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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 24, 2024 3:10am-3:40am MSK

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the period of 1932, when scientists from st. petersburg, belarus and moscow made the main global, strategic layout of the central botanical garden, which consisted in the fact that from the central parterre, this is the center of the botanical garden, alleys were located in a radial direction that divided the territory of the botanical garden on natural plant complexes. this is... a natural plant complex of europe, asia, america, the far east, and of course, our belarusian territory, the so-called belarusian corner. this layout has been preserved to the present day as a general plan, of course, with clarifications and improvements, but as a general plan it has been preserved. this is a very interesting approach. very correct,
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because he emphasizes that botanical gardens preserve the vegetation not only of their republic, their region, but of the whole world, when visitors come, they can see the vegetation, for example, sectors of central asia, the caucasus, their own sector even of belarus, our different zones lakeland, woodland and the central part of our republic. the central alley, along which all visitors to the botanical garden enter, is the alley of the manzhur walnut, and then there are alleys, a birch alley, a crab alley, these are varieties, meaning wild varieties of apples, this is a linden alley, our longest, an alley of thuja, european, maple alley. this whole history of the botanical
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garden can be divided into four periods, but the first period is the pre-war period, this is the formation of the botanical garden, 1932-1941 , the first collections were created, the provisions of individual expositions, well then came the hard times, 1941-1944, this is war.
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central botanical garden, i think for we are located on a significant alley for the whole of minsk, this is the victory alley, it is significant that after the liberation of minsk in 1944, the liberating soldiers, sergeants, soldier officers, laid out this... the alley was planted with small christmas trees, you you see how they have already grown and represent a significant, beautiful alley, a real alley of victory. one of the turning points was the president’s visit to our garden. republic of belarus alexander grigorievich lukashenko.
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here are a few words about this project, well, firstly, since the year of historical memory, on the initiative of three botanical gardens, the volgograd botanical garden, the main botanical garden of our central botanical garden, the project serenya victory was proposed, we created varieties through breeding work that dedicated to the events of the great patriotic war and heroes. vyalikoy patriotic war, this is
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a variety of narad, leather, this. great victory this is captain gostello, we planted these varieties not only on the territory of the central botanical garden, grodno, this is lushki, the town, these are our other regional and district centers, but above all here, so that all guests of the capital can see, so that all visitors can see. i work in the central botanical garden, i was immediately appointed director here in 1997, before that my
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research was carried out at the institute of biology, and then at the institute of experimental botany, by my education, by my... initial activity, i am, of course, a biologist, biochemist, and the plant world for me is my object of research, currently in the botanical garden i am an honorary director, because i headed the botanical garden from 1997 to 2009, then i was elected by the scientific council, honorary director,
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science is done at the laboratory table, i am the head of the department of biochemistry and plant biotechnology of the central botanical university. as part of the department of biochemistry and biotechnology, two laboratories thematic group, activity is the creation of biotechnological collections, this is a collection invitra plants, good afternoon, hello,
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hello, lena, i came to see what your experimental plan is today and what are you going to do? look at the changes with a roscope, how much the leaf changes, how much it accumulates, how damaged it is, heavy metals are always a problem, especially in large cities, it is contact, communication with people, the so-called human factor,
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that has a special role in science, because it is necessary to create a creative environment, only in a creative environment will an idea appear, it will developed. introduced and brought to execution. ryazka mala is a bioindicator species. based on the state of the mala weed in a reservoir, we can assess how polluted the reservoir is, that is , by taking a sample of a small weed from a reservoir, we look and determine how damaged it is, how much, how many leaves it has in the plant, and thus determine whether the reservoir is polluted or not. clean. the botanical garden has all areas
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of activity, in fact, the best botanical gardens are now assessed if the gardens have modern biotechnological collections. this is the invitro collection, as everyone already says, in cones, plants in a cone, we have created such a collection, which means it has existed for many years, the collection is replenished. currently , we have about 250 plant species in what is called the invitro collection, that is, in an artificial environment. we will be cutting rhododendron, evergreen, von waydzker variety, this is an ornamental beautiful flowering plant, which reproduces very poorly under inviva conditions. this is firstly, and secondly, this is a variety that is also desirable to harvest wisely vegetatively. since the seeds can be split, we sterilize the tweezers, burn them over
