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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 23, 2024 10:00pm-10:55pm MSK

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mikhailov is an infrequent guest in the doctor’s office; when his vision dropped to almost blindness, we went to the local kirov hospital; there was no eye doctor in bobruisk. they examined me and even suggested surgery. all that remained was to take a referral from the local therapist, and this is where the difficulties began. here she comes to our fap, i called this receptionist, she says to me: she is on your fap, i called her and said:
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two women from the small agricultural town of borovitsa, without knowing it, partly pushed to resolve a personnel issue that has long been brewing in the region. those who are served in the kerovskaya district no longer hoped that one day they would have their own surgeon, ophthalmologist and ent surgeon on site, albeit on an exchange basis. we have sent our application regarding the missing specialists. and literally throughout the week . i just decided by order, so we
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have an ophthalmologist and an ent specialist come twice a week - this is the same thing, we have just about enough pediatricians, we help the city of bobruisk, individual clinics, however, this experience is not new, a traveling physiotherapist is working today at the ratomki outpatient clinic in order to optimize labor and resource costs, the doctor comes upon request, now 2 hours is more than enough for... the number of people who want to improve their health in the physiotherapy room, now the office is currently open for 2 hours, for at the moment, we have only four people undergoing treatment, on average, treatment takes from seven to 15 minutes, depending on which device the patient receives this treatment on, in principle, in these 2 hours at the moment we fit our queues no, ultrasound treatment, magnetic therapy,
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not so much, but they use it, because after all, when you can get it here on the spot, and not go to another medical institution, that’s enough.
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technological equipment and it was important how the assigned areas are provided with these services, of course, there are still shortcomings in this issue, we see that the ministry of health has increased the waiting time for diagnostic assistance, we believe that it is necessary, well, practice has shown that it is necessary to change, probably these approaches that according to some procedures too long, there is no queue, but people wait up to six months, nine. months, what could be worse than the downtime of expensive equipment, except perhaps formalism, is it the problem or the instructions that doctors did not understand ? state control monitoring in the mogilev region identified 11 districts that carried out medical examinations of people formally and often only on paper. a row of cards, or a row of citizens.
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was not fully examined by doctors, they did not carry out various studies, for example , women of a certain age group were not were sent for mammography... men were not tested for hpv, also, based on the results of the surveys, various studies were not carried out, patients were not examined by general practitioners, on behalf of the head of state, the main health department of the mogilev regional executive committee, but in general it brings up the percentage of population coverage medical examinations, children, for example, are completely 100% examined annually, about 90% of the adult population will be examined. medical examination, yes, from the beginning of 2023 new rules have come into force, the task is quite specific, identifying diseases at an early stage with minimal costs for the budget and for the patient, the last of those whom we met in the corridors of the hospital came to us with
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a full understanding of the matter. we take the card at the reception, as expected, go upstairs to room 307, we are constantly every year, we are pensioners, every year - over this year , the bar for providing honeymosh in small settlements has noticeably increased, but the concentration of attention on the industry does not weaken, as long as there are facts of work non-doctors who, even in such a seemingly the humane profession finds loopholes for profit, here dentists are increasingly demonstrating their skills, we have carried out large-scale control measures on cost. tariffs for dental services are being revised; after all , this type of service should be available for different income levels of the population; control over the work of dental clinics, inter-district
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centers, and the receipt of diagnostic services will continue this year; these are issues that should remain in the field of view of the state control committee , and accordingly. health audit forced not only those responsible for medicine to move, but in general the well-being of people in each specific region, speaking in numbers, more than one and a half thousand medical centers and about five hundred outpatient clinics were repaired, but it is clear that all the holes in the industry cannot be filled with construction materials alone. on the surface, the personnel issue, the conversation about how to consolidate goodwill towards people in the countryside, is less lame.
