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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 23, 2024 7:55pm-9:00pm MSK

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he is very sentimental, no, well, it was like that, yes, it was like that, some kind of connection with generations, it seems, some kind of, well, where else can you experience this.
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alexander lukashenko will hold negotiations with vladimir putin on may 24, the russian president will be in belarus on may 23-24 for a two-day official visit. negotiations
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between the heads of state will be held in the palace of independence, first in a narrow and then in an expanded format, the parties will discuss the state and prospects for the development of the entire complex of belarusian-russian relations, integration agenda and implementation of decisions adopted by the supreme state council of the union state, political dialogue, promotion of joint trade, economic and cooperation projects, strengthening security, interaction in the humanitarian sphere. the focus will also traditionally be on the international agenda and the situation in the region,
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most of which relate to the list of permitted activities for individual entrepreneurs. in total , more than 250 thousand work in the country. the final version of the document will be prepared and published on the national legal internet portal by first of july. there have been a lot of round table dialogue platforms and there have been. a wide range of the public, including representatives of the business environment, this is what made it possible to create, and also enshrine in law, a new approach to doing business, essentially speaking, comfortable conditions that are necessary for a successful business, because we understand that a successful business is a successful state, our state, it cares for every person, including the business community, the state is interested first of all, so to speak, a long-lasting business that is ready... to continue
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working and developing, and this means jobs, this means an increase in income, and this also means revenue for the budget. specialists recorded new records in the capital's real estate market in the first quarter, and the number. transactions increased by 20% compared to last year, over 4.00 apartments were sold in january-march, such activity in the housing market supports the availability of bank loans and other financial offers. the leader in the number of transactions was the oktyabrsky district of minsk, the most expensive turned out to be central. optimistic dynamics are developing today; over 2.0 more apartments have been sold since april. the average price per square meter of one-room apartments in the first quarter of 2024 has overcome the psychological level. dollars per square meter, prices slightly, but have been increasing over the past few years, along with the availability of loans, this, this trend of rising prices, stimulates purchasing activity, people do not postpone the purchase of an apartment, but commit it as soon as
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they have saved up the required amount. remains civilians who died during the great patriotic war were reburied in a city park in slavgorod. the burial site has been identified. during the investigation of the criminal case on the facts of genocide, a large-scale search expedition was launched here in memory of the sosh frontier 2024. during the week, the soldiers , together with activists of the historical and patriotic club vikru, will conduct excavations at the sites of fierce battles of the great patriotic war. osipovichsky, shkovsky, goritsky and mogilev districts. a weekly socio-political talk show
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in essence, today we will discuss the results of the visit of the president of belarus to azerbaijan, his trip to karabakh and the situation that has developed will continue to develop in... you programs here at the bottom of the screen qr code, as always you can become participants our please, point your smartphone screen at it and join, share your opinions, ask us our experts questions, we will try to figure it out together, well , in the right corner there is a link to our telegram channel, come in, read what our off-air experts think, let's get started, good evening. well, i already said before the broadcast, now i’ll say that when we were preparing the program, in fact, the main goal was to sum up the results of our president’s visit to azerbaijan, naturally, the visit, well, let ’s say, is very important for us, economic, and geopolitical, for many political scientists it is,
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well, let’s say, not very clear, because everyone asks, how can it be, well, azerbaijan doesn’t seem to be in the csto, and karabakh is a territory that was disputed precisely with the csto country, but at the same time ours. the president goes to azerbaijan, to these regions returned to azerbaijan and they are talking about economic assistance, well, i can really say for sure that belarus has been represented in azerbaijan for a long time and quite seriously, our assembly plants have been opened there, in fact, there is something to talk about , but we all know very well what happened last day, the president of iran, after a meeting with ilham aliyev, crashed into helicopter in the mountains of northern iran and today this information. was officially confirmed, and accordingly, naturally, this news should somehow affect the situation in this region. in fact, this is what we will try to talk about, the influence or participation of belarus in the economy and politics of this region, especially since
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this is still an allied state for us and at least a friendly state. let's just officially set up the entire visit, once again i 'm starting to say that azerbaijan is for us is an important state, we really are.
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we also have a long, deep historical history with armenia, which is a member of the csto, the eurasian economic union, and with azerbaijan. relations, relations of friendship, they are tied, among other things, to the very important role of the presidents of the two countries in the development of cooperation. between belarus and azerbaijan, so the visit of the president of belarus to azerbaijan, of course, is very important, first of all for our country, for our homeland, and, of course, this includes economics, politics and geopolitics, because azerbaijan ranks in the region, i want to say, it is not only... a regional leader today, but it also has prospects for developing its potential in
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the international arena, well, you understand, the fact that we are creating a joint venture, and we were already talking about that the production of rut fertilizers will appear, and the pharmaceutical industry will develop together, no one has any questions here, not one of the parties, here is a visit to shusha, together with ilham aliyev, where...
