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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 23, 2024 10:55pm-11:55pm MSK

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well, as for safety, this factor is now put in first place by everyone who comes to us, that is, it is no longer cleanliness, but safety in belarus, this is the most important thing, you see how times have changed, they once said that yours is so clean streets, and we say, enough about clean streets, look what we have, and the enterprises we have, the agriculture we have, and what we have, we have a lot of things, not to mention about people who are simply wonderful, i had such a fear that these authors, journalists, who then were actively on the front line, they won’t find themselves in this... well, conditionally peacetime, yes, like today, there are topics for that, well , constantly oh, believe me, there’s enough, look, there was an all-belarusian people’s assembly, we accepted the concept national security, military doctrine, but the delegates to the national assembly accepted, as representatives of all of us belarusians, why these two documents, because nothing has ended, if you and i are sitting relaxed today in a beautiful studio and talking about how we will calmly in the evening we go out into the streets, this is only thanks to the way our law enforcement officers work. how
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our intelligence services work, including how our journalists work, who talk about this, speaking about these colleagues, believe me, they have a lot of content, a lot of things to do, and this is the most watchable content, this is the disclosure of some schemes, yes, pressure on our country, counteracting this pressure, that is , work where it is possible to declassify some materials, work with the special services of belarus, we felt this very much ourselves here in the studio, for the attention of the audience , are national security experts. unexpectedly shot up the views, that is , i again felt that people were interested in this, like nothing, like no other, namely the topic of security, well, in fact, in the concept of national security, all our areas are spelled out there, including information security, now this is a very important area , this is our work, the work of the news agency, and yours too, even vika, but we can say that fans of author’s journalism are not the most ordinary viewers this. smart viewers, let's say, these are thinking
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and analyzing people, they also grow together with our journalists, god grant that we have positive news feeds, we are only happy to talk about the cleaning company, talk about the holiday season, this is happiness for a journalist, believe me, but now there is a flourishing of authorial journalism on topics related to security, national security and a specific person, and of course this viewer is already an adult, an adult viewer, we have grown up, and what can he say? about our opponents, well, for some time they were not heard, now, well, i again notice some kind of surge of interest in the life of journalists of the belteleradiocompany, they write, yes, they are very interested in the movements of journalists, like where they travel, what they eat for breakfast , and so on, that is, i recognize this nineteenth, twentieth, same handwriting, which makes me think that money has been allocated again, money has been allocated, i also talked about this, not so long ago.
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only our president is there and they will be ready to exaggerate every word and everyone there a video frame that they noticed somewhere there, they are ready to disassemble, well, yes, they are followers, followers as they were, remain so, the most important thing is that yes, that they respond to your reasons, that is, you have intercepted the agenda at the moment today, as you know, yes, whoever sets the agenda leads, yes, vika, well, you’re in your twenties from your inner circle.
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i lost someone like this, you regret it , no, i’m probably lucky too, i’m surrounded by thoughtful people, but i’m telling you sincerely, no, my family is actually here it’s impossible to talk about anything, we always support each other very much, well, we are all pro-government people, absolutely, friends too, i have a lot of friends from our profession, because here we spend our whole lives, as you know, here and we're friends, that's it. and these are thinking, smart people, it always seemed to me that you are an introvert, in general , you don’t very easily let people into your life, while journalism presupposes some kind of frantic communication, the ability to talk to people all the time, how do you improve, i’m suffering, well, no, in fact, journalism has changed me a little, it’s just a profession, it forced me not to even wear a mask.
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i love reading, yeah, i even saw on your facebook that you have your own column, yes, i decided to finally open something personal, a little bit of myself, the real thing, and write about what i read, because that it turned out that we communicate a lot with our colleagues behind the scenes, yes, it turned out that there are a lot of reading colleagues, well, this is natural, but such
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a profession and such people began to change with some recommendations, we are directly captivated each other, that is, we are already waiting for books from each other, we already have our own community there, if we join anything. with pleasure, let's join this clique, i knew that you were with us, your writing talent, and it is there, it is there, well , i wrote, yes i wrote, the fact is that this is not something you do of your own free will, so that you understand, that is, they forced you, well, i write fairy tales, i write poetry, i write some pieces of prose somewhere, not to publish them, it’s not like i’m there, yeah.