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i believe in boundless love, love, children for parents, mothers for children, human love in general. i work in minsk central district clinical hospital since 2001, i came here by assignment, i came as a novice gynecologist to a large friendly team. we are the ones at the beginning of a woman’s journey, in the chain of her health. human life is a great miracle, a miracle, a gift from god. pregnancy is not a disease. this is a normal condition for women. the strength of a woman, probably, again lies in her love,
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the way she looks at the world, how she gives her love to children, how she can behave with people, i understand that coming to a gynecologist for a woman is a feat, she has a thought come to doctor, it takes a long time to get ready, and if... she entered the office, i need to do everything so that she leaves with a smile, comes with hope, wants to become a mother like crazy, but unfortunately, before that i was diagnosed with infertility, but thanks to tatyana nikolaevna, i was able to fulfill my most cherished dream, became the mother of a beautiful girl, we went through a lot with her, and she made a huge contribution to my life by...
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how can mothers help a person, help this woman in the family make the right decision, every year alone -two women agree to keep pregnancy, there are women whom i still remember, remember by name, patronymic, and uh, their children, already their girls come to see me, and there are situations when a word spoken at the right time helps save... someone’s life , it makes me very happy when you meet a woman with a stroller on the street,
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she comes up and says: hello, thank you for helping us, for pushing us to make the right decision in our life, i was born in the city of pinsk, in family of workers, mom and dad grew up in the village, we spent everything there. summer vacation our summers were spent in the village, grandmothers, grandfathers, we helped there every summer, in our family, i have two more sisters , my parents, we must give them credit, did everything possible so that we grew up as good people, received a decent education, right after school i finished eighth grade and consciously went to study at a finnish medical school, we had an obstetrics and gynecology course. and the thought i had was, who goes there to this specialty, this is such a specific
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job, when i was studying at the institute in the fifth course, i fell in love with this specialty so much, it really brought me joy to watch, watch, see how a new life is born, by the way, my mother... decided when i got married, my husband and i got married when i was 30, i was already an accomplished doctor of the second medical category, of course, already at that age i really wanted a big, friendly family, children are my everything, i have three children, i have three sons, the eldest is 17, the middle one is 14, the youngest is 10, i’m very happy, that i have sons, i don’t see myself as a mother of girls, very i want to be friends with my children, not just a mother, i want to be friends, i want
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my children, both now and in the future , to come and tell me what happened during the day, how they communicated with friends, in our family, in my opinion, she is a motivator, a person who will always help, push on some idea, thought, feat, perhaps i’m just a good person, i wouldn’t want to change anything about mine. i live a fairly full, happy life, today i can say that yes, i am a happy person, i am happy in my children. i fought for my husband’s life for a year, unfortunately, my husband died in 1919, after a long illness, for us it was a tragedy, we are still worried, the children remember their dad, unfortunately, he is gone, we knew, we discussed, that’s how it is now i remember a new
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method of treatment for cancer patients, she actively participated in this, she... we communicate with her, we are friends, we are friends with families, our friendship arose in the protome, when i gave birth to my youngest son, she also gave birth to her own youngest son, between us children are 3 days apart, so gradually we became very close, i’m probably more
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of an energizer, and my friend is more reasonable, that is, i have a lot of ideas. she then reasons, and we strengthen everything together, then we come up with something. our friendship is probably most likely a gift of fate. now i remember these childhood years with such pleasure, i remember the village, i remember this blue sky, larks, sun, the smell of cut grass, country road, rye. you see, this is an incomparable memory of our native places. for me, our country is truly the guarantor of security, prosperity, stability and peace. the most important thing in the world. i really hope and believe that our children will live in peace and harmony.
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their life in polesian villages and agricultural towns, contrary to all stereotypes, is bright and eventful. all free minutes i ran to the river with fishing rods or just...
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what is a familiar life for belarusians, for others it may seem truly exotic, if you have already come to the swedish mountain, then be please, count the quantity, and what is it for? consider it a tradition, of course, these are coins of a rather rare mintage of the 9th-10th centuries, well
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, in those days, girls from wealthy families wore such coins... however , it is easy to become one of your own in a foreign country, you just need to get acquainted with its history and culture. initially, volkovysk stood on the ancient volkovy river, and it was on this river that the city was located, later named after the slavic-baltic toponym “vauka-vyya,” which literally meant a wolf’s neck. and this team has a special style. performance of kupala and harvest songs, which are called songs in overlap, our special manner of performing these songs is included in the state list of intangible cultural heritage. watch travel shows at home on our tv channel.
