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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 23, 2024 9:00pm-9:45pm MSK

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live panorama in the studio elena nasacheva, hello! the official visit of the russian president to belarus is expected tomorrow during negotiations, alexander lukashenko and vladimir putin will discuss the state and prospects for the development of the entire complex of belarusian-russian relations, including a joint response to emerging threat challenges. meanwhile, the west continues to escalate the situation in the world. france conducted the first test of an updated missile capable of carrying a nuclear warhead. and how is it done? instructions
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to restore order in healthcare, will tell the project is under the control of the president immediately after us. my colleagues will complete the picture of the day. on thursday, a new head of the general staff and the supreme national assembly was appointed in belarus. we will tell you in the evening in a panorama how the work in the congregation and the people in it will work throughout the year. will the west give ukraine peace? against the backdrop of total mobilization, zelensky is blaming everyone for his failure at the front and so on. ukrainians themselves live with all this, a remark, this is beneficial only for the owners, i’ll tell you why and what else is in the updated law. the great dialogue between government and business continues, today in the twenty-first assembly of business circles was held in the capital; we’ll tell you what was on the agenda. 12 countries, half a thousand participants from belarus alone, 90 leading enterprises in the country. today the international economic forum spring started in gomel. the snc
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should become a political nuclear weapon of belarus, this is how the president figuratively outlined the level of influence of the meeting, receiving reports from the leadership of the snc. what delegates should do locally and in preparation for the annual key event was also outlined at the level of the head of state; it’s easier not to fix it roofs and fences, but do not ignore the appeals of citizens who are already receiving them. challenged strategy, including complex military issues.
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energetic, demanding and responsible leader. additional touches to the portrait: masters the basics of operational art, strategy, clearly understands the situation in difficult conditions, orients himself quickly, recommended by everyone present, and yet the president will ask about personnel issues, the head of the general staff is not equal to the minister of defense, but the head of the general staff is a rather independent figure. we have a minister of defense minister of defense, everyone in the ministry of defense is subordinate to him, but nevertheless the chief of the general staff. has
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a certain independence, is directly involved in planning, implementing certain military activities, well, everything that the troops live on, there is a very fine line between the minister of defense and the chief of the general staff, so that you understand that i am closely monitoring the situation not only in the country as a whole, but also specifically, especially in...
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at the same time, the troops cannot live without the rear, finance, economy, for this, as well as the minister of defense is responsible for the purely military component, while some key issues cannot be resolved without a security council visa; this is a superstructure over all power blocs, including the ministry of internal affairs and the ministry of emergency situations. the system is more than correct, there is no monopoly of decisions where it is not needed, and where it is necessary, there are clear instructions, everything is teamwork, which is why every person in this connection is important.
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of course, the most important thing is the result, the chief of the general staff, you are absolutely correct, he is an independent figure, he is directly responsible for issues related with the construction and development of the armed forces, with their prospects, is a member of the security council and the right hand of the president, the commander-in-chief in the event of an aggravation of the situation, the introduction of martial
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law, so i think these people understand that they will cope, they will solve the problem at the same time, and the minister of defense is not a leftist hand no of course.
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our state had as little as possible, for me this is an important and quite interesting step in my career. the position is very complex, very responsible, has a huge range of task responsibilities, so i i am grateful to the head of state that he trusted and supported my candidacy for appointment to...
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first of all, the delegates of the all-belarusian people's assembly, but the appeal
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is different, the usual appeal of citizens to the executive structures, the presidential administration, is one thing, the supreme national assembly is a completely different body, who doesn’t repair fences and doesn’t repair roofs either, but nevertheless , it’s also impossible to push away from people’s requests and say, this is none of our business. used in exceptional cases, if it is necessary to carry out an extraordinary
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meeting or meetings of the supreme council and so on. these are exceptional cases and only strategic decisions should be made. let us remind you that the supreme national assembly became constitutional only this year, which means that its participants will seriously control the development strategy of the state, they can cancel any legislative initiative, fail to agree on key personnel, they are responsible for ideology. the seventh all-belarusian people's assembly took place at the end of april, but this is only the beginning of the work; according to the deputy presidential assembly , four main points were discussed with the president: the first is efficiency, action or the ability to complete a given task, the second is control, checking whether this action is chosen correctly, the third is efficiency, and the fourth is diligence, that is, discipline, if by the first letters...
