to be chupped and registered? but very positive, do you know why? because? there are often such cases, like i told you, about these cats, which we found one in the elevator, the other in the trash, well , this shouldn’t happen, if we get an animal, we take full responsibility for it, and we should realize, and we must be responsible for this, this is not a teddy bear or a teddy kitten that you bought, you got tired of it, you put it on the far shelf in the closet
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and forgot about it for a while, this is someone who needs to be constantly fed, this is the one who needs... needs to be vaccinated, this is the one who needs to be constantly taken care of care, this is someone who cannot simply be thrown away because you are tired of him or scratched something, so i believe that since he is a person, and for people to do this consciously, to have pets consciously, there should be laws that according to the law, they will hold you accountable for what you do to a living being, so that we can find the owner and understand who this owner is, who did this, well, conditionally, it’s not good? yes, well, plus, it’s also when a person loves his pet, a dog or a cat, when he suddenly loses it, this is also a tragedy, yes, when a cat runs away or a dog runs away, this is also a tragedy, this also allows you to quickly determine where this animal can be found and returned to the owner, and the owner will be happy, therefore, how can old grandmothers in the villages deal with
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yard servants, well, like dogs that live in... in a kennel or with cats that are constantly on the street? well, you know, we always like to look at laws from one side, we always try to exaggerate them, right? you understand that no one will force a grandmother or grandfather who has a dog living on the street, conditionally, to urgently chip it there or register it there, yes, but even if it is grandparents, and the animal lives in your kennel, it must live in what conditions, in good conditions, of course, it should be grafted. that’s right, this is an animal, it must be fed, it must not die of hunger and cold there, and sitting somewhere on a chain, it seems to me that it doesn’t matter where the animal lives, it’s important that the one who gets it takes himself responsibility, this is a living being, what would you like to achieve in your career in a year, five, or maybe in 10 years, well, you know, i have
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such ambitious plans to say that after some time... i want to be this or that, i’m not sure, but the main thing i want in my career is to work in good creative teams, yes, but to work with those people who are passionate about their work, who like what they do , and how will things turn out, to be honest, i’m a statesman, if tomorrow i they will say that i should, from the point of view of the fact that the state needs it, people in the right system need it, work in a certain place, i will do it without hesitation, because i understand that
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this is the biggest injustice in society. for me, probably the most important thing is that there is this feeling of need for justice, that people act according to their conscience and do not lie, because the most unfair thing, it seems to me, is when people, hiding behind their own momentary interests, lie or try to offend a person , or trying humiliate a person, or try... to put him in some kind of conditions that would somehow humiliate him, even where his human dignity is, therefore the most fair thing for me in this world is respect for those people who surround you, and it’s unfair when we treat people ourselves unfairly, this is probably the biggest injustice. further, yellow sector, to your left, please tell me what can make this world a better place, you and
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me? you and i are capable of making this world it would be better if we lived in this state of love, and constant love for what we have, for what surrounds us, for all the people who surround us, yes, this is... a feeling of love, it seems to me , evokes the feeling of justice that we talked about, so this is the most important thing, this is the most important task, it seems to me, that each of you carry this through your entire life, leave the same sparkling eyes, leave the same sincere smile, remain the same an open person, you will attract the same people, because well, this is how the laws of the universe work, it seems to me, this is what our universal, it seems to me, love, mutual assistance, kindness will do this...
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in the thirty-third school in the tenth grade, in principle i study well, well done, and you dance well too, thank you, well, it’s your gift, come out and take it, i want this thermal mug to remind you of our dance about peace, okay, thank you, thank you. well, now let's talk about women's issues, you know, the questions were different, there were many questions, they were all so very deep, very cool, thank you for all your questions, but the most unexpected question for me, which i really thought about, i thought about whether
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i was absolutely sincere at that moment, it was a question about whether my heart is free, who asked this question, introduce yourself , please, my name is varvara, i study at school forty in the fifth grade, an exclusive barbarian gift for you, but i am sure that this is a future member of the belarusian women's union and the leader of the belarusian women's union organization and let this vasilek always tell you about it reminds us, we are waiting for you in our ranks! olga alexandrovna, now you have the opportunity to ask the children your question. you know, my question will probably be very simple and very complex. tell me, guys, what does your homeland mean to you? the homeland is such a very big family that, if necessary, will support. even if i move somewhere, it’s very difficult, i
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will come back here again and again. absolutely every person should associate the homeland as a place where he can always return, where he is always welcome, and a place where all his memories of the past are stored. and most importantly - a pleasant and warm memory. i love my homeland very much, i will be proud of it until the end of my days. what else to say? this is my future first and foremost. what you say about your homeland and the way you treat it suggests that our homeland with you and you really has a great, cool, bright future in your faces, it is in your hands. olga alexandrovna, it’s time to say goodbye to our audience. so, director of the national branch of the interstate television and radio company.
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whether it was difficult or not, i tried to be sincere, how did the children surprise you? and you know, they surprised me with their openness, with their sincere attitude to what they ask, and with the depth of their questions. today you managed to answer 51 questions. tell me, if we call you again, will you agree to come? great pleasure. well, now i turn to our audience. do you think that our heroine was as frank as possible with you today? who thinks so, raise your hands. olga alexandrovna answered everything honestly, sincerely, she never tried to skip her question, and this is very
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inspiring to become people like her. in olga alexandrovna’s eyes one could see a sincere desire to see what modern children are thinking about, what worries them, what they actually want to ask. question for adults, i learned a lot about the community of women, about her life and the fact that they don’t treat adults like that...
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there are some, raise your hand. not a single person. olga alexandrovna, we have this rule: the hero always has the last word. summarize the conversation that took place. well, i want to thank the guys, really, for their sincerity, for asking and for the answers they gave me. and what i heard from the guys today was simply amazing. so, director of the national branch of interstate television and radio. company world in the republic of belarus, chairman of the belarusian women's union olga shpilevskaya was a guest today at the program 100 questions for adults, see you in a week, how long has it been since you held a book in your hands, leafed through it.
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accomplished, preserved, as if by magic on the pages of books, by reading a person survives centuries, reading brings generations together, we value the past for our present. belarus 24.
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many forestry professions are considered unfeminine, but life proves the opposite. in our forestry, i am the only woman who directly works in the forest. the decision to head the department was not easy. the greatest fear was not the wild animals in the forest, but the men who were to be led. it was kind of scary, i think, but...


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