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isai pavlovich kozenets, one of the organizers and leaders of the minsk anti-fascist underground. in the summer of 1941, he created one of the first underground groups in minsk, a group of oil workers. for the sake of secrecy, he took the name of his deceased comrade vyacheslav yurygin. under the name slavka he entered the history of minsky. anti-fascist underground. oil workers established contacts with other partisan detachments operating in the vicinity
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of minsk, equipped an underground printing house, organized sabotage at the minsk railway junction and other objects of the occupiers. in march 1942, the minsk anti-fascist underground failed, since sd agents were introduced into its ranks. despite all the measures of secrecy, they failed to protect themselves. almost all members of the first minsk underground were arrested and tortured to death in fascist dungeons. after prolonged torture on may 7, 1942, isaiah cosenza was hanged in a city park in the center of minsk. in 1965, isai cozenets was awarded the title of hero of the soviet union.
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posthumously. the best journalists are economists, historians and lawyers, the years go by, but you do not change the television news agency, why are you anchored in this particular structure? this is the best thing that can happen to journalists, at the beginning you had a live broadcast, and then a parachute jump, yes, yes, my colleagues told me the other day, you’re not a real boss, what did this grow from, author’s journalism, this is the twentieth one year for us gave it, the president said about it, that no one will leave us.
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hello, the program “tell me not to be silent” is on air, svetlana smolonskaya and victoria popova are in the studio. and today our guest is our colleague, journalist, tv presenter, deputy chief director of the telenews agency of the bel tv and radio company. victoria senkevich, vika, we welcome you, good afternoon, well, since we’ve known each other for how many years it’s scary to say, therefore, let’s be on the same page, well, in fact, in
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2003 you became a tv presenter, you became a new face the main channel of the country, you had a beautiful revolutionary image at that time, against the backdrop of, say, classic presenters, you had such an ultra-fashionable ultra-short haircut, you? i immediately accepted that image, everyone just tells me about that time that i had a revolutionary image, i didn’t perceive it as revolutionary at all, i lived with this haircut, before that, when i had hair of different colors, i won’t go deeper, it was a little revolutionary, a little daring, yes, even when i came to television for the casting, there were several hundred people, only five of us were chosen , only two people from this five were selected for training, yes, i was in my natural image and with a short one. but this is just my-my years go by, but you don’t change the television news agency, why are you anchored in this structure, this is the best thing that can happen to
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journalists. now all the others have become somewhat limp, with all due respect to my colleagues and my love for my colleagues, i still consider a television news agency to be the best school for a journalist; however, practical journalism is the best school, probably, in our country, i do not beg in any case the merits of other directorates, and other tv channels, and other television and radio companies, we are all professionals, but in the television news agency there is a very large amount of content that this directorate produces, and we are always with an open heart we accept young people.
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a new product is being worked on by a very large team of professionals in the television news agency, not only the entire radio company is working on it, what i want to say is that a separate television news agency without colleagues from the television news agency, without you, my dears colleagues, cannot realize himself and it is impossible to imagine his work, yes, but we change, we grow, just as you grow, but do journalists grow, so i mean, you say, we joyfully embrace the youth, but they another one already, right?
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in a good sense, he is sick of this profession, we are all only those who are, in a good way, a little crazy, we are all a little dependent on the broadcast and on the adrenaline of live broadcasting. uh, besides, we work with information, here you need to take a very responsible approach to what you say, what kind of people you are you give the numbers, what definitions you give, yes, you name the positions of people, that is, a person must have such internal responsibility and self-censorship, including you and me, you too, we are the faces of the white television and radio company, and even agree, in everyday life you always you remember this, that after all, you are already a brand of a big channel, but you don’t belong to it, and the technologies that they bring, so we remember
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these women, batakams and others.
