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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 24, 2024 12:15am-12:45am MSK

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we choose the best routes only for our viewers.
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patroness of small towns. behind the walls of which these ruins remain , issues of national importance were resolved. well, yes, ruzhany castle was in no way inferior to the palaces of the kings of the grand duchy of lithuania. in ruzhany you can literally see the church of the holy trinity from everywhere. the uniqueness of the temple is that it has never been closed, even in...
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every day, opening for ourselves is new, we love it so much, because we work together with anyone, with anyone, and belarus.
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minimum pressure on enterprises to avoid of duplicate inspections in the country improves control and supervisory activities. let's tell you what the legislator proposes. a lot of equipment, good and different, from tractors to airplanes. belarus and tatarstan discussed high-flying plans. we also went and learned about the prospects for cooperation. and new rules for business. a big event is taking place in belarus. public discussion of legislation on business issues, we will show everything. this is an area of ​​interest, we are talking about significant events in the economy. olga is with you onishchenko. hello. control and supervisory activities are being improved in belarus. a corresponding draft decree has been prepared. the document as a whole has been agreed upon by government agencies, is balanced and solves a basic problem: changing the style and methods of work of regulatory authorities. namely, the efforts of the inspectors should not be directed. purely to find shortcomings and
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apply fines, the document should be beneficial for enterprises, society and, above all, the economy. constant checks, especially sudden ones, are a headache for business entities and auditors were warned before to avoid excesses and not to threaten the business with excessive control; not everyone listened. in addition, the system was modernized 7 years ago, today it needs to be adapted to the realities of the time. read more about the proposed innovations, veronica buta. the document spells out two key directions: the first is to reduce government intervention in the activities of business entities to a minimum, that is, unnecessary control is eliminated; the key here is unnecessary. it is also planned to introduce it is the duty of inspectors to register any monitoring in the accounting book. the draft decree contains provisions both strengthening control activities and aimed at streamlining them. if it concerns efforts, you can
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take the issues of a two-year moratorium on conducting inspections. some subjects began to take advantage of this, so with the adoption of the decree, if it is clear that. executive committees have the responsibility to provide a range of goods, but they do not have any levers, so they must have some powers.
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because they are settled there, including questions about the frequency of such inspections, but this, of course, will give the subject more chances to convey his information to the supervisory authority and, if necessary, appeal its actions. the second direction of the draft decree is strengthening control
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to protect the interests in the life and health of citizens. here, with the closest attention , there can be no relaxation. regarding the danger to life, health, and national security.
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convenient for use, after which this project will be submitted for conclusion, in particular to the state control committee, after which it will be considered by the head of state. the finalized draft decree should ultimately be beneficial to enterprises, society and, above all , the economy, and the efforts of inspectors should not be aimed solely at finding shortcomings or applying fines. veronica buta, alexander oleshko, area of ​​interest. discussion of new work rules for micro-businesses, changes apply to individual entrepreneurs, for them the list of permitted types of work has been clarified; it has been reduced, but not radically. for those types of activities which were not on the lists, individual entrepreneurs were asked to scale up their business, namely, move
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into legal entities, or consider other work options. who will be able to remain in the category of individual entrepreneurs, the government published a proposal a week ago, which is important - this is an unapproved list, at the discussion stage, today about 300 reviews have already been received, also some of the requests came directly to the ministry of economy, everyone can speak out, they promise, constructive will be heard, adiology of government business, anton's report malyuty. what will change for belarusian entrepreneurs? the previous convocation of deputies worked on this issue and made changes.
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including representatives of the business environment, this is what made it possible to create, well, also enshrine in law a new approach to doing business, essentially speaking, comfortable conditions that... are necessary for a successful business, because we understand that a successful business - this is a successful state, our state, it cares for every person, including the business community, the state is interested. first of all, well, so to speak, a long-term business that is ready to continue working and developing, and this means jobs, this means an increase in income, and this also means revenue for the budget. it is difficult to imagine the work of the belarusian economy without the business community; the private sector solves a number of important problems, including the construction of houses and the production of import-substituting products, but if we take a small business, then it is usually about our comfort, be it a store near our home or a delivery service, in total there are 200... individual entrepreneurs and 116,000 small medium organizations in the country entrepreneurship. at the end of last year
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, the revenue of small medium-sized businesses amounted to 253 billion rubles, which amounted to 44.5% of the republican revenue volume. the contribution of small medium-sized businesses to the gdp and the republic amounted to 25.2%. of course, it is organizations that provide the main effect, so it is important to scale the business. and who can remain as an individual entrepreneur is decided these days. in the process of great public discussion. the published list is far from the final version, an opportunity to speak out provided. most of the proposals today are indeed reflected in the lists, they are already there, yes, what does this mean that the proposals of business and regulatory authorities regarding the formation of lists and types of economic activities on which the list itself is based coincide. the part of the questions that was not found. reflection in the lists will be worked out at the level of the ministry of economy,
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provided to the regulatory authorities to formulate a reasoned response and will also be addressed through appropriate resources the legal portal, the website of the ministry of economics has been prepared, although the ministry of economics admits that they expected even more responses, but for now they are working with the proposals on the topic that already exist: the traditional platform of the public advisory council is taking shape. we can use them. yes, we are ready to provide financial support to businesses. changes to legislation provide for new types
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of preferences. and they certainly do not lead to an increase in the tax burden. everything to make it easy to start and grow your business. anton malyuta and andrey ivanenko. area of ​​interest. now a short advertisement. next, we will talk about exchange rates in cooperation with russian regions. this time we will go to kazan, where there is the best multi-brand center of belarusian technology in russia. not only that, belarus charmed them at first sight. in fact, everyone knows, especially those who come here, they know about the beauty of minsk, as for me, i like everything here, my sister lives in germany, we met in belarus and the first thing that caught our eye was that it was very clean here , i have lived for 25 years in
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belarus, yes, no one perceived me as a stranger, look at the project for a look at belarus on our tv channel. olya-ola, today we have a new adventure and a new journey, we are in nonsense,
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to be honest, it’s very difficult for me to pronounce the name of this city, chu-shu-chushin, but that’s okay, i’ll teach you little by little, if you thought that i would be there today alone, no, no, no, i want to introduce our new host, enby, ah, hi, hi, hi,
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this is a city, of course, let's go, let's start, well, look, there is a clock in the center of the city, this is very cool, because all the residents know what time it is and are not late for anything, but it looks like something here, it looks like something, yes...