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safe, the team decides . ekaterina , this success depends on the common efforts of everyone, like krutalevich, veronica buto, alexander oleshka, ilya puchko, the television news agency. and today the secretary of state of the security council introduced the new head of the general staff pavel muraveyk, an officer ministry body.
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first in a narrow and then in an expanded composition. the parties will discuss the state and prospects for the development of the entire complex of belarusian-russian relations, the integration agenda and the implementation of decisions taken by the supreme state council of the union state, political dialogue, promotion of joint trade, economic and cooperation projects, strengthening the security of interaction in the humanitarian sphere. the focus will traditionally also be on the international agenda, the situation in the region, and a joint response to emerging challenges and threats.
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national mourning continues in iran as president ibrahim raisi was buried today in his hometown of mishkhet in the northeast of the country. crowds of mourners, dressed in black, had gathered at the airport the day before on the streets leading to the burial place in the mausaleum of mama riza, where reisi himself had asked to be buried long before his death. the farewell ceremony for reisi lasted several days and took place in different parts of the country so that everyone could say goodbye to the president. the day before in mourning about 60 foreign delegations took part in the events in the capital of iran, including 10 at the level of heads of state and 20 at
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the ministerial level, including our country’s foreign minister sergei oleynik. early elections to the uk parliament will be held on july 4. the prime minister stated this. sunok added that they will take place in the most dangerous global situation since the end of the cold war. the reason for the hasty elections is nothing more than a manifestation of elementary cunning. calculation that sunak's opponents may not make it in time conduct an effective election campaign. but the strategy is risky: sunak's party, according to polls, is far behind its main competitor, the libarists, nike magazine asia reports. whatever the outcome of the early elections, the british are beginning to prepare for dark times of national crisis. the government has even launched a prepper website where every family is encouraged to provide themselves with an emergency kit. possible risks include flood, pandemic, cyber attack and even nuclear war. and this is all against the backdrop of the statement british secretary of defense, who called on
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neutral countries to join nato. first of all, we are talking about ireland, austria, and malta. and switzerland, which use the nuclear umbrella but are not members of the alliance, the policy clarifies. france , meanwhile, conducted the first test of the updated asmpa missile, capable of carrying a nuclear warhead. this was stated by the minister of the armed forces of the republic. it is clarified that the missile without a warhead was launched from a rafael fighter. the ukrainian military admits that kyiv will have to accept the loss of territory. to reach a peace agreement with russia to end the conflict, abc news reports. journalists refer to the statement of the commander of the fifty-seventh brigade of the ukrainian armed forces. the kiev regime itself continues to strangle the population with taxes in order to support the armed forces of ukraine. it became known that the ministry of finance is working on a bill to increase military duty and value added tax, and does not change its plan to fight to the last
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ukrainians and the west. the fate of ordinary people who fell into the millstones of imperial ambitions there nobody cares. countries are in no hurry to send patriot to isa. the reason lies in their high cost: one installation costs a billion dollars, each interceptor missile fired costs millions. meanwhile, in nazalezhnye they continue to flee from military registration and enlistment office employees. let me remind you that on may 18, the law on mobilization came into force, within the framework of which, within 60 days, all those liable for military service must check in with
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the territorial recruitment center, confirm their address and personal number. ukrainians. not happy about this, they hide behind at home, complaining at work, and the overdue zelensky is preparing for a global peace summit. how it became and how it will be in the remark section. who knows when the conflict in ukraine will end, washington continues to supply kiev with weapons, which zelensky, in turn, wants to use for a strike. russia, at the same time, plans to present its peace formula at the summit, which will be held in switzerland very soon. meanwhile, the independents are again a problem inside, all because of the updated law on mobilization. remark: more severe repressions await ukrainians in 60 days. let's sort it out in order. my name is daria rachko. hello! empty
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streets, people hiding at home or spending the night at work so as not to meet representatives. smacks of goodwill, in short, just think about it, right now i’m walking through the private sector, i went out for a run, there are two health tracks, a tetskashnik and a trash woman. are you like, well , now you’re just going to meet them, this is checking some documents there, they drove everything , in short, to make a u-turn immediately on the pedals, that is
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, well, i don’t want to go, i don’t want to go, look, i wanted automatic weapons, you me it’s easy to even shoot 348 like a policeman. from the bus, caught on the streets, in tire shops, beaten like this voluntarily, people go, or rather they are forcibly sent to the front. so, let me remind you that during these two months, absolutely all those liable for military service, regardless of whether you have a deferment or not, must come to the tsk and put a tick next to their residential address and communications number. the procedure is voluntary and forced, whether you like it or not, no one cares if you don’t show up. the fine will be sent along with a summons to the address indicated at the military registration and enlistment office initially, it will be considered delivered. in addition, everyone must carry a military id with them. well, the law is the law,
