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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 23, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm MSK

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humanity has accomplished, has been preserved, as if by magic on the pages of books, by reading a person survives centuries, reading brings generations together, we value the past for our present. belarus 24. many forestry professions are considered unfeminine, but life proves the opposite. in our forestry, i am the only woman who directly works in the forest. the decision to head the department was not easy. the greatest fear was not the wild animals in the forest, but the men who were to be led. it was somehow scary.
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stupitak, as people expect, is boring, but reliably, stereotypes live in our heads, control us and give us a feeling of calm, but if you need something more in life, sometimes it’s worth breaking them, just like our heroine, elena voroshkevich, did.
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being at the helm is her natural element, and it doesn’t matter what she’s driving, an suv on a difficult trail or a large forestry team. today elena voroshkevich feels confident everywhere. we are in the kraslobodsky forestry, my working day begins. from 8 am, but it goes without saying that we come to work much earlier, in our forestry there are 28 people working, these are fellers, foresters, a forester’s assistant, foreman, now we’re about to start the plank, the meeting is attended mainly by men, it used to be that elena could hang out in front of them, handing out tasks for the day, but now - the director confidently asks a question, even about food for the local cat, that’s it, then everyone goes to work, i too now...
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when you give them a task, oh, it’s hard, we won’t make it in time, we won’t be able to, we wish we had another day , but in the end in the evening, when you ask, well, everything is done, everything is there, but it’s nice. it has long been noted that if a team consists mainly of men, then the effectiveness of their work will increase if they are led by a woman. representatives of the stronger sex on a subconscious level will try not to lose face, efficiently and quickly.
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even a woman can understand so-called men’s work well, but male subordinates, as a rule, are in no hurry to recognize this talent; then the management style that a woman leader chooses is important. not according to the principle of what you said, do it, but according to principle, colleagues, let's consult, and it is also quite important that, for example, i have an assistant vadim viktorovich, a master, i can always not only come and give them some task, i can even come and consult with them, we just sit down sometimes in the evening we think about what we should do in this case, even in the case of planting a forest, we sit down and decide that this is the type of forest we want. what would be better for us to plant here, and what would grow better here, not what i said myself when i came, i want something to grow here since i slept, and not an oak tree, that’s what i want, no, we consult, and this, it seems to me, is worth a lot when in a team there is someone, not just someone to give a task, but someone to consult with, this is the main secret
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of our heroine’s professional success, the team is the most valuable asset, comes first you need to focus not on the personal ambitions of the leader, the creation... this is until you somehow do your job and leave, that is, if you drive through the forest for half a day, then still some paperwork remains, and you have to linger, who - he will say, elena is not just a forester, a beautiful woman, how can one refuse such
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a person? men’s subordinates agree to work beyond the norm, but what’s wrong with that? on the contrary, for example, our heroine emphasizes her femininity when... she even prefers to wear not trousers, but a work uniform for trips to the forest in the form of a classic length skirt and jacket. they arranged their life in the village in such a way that any city dweller... can envy you, don’t be offended, please, i mean this in the good sense of the word, but you promised that i would come to your house, and not to a museum, that’s where not look, everywhere you look, everywhere there are some hand-made things, these are everyday objects, the leader from the capital will have to experience all
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the delights of rural life, a lot of people come, because even some say that it’s good here, here you can relax mentally, then there is nature here, this is not a park, everything is here. we tell you how to choose quality products for healthy dishes. take the nuts in your hands and estimate their weight. do not take fruits that are too light; such fruits either have no kernels at all, or they are dried out. ground beef colored
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dark red color, pleasant smell, with a light milky aroma. a proper breakfast is the key to health and good mood. we’ll be making lasagna with pumpkin and spinach, it’s quite unusual, but i think sometimes you can treat yourself. let's get started! if you have a busy day ahead and you know you need a lot of energy, this is the breakfast that will do the trick. don't forget about invigorating exercises. we raise our hands up, raise our legs and do this cool exercise: a cockroach, we start shaking hands and feet, we have for... look in the project breakfast of the champion on the belarus 24 tv channel,
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now we have arrived at the clear sanitary felling, now let's go check it out. our work is progressing, how much time do we need to clean everything here, we’ll clean it up today, we’ll clean it up today, it’s good that with the stumps, labor safety, we comply with everything, everything, everything is fine, note, our heroine solves work issues in a well-spoken voice , clearly without unnecessary emotions, pointing out shortcomings, this indicates a high level of emotional intelligence, by the way, the only man in her life... who supported her choice of a non-female profession was her dad. i got into the forestry, one might say,
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not by accident, my father has not worked in forestry all his life, he started, by the way, also with the kraslobodsky forestry, from this forestry, in which i now lead, elena did not immediately take the leadership position, she deserved this high position with her work, overcoming prejudiced attitudes towards herself on the part of her male colleagues, who say that a woman and a forest are incompatible concepts. but alas, to this day every day she has to prove to many of her friends and acquaintances the importance of the work of a forester; among ordinary people there is an opinion that foresters just live somewhere in the forest, do nothing, and in general some people say, what are you doing there, what are you doing there? you’re doing, well, fuck you, you walked through the forest, so what, they don’t understand that before, for example, cutting down, this is all you need, you need to be there more than once in this planting.