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this is possible, large, serious, good materials are made in serious quantities time, but from the wheels - this is just our everything, to write on my knee in the car, somewhere in the phone, in the phone all my stories are written in the phone, even the films that i brought about serbia, all the voiceovers, all the transcribed interviews , it’s all on the phone, we were driving around serbia, 300 km in one direction, 300 in the other, we were driving in kusturica, yes, at this time i’m deciphering others. and i’m sitting in an interview, why not on a laptop, not on a tablet? and it’s heavy, you know, the point is to carry women’s clothes on your shoulders a backpack with a laptop, well, there is no such thing, if you have everything on your phone, you can even mount it on your phone if you really want to, but of course we mount it on professional ones , let’s clarify just for clarity, here is the information channel, the main workload of the employees falls on us, yes we will do it
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agency employees will do a lot in the information channel. exclusive, vika, well, you talk so lovingly about television that i think that you probably had chemistry with television right away, yes, it was love at first sight. himself in fact, yes, it was love at first sight on television, absolutely, but i was so not a classic journalist who came, i don’t have a journalism degree behind me, i’m an economist, and as one of my once leaders said, the best journalists - these are economists, historians and lawyers, i still believe that this is so, absolutely, because it is a cool background of any of these educations so that you can speak on serious topics and write on serious topics, but when i came here i got it when i sat down in the studio during my first live broadcast... and my first broadcast was live, in fact, i didn’t have any recordings, i left the studio, i remember, i was completely shocked by what happened, like a parachute jump, you know, adrenaline was released, what to do with it, i don’t understand, i understand that i will stay here, for sure,
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i will be here, well, look, at the beginning you had a live broadcast, and then a parachute jump, yes, yes, thanks to you too, yes, but how quickly was economic education forgotten on television? well, how can you forget him? no, i haven’t forgotten at all, of course i don’t use some things there, but i have to turn to it constantly, including we make economic programs, so i’m the chief editor of the talk show economic environment, such an evening prime, this is a format that explains complex economic processes, we we try to do this in simple language with very distinguished guests and the presenter, and in order to talk on these topics i need to understand how the internal product differs from the internal product... i won’t go on for 10 years on the main broadcast from the first day you’ve been working in this project, it was right on this project from the first day in the frame a little later we came, we expanded, in the beginning we had one pair of presenters, you know, a very cool pair of presenters started the main broadcast, they were ivan
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mikhailovich eismand and natalya nikolaevna eismand, well then we took over the baton now these are three couples leading a gorgeous project, and just like it was, you consider it the main thing, as by name the main thing in your life, it’s called the main thing because it is. really the results of the week and it is the main information project, i like it i call it for myself, this is a heavy suite of information analytics, we work on one, in principle, for ourselves, but i can’t say that there is one main project, i think that every project i work on, every film and every report , every interview, for the main thing for me is that i literally become a hero, that is , it always hurts me very much to cut off these extra minutes of an interview, i just speak from the heart. i always tear it off, sometimes i even ask the editor, please cut me, because it hurts, i’m scared, i think this is all great it’s important, cutting strangers is not a question, but young people come, you have to perform there in a tighter panorama, maybe at your own request, is it easy for you to go behind the scenes to
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work, i’ll tell you, i brought most of these young people to television, i saw them together with the management, the decision was made that these people would work in a television agency, they would work on air and... i am very proud that i can find and can see people who will probably prove themselves in this area. that is, these are not even some kind of castings, this is what what happened during the castings, that is, we, i , as part of a large team of managers of different channels and different directorates, we selected people, and people come to us, they just ask, i think it’s no secret that even on social networks you can write to everyone , and we read, watch and consider everyone, but i personally have such a principle, because i came when... casting on television, i have such a principle that i kind of repay this debt, and i consider everyone, everyone i'm giving it a chance for myself, at least i have to see, they're coming they cross this line of embarrassment of young people, they write a lot, not only
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to me, but also to a colleague, we exchange all the time that ivan mikhailovich also said when he was in the studio, that a girl also wrote to him on instagram, in my opinion, or in some kind of social network, and she is very young, she is 17 years old there, yes, some journalists, i know the journalist who wrote. also to the boss - on social networks, but she is a very successful journalist now, both a pool journalist and a presenter, but there is also this problem of staff rotation, that is, you, you are leading me to the point, that this professional jealousy, please give us a scandal, and there may even be another topic that the journalists you are raising are being bought up, and this is a natural process, everyone should grow. in your profession, in your life, and not even necessarily to grow up in position, but to grow in your development, yes, to do something new, that’s how i started, i once sat in the frame, then i really asked, give me the microphone , show me how stories are made, i’m not a journalist, i don’t even know how they are filmed, yes, i learned how to make stories,