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an alcohol lamp, the culture is already sterile, free of infection, here the nutrient medium is also sterile, a lot of carbohydrates have been added here, so it is a very good environment for pathogens, we take the plants and cut them into small silniks. we replant a fresh nutrient medium; in our laboratory , in this way, aradadendra propagates forever green deciduous trees, popularly called azales, lingonberries, lilacs, orchids, that is, many different species. that is, culture the good thing about invitra is that you can propagate
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a large amount of planting material. this is a light room where our plants grow, there is a sixteen-hour photoperiod, 16 hours day, 8 hours night, temperature 23-25° for comfortable growth of plants in this light room. we have plants such as lilacs, more than forty varieties of lilacs, radodendrons, more than twenty varieties of evergreens, about 10 varieties of deciduous plants, medicinal plants grow here, sperea, an economically valuable plant, lingonberry, which does not take root well , we can propagate in large quantities, orchids, variety. in different silages we have different
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light intensity, because there are plants that are shade-loving or shade-tolerant and light-loving. accordingly, they need different light intensities for good photosynthesis. accordingly, some people have 3.5-400 lux, and some plants have 2.5-300 lux. we went into the breeding greenhouse of the department of biochemistry of plant biotechnology, here in this case, we are inspecting lilac seedlings that adapt after we have grown them in an in vitro test, from individual cells we got tiny seedlings, which were then transplanted here, so we adapt them to external conditions, these are
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varietal lilacs, varietal ones that are, well, very beautiful ornamental plants, well, in addition, these plants are healthier, that is, bringing them through tissue culture makes viral diseases healthier, there are fewer others, and of course, flowering is always more more abundant, larger brushes, more soulful flowers... well, i want to say that this biotechnology gives us a plus in this regard, that we can receive ornamental plants, these young lilac seedlings, which will grow and will soon go to the territory of the cities and towns of our republic , all botanical gardens, which means they work in the direction of introduction, that is... it means the movement of plants from the zone of their natural existence, well, to this
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region, in particular we see these cratons, these plants, coffee and so on, they are, of course, introduced, brought from other regions, we also introduced berry plants into belarus, this is the tall blueberry, the tall blueberry, the large-fruited cranberry, this plant originates from the north american... continent. currently , blueberry growing, that is, the cultivation of varietal highbush blueberries, is actively developing in the republic. but there is a question of obtaining planting material, planting material is obtained in two ways or by traditional cuttings, a cutting is taken, which takes root in the soil, this is one way, it is traditional, not bad, but of course it is associated with the season. the second method is to obtain plants biotechnologically, when they are first grown and
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this biotechnological method is more productive in quantitative terms and qualitatively.
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cool, well, as a message of peace, there are specific plants, for example, a specific orange, an orange that was created, let's say by nature, and it is, in fact, a standard, these are rangeries, our employees, in particular anton ivanovich olyakhno, conduct .. . breeding work has created several varieties of oranges, grapefruits, and apples.
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when we talk in general about the status of botanical gardens in their history, many gardens were called apothecary gardens. the question of using plants as a remedy was essentially one of the initial ones. botanical gardens then began to develop in the direction of fetodesign, there was beauty, enlightenment, but this always remained one of the tasks, so every botanical garden has... departments there are collections of medicinal and aromatic plants or simply medicinal plants, we have created varieties of plants, and we have a variety of monarda, monarda in general is such a very interesting plant, which is distinguished , again, by its composition, rich in essential oil
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; the essential oil contains components with very strong antioxidant and antimicrobial activity, which does? the plant is applicable in many herbal medicines, currently the program, herbal medicines, is being revived and is becoming increasingly important, the full name is the development of the raw material base and processing of medicinal aromatic plants, biological active additives, when they are obtained... based on science-intensive research, this is a very important point. one of our projects is related to the study of biologically active substances of wormwood. this is an annual wormwood, artemisiano, but it is very famous all over the world for its anti-malaria properties; now
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people are increasingly talking about its anti-inflammatory properties, which is very important during the coronavirus period. and such a plant was subjected to after careful analysis by scientists all over the world, including us, we continue to study precisely these plants. i always want the institution where i work to be one of the best. the division that i head, so that it is one of the best institutions, my employees and myself, like...