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how tall is huge, yes, come here, my good one, this is the story, you understand, hello, minya sabata and maria are from venezuela, and i’m enzik from nigeria, it’s very nice, we’ll have fun in belarus.
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the hall where the tradition of balls has been revived, yes, on february 14th we hold them every year, and the balls here set the atmosphere, it’s like we ’re traveling in a time machine to the time of the drut lyubetskys. you and i are in a room, which is called the trutsky lyubetsky salon, and as you can see, here we have copies of portraits. the owners of the drutski-lubecki, this is frantisek himself, saveri drucski-lubecki, this is the person who saw the guest house and wanted to make his dream come true here. his wife, maria drutskaya lyubetskaya, unfortunately, we do not have earlier photographs, there is this later portrait, photograph, of their daughter genvefa
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drutskaya lyubetskaya. there is such a very unique story. looked, how he spoke, how he presented himself frantisek, and naturally, such an affair happened, but in order for this marriage to take place, a petition was submitted to rome, to the pope, oh yes. only with his permission, this marriage was allowed and it took place. we are moving to the hall called
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shchuchin, the city of aviators, the uniform is beautiful. the city and history, which is half a century old for our city, testifies to the events of that time, as i already told you. this is one of the landmarks of our city and our palace, in the fiftieth year it was already a palace of officers, a garrison was located here, then a house officers, like a club, yes, where they spent their free time, but please tell me how many salos there are, because i see that the palace, well, from the outside is not so big, so i’m wondering how many there are. this question, but the first floor, i already told you, we have such a museum here,
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an assembly hall, we have a conference hall, yes, well , here’s the faye, the hall, the conference hall, i’m already lost, the hall, yes, this during the druze-lubedskie, yeah, the guest dining room is their personal.
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we also have a bunker here a little further outside the territory of the city of shchyuchino bunker bunker yes definitely let's go let's go now thank you very much. review of the most interesting sporting events. the ruslan seley prize was awarded to sergei kostitsin, that is, a hockey player who showed
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leadership qualities. dmitry kravchenko was recognized as the best coach of the extra league; finally , mikhail shalagin became the best hockey player of the extra league. in the seventh round of the major league, slutsk created a sensation, beating mazaryan 1:0 at home. thanks to this victoria, slutsk moved to tenth place in the standings. shifts, huge number of people waiting for me like at master classes, it’s so easy to see, communicate, and i had the opportunity to play for clubs, we have a new team, a new team, we are starting our, well , long-awaited, i think, such a path of returning to the major leagues, real bright moments emotions, 8 years later, magnitka champion, i have never seen such emotions, it seems to me that not a single team has, how happy the metal players are, all this...
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the citizens of the collective west have modern technologies for shaking up society, destroying the economy, engaging various other personalities, and in this way you can lose the state, there is no international law, it is destroyed, which means who is right? well, only the one who has more strength, the presence of tactical nuclear weapons is precisely the most important deterrent that does not give these hotheads the opportunity to start some kind of...
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that's it, the dog is at home, oh, look, look, let's go , let's go, oh, hello, i'm taimari from venezuela, hello, i'm from nigeria, very
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there are compressed air cylinders, they raise the pressure, excess, a little higher than you breathe outside. tell me, please, where exactly is holdins? well, i understand that this is a bunker, but exactly here, what is there? bunker 77, 1977, the year it was built, is a reserve command post, and here were officers, commanders in chief, and our bunker was responsible for the western sector in the event of the cold war, which was between two superpowers, the soviet union. the united states of america, don’t be afraid of me, my friends are standing here, their names are gennady, gennady, olya, i was scared, there are a lot of them in the bunker, if anything, i have everything carvolol, heart pills, he says, yes, that’s how it is with us, corvalol is used to treat it, it’s unexpected, i just think it’s a computer
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from the seventies. 80 80 this room is a medical station for 80 people, it’s like a movie about the war, it’s all real, it’s all real, the bunker worked. submarine, closed the doors behind itself and went on an autonomous voyage for 30 days, believed that within 30 days the soviet union could defeat any enemy, so let’s go up, a concert hall, but no, everyone often calls it a concert hall, but exactly this the main room, although the decision here was made only by the human brain,
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the combat control center, here the decision was made by the human brain, well, here are memories of the cold war, which lasted almost 50 years, well, i can say that i’m in shock, because everything looks well, a real one, i just saw this in a film, now i see it live, it even gives me goosebumps, this is one of the five bunkers that was on the territory of the former soviet union, there are only five of them.


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