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although ukrainians are not happy about it. tchka? i, yes, let's go. nobody wants to fight. ukrainians, firstly, do not understand why and for what. secondly, everyone knows perfectly well what is really going on there. all these scenes with the military registration and enlistment office processing western weapons look, to put it mildly, cheap and do not suit their so-called authorities at all. the conscription age has been lowered by another 2 years, they are now taking from 25, they are trained in just 3 months, so according to the law, in fact they give out weapons, show where the trench is, a real military one. we are talking about at least 200-300 thousand people whom he must mobilize. people are fleeing the country with everything they have. leaving the country,
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i think, today , about 80% want to leave the country. the other day , employees of the romanian border service found the body of a man in the tisza river, he wanted to escape, and this is not the first time, people burn cars so that they are not confiscated for needs. this is one of the innovations, and the concept of limited life no longer exists: tuberculosis, hiv, oncology, men with mild mental disorders are suitable for working in the rear, however, it makes no difference who in what quantity to send one way, they fight to the last? i have been serving for 11 months, during this entire period i have not seen that we had normal support, we were simply thrown into the cannon mask, it is no longer a secret to anyone, ukraine is suffering heavy losses, especially now in the kharkov direction, zelensky is responsible for these losses blames the whole world there was always something missing from him, the question was how much he and his associates
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put into their pockets. the pentagon says 12% of military aid sent to kiev has disappeared since the beginning of this year. and how many more will there be, because no one has canceled bribes for delaying cover-up. so while some are earning money, others are counting the days until they are sent to the next world. the economy is the same... it doesn’t matter if you’re on vacation or sick, the summons should come in any case, many are quitting, and who will work then, you’re either at the front or sitting, not you stick your head out, people there are afraid of the official, turning around to practice, well, i’m telling the truth, because this is a real problem, we are now being encouraged to move more in terms of gender towards women, and in professions that... call it human, they are now starting to inks for this , so that we cut off the supply of public utilities, industrial infrastructure, it affects zelensky’s rating,
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the government’s rating, it affects the economy, enterprises, i don’t know how they will work in such conditions, in general, it feels like zelensky is taking the whole of ukraine with him interesting situation, ukrainians, so you don’t cry, dude. but they say they are waiting for the promised 3 years, apparently, the ukrainians will only wait for a piece of paper with an invitation to the front. it all looks more
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like a circus. in which the main clown is trying to fool the whole world , to be honest, it turns out badly , the global peace summit is also dirty, at which the overdue one wants to come with his peace formula, which also provides for the surrender of russia, and this against the backdrop of an obvious failure, you must admit, looks comical , the west is already tired of zelensky's order, but so far they have not they will give the go-ahead, nothing will happen, because whoever pays calls the tune, so respected people... be strong. the president signed a decree on awarding state awards. the list includes 62 representatives from various fields of activity. order of the fatherland , third degree honorable deputy chairman of the all-belarus people's assembly alexander kosenets, manager of
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presidential affairs. yuri nazarov. medals were awarded to the work of military personnel of the nineteenth border group, representatives of the ministry of emergency situations, the ministry of finance, the academy of sciences, and the healthcare system. among those awarded the medal franziska skarina, scientists, cultural figures, teachers. medal for impeccable service, third class, by a representative of the constitutional court. the decree also awarded honorary titles to belarus, and signed an order announcing the gratitude of the president. our colleagues, representatives of the belarusian telegraph, have received high awards. the agency's leading photojournalist for covering the president's activities, nikolai petrov, was awarded a medal for labor merit. the francis skarina medal was awarded to leading editor irina bufetova and presenter photojournalist alexander khitrov, as well as deputy head of the department for covering the activities of the president evgeny vanshin. the country's business optimism index has increased. business confidence in government is growing. the results of the annual study were presented today in
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minsk. hosted an assembly of business circles, the participation of the business community was traditionally active, more than 230 people, as well as representatives of government agencies, parliament and the diplomatic corps. anton malyuta, about the forum agenda. the assembly of business circles is being held for the twenty-first time, during which time it has already establish itself as an effective platform for constructive dialogue between government and business. and now this dialogue is more necessary than ever, given the large-scale social situation.