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no matter, it could be a poem, a few lines of just some prose or something else, it lets me go, and i continue to sleep , i don’t know if such a story happens to all writers, but it’s unlikely for serious ones, they have their own scheme for writing works, for me, this is exclusively something like this, i need to give it away and publish it, my friends actually persuaded me to do this, somehow publicly, because i always said, well, this is such an exclusively mine, you know, experience.
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you write something, you write something, you also comment on parades, you have such a page in your creative biography, for sure, you already know what features will be this year, maybe something can already be said, this year is a special year, this is the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus, that is, on july 3 we are waiting for a serious, good event, beautiful, and i’m always proud i say that i have been the voice of official state events and parades for more than 15 years, that is, this is such a reason to be proud. for me that i am living these days together with the country, but i am very pleased that these days i listen to some songs of the war years on may 9 whenever i go to work, that is, yes, i live this mood, as for what will happen on july 3, i won’t say much, i will say there, probably, that people who read the states in the sky
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above the capital will fly planes and helicopters, our phrase is a classic one comment, and of course, this is a kind of guard of honor, a parade ground - it’s always very beautiful. the highlight and feature of the military parade, by the way, it has its own characteristics, comments, you know that the guys perform these beautiful elements with rifles, with bayonets fastened under the music counts, they count to themselves, listen to the music, and thus our task as commentators, our voice sounds on the square near stella minsk, hero city, on the air, do not knock down the participants of the clasparade, yes, who count on themselves, we are very few we say during these numbers yes.
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let's take a break for a while, i remind you that we have a telegram channel, say don't be silent, subscribe, ask questions and suggest guests, we are connected! traveling is not just about experiencing history and sights. in 1717 , anna rodivil, wife of the great chancellor the first manufactory was built in the principality of lithuania. in novogrudok in noleboki, they built this branch for 9 months, it
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was accepted in 1896 on december 28 and this branch was so good that it was accepted into the treasury. traveling is an opportunity to try something new, in order to understand what kind of bull it will turn out to be, you need to make horns for it, that is, we made horns from an exhaust pipe, this is an exhaust pipe, and a kamaz car, and of course, to become familiar with the unique. and he’s married, mom, don’t start, he just gave me a lift, consider him fulfilling his medical
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debt, well, you know, we have a lot of doctors, but it was he, andryush, who gave us a lift, and the girl is a believer, i know, hello, thank you, we no longer need your services, i didn’t say anything, this is our neighbor, grandmother and dad saw how long we were looking for each other, the spleen, large blood vessels were affected, watch the series rare blood type on
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the belarus 24 tv channel . the program tell me not to be silent is on air again, our guest is tv presenter journalist victoria senkevich. nika, well, one of your hobbies is running, you run half marathons, and you probably have more medals from half marathons than tv summits. by the way, yes, there are not many half marathons, but more, but it’s not about the mileage, it’s about the lifestyle, as i say, the one who runs, yes, a running person, he is always in shape, you should always be ready to wake up in this morning you need to run for some time, thank you, how many kilometers do you need, so well, this is a special philosophy. uh yes, you’ll explain this, this is a little staicism, a little buddhism, this is acceptance
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of the world, acceptance of the idea that the world can change, you ran into the sun, but while you are running, maybe it will rain and you will have to move through this world, the world is not to blame for anything, you must be mentally prepared for this, accepting your changes, you are changing, your capabilities are changing, today you can do something, but tomorrow you can’t, and nothing there is nothing scary about this, yes, that is, your body is changing, that is... this is a philosophy of gently accepting life and taking small steps: do what you can, and you will slowly move forward, while i thought that running is health , but vika, it ’s not always about health, that is, it’s the same you need to overcome yourself and, in fact , yes, this is overcoming, thoughtless loads are always not about health, but physical education is about health, that is, what do i mean, that you don’t need to chase half-marathons and marathons if you don’t go to bed, well, don’t , better. there to walk 2 km there in the evening after work, which i also do with pleasure, but in order to