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what in belarus we produce ox product 50%, which does not exist, that is, we consume only 50% of what we can produce inside, which means we have the question of how to bring our products to us, with whom and how to trade, and i always bring, if we talk about modern times, to the north
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passages through lithuania and latvia are closed, our transport is not allowed in, there is war in the south.
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is growing, well, technologically, and so on and so on, so this transport and logistics corridor is extremely beneficial for us, so when you started this transfer, then you said that we are not here, that is, azerbaijan is not in the adkb, is not part of the eac, and so on, but it should be remembered that the time is coming, a kind of
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region is being envisioned, that is, a transport and logistics region, well, with certain development nodes, and so on.
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send to iran, through iran to the persian gulf and further to the indian ocean, here you go, india is the buyer of our potassium, china is the buyer of ours. this very important corridor today is attached to various variations of the new silk road, this is the logic of belarusian actions today our turn to the east of this new big policy of turning first of all to our eastern partners, and here we can build trade and logistics routes with china not only through russia and kazakhstan, but there is such a branch through...
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which the strong take into account world of this world, in general, is an excellent friend for us, alexander lukashenko and ilham aliyev have excellent relations, actually brotherly, they talked a lot about this, so the question arises: andrey, why do you think this visit took place right now, well, because today there is certain problems with armenia, that’s why it took place, which means what ’s happening in armenia today, why the karabakh war was lost, this second one, because pashinyan, who came to power, he relied precisely on...
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there is an audio recording merged, where it was proposed to transfer just those same seven buffered regions back to azerbaijan for money, that is, this, let’s say, in an amicable way, was a certain option that armenia refused even then before pashinyan. in the end, what did they get? and war, and military defeat, and today there are problems in the csto. well, these are, let’s say, the mistakes of a certain armenian policy. our president of belarus also acts very wisely, he goes, for example, to akdam, to the okdam district, where he plans to build a belarusian agricultural town, these are the same disputed areas that, or rather, were part of the security belt, where they are. ..
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their leaders, in terms of some radical statements, attacks, led to military actions on their territory with very serious economic consequences and other things, so my colleague says that we we have to build new logistics for trade and economic relations, but we must understand that sanctions have been wrongfully applied to us, we are a landlocked country, there is international law, it is not allowed against us, we cannot restrict the movement of goods, our neighbors do so to the detriment of their own.
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repeatedly took steps to ensure that both azerbaijan and armenia agreed and settled peacefully, if the armenians had taken a more flexible position in due time, more negotiable, especially a colleague rightly said here here.
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relations, but this is not the case when armenia has a normal life, normal human beings as a state do not actually speak, turned away from turkey, remember the grievances of a hundred years, yes this is a very difficult period, there is genocide of armenians on the territory of turkey, but let’s, let’s look at today the future, let us understand, the turks were ready too. take the first step, reconcile, yes, let's build normal relations today, the region is very important, everyone understands perfectly well that the caucasus is the southern key to russia, and those whoever is trying to incite conflicts there today, those who may also be behind
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the helicopter crash in iran, these are completely people who have nothing to do with this region, who are not interested in the people who lived there living well, on the contrary incite all the conflicts there. when the story happened now with iran, conspiracy theorists, yes, if there is no official story with the helicopter of the president of iran, but conspiracy theorists are already saying that someone is behind this, perhaps the west, perhaps great britain, ruled the world 500 years, but the question is how seriously it is possible to set fire to this region , how much this story with the helicopter and the death of the iranian president can affect azerbaijan, respectively, our agreements,
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again there is a big problem with iran, why, because that today iran has only one land corridor left from russia to there, which is not controlled by its enemies, this is a corridor through armenia, which means that if the nkr is already liquidated today, then this is the zone beyond. some possible conflict, maybe move further to the zangizur corridor, that is, today this is what the armenians are talking about directly, if something bad happens there, then iran will simply be cut off from all allies by land, then this is a prerequisite for some kind of war already territories of the middle east, that is, the issue of nuclear weapons in iran, yes they do exist there, they are not being developed, they are not being developed, how all this will develop further will depend , among other things, on how russia behaves, while controlling that same zangizur corridor, so yes, there is a problem, moreover, turkey is an ally of azerbaijan, it is a nato country. if turkey gets into karabakh, then it turns out that iran gets , well, a large nato presence at its side, to put it mildly, they are not happy about all this. pashinyan was offered different options, for example, conduct some kind of joint exercises with iran, if you don’t want with the russians, and you don’t trust russia, okay, there’s iran, but it didn’t do anything,
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for some reason the westerners keep saying that won't change at all, it doesn't matter, it’s the weather, it just so happens, it’s an old helicopter, no one is talking about the possibility that iranian foreign policy will change, iranian foreign policy is today for the first time, they have made peace more or less with saudi arabia, more or less with turkey. good relations with russia, with china, this has never happened, the americans must definitely destroy all this, definitely, with terrorist attacks, terrorist attacks, murders of some kind, i don’t know, provocations, they do it, so everything hangs by a thread today in this plan, that is, iranian policy, if it changes, you also need to understand that there is a certain retaining ring in the form of the rahbar institute, in the form of the khamenya institute, yes, which today seems to be headed by the general political leadership, but of course there is a question.