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i learned how to make films, interviews and so on, just like any other professional, he wants to grow, there is no question, if he sees himself, some kind of field opens up for him, believe me, a lot of people, this is a very small market. raised to go there, no, i actually don’t suffer from such feelings at all, like professional envy, yes, or i feel sorry for losing some cool journalist, on the contrary, i’m proud that here we are all together, the whole team of a large company, raised and raised a person , they once gave him a chance, now he’s so cool that tv channels are fighting for him, well , such self-confidence, but i really like vika, well, these people are grateful, right? yes, yes, yes, and everyone, that is, for me, i
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can’t say, maybe i’m a happy person, it just happened that way, well, maybe i was lucky, but everyone, even those who leave this sphere altogether, and so on it happens, firstly, a lot of people want to come back, because you know, it’s a drug, today it’s so easy to get off this live broadcast, from the information agenda, yes, and secondly, those who leave, and those who remain in this sphere, they write a lot, we always meet at our big television parties and events, this is the pinnacle of television. and others, yes, we see each other on some shootings, we can work on computers at neighboring tables on some kind of outdoor shooting, give each other videos there, that is, it’s still a community, a great partnership, that ’s why you remember an interview with kusturica, yes serpia, it was just recent, and it’s very pleasant for me, but in terms of the atmosphere, tell me, what is your impression of serbia, of yours, i i love this country, quite by accident it became part of my personal history, the first time it was an editorial assignment. go there to film, i was in serbia for the third time
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this year, they were filming the next anniversary of the nato bombing, the bombing of yugoslavia, such a sore subject, such a wound, but on tv in this region, and the serbs, firstly, openly talk about in this, you need to pay tribute to their courage, and secondly, when you go out on the street or interview serious dignitaries and say, hello, we from belarus just start hugging you, and is it true? this is true, maybe, you know, of course, we saw her in serbia, yes, it’s hard to believe, but when it’s absolutely true, the serbs remember how the president of belarus flew to them in 1999, he was one of all the leaders who arrived, it meant a lot to them, they were simply killed then, and kusturica agreed to give us an interview solely because we are from belarus, he said so, the honorary consul of belarus in the city of novi sad called him.
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i think it’s a great pity, i’m even more sorry, like the serbs, that the once beautiful yugoslavia with mountains, everything was by sea in this country fell apart, yes, now the situation in the region is a little different, but in serbia itself , believe me, there is something take a look and you can fly even for yourself. vika, well, you work on camera, on projects, and managers, that’s how much of you is a tv girl, and how much of a boss? the other day my colleagues told me that you are not a real boss. no, i call myself
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a journalist initially, although i acquired a journalistic education in the process in the field and from their colleagues, they taught me, i hope that there is more of a journalist in me, as in all of our leaders, by the way, they all work almost behind the scenes, as journalists and producers, you know all this very well, this is the whole thrill of the job professionals, when you...your team, despite their positions, can brainstorm and discuss the project, so that it will later be cool on air. well, i understood correctly that you consider a journalistic education superfluous. first about journalism education, no, i don’t think so its superfluous, like any education, it gives a breadth of horizons, the ability to think systematically, experience communicating with a wide variety of people, this is a big plus, and of course some basic knowledge of how journalism works, in addition, now journalism education is different , so you ask what kind of students, now students
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come to my beltera company, yes, they come into the studio, they are interpreted in the studio, they write stories, they write scripts, they come to the editors’ club and sit down with... how are their professions, how do they make a program , yes there are meters of journalism, heavyweights, ours didn’t have this 20 years ago, when i started working on television, that is, now this is an applied profession and applied education in our team, in fact, in the belteleradiocompany there are a lot of players among the managers of playing coaches, and you have some - the authorities in the profession, when i came to television, i honestly admit how... there were no authorities in my spirit, i watched little television in principle, but i came, fell ill with this atmosphere, this profession, this work, i realized that every person can teach you something, and you need to listen very carefully, especially to those who have been here for a long time, starting from cameramen, who you know, that
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lighting operators for tv presenters is very important, they can make themselves beautiful, but may not be advised, this was the first advice from sveta.