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relieve my head and breathe a little air, it will be much more useful than forcing myself, twisting myself into a ram’s horn and doing something through pain , well, of course, ah it’s important for you to run out somewhere where there are no people, yes, that is, you go out, as you understand, that is, i accidentally did a half marathon - this is not a place where there are no people, yeah. this is more for fun, for i remember how you tried to persuade me, come on, well, at least a c, well, give a five, my brother laughs all the time, he says: i still remember how you tell me, there you can run for free. just motivation of the highest level, well, there are some numbers, yes, that you can be proud of, no, absolutely, i’m not talking about achievement, yes, that is, even i won’t talk to me about the speed or the number of kilometers traveled, because in principle i think it’s not entirely right to do this, all of us who are there in this culture of amateur running are stewing, there is
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an opinion among us that if you have already reached the start line and it doesn’t matter, you can even go, but you have found it. if you have the opportunity now to devote this time to your health, namely health, we are not talking about achievement, then you are already ahead of the one who remained on the couch lie there somewhere, and you are already doing well in any case, in any case, in general, but it seems to me that there are more such people in minsk, yes , a lot, when i started, it was more than 10 years ago, i was actually running through the park mostly alone, people looked at me like that, dogs, dogs, now, listen, it’s such a thrill when you’re after work. somewhere on a day off in the evening or in the morning you run out, it doesn’t matter where, i live there in one of the microdistricts of minsk, where there is also a large green park area, and there are a lot of runners there, and we even sometimes we recognize each other by sight, because well, in this whole atmosphere we are cooking, we are welcoming, we have our own rituals along the way, and it is truly a great happiness to live in a country in which people have realized the value of health and their
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responsibility for this is health, and there is infrastructure, again there are jogging paths, there are parks, there is a huge bike path. beautiful, just super, i ride on it periodically, well, probably its presence is what got you onto a bike, oh no, it’s knees, knees, knees, look, after all, let me clarify, running is more dangerous than cycling, i wouldn’t say, it rather depends on the health of each person, but what’s important is that there should be different loads, yeah, yeah, the more varied, that’s your physical activity , so much the better, you can’t run all the time or drive all the time or swim all the time. do everything different, it will be great, vika, well, now there is a lot of criticism towards cyclists, they are in the way, i agree, absolutely, sometimes the city is blocked because of them, like because of runners, just say yes, that, in my opinion, in cycling, let's call it that, yes, your hobby, there, probably, you still count kilometers, well, i look at
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the photographs, you sometimes post them there, kilometers, in running i post kilometers, yes, in mainly for myself, so that this will come up in a year, after 5 years, yes, so that, oh, look, i did so much there that day, it’s cool, interesting, yes, for myself, that is, i do it, in general, cycling, well, this kind of sport, you know, is also about thinking, rather, when you run, it’s as if you find yourself in such a vacuum with yourself yourself, uh, even people around you don’t bother you, on a bike too, when you’re riding, if you ’re riding there more for sport than for a bike ride with... friends, yes, then you also find yourself in such a vacuum, gradually you allow the most difficult questions for yourself, you make some decisions, you are more tolerant of external situations, somewhere you calm yourself down, that is, cardio is all about this basically, such a mental sport, well, just like with the hatred of passers-by cope, you are probably already faced with
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no, no, i ride very carefully and i ride on bike paths wearing riding gear and a helmet.
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we came there together, i came for company, solely promising that i would like to train with you, don’t expect more from me, i don’t swim, i don’t like swimming, okay, in the end i take two slots on the basfor 2 years in a row, i swim 6 ,5 km, that’s all, you fell in love with swimming, you can say that you fell in love, yes, yes, yes, this is just one of my favorites too, one of my favorites, look, all the hobbies that you choose are when there is such silence , vacuum, what do you call it, knock hearts, actually.