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this is essentially, we continue, vadim, in the previous part you began to say that you need to be very careful in the formulations and conclusions related to the crash of the iranian president’s plane, continue your thought, well , i want to say again, firstly, look, how the iranian media in general behaved cautiously, that is, they did not want to countries to destabilize the political situation, they wanted to find out first what happened, and secondly after all.
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this situation, but we received the position officially of our partner iran and, based on this position, we were already starting from this position, naturally, our right-wing colleagues in the sense that destabilization of the region is potentially possible, it is not beneficial to us at all, the paths are being disrupted, we understand the beneficiaries of this destabilization, there are several factors of destabilization , so we said during the break that destabilization in armenia is not beneficial for us, because for us in order to trade along all these corridors in this region, peace is needed. order, why today we saw the position of the leadership
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of azerbaijan, because there were no attacks towards armenia, they resolved their issues and are ready to cooperate, there we already understand that the nato bloc is strengthening its influence somewhere and of course , that there are many commas, nuances and interests in this region, you see, this is the finesse of foreign policy is not to push heads together, but to avoid this collision, because when we are like this here... countries like belarus are between the clash of such titans, as a rule we suffer, it carries us along like a wave, so we are doing everything to ward titan, titans away from this clash, so we talked about iran, from the point of view of our economic relations, iran, as far as we need it, is important, well, in fact, we, for example, know what kind of relations, for example, russia has with iran, the same nuclear power plant is being built there , yes, that’s what conceptual approaches we have to the economy of iran , for example, well, first of all i want to say.
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it is in these fertilizers that not only azerbaijan is interested, the whole of south-east asia, the entire middle east, in order for their population to grow and... will need food, and to produce food they need harvests, and in order to have harvests, we need these phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen, andrei petrovich, well, you have the floor on the situation that will now develop, you are our king of forecasts, in connection with the tragic events in the context
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of this entire chain in general , you know, how kirill said, yes, we just followed and paid a lot of attention to azerbaijan as a political issue. accordingly, we understand perfectly well that against the backdrop of those sanctions, which the west has completely fenced off from us with an iron curtain, questions related precisely to how we solve our economic, political, financial, and other problems become, well , most acute, here already it was said about the north-south direction that it is becoming
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key today, and immediately very important ones appear immediately players, as we say, this region is important , of course, but at the same time , today it is... already destabilized. look what's happening in georgia. georgia, by and large , is becoming a key country. today , only through it is it possible, by and large , to directly access the black sea and so on. and what do we see happening there today? they are trying to stir up a color revolution there. well, it’s clear that nothing will work out there; the age of color revolutions is long gone. here. the question is, how will they further develop this? the same. and we have already seen salame zurabishvili, who invites macron to come. save us in the end france, look what is happening in armenia, yes, the same thing, there is no stable policy, there you can no longer talk about pashinyan’s multi-vector policy, there you can already talk about a weathervane policy, that is, it changes every day in some way a new direction, that is , the british have already climbed there, the french have climbed in there with their feet,
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there is a lot in the world, then we go, of course, against the backdrop of the fact that... the first to dissociate themselves, of course, are israel and usa. the united states of america, they have already proven that they are not interested in destabilization within this region. but israel is interested in dragging the united states into this conflict, but how? only through iran, in order to deal with hamas, in order to deal with hezbalah, that is, with those forces that
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represent proxies in the formation, and thus put an end to iran, yes, the biggest fundamental threat in this region. for israel, but i want to say that here too also, the problem will not be solved by external players, but most likely they will dance from the internal problem, why are they immediately starting to throw in that they will sow panic within the country, majamias, he seems to be planning to replace his father somewhere in a position, well, according to his status, he doesn’t fit, and at the same time they appear, trying to say, the speaker of the majlis, yes, the same qalibafa, they are already saying, he... also seemed to be laying claim to the presidency, remembering khamini’s son, he begins to speak, and he there mahmud akhmedizhva in his supported time, remember there were attempts at coups d'etat, whatever happened there too in this iran, it’s the situation from the inside that they will try to shake up this region, but not from the outside, because the outside iran today is a very strong country, but
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one could assume that they will try to destabilize iran, it is iran, that’s right, iran is a key country, and today this zangur one has not yet been built.
