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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 24, 2024 1:15am-1:35am MSK

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ksenia lebedeva’s author’s view on the policy of double standards in the project is different. watch on tv channel belarus 24. when we arrived in the village, we really wanted to. to eat healthy organic products, we started growing potatoes, our potatoes grow not by burying the club in the ground, but by burying it under hay. in the fall , we don’t plow up the potatoes, we mow down all the weeds, put them on the field, mulch them
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with the grass we mow, cover them with hay, and so we have them until spring, in the spring we put our potatoes under the hay, look how beautiful they are already, for the first 2 years the colorado potato beetle did not eat our potatoes, which was very surprising. and the year has appeared, we do not use any mineral fertilizers, this is the earth, it is healed in this way, the earth becomes alive, soft, and most importantly, good, good potatoes, we also mulch all our vegetable products, we do not use mineral fertilizers at all. from our environmentally
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friendly potatoes, which grow under our hay, today we will prepare belarusian national dish babka. there is a legend that when napoleon was returning with his army from moscow to france, they tried this dish in a belarusian village. the commander liked the grandmother so much that he decided to find out the name of it. dishes, those who treated him did not know this, they said that we don’t know, but the grandmother brought it, since then, perhaps this is true, this dish is called babka, we grate potatoes, add onions here, add salt, eggs,
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flour, mix everything, in our area they add fatty pork to the babka, which i i’ll make it today, but you can also add mushrooms. you can also add dried blueberries, we will have it with overcooked pork, those who know our grandmother always ask us to cook it already. well, now we cover our
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fosud with foil and put it in the oven, temperature 200° for 50 minutes, we’ll wait. our babka is ready, we take it out, everything, serve with sour cream and herbs, this is the dish we prepare in our farmstead , we command, bon appetit.
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we are very happy with our life here, and in general our children tell us that our main the duty is now here, to live for pleasure, that’s what we do, we do what we love, we do only what we like, so we can now afford it, the only thing that remains is probably this poleshuk spirit, and paleshuks.
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we are proud that we are polishuks, we were right there, your aunt was in the pot, so they immediately arrived, daleshuks, let’s go, dear, let’s go to the pasture, this is our squirrel goat, you fill us with milk every day. well done, let's go, well, these grapes can't be touched, let's go, well, we have them here, which is what we like, one eats, one day he can eat sorrel,
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another day the vine, when you go home, it generally grabs everything, we make cheese from milk. well, not everyone likes it, for example, i love cottage cheese, i eat goat milk, my grandson doesn’t want it, i can’t get him used to it, since i even tried to add a bottle of store-bought milk to him, he still recognizes what milk is, i once i also didn’t eat goat’s milk, and then somehow there was milk on the table, i came, ate it, and then they said it was goat’s, i just thought it was cow’s cream, well , that’s how we live here, goat and the two of us are rabbits we still have some water, you're wearing some water, how do you
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feel there, it's fine, come here, come, i've got my ear somewhere, oh, don't be afraid, be afraid, it's not hot in your clothes, here we have little ones sitting here...
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and we are still, well, i still measure all my actions, some actions with what, for example, my father would say about it, how my mother would look at it, and also
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there are a lot of us here, every morning when we go outside, we drink tea here with my husband or something... it’s good, really, he’s very sentimental, like yes, no, well, it was like that, yes, it was like that, some kind of connection, it seems, with generations, some kind of, well, where else can you experience this.
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watch everything that modern belarus lives on today on the belarus 24 tv channel, this is the news of the country. abroad, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene , current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting trips around the country, feature films for all ages, on the territory. azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan,
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kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. adjust the satellite dish to the space-1 satellite. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear. available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus24 tv channel and discover belarus. from confectionery to petrochemicals, belarus presented its export potential at the largest exhibitions in the caucasus. promising projects, investments from velikiy residents. for guests
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of the slavic bazaar in vitebsk there is visa-free regime. the program "events" is on air, in the studio of veronica buta. hello. belarus presented its export potential at the largest exhibitions in the caucasus, caspina and interfood azerbaijan. international. it is not the oil potential of countries that is being revealed in baku. we will find out more details from our columnist alesya vysotskaya. there are 38 countries, an impressive composition of participants , and belarus is represented not only by companies that are already exporting products to the region, but also by those who can become partners. direction from confectionery to petrochemicals, fertilizer, tractor, dairy products, meat, agricultural machinery. half of the market in the country as a whole is already occupied by belarusians. our stand is one of the largest at the exhibition. the most important. that at this exhibition there are not only azerbaijani visitors, there are present here based on
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the results of last year, i can say that last year there were 15,000 people, external visitors who represent 38 countries of the world, that is, this is not only an opportunity to present yourself in azerbaijan, this is an opportunity to introduce yourself to other countries of the world who did not come to ours, for example, belagra, so they can come here and get acquainted with belarusian products, i will say that... over the past 5 years , our 215 companies that have already visited here have presented their products, and thus they have already found partners and are working. azerbaijan is actively developing its agriculture; of the country’s entire land, only half is suitable for farming, but not only the usual grains, grapes, olives, tea, tobacco, and silk are grown here. the climate makes it possible to collect multiple harvests, and 80% of this market is small farms. they are actively supported by the state for equipment, for example, they give a forty percent subsidy.
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belarusian tractors are beginning to gain ground. price quality. as for large equipment, it is assembled at the ganja automobile plant, this is a joint project of spare parts and on-site service, which makes belarusian tractors competitive. you know, our president has spoken about this more than once, but what do you want, competition will still grow, we need it in these conditions work, offer yourself. increase in trade turnover compared to the previous year.
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in a variety of areas they are very active, effective and productive, here there
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is cooperation through the parliamentarian. is of great importance, not only political, trade and economic ties are actively developing, but also humanitarian partnerships, youth contacts, joint events are being held that also deepen relations through women’s organizations, and in the meantime, the most striking joint project , the great stone, is increasing investments, they are approaching a billion dollars, the funds spent by the budget of belarus have paid off and, as experts assure, taxes have already returned to the budget threefold... the industrial park is 133 companies, 14 came this year, 50 are producing products, this is high-quality content, now, probably , it is very clearly and clearly visible that initially the park was visited by companies that were probably more involved in logistics, warehouse activities , and so on, but now there is a great demand for
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production space, the company every year plans to... introduce demand for production areas specifically for them. the belarusian scientific school is also being combined with foreign technologies, for example, in the creation of geroplanes and drones for the agro-industrial complex. the first model is already available and has been tested in practice. an hour in the air is eight times cheaper than by helicopter. this is the best solution for monitoring the ministry of emergency situations, border guards, and doctors. a number of scientific organizations of the academy of sciences are involved in the development of these devices.
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confectionery factories, bakery enterprises, large retail chains in belarus, also manufacturers, suppliers of raw materials equipment. and this is the sweetest industry in belarus: dozens of enterprises across the country, each with its own specialization, branded products and audience. yes, everyone has different tastes, but one thing is certain: our confectionery is of high quality, and
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the symposium is dedicated to the year of quality. expected interest from eu colleagues. obviously consumers. make a choice in favor of belarusian products; saturation of the domestic market is the main task for the belgospischeprom concern. of course, don't forget about exports, the country produced 160,000 tons of confectionery products during the year. capacity utilization is 86.2% nationwide. there are also positive dynamics here, we grew by 1.2%.


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