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not just swimming from shore to shore, you must follow a certain trajectory through this strait, that is, you must navigate where you should turn in the water, it means matching the signs, the friend with whom you went for company, she swam across, everything is fine, we all swam across the basfor and you will swim across, don’t worry, come to training, if you want, well, in fact, this is also not about achievement, it’s more like half-marathons, some kind of mass swims, it’s about adventure, it’s you you go out, you see a lot of people who
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are passionate about the same history as you, you understand that you are not the only one so strange, yes, when you were running around the park alone for 10 years, it ’s like this, that’s one thing, but when you you go out into the crowd, there are several thousand people on minsk avenues, you see a chic organization, you are sprinkled with glitter at the start, you are greeted with hot tea at the finish line, you are hugged. there colleagues interview each other's runners, by the way, we are part of the dream team, we will run a half marathon on september 8, i invite everyone to join too at any distance, and we’re dreaming, who else is included besides victoria, the athletics federation will just gather us, i find out, they promised a lot of surprises, they say that our composition has changed a little, surprises in training, that is, well, we’re getting ready for the half marathon, although this is a story for a lifetime, yes, it’s the same with swims, you come and see a lot of people. and you think, well, it’s probably possible, after all, physically, yes, because when you go out to this strait for the first time, you look at this huge mass water and you think, well, no, no, there are
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statements, you know, that calm famous people, that i owe it to sports, i ’ve never done it for my fitness, what do you think about that, well, you, i think it’s also a kind of drug , you've already done sports, it's a way of life that allows you to solve problems better. in other areas of life, make some decisions, organize yourself, somewhere understand that you should not listen to your momentary desires to lie down, although you need to lie down, go, walk, yes, somewhere understand that you should now put your phone down in the evening and go to bed at 10:00 so that tomorrow you will be fine, this is very important, and many people say that with high mental loads, which of course, requires costs from yourself, yes, but we need to physically unload, this is our father today, and we are looking at famous speakers , who work 24/7 on
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the air around the clock, everyone ran, vika, and you ran, i , yes, most successful people, if you turn to that , what kind of life they lead, they most likely have some activity in life, that is, some kind of physical activity, health is a great resource, yeah. well, thank you very much that you found time in your busy, busy schedule and came to our studio, we discussed some pressing issues, learned your philosophy, well, star fever did not affect you, despite the fact that you have been in prison for a long time, thank you, yes, that’s good, well, we’ll probably wish you health, success, and many, many more broadcasts ahead, thank you very much, thank you very much for inviting me. honor to be in this studio with you, thank you, victoria popova, svetlana smolonskaya, we say goodbye to you, until the next broadcast, goodbye, goodbye, victoria senkevich is speaking now.
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value yourself, your health, your resource, love, take care of your loved ones, your country, your native one, and of course, watch belarus 1 our main information programs. vika, as per tradition, are we waiting for your autograph and some kind of wish? with pleasure. i wish you sincere guests of space ratings tv shows, say: don’t be silent, thank you very much.
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that's it, fuck you, cat, i'll let you fuck off, you'll remember my instructor timofeev for the rest of your life, don't you see how
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crazy this is? does this, and yours is my division, what an asshole. that’s it, i won’t give you self-driving, hold on! like in a pharmacy, now
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it will be like in a morgue.
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into the cockpit, i didn’t understand you, comrade, got into the cockpit, i’m glad that the pilot has gone missing, the raider is tumbling in the sky, now you will experience other physiological processes, screw you, cat cadet, now your commander will pull you into overload and turn you around inside out.
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flew, flew, flew, flew, andryusha, andryusha, andryusha, you are my pilot, we fly like grandfather, we are pilots. maybe he'll melt him, stop it immediately, let's fly, fly to grandma, fly, andryush, look who's there, it's grandma, it's time for him to eat, stop doing nonsense, that 's it, the flights are over, that's it, lie down, my joy, you liked flying , andryusha, i liked flying, why did you name him by this name, in honor of dad? isn’t it clear that it’s a bad omen to name the dead after the wounds, but we don’t believe in signs, yes, andryusha will grow up to be as strong and brave as our grandfather,
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he will be the same, let me hold him, and you go and prepare the mixture, look at what kind, come on , hold it, i’ll take it, the milk is completely gone, no, not quite , but there’s not much left, yesterday i pumped a bottle and... because you don’t eat right, the car was sold, there’s still no money, i told you, you need to drink a lot of milk, you need to eat dairy products, that’s when i was raising, mom, let me come now , you will tell me everything, so that how you raised me, what happened there, oh, let me wipe you off, yes, come on, hello, marina evgenevna, who is this, come here, you didn’t wash your hands, you’re reaching for the child, you didn’t wash, i have clean hands, make a mistake, marina evgenevna, did you drink or what, are you going to breathe on the child now?
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not for you, but for her? do you think she forgot him? don’t indulge yourself in empty hopes, she loves him, but why didn’t she name her son after him ? yes, i feel sorry for you, lesh, she doesn’t love you, nothing good will come of this, i know from myself, i would be in your place, so marina evgenevna, i’m a little worried that you’re there in my place, and i ask you... in the future, don’t show your fears and i don’t need to fry, lesh, hello, why are you so tense, lesh,
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mom, i came drunk, i didn’t i gave him the child in my arms, that’s it, hold him, well... i’ll go, i still have a lot to do.
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well, how do you want cats to go to your mother? are you silent? let's do more! you didn’t vomit in the cabin, no, well then let’s move on.