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various in order for belarusian entrepreneurs to participate more in government procurement and have some preferences, a very good positive role was played by the 992 resolution on consumer lending, where our citizens at 4% for 3 years with an installment have the opportunity to purchase goods already issued loans in the amount of 142 million rubles, and we by the way, we are planning to constantly add to the list of manufacturers who come to us, this list is already expanding. project to raise the bar, today up to 300 basic quantities can be used, it is planned to increase it to 500 in order to further expand the range of our manufactured goods. the partner state is one of the main accents of the five-year plan, approved by the sixth all-belarusian people's assembly. how this is implemented in practice can be clearly seen using the example of the concept of one district, one project. for regions, these are jobs and contributions to budget. so why not help a private investor, for example, with the installation of networks or
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reconstruction. roads, we see that now the key task of the state is to provide jobs in the regions, and not just jobs, but with good earnings, of course, this requires appropriate investment projects, the state naturally offers its own options, has a regional development plan, but private investors must definitely join this program and not focus on regional...
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and another important part of the assembly is the announcement of the best regions for doing business, taking into account taxes, jobs and other factors. in the top are the city of grodno, baranovichi, smolevichi and minsk districts, as well as the minsk region, frundinsky district of the capital. we understand that small and medium-sized businesses are flexible, let’s say, economic entities that react immediately to all the situations that happen. in the economy in the future, say, they bear fruit for the republic of belarus, including the private sector that is engaged in import substitution makes a significant contribution to the economy, a quarter of gdp, so the state is interested in
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listening to business. for several decades now, the assembly of business circles has maintained the tradition of constructive dialogue, which is important for all parties. anton malyuta and ivan mozgo, tv news agency. constructive dialogue and its interaction between our country and rosatom. belarus is ready to expand cooperation with the state corporation. with the commissioning of the belarusian npp, the country received significant benefits and strengthened its own energy security. prime minister roman golovchenko spoke about this today at a meeting with the head of the state corporation alexei likhachev. a new branch of the economy has actually been formed in belarus with the direct participation of rosatom. and it became a powerful impetus for the introduction of new technologies and innovative solutions. that we continue cooperation in many areas - in accordance with the memorandum that was signed between the government of the republic of belarus and the government of the russian federation on deepening the strategic cooperation in the field of the use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, related
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high technologies, and a corresponding comprehensive program of cooperation in the field of nuclear non-energy and non-nuclear projects, and of course i want to assure you that we are all fully committed to... expanding interaction with the state corporation rusat in all areas that are noted in our documents and which are not noted there. today we are considering roman sanovich about 40 projects outside the nuclear sphere, they are in varying degrees of readiness, in different degree of maturity, but each of them, in our opinion, sooner or later will turn into a completely attractive industrial, production project with new jobs, with new... andrei travnikov, as the prime minister noted,
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bilateral relations are now in an active phase of development and are supported at level of leadership of the region, from the economy to the humanitarian sphere, and this is bearing fruit: contracts are being implemented, and trade turnover is well balanced, while projects are being developed to... develop our cooperation on already established topics, in particular with the bilas plant, and where completely new opportunities are opening up for our novosibirsk enterprises, for example, cooperation, the direction of localizing car production in... therefore, of course, any contact is useful not only for the purpose of maintaining relationships, friendly relations, but and the goal of developing this economic cooperation. today the days of culture of the novosibirsk region in
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belarus open in minsk, before the ceremony, the prime minister and the governor examined the exhibition areas this project, where all the diversity and originality of russian siberia was presented. belarus, in turn, has a lot to offer, between. the people's economic forum spring in gomel started today, this is a real festival of the achievements of belarusian manufacturers, among the participants are representatives of twelve countries of the world. what they brought and how they will surprise you at the exhibition in natalia ignatenko’s report. 12 countries, half a thousand participants, businessmen, investors, representatives of chambers of commerce and industry, government agencies, and diplomatic missions. spring in gomel strengthens the image of the region as a reliable and promising partner. an authoritative international forum - a global event in the economic life of the southeast of the country. a dialogue platform for discussing the hottest trends of modern challenges. in the 5.00 square m2 luca athletic palace , more than 90 domestic
