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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 23, 2024 9:45pm-10:00pm MSK

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working with vakha, we tried to focus on photographs from the book about the big theater, which we recently presented, in this performance. marysya, the first people's artist of the ussr from bolshoi, larisa alexandrovskaya, will sing in the voice of people's moskvina. she will also lead the theater through the entire war. at some time it seemed to us that this was irrelevant. there was a period when there were a lot of operas and ballets on a military theme. now it's time to return to remind of this great music that was. i hope this project. everyone will see belarus, maybe even outside somewhere in russia we will go, it will be such a grandiose performance, behind the shield there is an unworn video projection with photographs of the grandfathers and great-grandfathers of the current prime ministers and premiers of the big one, but the unchanged painted backstage, now they are already rolled up, awaiting the premiere, we we managed to stand on malbert, real diaries, commanders of the partisan detachment, i hold in my hands scans of these diaries, which we loved were provided by the museum of the great
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patriotic war, where we sat and worked and searched. for me it was absolute shocked. in this diary we see a detailed account of what operations he had, where and how many trains he blew up. in the diary from the bloodiest belarusian dawn through the brez fortress, khatyn, the minsk ghetto, the red coast, to victory. lacerated wounds of the belarusian memory emotionally in 3 hours, write the main ones, motor kolp makarov, sidilnikova. the entire staff of the bolshoi theater is involved in this stage project, and while its genre definition is presented as a vocal and choreographic performance, our idea is that was then, our emotional idea of ​​​​what is today and how we, today's contemporaries, perceive... premiere
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on june 22 and 23, dedication to the offensive operation in bagration lidiya zablotskaya alexey petrov and viktor borisov television news agency and this is the information picture of thursday may 23 information evening on our channel will continue the joint project of the television news agency of the state control committee under the control of the president. i say goodbye, all the best, goodbye. available.
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in the brest region would come here to receive help, of course, your native land, it is much closer, again, here comes responsibility to the people you grew up next to, a joint project of the state control committee of the television news agency under the control of the president, look right now, affordable and high-quality two simple criteria that were given are needed and can be applied to medicine,
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both in a big city and a small village, as for villages, here timeliness is much more important than high technology, the head of state is targeting this industry, in last may , approaches to treating people were clearly outlined, i must say, for the year, if you count the number of repairs of purchased equipment , many times more were done than a year or two earlier, of course we will talk about this in the report, but let’s start with the most invoice. approximately how long did it take to walk here? well, well, the distance here is probably 40-50 meters, if you take two buckets, how many walks did you have to make before the start of the working day? oh, well, more than once, because the room is large. you need a lot of water to dilute
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sanitary solution or simply washing your hands, it’s difficult to imagine how to provide medical care without water without violating basic sanitary standards, which is why you have to apply it. force, please move away so that i don’t splash you and here’s some clean water, in the cold or sleet it’s such a morning at the cherssian tap, and this is far from an exception, if you look at the whole country, there is a well and it’s good if the pump remains a reliable source of water supply for in many medical centers far from cities, the gap is almost unnoticeable for patients and is so significant for the doctors themselves, this is a water supply project, it’s not... the only one in the region, yes, in fact it’s a project, two faps were included, this is chersky oak, they are practically neighboring, in fact they had water on the street, and now we have broken through column and brought water to the fap , even made the water supply hotter, because water is actually
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inseparable from medicine. with money, who helped? of course, the city helped with the money, but what amounts are we talking about in general for this particular project? it means it was spent on chersk. 110,000 belarusian rubles, there was also water delivered, and the hydrophore was made, and the sewerage system, the roof was replaced, the roofing of the entrance areas, well, let’s say, quite a lot was updated. active work in cherskie dubki began after inspections by the state control committee. the local authorities reacted promptly to the recommendations of state inspectors, the water supply was not working, and treatment rooms were standing idle without it. and in some areas they are leaking. roofing and lack of heating, these gaps are a thing of the past, today there is an on-site appointment with a therapist at the chersky fap, from here there are so many people waiting to take their blood pressure arterial or intraocular, find out the rhythms of the heart and purchase the necessary medications, now there are mini-pharmacies in every pharmacy, well, we
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are older people, we live here in the village, i say, even if somewhere we haven’t eaten vitamins, somewhere maybe it may not be that we bought something like in the city, but the most necessary thing is healthcare, because we all come here and ask for help. the first for acute conditions or planned for chronic medical assistants and obstetricians are no longer about one tonometer for the entire village, which is what the fap is equipped with and what is lame in the technical material is that these issues are shared with the ministry of health by the local authorities. this is how, in this composition, the representative of the regional executive committee here, the district executive committee, and in general , this is how commissions often work out. go out to the village to come with your own eyes, see what’s really going on here on the ground, but it turns out to go out, my colleagues and i have it once a quarter, we usually go around, we look, you should look at those faps that is in the brest region, they would come here to receive help, of course, of course, believe me, now the accessibility at
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the pharmacy and in the village is much better than in the city, a major audit of the industry made it possible to outline the range of problems, in some places they are slowing down with the replacement of equipment...