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if you look at it from space, it’s like putting a diamond, you can see it like that, a beautiful, glowing diamond, this is our exhibition greenhouse, the first in the post-soviet space, in our central botanical garden, doing my favorite job, that i am doing work that is useful in our laboratory, botanical garden, so this is my dream, or rather mine, which means... this is the thesis of life, this is to strive for the best, to do everything well, so that life was not lived in vain. in order
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to bring an idea to life, you need to see what others have. therefore , my colleagues and i personally traveled around and looked at the botanical gardens of germany, holland, poland, to see what kind of orange trees there are. what presented and what is of particular interest? this greenhouse has features, but first of all, in a small space it shows a tropical forest, a tropical rainforest, here we see that there is a first lower level where palm trees grow, where in fact there is no undergrowth, since there is little light, but these palm trees there is a possibility of growth, because the lantern is at the top, and this palm tree... soon it will be huge, beautiful, interesting, we have a small pool where we have
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aquatic plants, this is basically a viewing area platform, you can look at the tropical forest, subtropics from above, see how beautiful the plant looks when you are on the top. this floor of the tropical forest is a unique place in the central botanical garden, especially in winter, autumn, and even you see in the summer, we have mighty trees in the botanical garden that were planted in the thirty-second year. who survived the years of the great patriotic war, who survived harsh winters, this is
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a symbol of longevity, a symbol of the past, hope for the future. tv channel belarus 24 broadcasts for you around the clock, don’t switch. our daily task is to talk about belarus in the country abroad. more than 100 million viewers worldwide have access to watch. projects of our tv channel, so what is belarus like, business and developing,
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live in belarus and do everything for its development. belarus can be different, to understand and feel it you need to see it with your own eyes. hello, dear tv viewers, the belarus24 tv channel is on air, watch us every day, because we are making belarus closer. 1865, near warsaw, the world premiere of the opera is terrible, the audience and the cover are captive, and the music is romantic, and the detective plots are not the same at all. at the center of the river, there is an enchanted herd, which once harbored a powerful force, and little does anyone know,
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what is he pra...typ u zhytstі. kali avtar of the opera would be very small, it often gasciў at svaygo dziadzki ў mayonka smilavichy, padminskam. raptam, the people of the night are old on the stage, as if they had already fallen asleep, they begin to add melody. cotton ladz is not very sad, but he knows that all the stage scenes are still alive, and the palace is filled with breaks. thank you for stanislav's life manyushka has everything to live for. like... the melodies of belarusian folk songs, which later, at the zenith of glory, brought them to the great opera stage. falvarak ubel, dze yon naradzіўsya, would not smear big for the house of a possible villager, but the famous mouth is not rich. adzin dzyadzka stanislava, daminik would be brave reformers, who caused their villagers hell to jump. others - kazimir. the sur'yoz is choked up with batanikay. father, cheyasla, love the little things. hours of the great karysny,
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how to fix important issues in life, there was no smartphone anymore, chesla often draws a shaggy wife, alzhbetu is from the madjar family, this yana has been working for us ikh paasoў, and then i ўga chakanaga son, stasya. cotton is very good. i only got a drink of water because i was afraid there would be a lot of trouble. on shchastse, yano adchuniala. for this little one , moments in the history of everyday music are important. stasik's fingers tap and fartepian's keys. i didn’t know how to do it, maybe the super-shyny, the cotton guy is disgusting. the first lessons of music gave a hole to the mother. and here it turns out that the expression of myadzvedz on the advance is not right. cotton takes over the din and is lethal on the move. fathers understand that there is a need for development.
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the syamigadovs stasik edze studied in warsaw, i am a teacher, the arganist august fraer is known, and also known in warsaw, there are just three bastards sam'ya vartaetstsa on radzima and asyadae in minsk. here is the well-known mentor of the nygorsha, daminik stefanovich, the leader of the archestra, like rare concerts on the balcony of the town hall. we are in love with our skills and happy with my life and music. he was able to create music so well that from that moment music became the most important thing for me. at 15 years old, the lad wrote his first work, the apirate of the cantorial service. primera, avatsy. true, the package is only available between now and september. the theatrical dance was performed by manyushka, which was performed in the main salon for the minsk intelligentsia. kali
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stanislav was 17 years old, taya told us to borrow. boy, it’s important that the sky went to hell.


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