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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 23, 2024 7:00pm-7:25pm MSK

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evening prime time opens with news on belarus one, tatyana korol is with you, hello, let's talk about the main thing for this hour. busy schedule of the head of state, personnel, a new chief of the general staff has been appointed, reports on the supreme national assembly. to integrate the structure into
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the country's political system and are waiting for the russian president to arrive in minsk. hunting for unwanted people and double standards of the west. the prime minister of georgia is being threatened with reprisals using the example of fitz. the prosecutor of the international criminal court is also being intimidated for investigating netanyahu. festival of belarusian achievements manufacturers of foreign guests. the international economic forum started in gomel. and the story of a true patriot with a mother of many children and a sensitive doctor, the new heroine of the national project belarusian superwoman on our evening broadcast. alexander lukashenko will hold negotiations with vladimir putin on may 24; the russian president will be in belarus today and tomorrow on a two-day official visit. negotiations between heads of state will take place in the independence palace, first in a narrow one. then in
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expanded formats, the parties will discuss the state and prospects for the development of the entire complex of belarusian-russian relations, the integration agenda and implementation of decisions taken by the supreme state council of the union state, political dialogue, promotion of joint trade, economic and cooperation projects, strengthening security, interaction in the humanitarian sphere. the focus will also traditionally be on the international agenda, the situation in the region, and a joint response to emerging threats and challenges.
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you found understanding, you served together, you know each other well, but i’m saying this not only to sharpen this issue, but so that you understand that i am carefully observing the situation, not only in the country as a whole, but also specifically, especially in this situation, complex, difficult situation behind the issues that are emerging in our armed forces.
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grow bread, raise our children, develop culture, art, all other areas, and this is all connected with security, the situation changes every day, you look around, a day or two passes there, groups meet at our borders,
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a counter-offensive begins in ukraine for a day or two, drones fly, etc., etc., all this needs to be taken into account, analyzed and implemented for... the head of state, that he has trusted and supported my candidacy for appointment to the post of chief of the general staff. pavel muraveyka noted that the task of the general staff is to objectively assess the situation and make timely adjustments, creating
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a system for ensuring military security more flexible and tenacious to modern challenges. and today the secretary of state of the security council introduced the new head of the general staff, pavel muraveyk, to the officer. the general staff will follow the path of building and developing modern armed forces, and in turn pavel muraveika himself, addressing his colleagues , added that there is a lot of work ahead, and there will be enough work for everyone, and today the president, as chairman of the all-belarusian people's assembly, heard reports from the deputy chairman, chief secretary: let me remind you that the first meeting took place at the end of april the seventh all-belarus people's assembly in a new constitutional status. all priority organizational personnel issues have been resolved, and the most important documents for the country have been adopted: the concept of national security and military doctrine. alexander
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lukashenko draws attention to the fact that this is only the beginning of a lot of work; it is necessary to form a clear system of interaction between the assembly and government agencies, a vertical management system and working principles. according to alexander lukashen.
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arrange the work in such a way that if a person turns to the all-belarusian people's assembly the secretariat either to you or to me as the chairman, so that we can bring this appeal to the relevant authorities for
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a decision, but the main thing is to show people that this is not the work of the spc. the vns is a kind of political nuclear weapon that, well, is being used. the vertical should be built as follows: the chairman of the supreme council, his deputy,
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the presidium, the secretariat, and the delegates of the supreme council. as alexander kosinets, deputy chairman of the meeting, explained in a conversation with reporters, it is planned to form 10 delegations, including from the regional governments, parliamentarians and deputies of local councils of deputies from the judiciary. the main aspects of their work will be efficiency, control, efficiency and diligence. more than 493 million russian rubles will be allocated from the budget of the union state for the reconstruction of the brest fortress. the resolution was signed by the chairman of the union council of ministers, mikhail mishustin. financing will be carried out in stages, so this year about 73 million russian rubles will be allocated to the project due to the budget surplus of the union state. will affect the main monument, entrance lobby, northern gate and a number of other objects,
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the museum exhibition will also be updated, it will become more interactive, we, in cooperation with a number of museums in moscow and a number of regions of russia, will replenish this collection, and of course we really want that for young people, for schoolchildren, high school students, college students, students, those guys who work... in production, these expositions were truly interesting and educational, but they were also an occasion for understanding the scale of the feat, heroism, courage, but also the suffering that suffered by the soviet people during the great patriotic war. the reconstruction is designed for 3 years, the state customers of the project are the ministry of culture of russia and belarus. hunting down the undesirables, prime minister. georgia said that one of the european commissioners intimidated him with the example of the assassination attempt on fitz. according to
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the politician, an unnamed european official advised him to be very careful. at the same time, kubakhidze noted that the georgian authorities deliberately do not specify, but mean specific actors from the parties of the global war, and these forces have a strong influence both the eu and the usa, and also seek to drag georgia into a new armed conflict. by the way, the person who shot the prime minister of slovakia spoke. against stopping arms supplies to ukraine, this has already been confirmed in a court statement, local media reported. threats and blackmail have become commonplace in the west. new details of the story with the request of chief prosecutor karim khan against israeli politicians for their actions in the gas sector. in an interview with cnn, khan spoke about the threats he received after the investigation began. so several people contacted him heads of state and opaquely hinted that mousse. was not created to try the west and its allies, while the us congress