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the healthcare facility is only 15 km from the regional center, it is an agricultural town big matykali, that near brest, the building was destroyed, and the ways to resolve the issue were stalled in round figures of the costs of modernization, this is one side of the scale, the second is in the availability and quality of care, no one is against it, but you first these bring in complexes on wheels that you want to replace the faps with, and then close them, and why are these faps so dear to us, one person?
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disturbance of heart rhythm, find a hidden one . such a small device is capable of detecting ischemia, they used to go to brest for this, there is a considerable demand for research in the regional center, if there is a need for specialists of different profiles. office of an obstetrician-gynecologist, dentist and laboratory diagnostics. located on the second floor, before the renovation these areas were simply idle,
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i’ve only recently lived here, but i still managed to come here it’s very nice to get into the old building, it’s become comfortable, cozy, there’s always qualified help, you can ask for any question, the doctors are understanding, good-natured, today there are 344 pharmacies in the breda region, more than 200 have been repaired in a year, those that... are there people at your reception now and are they waiting for you while we are with you? well , yes, let’s send you to receive them, otherwise it’s somehow bad that people are waiting? a first aid station on wheels drives into an oak tree, but more and more often they cope on their own, in a village that is just a couple of kilometers from the southern border less. hundreds of locals, the two villages that serve the fap will have no more than 140 patients, high technology is not
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expected here, rather basic medical examination and first aid for pain, that’s why people come here, i go in, check their blood pressure, heart rate measures, well, they pay enough attention here or so the doctor waves it off normally, he treats everything so carefully, the head of the fap is from that generation of doctors who, not to mention, work according to a schedule. will come to your home regardless of time on a day off without help people are not left behind. at the village health post for more than 30 years, he knows so much about the state of affairs in the industry, and not only here. well, i manage it myself. and here again compare with the same ukraine. you know what the situation was like in healthcare , let’s say before, well, yes, there wasn’t even training there before. yeah, that's how our courses go. there was no such thing there, all the medicines were paid, there were uh all the bandages, well,
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as they say, you just work, that’s it, a person works, you have to come with everything, so, when the government distances itself from people’s problems, while in belarus, medicine, even despite the difficulties dictated by sanctions prohibitions and the situation on the geopolitical field, has been and remains the most important priority sector for the state. in the brest region in the twenty -third year, 209 medical and obstetric centers, 69 general practitioner outpatient clinics, and 22 local nursing hospitals were renovated. we spent more than 10 million rubles from the regional budget, and sponsors also actively helped, for these goals, sponsors helped us about 7 million belarusian rubles. we have. and before the development of this plan, our institutions were maintained in order, well, really
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, it was necessary to pay attention to those institutions that provide assistance specifically to the rural population, on one side the son-in-law, on the other, the daughter was not brought to babruisk to kirevsk, yeah, they got themselves into trouble. and this is no reason for grief. in her 87. irina mikhailova is an infrequent guest in the doctor’s office, we went, when my vision fell almost to the point of blindness, not to the local kirov hospital, there was no your eye doctor, in bobruisk. they examined me and even suggested surgery. all that remained was to take a referral from the local therapist. this is where the difficulties began. here she comes to us at the fap, i called this registration office. she says, she’s on your facebook page, i called her, i said, that’s it, that’s
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the case, she says, you know, i didn’t take her card, come to us tomorrow and i’ll give you directions, that’s it, i couldn’t go myself, my husband went, arrived there, she flew at him and said, you have no direction for me you won’t get it, it’s been so many years, my mother is undergoing a medical examination and all that, well, i came here once...


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