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and other states, including our partners, they say that not a single ambassador was not summoned to the armenian embassy, ​​that is
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, they actually do not express any protest there, you look at what happened before that, what kind of work was done, because this is a big victory for our diplomacy, let’s be honest, that’s how we came there softly in this a region where it is already unstable, where strangers are not welcome at all, they accepted us as their own, entering, entering, let us now be with us. representative of one of the institutes, anastasia, hello, can you hear us, hello, hello, i can hear you perfectly, anastasia, please tell me, here strictly speaking, a reaction to the fact that the head of a foreign state comes to territories that were once considered disputed, no matter how it is done on the part of armenia, on the part of the world community, to what extent? is such recognition important for azerbaijan? you know, this, as already noted here, is
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not the first visit of this level to the liberated azerbaijani lands, but in any case, in my opinion, this is also an additional incentive for the development of the bilateral agenda between belarus and azerbaijan, of course, because within the framework of this visit , a lot of bilateral cooperation agreements were signed, the economy is also affected, of course, tourism is also affected... and for alexander grigorievich himself it was quite interesting, as evidenced by the numerous video materials presented for the general public to visit these territories to get acquainted with the fact , how the restoration process is going, how exactly the azerbaijani side is investing, in what directions it is developing, and of course it was also proposed by the friendly the belarusian state to provide us with support in the process of restoring these lands, and if you remember, there was even a video where he, meaning the head of the belarusian state, of course, got acquainted with the destruction that is currently presented in photo reports, and he himself was
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in my opinion, i am a little shocked by what i saw, comparing it with what the azerbaijani side achieved in just 3.5 years after the end of the forty-four-day second karabakh war, and it seems to me that this visit once again emphasizes the intentions of belarus. support azerbaijan and work through bilateral efforts to develop a stable situation in the south caucasus region, as alexander grigorievich also noted, he just said, he noted the high role of azerbaijan in ensuring the stability of the entire south caucasus, in these aspects, in my opinion, the two leaders , heads of state may cooperate more closely in the near future. well, we talked a lot here about the fact that yes, we are long-time close partners, we are connected by friendly relations, but at the same time. examples were given when azerbaijan helped us a lot, lent a shoulder, in general they said a lot about why it is beneficial for us, from
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the azerbaijani side, what is their view of belarus, it’s just a habit that there is such a friend, or there are some specific interests , an alternative to which no one can create for belarus, this is a component component, yes, i would not say that it is mercantile, i literally have...
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and the development of the launch of the zangezur corridor, here we, of course, cannot note the importance bilateral cooperation, not only the geographical location of azerbaijan is important, but also the support in the political and economic field that belarus can provide. the shanghai cooperation organization, where azerbaijan and belarus have very big interests, the sco brix - these are all international structures, the non-aligned movement, where azerbaijan chaired for a very long time, of course.
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organization of turkish states, this attracts the attention of not only, say, european countries such as hungary, which has observer status, but of course, cannot but affect the interests of belarus, because all the countries of central asia, as well as turkey , have very close contacts, including in military development, by the way, the military sphere is another important area that connects our two countries, i would answer your questions, that’s why, when answering your questions, i would always like to emphasize this.
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to ensure that a peace agreement with armenia is signed as soon as possible, and what belarus is doing in the region, also ensuring security at the borders is very, very important, in these moments the two leaders can even speak to some extent from a common position, which was also emphasized in the press statement during the visit. thank you very much, anastasia, see you again, but i think that first in baku, as announced by the heads of state, then we’ll wait.
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we are also trying here, here were our peacekeeping positions in ukraine, azerbaijan is now really one of the three former soviet countries in transcaucasia, the only country in which there is no unrest. here's the first one the question is, we are really very similar in terms of peacekeeping positions, second, these three states, to what extent can they eventually come to balance? well, it is clear that victory in the military conflict provides ilham aliyev with enormous stability, and i think that there is any transit there, whatever...
