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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 24, 2024 1:35am-2:01am MSK

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brazil, china, and african countries are looking with interest at partners from belarus. representatives of leading confectionery factories, bakery enterprises, large retail chains in belarus, as well as manufacturers and suppliers of raw materials equipment are invited to participate. and this is the sweetest industry in belarus: dozens of enterprises throughout the country, each with its own specialization, branded products for the audience. yes, everyone has different tastes, but one thing is certain, our confectionery is of high quality, just right...
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you need to react quickly to this, this question, including in the field of view of the participants of the international symposium of confectioners in minsk. thank you, the review was prepared by olesya vysotskaya. more news from the economic sphere and not only on the website of our tv channel belarus is a leader among the cis countries in terms of information and communication technologies. this places new demands on infrastructure, its reliability and technological solutions. how
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the republican unitary telecommunication enterprise beltelecom works in the year of quality and how the digital space around us is changing, let's ask andrey zharkevich, deputy general director for technical issues at rub beltelecom. hello andrei. hello. beltelecom today is far from just communication services. what else are you doing? yes, we actually have a motto. belt is entirely not only communication, now not only communication. in fact, in addition to our traditional services, we are engaged in internet, telephony and television. we have a wonderful service that is developing, we are now developing a network of electric filling stations, avika, and we have also taken the first step, this is retail, we sell goods in installments, goods in installments only for our subscribers, well, to be honest, we were very surprised by the network of electric charging stations, you can find out in a little more detail how we have progressed in this matter already, yes, in fact, this project was so innovative from the point of view of how
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we implement it from 50 households to from 50 to 100, that is, we are actually creating infrastructure for our services and further digitalization of the country, in fact, in a year we are building about 100 villages, 100 villages, and today we have reached 90%, by the end of the year we are looking at that we are 90% of 50 yards and above, we...
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our systems are all remotely controlled and if there is no mechanical damage, where a team is not needed to carry out
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any repair work, we resolve all issues with the subscriber remotely. if we continue the topic of mobility, remoteness, efficiency, we can recall your mobile application. city, how the application has proven itself today, how the development is going, how many participants in this project are now, well, in general, yes, we launched the mobile application my city in 2021, this means that the first city was polotsk, polotsk, in general, we worked together with biltelik and , of course, our regulator of the ministry of communications and informatization of the republic of belarus, this is a project, let’s say, of imagery within the framework of digitalization.
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it’s not just a website, it’s interactive communication with an application, you can make an appointment, you can ask some question either to the executive committee or a hairdresser or a hundred, that is , clients appreciate it, today there are more than 100,000 users in my city, that is, the application is used and in demand , that's why we we will further develop the coverage area of ​​these applications, who is the most active? well, of course , the vitebsk region, the most active today is the vitebsk region. almost all cities in the region are already finishing, then we have a similar project, my university, my university, we opened the first pilot with a linguistic university, this is also a similar application, in fact, but here is a slightly different story, the story is such that
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communication between teachers and students , these are changes, schedules, some announcements, some training materials and so on and so forth, we also see that...
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we have new specific solutions within the framework of legislation that we will offer to government agencies, that is, the cyber center, again, this is one of the areas that we will develop. thank you very much, andrey zharkevich, deputy general director for technical issues at rubbeltelecom, answered the program’s questions. next on the program is an event: modern approaches to protecting the union borders, visa-free for guests of the slavic bazaar in vitebsk, and a new rehabilitation program for children from donbass. we'll be back. to the studio in a few minutes. this is the events program for belarus 24 and we continue. the external border of the union state is under reliable protection. the sixtieth meeting of the board
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of border committees of belarus and russia took place in grodno. our columnist, elena puntus, knows what the heads and experts of departments discussed. at the meeting, the situation that is developing in... the union state was reviewed, and measures to protect external borders were also adjusted. existing threat challenges require modern approaches to ensuring the security and protection of allied borders. the focus is on modernization. programs for the development of border security until 2027. our parties have already reviewed the progress of the joint fifth program, which is being implemented starting in 2023. during its implementation, due to the technical re-equipment of segmentation complexes, the density of state border protection has been increased due to automated technical observation posts, and the likelihood of detecting state border violators has been increased.
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the monument will organically fit into that historical and cultural environment in order to
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educate true patriots of our country. and in baranovichi, on the third anniversary of the tragedy, a memorial plaque was unveiled in honor of the immortal feat of andrei nicheporchik and nikita kukanenko. a rally was held at the monument forever in the peaceful sky. colleagues and, of course, relatives and friends came to honor the memory of the heroes. we want to thank everyone, every resident.