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do you have any problems with cats? there is little? well, i'll go straight to yours. guessed it, only the sky doesn’t forgive this, take out your feelings on the sky emotions are not allowed, it’s better to discharge yourself on earth, i wanted to kill you today, damn it, although i performed the figure perfectly, thank you, leonid dmitrovich, thank you, you will tell your girlfriend after the slow dance, you throw my words out of your head so that your nose doesn’t...
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on there will be a duck in the evening, i’ll bake it just the way you like it, well, how much money do you have left, everything is in place, you haven’t spent a penny yet, here you go, you know who came to see me at the academy yesterday, no, i don’t even know who the wife is, my ex came, what are you doing, and what did you need me for? well, guess what, well, money, what?
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more? so she didn’t come alone, with children, two healthy foreheads, eighth, tenth grade, they were running out of money, they don’t have enough, tell me why they need money at that age, well, yes, well, yes, you need money, go. unload the cars, by the way, i myself, at their age, yes, who cares, early in the morning, i’ll open it, mom, are you crazy, mom, we don’t have any neighbors, but lyushka and i have exam, andryusha, there’s no one to leave with, please, for 3 hours, i’m calling you to warn you, but petrushin answered the phone, well, who’s there, what happened there, huh? what happened
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? the mother has already multiplied, yes, she has multiplied, but i didn’t know, look, who is this, who is this, who is this grandmother, is this the grandmother? this is a grandma, she dresses up like a young woman, grandma, what does she want for you, i don’t know, i don’t want to know, i ’m seeing you here for the last time in my life, i understand, well, hold on, bye, bye, my dear, bye, here you are, my dear, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, bye. bye, mom, oh we, guys, i passed,
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hello, hello, hello, hello, manifestation, hello, hello, what kind of living pediatric manual do we have here, and this is our child. this is only in view of the presence of a child, dunaev, you have a conscience, i do, i don’t see, uh-huh, you
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have a lot of tails for the last semester, and if you don’t pass this one, then you will go to work for an ambulance, as an orderly, what is it, maschu, what is it, my tummy hurts, yes, our tummy hurts again, well, come on, yes, we’re sick, they have arranged their life in the village in such a way that any city dweller can envy, don’t be offended, please, i mean this in a good sense, but you promised that i would come to your house, and not to a museum, no matter where you look, everywhere the eye falls everywhere, some kind of hand-made, these are everyday objects, the leader from
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the capital will have to experience all the delights of rural life, a lot of people come, because even some say that it’s good here, here... thoughts, firmness of intentions, look on tv channel belarus 24,
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zhenya dunaeva, i’m calling you, come in, so come on, come on, come to me, come, hold me! oops, well, dunaeva doesn’t rest in peace, to hell dunaev, come on, andryushka, wish him good luck, come on, well, well, you and i, so of course i won’t tell you about cats and dogs, because there’s nothing about them i don’t know, andryushenka, so i’ll read the notes to you, you’ll listen to me, okay, yes, so, blood transfusion shock is broken by overflow, andryushenka, dad won’t pass the exam otherwise, if he’s transfused to a large group. well, did uncle timofeev pardon you? he replaced the guard guard with three squads out of turn. i think, why the hell are you, vanka, worrying, i would
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gladly marry his daughter, he’s a carpet for your flying job. on a soft lining, on a silver platter with a golden edge, everything will be presented, you’re a fool, you’re a cadet of zhumashe, and what a fool, if it weren’t for your beloved wife, you would have fallen in love with this natasha long ago, she’s cool, just, just matkin, as i saw her, he immediately lost his head, poetry, now he writes every day, can you imagine, fuck, my heart hurts from love and medicine - it’s you, it’s all about love, my poems, will you fulfill my dreams, shoot yourself and not live, and your wife, maybe she’s already married, maybe that’s what i’m going to find out, mm, how
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a curious barbarian was torn off his nose on a tram, scratched , let's borrow the law, and i'll go.
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that you’re not sleeping, yes no, i passed, i failed like a lesh again again 25 wait, lesh, what should i do, come here, come what is it?
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what hatched? pick it up!