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but, let’s say, the question is, let’s say, azerbaijan sells oil today to europe, not through the territory of russia and not through russian pipelines, so the influence that russia can show on azerbaijan is very limited, which means that even russia needs some kind of mediators to work with azerbaijan, so we can be like that, including a mediator, well, if something happens, turkey today, it seems, is also such a neutral or an ally of russia, how can we do it in different ways? evaluate, but again it wasn’t always like this, remember what happened there five years ago, and in syria, what was happening, that is , everything is changing like this, but...
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iran again after this emergency, which... went on, we know very well what kind of military relations russia now has with iran, they know about geranium everything, at the same time we understand, for example, our relations with azerbaijan are military-political, this situation that now... has occurred in the north of iran, it will not in any way affect the relations between these states specifically on military-technical issues, between belarus and iran, between belarus and azerbaijan, and iran and russia, this is still a crossroads, how should we say, the south caucasus, well, i would say that azerbaijan is a kind of testing ground for the latest developments of the belarusian military-industrial complex, if we look latest products, the most modern ones that we supplied to azerbaijan, we must first of all... say the means of electronic warfare of the groza family, which can be used to combat drones, which is now the most, so to speak, important, the main trend is precisely this: belarus has been supplying these means for a long time
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azerbaijan, in addition, belarus supplies radar equipment, modernized it to azerbaijan, which means that the soviet air defense systems are still s-125, asakm, in addition, they were together at one time. it's all in one direction, let's look at iran delivers to russia, the press is inflating this, but in fact, russia also supplied the latest su-35 fighters; the first batch has already arrived to iran. in addition, the green light has been given for the supply
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of the s-300 air defense system, and we are also talking about the latest radar technology and electronic warfare equipment, which russia is supplying to iran. that’s why i think belarus too, by the way. participates in cooperation with iran, supplying radar equipment, electronic warfare equipment, mobility equipment and so on, so well here we are working in the same direction. kirill, one more thing, we must consider the situation as a whole in the context of a geopolitical fault, a redivision of the world, and we know that our partners, first of all in washington, very skillfully use any instability. internally political, or on some external contour. will they try to use it to destabilize the situation? this means that this situation will certainly exist in iran, that’s obvious. one more
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thing: iran has long been under the gun, and the syrian company is the next one, if in syria the russian federation somewhere did not restrain these active actions of the north atlantic coalition, then iran would be next, naturally, but i agree with my colleague that... and china even notes that, along with the fact that china supplies certain products to the russian federation , but the russian federation also supplies certain types of weapons that china needs today, so this is mutually beneficial cooperation, but we must understand that the most convenient way for unfair competition in international... system of international relations, this is the instigation of wars, conflicts and destabilization of the situation, this is what we must do, a colleague says that the situation in the region is constantly changing, it is also changing because
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the national interests of the participating countries are changing participants in this region, and i want to emphasize that the republic of belarus has its own national interests, which we promote, pursue and develop , including military-technical cooperation not only with... well, that means we and not only us, but russia, then there is this collective east of ours, or even plus the global south, they could offer azerbaijan something that it could not refuse, that surpassed all these sanctions, that today we are returning to
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this north-south everything else and again i’m returning brix, sco, eac, by the way, on may 8, before his trip to this region, our head of state met with pashinyan , including in moscow, probably all these issues were resolved, that’s why it’s so softly beautiful to go there. belarus began to enter, i think it entered there precisely as a fraternal country, which for armenians and for azerbaijanis, let us recall that aliyev is a graduate of the institute of international. they said that some states' national interests are changing, but they say that you need to be friends based on values, and values, as a rule, they are, if there are, then they do not change, so ilham aliyev, during a statement to the media, voiced three the main, in his opinion, that belarus and azerbaijan have are goodness, dignity
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and honesty, so it seems to me that this is a directly eloquent story, which is not for everyone understandable, but at the same time what makes our relationship so unique and guaranteed to be promising, it seems to me, is that we still have to see how the situation will develop in one or another region, but at the same time, with such reliable partners with whom we can to talk honestly, we were taken aback...
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live panorama in the studio elena nasacheva. hello. official visit of the russian president to belarus. as expected tomorrow, during negotiations alexander lukashenko and vladimir putin will discuss the state of and prospects for the development of the entire complex of belarusian-russian relations, including a joint response to emerging threat challenges. meanwhile, the west continues to escalate the situation in the world. france conducted the first test of an updated missile capable of carrying a nuclear warhead. and how it is done.


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