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i observed this especially when the weather is hot and weekends are for us in general, that is, people go on picnics, like some they are responsible for what they do, that they light fires, some lit them there, sat, rested, got ready, left there, didn’t dig up, didn’t pour water on them, nothing, well, for us, yes, for us the most painful issue is fires , when a message is received that something has caught fire somewhere, all the employees quit their jobs and help... eliminate this natural disaster, our heroines had to put out the fire, so don’t rush to condemn
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the forest ranger for cutting down the forest, it’s the barbaric that brings the most damage to the massif attitude man to nature. it seems to many that we are not doing everything here, we are cutting down the forest, we are not leaving anything for our descendants, our children, grandchildren, but in fact this is not so, we cut down the forest, we took it out, we did not leave it. there is an empty area there, overgrown with something, we planted it behind us, and from this tree, how many benefits to people, for example, they made furniture from it, there, it was used somewhere for production, for the same firewood, everyone loves to live in warmer, but no one thinks where this heat comes from, someone will say, it’s not at all a woman’s business to work in the forest, well, our heroine doesn’t swing an ax, although some people have just such a limited understanding of the duties of a ladderman. what, what are you doing in the forest? what are you doing there? and what, and how? do you carry an axe? perhaps
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in the near future the female form of the forester profession will enter the russian language, but for now elena often has to correct those who incorrectly pronounce the name of the profession: i am a forester, not a forester. a forester is a forest guard, and a forester is someone who manages a forestry. a lot of people don't understand for example, they say, well... a woman’s job is to put on a skirt, put on beautiful makeup, sit down with papers in the office and sit, well, my job is not like that, for example, my friends don’t understand me, they’re like, what are you there in the forest, why are you walking, especially since i sometimes say, who are you there with, i say, well, she came alone to check, she’s alone and you’re not afraid, that’s the question everyone has, are you not afraid alone in the forest, but i’m not afraid , several hectares of forest are traversed by our elena along side to side, in any... weather she carries out control in the forest, sometimes measuring 10 on foot km more. note that out of a sense
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of care and pity, this work is not done by male colleagues. men perceive, you know, i thought it would be worse when they appointed me a forester, i thought, well, now it will begin, here you are a woman, here, here you will be commanding us here, and now it begins. having decided to come to the male correctional department as a full-fledged employee, and even more so as a director, we must be prepared for different situations, ingratiation, misunderstanding and even hushing up problems in front of the female boss. there was even such a case that a tractor driver one day something with... broke down in the tractor, i don’t remember anymore, i say, vital, i say, what didn’t you tell me, i say, right away, oh, you know, and somehow here i am, here i am i’m afraid to tell you, there was such a thing, yes, respect is something that you can’t buy for any money, such an attitude towards a female leader on the part of the male team is especially expensive, which means that the lady boss is really in her place, which is the case with ours the heroine
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is not surprising, because in the forest, as in a big house, it is the woman forester who can... in the forest only those people who love the forest work, working in the forest and not loving the forest, it seems to me, well, you won’t work like that for long, you need to have an understanding of what you are doing in the forest. there are no random female employees in forestry; if you get into this field, it is only by your own desire and the dictates of your soul, only then will this work bring pleasure and... will you get the strength to run a large household, i have two dogs, two a cat, chickens, even peacocks, that’s how i have time, in the morning i need to get up early, to feed everyone, well, you won’t leave the animals hungry, well, in the evening too, she is so unique, elena voroshkevich, the head of the family, a full-fledged mistress in the forest, the secret of her success is simple:
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your dreams will make you happy, and not conformity with whose a stereotype, an idea of ​​happiness and prestigious work. our work, it too, well, from my point of view, it is very prestigious, it is developing very much in the modern world, and there is no need to be afraid of it. each work is good in its own way. this is a story about learning don’t be fooled by the negative emotions of other people, learn how to overcome your inner fear of doubt, and don’t be afraid to break social stereotypes. and also to motivate with my own successful example to inspire those who are still looking for themselves and the most important thing in their life, to which they want to devote themselves without reserve.
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the idea of ​​creating our project was suggested by fugitive opponents of our government who are abroad, heard our radio broadcast there, and said that how is it that belarusian propaganda is getting...
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is happening in belarus, we decided to launch such a project, it began last year in october with one such large one, which you called thoughts about poland, the authors of this project are the leaders of international radio belarus and representatives of the polish public, these are people who asked for political asylum in our country, who now live permanently in our country, these are ethnic poles, they are fluent in polish, these people are now...
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united states of america, great britain, norway, germany, the baltic countries, russia, and you know, the increased interest, especially in the topic of relations between belarus, poland and ukraine, is caused by the content of ukrainian citizens. tv channel belarus 24 broadcasts for you around the clock, don’t switch. our daily task is to talk about belarus in the country abroad. more than 100 million viewers around the world have access to watch projects from our tv channel. so which one?
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welcoming, bright and festival-like. belarus, business and developing, generous, picturesque and monumental, sports and team. not only about significant events, we introduce you to active, energetic and inspiring people who live in belarus and do everything for its development.
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belarus can be different, to understand and feel it, you need to see it with your own eyes. hello, dear tv viewers, the belarus24 tv channel is on the air, watch us every day, because we are... belarus.
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analyzing the opponent, working on mistakes and choosing the right strategy for the match. athletes have to work a lot with their heads, to become a champion, they know exactly what success is on sports grounds. but still, how does one become a champion? emotions subside, and there is already some realization that we have actually achieved such a significant goal for the club. for the fans, but what will be the result in a real battle of intellect, what is the name of the gymnastic apparatus, where two parallel bars are installed at the same height, smooth, uneven bars, uneven bars, absolutely correct, how the abbreviation bfvs is encrypted, you need to press, so you don’t know further, further that’s all, then alexey, the belarusian federation, maybe that’s all, that’s all.
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watch in the project glance at belarus on our tv channel.
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you are watching the news now, tatyana korol is with you. hello. alexander lukashenko will hold negotiations with vladimir putin on may 24. the president of russia will be in belarus today and tomorrow on a two-day official visit. negotiations between the heads of state will be held in the palace of independence, first in a narrow format and then in an expanded format, the parties will discuss the state of the future.


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