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repeat the action that you saw, i filled the shit out of the toilet, i said, repeat the actions, the machine gun would shoot,
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another 2 minutes, yes, yes, he will come now, how much more do we have left? i say about two minutes, maybe less, i got cold, girls, i closed the session, that’s all, after the fourth. roman mikhailovich, hello, roman mikhailovich, behave with dignity, i’m telling you for the third time, no, but
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we have a baby at home, i know you have a child, you already told me all this, that’s enough, dunaeva, i’ve been in pain for three days head, i ’m not only your lecturer, i’m still a living person, i know, roman mikhailovich, but i beg you, please, but he will try, well, roman mikhailovich, let me be in front of you, please, roman mikhailovich, please, i beg you, this is not the end of the world.
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but if you please, general, come on in, the general has brought a report. sit down.
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hmm, they announced 10 days, you want to expel cadet kotov, well, what do you say to that? and... what do you say, stepan alekseevich? the sergeant major is undergoing examination; a suspected concussion is suspected. listen, i look at this scribbling and i just can’t understand what is happening? the sergeant major came to this toilet, the cadet
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kotov forgot, he attacked him, and not just pounced, began. banging the wall with his head, he’s not under arrest, he should be sent to the madhouse, well, it turns out that’s the general, yeah, but what does kotov himself say about this, but he doesn’t say anything, that’s the point, he’s silent like a fish , we ask him: did he beat? says bill, and why is he asking, he’s silent, he’s silent, well, since he’s silent, it means there’s nothing to say, it turns out that he just lashed out when our cat cadet underwent a medical examination, 16 days ago, like a general, yes, a considerable period of time during this time could something's going to happen to my head exactly, general, it could, look at you,
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vyacheslav nikolayevich, i can’t believe it, you ’ve never been a sharp-witted fool, what are you talking about, you’re not in the first year of service, where did it happen that a cadet would just attack a sergeant-major, but he’s silent, that means he doesn’t want to say what happened, because of his character, because of his decency, that means , the cadet will give the cat a gift to be released immediately, i obey, read it, go ahead, i ordered this dress, partners, you
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won’t take your eyes off me, yesterday fitting in the studio was. the whole hotel came running to look, can you hear me, i hear, faster, even faster, faster, faster, ah! what a beautiful kitten you are, i miss you so much, kitten, you’re in the barracks, and i’m at home, when will you be mine, mine, only
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mine, what? i was able to do everything i want with you, look, andryusha, what kind of christmas tree we have, look, what a cone, look, what beautiful toys, look, angel, you like it, angel, you like it, you like the cone, andryusha, you like the cone, beautiful, you haven’t seen santa claus, have you have you seen grandfather moreau? look at him, red nose, red, snow maiden, you are my golden one, you are my love, you are my mother’s joy, one of a kind, let’s go, maybe the stuff is already ready, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go to the kitchen, yes, come on, zhenya, i i just got it out of the water, i wanted
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to bring it to your room, thank you, dash, i’m already warmed up, evgeniya, where is your husband, actually? at work, but as i understand it, he now works in the ambulance? yes, why? no, no, nothing, just like that, but i got it last week. and my bonya is good, look how you like me i cleaned the rug well, it will be soft, clean, oh, bonechka, he and panechka and
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natasha returned, cheerful, happy, rested, well, my dears, we had a walk, i went, just like you went, but for dinner, and wait for stepan alekseevich, van , well, how is it, i’m fired. “ they didn’t want to give it to me at all, i was punished, there was no concussion, this idiot, i specifically found out, and he and stepan alekseevich, we meet stepan alekseevich, well done, they are standing, waiting for their father, they were happy, timofeev, he praised you today.” says you fly the best well done ivan, keep it up, thank you, well, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, stepan alekseevich, can i have a few words with you, or at least 200, ivan, let's go, but what is it that i don't
11:54 pm
know, what have you got , tell me, stepan alekseevich, i need to go to leningrad there and back, why, i need it, a detailed answer, okay, you don’t want to talk. i won’t pester you with a knife to the throat when necessary? now, before the wedding, before the wedding, are you going to order a suit in leningrad? no, okay, there and back at the end of next week it will go, it will go, okay, let's go have a snack, thanks stepanich, everyone to the house, yes, come on, bring the guest, lead, lead, lead, lead,
11:55 pm
i don’t know if i’m hungry or what, but i really want to go on this trip, we’ll prove that belarusian cuisine is... these are not only potato pancakes, very unexpected, in fact. in essence, the dish is very similar to carbonara, but here there are potatoes. we found ourselves in the 13th century, it is connected with the name.


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