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continues to threaten sanctions against court employees and their families if arrest warrants are issued for netanyahu. the west is trying not only to incite new ones, but also to maintain old ones. washington intends to announce tomorrow the allocation of new weapons to ukraine for $275 million. it is noted that the package will include shells for hymers and 155.105 mm ammunition, this is to strengthen the position in the ssu near kharkov. let me note that this is the fourth aid package since congress allocated $61 billion for kiev in april. as long as we remember history, we will not repeat its terrible pages. belarus is preparing to celebrate the eightieth anniversary of liberation from the nazi invaders. iskander will walk through the capital's streets in a parade for the first time. preparations for the big holiday are underway actively. training has been organized at the training ground in lipki, a total of 300 units of equipment will be seen by
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belarusians at the parade on july 3, we are starting according to the principle from simple to complex, now the pace of movement is we are slightly reduced, the crews are moving at a speed of 10-12 km/h. but we will achieve 15-18 km/h, we get 5-6 passes, no less. 3 days a week we train directly here on the machines. we directly hone the skills of passing, training takes place on the parade ground in the minsk military commandant's office , the women's box takes part, a new parade ground concert is also prepared by an honor guard company. the business optimism index has increased in belarus, business confidence in the authorities is increasing, the results of
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the annual study were presented today in minsk during the assembly of business circles. participants: more than 230 people. entrepreneurs, representatives of government agencies, parliament and diplomatic corps. we are probably one of the first to constructively continue to develop the dialogue between business and government, increasing the degree of trust, because the most valuable capital is trust. using constructive dialogue between business and government, we have reached new growth points and trajectories, including increasing our country’s gdp. measures that regulate public procurement are also there. there is a preferential amendment, different for in order for belarusian entrepreneurs to participate more in government procurement and have some preferences, resolution 992 on consumer lending played a very good positive role, where our citizens at 4% for 3 years with an installment plan have the opportunity to purchase goods from already issued loans in the amount of 142 million
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rubles and by the way, we plan to constantly supplement the list of manufacturers that come to us with this one... 12 countries, five thousand participants, businessmen, investors, representatives of commercial and industrial chambers, government bodies, diplomatic missions. spring in gomel strengthens the image of the region as a reliable
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and promising partner. an authoritative international forum, a global event. economic life of the south-east of the country, a dialogue platform for discussing the hot trends of modern challenges in the athletics palace at 500 km, more than 90 domestic enterprises in key areas, from the chemical, light and woodworking industries to metalworking, construction and tourism, demonstrate their potential. this is one of our latest developments if take specifically a split meter and, for example, a water meter, we... well, since it was just in the year of quality that we received an award from our csma as the best product, the best quality of 2003. as a result of the spring, many delegations already have agreements and even announced the amounts of those volumes that, after such an exhibition as spring in gomel
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, enterprises are already recording and exchanging products.
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a meeting of the interparliamentary commission of the council of the republic and the federation council was held today by representatives of the belarusian side under the leadership of the deputy.
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we can already see by the number of requests for participation from governing bodies, economic bodies, public organizations, and then the number of agreements, treaties, memorandums proposed for signing, and most importantly, as the result of any, these are contracts. vitebsk, polotsk and novopolotsk will host a large-scale dialogue platform. the events will begin on june 27 and will last 2 days. thematic exhibitions will feature all key areas of cooperation from mechanical engineering to pharmaceuticals. last year in ufa the country signed contracts worth more than 110 billion
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russian rubles. the figure is expected to rise this year. she gives belarusians hope for motherhood. she herself is a mother of many children and a sensitive doctor. obstetrician-gynicologist of the minsk central regional hospital, tatyana kudelich, the heroine of the new series of the belarusian super project. a woman, a true professional, a faithful friend and a loving mother. how she manages to combine everything, where she found the strength to live on after a terrible family tragedy, what is the meaning of her life, watch the evening broadcast on belarus alone. i believe in boundless love, the love of children for parents, mothers for children, human love in general. i have been working at the minsk central regional clinical hospital since 2001, i came here by assignment, as a novice gynecologist in a large
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friendly team. we are the ones at the beginning of a woman’s journey, in the chain of her health. human life is a great miracle, a miracle, like a gift from god, pregnancy. this is not a disease, this is a normal condition for women. next, sports news results of the day, watch in panorama at 9 pm, all the best and take care of yourself. sergei stas has been appointed head coach of the hockey club yunost minsk, one of the most experienced successful coaches in our country, who. was recognized as the best in 2021, in the new season he will lead the capital's bears, so stas will move from gomel, where he led the local club. in the may series , the mentor was part of the coaching staff
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of the belarusian national team. gomel has also decided on the coaching staff, so vladimir kopat will lead the team next season. his assistants will be vladimir svita, dmitry pantsyrev and alexey emelyanov, who will be responsible for the goal line. arina sabalenka vs. erika andreeva and victoria azarenka will play with the main draw starting on may 26.
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