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enterprises in key areas demonstrate their potential, from the chemical, light and woodworking industries to metalworking, construction and tourism. this is one of our latest developments, if we take the split meter specifically and... for example, water meter, we are just quality, we received an award from our csma as the best product, the best quality 200. russia, uzbekistan, zimbabwe, namibia, zambia, iran, pakistan, palestine, syria, vietnam, myanmar, thailand, guests we intend to make serious progress in terms of trade and economics. economic
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areas, i visited an enterprise for the production of agricultural machinery. namibia is an agricultural country. zimbabwe, tanzania, batswana are neighboring countries of south africa. in the future we would like consider the possibility of starting a plant for the collection of agricultural machinery, which would bring benefits. to all these countries. business meetings with presentations, seminars, conferences. on the first day of the forum , cooperation agreements were already signed between the gomel branch of the belcc and the unions of the chamber of commerce and industry of the orel and obnensk regions of russia. this is our main task, so that there is as much trade as possible, so that this flow of money and material flows between our countries. we are among the top ten leaders in russia for...
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gomel spring and the forum on the roads of catherine, an important part of the international project, the goal of which is the development of the territory by creating innovative routes for tourists. natalya ignatenko, alexander murashkin, television news agency. bring order to health care. such an order was given by the head of state a year ago, it has been revealed. the shortcomings were eliminated by the ministry of health in close cooperation with local authorities. hundreds of rural outpatient clinics have been repaired throughout the country, and new equipment has been purchased. see details immediately after the panorama in a joint project of the television news agency and the state control committee under the control of the president. accessibility, quality, timeliness, facets that set the vector of development for rural medicine. but the most necessary thing is healthcare. we all come here, we all ask for help, equipment or qualifications,
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what is responsible for the contrast of these lines, the relationship between the doctor and the patient, it requires some kind of more attentive, probably approach to each other, in general, what is the volume, so to speak, of the disaster that needed to be fixed an interesting question is to collect all the terms. next to whom you grew up, a joint project
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of the state control committee of the television news agency under the control of the president, watch may 23, after the panorama. as long as we remember history, we will not repeat its terrible pages. belarus is preparing to celebrate the eightieth anniversary of liberation from the nazi invaders. iskandar will walk through the capital's streets for the first time in a parade, preparations
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based on documents and letters through forgotten scores of belarusian composers. above not only specialists with the prefix chief, but the entire theater troupe are working on a large-scale vocal and choreographic project. rehearsals are underway. our cultural observer lydia zablotskaya collected an annotation for the premiere on the sidelines. we are creating some kind of our
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own vision of this history, it should become, of course, we strive to show this as a landmark cultural event.
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there are recordings on the radio, the longest and hardest work was to find these works, because all this was taken very scatteredly by the fans of the academy of music. the composer not only builds bridges between old arias and scenes from operas, his perception of the tragedy in krasny bereg, which will also rise to the stage of bolshov, a modern premiere, each composition will dramatically tell the real story of the war. great ideas about the great patriotic war through personal history, because these eyes, on the contrary, saw the birth of the building of the opera and ballet theater throughout the war and will fall into the narrative, and of course, it was the year thirty-nine, the corpse of the bolshoi theater was preparing for a moscow tour. in moscow in at this time, the decade of belarusian
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art and the first belarusian opera took place. let's get married . ussr artist from the bolshoi larisa aleksandrovskaya will sing in the voice of people’s moskvina, and she will lead the theater through the entire war. for some time it seemed to us that this was irrelevant; there was a period when there were a lot of operas and ballets on a military theme. now it's time to return to remind of this great music that was. i hope that this project will be seen by the whole of belarus,
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maybe even beyond somewhere in russia, we let's go. this will be such a grandiose performance. behind us is an unerased video projection with photographs. grandfathers and great-grandfathers of the current prime ministers and prime ministers of the great, but the unchanged painted scenes, now they are already twisted and awaiting the premiere, but we managed to stand on malbert. real diaries, commanders of the partisan detachment, i hold in my hands scans of these diaries, which are kind to us.


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