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the belarusian doilism, which is its jumping, is important for this time in the production of art and crafts, columns, and not columnar pelasters, which are on the stage, but also performing. statkova aktyuna, eyes of getag abavyazkova zachepizza. history of the creation of significant cultural objects in the region. the village, which became the sweaty meats of the fire, was not here, there was a porch, a stone, an icon, and a cathedral, and the hell of the altar required
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was the price of these forests, and the faithful passed away on their knees. cultural-asvetnitskiy project, architecture of belarus. in architecture.
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this will be a diesel power plant with a capacity of 400 kw. it is the only enterprise in the republic of belarus producing sheet glass. in general , there are few such enterprises in the cis. we we are investing in improving our technologies, well, we must, we simply must keep up with the times. watch on tv channel belarus 244. on the air again, say don’t be silent, our guests today are journalist, tv presenter victoria senkevich. we are meeting on the eve
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of the television summit, the award ceremony for professional television workers, there is a pleasant seething in our teams, i feel it, what emotions are you experiencing, and are there any authors in atn, yes, if we are talking about the triumph of author’s journalism, which you think that necessary, worth noting.
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colleagues who came on air and also became the faces of some of our columns, vlogs, blogs, but also other tv channels, but who wrote ours and from the submitted projects, well, of course, the tv news agency submitted projects, and i will really root for some of them them tomorrow, i’m just very afraid, don’t get me wrong, a little superstitiously, yes, i’m very afraid, to list those whom i want so that others will not be offended, i understand that,
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to say that this is all nonsense is not so easy, of course, i would like to smile of course it was a shock for everyone, i i think so, because it’s hard emotionally , it’s hard to see your society split, even partially, it’s emotionally hard to see people whom you thought were smarter, tactfully, let’s talk, you see some... their actions or some of their words, obviously so not far-sighted, so erroneous, so submissive to the foundations of the state system, even yes, that we now see it is qualified according to certain codes, there administrative, criminal and so on, to understand this, of course, it was not easy, that you are side by side with these people there lived, worked, and they smiled at you in the corridors, some of them, yes, it turns out all this time...
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with the people who were used there, yes, further, well, okay, you don’t follow the news, you don’t know, what is the arab spring, you haven’t seen how the system is changing, but in these states, in all of them, look to the south, at our neighbor, what happened there in 1414, these are not toys, this is what it has led to today, but unfortunately , much to our regret for our entire continent, because with these hands, with these hands these ukrainians are simply other powerful people
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in this world trying to solve their problems, that’s all, no pain in exchange. coin and a neighboring country, and people, unfortunately, many of us are the richest, once beautiful country, ours have relatives or friends there, and even we do not find a common language, unfortunately, well , their languages ​​are scattered, many fled from this grave, like refugees, who were accepted by belarus, and there from ukraine , too, well, some to europe, some to us, but there is no country, that’s what’s very scary lose your roots, lose your homeland, which also applies to those from belarus. left for various reasons, some left, well , the person actually considers it his life’s mission to spread the arab spring there, but some were simply scared, some got something mixed up, yes, some simply succumbed to the influence of others, that’s all they ran there, and i ran, yes, as you know, everyone will jump from the window, you will jump from the window, it’s a pity for these people, it’s a pity for the ukrainians, because to lose their homeland, to lose their roots, to lose your surroundings, in principle, a feeling
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of some predictable future for... comes to us, that is, it is no longer cleanliness, but safety in belarus - this is the most important thing, you see how times have changed, when you said your streets are so clean , he says to them: enough about clean streets, look what we have, and the enterprises we have, the agriculture we have, and what we have, we have a lot of things, not to mention the people which are just fine, i had such a fear that these authors, journalists, who were then actively on the front line, they will not find themselves in this, well, conditionally peacetime, yes, like
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today, there are topics. in order for, well , constantly, oh, believe me, there is enough, look, there was an all-belarusian people's assembly, we adopted the concept of national security, military doctrine, but the high delegates accepted, as representatives of all of us belarusians, why these two documents, because nothing it’s not over if you and i sit relaxed today in a beautiful studio and talk about what we’ll do in the evening we calmly go out into the street, this is only thanks to the way our law enforcement officers work, how...


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