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medical psychological support, for the sanatorium of the mogilev region, except the guests were prepared with steam navigation classes, the first participants of the program received assistance in motivational meetings with alexey talai, as well as excursions. the program is being implemented with the support of the chairman of the council of the republic natalia kachanovo and the speaker of the federation council of russia valentina matvienko. the main task is to draw up a roadmap for each child for the next 10-15 years, in order to first of all help restore health. from the fourteenth, distant fourteenth, and indeed there was a threat of amputation of the leg
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of our girls, which suffered back in it was in belarus that the leg was saved, let me say, this is not just a miracle, it is a gift, it is a gift, now tanya is already an adult lady, she will soon be 18, and on behalf of tanya, on behalf of her mother and on behalf of every resident, i i say thank you to the people. over the past 10 years, more than 700 children from the luhansk and donetsk regions have suffered from hostilities, 40 of them have received severe disabilities. belarus has been helping them recover and adapt to peaceful life for several years now. belarus is preparing to welcome guests of the slavic market in vitebsk. the international art festival will be held for the thirty-third time. what bonuses await participants and viewers of this forum? one of the most pleasant moments is that there are no visas for foreigners. residents of seventy will be able to use it. countries, and at any international checkpoint for temporary stay in belarus. to do this
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, forum participants will need an invitation from the vitebsk cultural center or the ministry of culture, and guests will need original or electronic tickets to the summer amphitheater or concert hall vitebsk. one ticket allows only one-time entry and no later than the date of the event indicated on it. another bonus: guests will not pay a state fee for registering a temporary stay. the main events of the festival will be held from 11 to 14. for education, but employment upon graduation from university or college. and while in other countries young professionals are forced to look for work themselves, in belarus the state fully supports those who take their first steps in their career. what is the benefit of mandatory distribution, what benefits are provided for young specialists, we will ask tatyana konoshevich, head of the center for the development of engineering education and organization
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of the educational process of bntu. hello tatiana. hello. how many young specialists from... to universities and colleges will replenish the collection, i will say for our university, knowing the specific number, the belarusian national technical university will graduate about 3,500 young specialists this year, and this is only at the undergraduate level, while we also have walls our university will graduate about 30 masters as young specialists, these are young specialists.
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they get the opportunity to get their first job, well, you see, when a young person arrives, well, most often they are assigned to a different place from where they are from, there are not always vacancies there and they leave for the other end of the country, how important is it today to support the endeavors of young specialists, both financially and maybe , creating some kind of working and living conditions, and morally supporting them in general, of course, well, firstly, we note the fact that the belarusian national technical university... facilitates the distribution of its specialists to those places where they underwent undergraduate practice, that is, in this way the specialist, while still at the student level, understands perfectly well what enterprise he will come to, what he will do there , what kind of atmosphere reigns among the team, and this is also a positive
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bonus for feeling comfortable, and at the same time, you noted correctly. there are various incentive payments, from one-time payments that are provided to those who is distributed to another territory other than his place of residence, and incentive payments exist and are long-term, for example, for the entire period of distribution of a young specialist, they amount, depending on the field of activity, from 10 to 50% of the salary, while the young specialist has the primary right is to take advantage of rental housing , including benefits for being placed on the waiting list if he needs housing. that is, this complex of social guarantees is for everyone, that is, this is a social package for young specialist, this is for everyone, every enterprise, in order to interest a young specialist, stay in the workplace and ensure his career growth, of course, can
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offer some of its own opportunities to consolidate interest. cooking, its advantages in this aspect are unconditional, and this is the experience of the russian federation, that is, targeted training provides that even before...
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in the near future this issue will be considered. thank you, tatyana kanashevich, head of the center, answered the program’s questions development of engineering education and organization of the educational process at bntu. results and analysis of the main events of this week in the atn information and analytical program, main broadcast. all projects of our tv channel are available on the website, as well as on social networks. i say goodbye to you. all the best.
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every person should remember where he comes from, if you remember that you are a russian, a belarusian, that this is your homeland, before looking towards distant shores, look, what can you do here? available today there is only one truly united civilization, it is called: the western world, where this britain is located, which does everything so that other civilizations can never unite, tourism is one of the most important factors, including in patriotic education, in all their conceptual documents, including the newly adopted british ones, say that by the thirtieth year the russian federation will be neutralized if you simply spend your vacation in at least one region once a year russian federation, we have 89 of them, and if we add six belarusian regions to them . what a wonderful country we have, what
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a wonderful culture, nature, project we have , don’t be silent, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus24 tv channel. gaidaenko, vladimir alekseevich, during the patriotic war, participant in the battles near moscow. at the beginning of 1942, he was sent to one of the partisan detachments in the bryansk region, where he was led by a sapper. works, construction of defensive structures, and then became commissar of a partisan detachment, committed with partisans raided the dopinsky forests, from 1944
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he was a major engineer, commander of a sapper battalion, during the liberation of pinsk he was part of the sapper landing force, and died while clearing mines from a building and the streets of the city. it was named after vladimir alekseevich gaidaenko in pinsk. street. a weekly socio-political talk show , today we will discuss the results of the visit of the president of belarus to azerbaijan, his trip to karabakh and...


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