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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 24, 2024 3:50am-4:20am MSK

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it will cost about 12 rubles. the fate of the dubroven region is inextricably linked with the life of great states. at one time, these lands were part of the grand duchy of lithuania. the polish-lithuanian commonwealth also left its mark on the dubrovinsky region, but the russian state played a key role in the development of the city. in 1780, the dubrovinsky lands were bought by prince grigory potemkin. and thanks to him , one of the first starts working here. dubrovna erected a clock tower in the central square to show respect for the history of the city. in the 17th century, potmkin bought dubrovinsky gravel in the territory of dubrovna.
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hours on the territory of dubrovna. clocks were produced in different denominations, there were mantel clocks, table clocks, floor clocks, but mostly they were made, as we would say now, they specialized in the production of pocket watches. the factory, specifically the dubrovinskaya manufactory, was famous as a school, it taught. and the deputy of watchmaking craftsmanship, and was used for the first time precisely at the dubrovinsky manufactory, such a method as a water wheel was used, of course, the watches were delivered to the court of the empress, to our times in my, let’s say that the historical and kryvetsky museum has not preserved such a copy, but the armitage has preserved a copy of the clock on which it is written exactly on the dial.
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potemkin sold the dubrovinsky engraving to lyubomirsky, who built a palace here and laid out a park. he was such an ardent fan of various exotic trees and plants. he had such a law in his name. he always gave his subjects the following task: fruit trees should be planted near each house. if apple and pear trees grow, then children will never be hungry. well and. if
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some of the subjects refused, they could even punish him, but the prince himself had a very beautiful garden. old-timers in dubrovno remember that its fame spread throughout many districts and they came to visit dubrovno to visit this park, especially on weekends . lyubomirsky really did a lot for dubrovno, his name is associated not only with the park, but with the former bernardine monastery, and that’s where i’m going. the bernardine monastery was founded in dubrovno at the beginning of the 16th century; unfortunately, today only a two-story residential building, built in 1809, remains of it year. the bernardines are a branch of the catholic order. when the franciscans and bernardines separated, it was definitely a historical time, that’s when they finally separated, and this was exactly it.
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16th century, at that time the bernardines appeared on the territory of dubrovna. there is a romantic history associated with the bernardine monastery. this happened at a time when the dubrovenskaya land belonged to glebovich. on one of his regular trips, when his father went on a business trip on official business, his daughter clementine, whom her father adored and never i could have forbidden her anything. she threw, as we would say now, a party and gathered the local nobility. arranged a score. at this ball was attended by the ambitious, young kroer, a landowner, but already poor, he urgently needed to improve his financial affairs, realizing that his father’s beloved daughter, her father could not forbid her anything, he turned her head, proposed getting married, that’s it this wedding took place within the walls of the monastery, marrying clementine kroer. gathered into
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a crew, took their father's treasury and hit running. returning to his business trip, the father, having learned about what had happened, was very angry and went to bed. at night there was a fire, the monastery burned down, and in the morning they found drowned people in the river; in their faces they recognized the monks who married lyubomirsky, his daughter and kroer. later , an investigation was carried out and everything was written off as an accident, but there were rumors that this was the revenge of an angry father, but before his death, lyubomirsky wanted to make amends , and he... ordered his subjects to build a new monastery, but from stone bricks. and let the building not survive entirely, it is still a monument of historical and cultural heritage. if you're in dubrovno, be sure to admire it. every
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time i am amazed at how many beautiful buildings with their own history there are in belarus, and many people try to preserve this memory. now i’m talking not only about some... tour moments, but also, let’s say, craftsmanship, and you know, i’m also a craftswoman, so i suggest right now that you go and get to know the morachev whistle toy better. getting to know belarusian enterprises and outstanding result of their work. today we are already installing elevators with cabin speeds of up to 2.5 m/s. and this makes it possible to install elevators in buildings up to 45 floors. in
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belarus, this is generally a unique enterprise, the only one that is engaged in the production and development of integrated circuits and semiconductor devices. at all. microelectronics, an approach to business that everyone should strive for, we constantly monitor messages, information is processed, and, if necessary , corrective measures are developed, first of all , this teamwork is welcomed and present here; without teamwork , it is almost impossible to produce high-tech products, watch the quality mark project on the belarus 20 tv channel. 4.
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at first glance, the whistle looks very simple. but among true connoisseurs it arouses genuine interest, which is what we learn from olga about the peculiarity of such whistles. olga, why is the svestolka called marachovskaya? the last master who worked for us in the dubroven region was anna stefanovna, whose last name was muracheva. because these toys archaic, so plastic, organic, in their expression they are called marochevsky. for our ancestors it was not just a game. and a kind of talismans, for example, a maiden, a dubrovinsk coast guard, a lamb, a symbol of prosperity, sculpted a product from blue red clay, which was mined in these parts, hokhalok, on our toys with leaflets, this is generally an authentic
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feature of our dubrovinsk toys, such you won’t find another form anywhere, anywhere in the entire dnieper region you won’t find just such images with this crest. piece in the form birds, roll a piece of clay into a ball and pull it out, the clay quickly becomes soft, like plasticine. the peculiarity of the whistle toy is that we make it from a common lump, without gluing anything. this is what distinguishes the marochevskaya toy from others. and i’ll tell you honestly, working with a single piece is not so easy. to make your work easier, you can use not only your fingers, but a stack. to make the toy whistle, we need to do. inside this blank there is an air chamber, for this we take a stack, start a round stack gradually expand the pocket, we create an air pocket, it is not as simple as it seems at first glance, the most important thing is not to accidentally break the wall, but i managed it, so
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we can move on to the crest, here we have a neck, on this neck we make a tuck, we made a pinch with two fingers and made a notch on the crest and divided the crest. then we form it in order to make a pipe, a whistle, this is the main musical instrument of the whistle, we need this hole, where we made the air pocket, to make a lid, we take a piece of clay and give it this pyramidal shape, after which we close the hole, we know that here we have an air chamber and we divide it. the figure in half and visually - towards the scallop we select
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the territory where we should have leaves, well, here we have a figure in half, and these frets should be located exactly in this front part, visually they should be at different levels, to make the sounds different from each other, we take a flat stand somewhere a little. above the middle, we plan simply, just for now we put a point, we should aim here, towards my finger, let’s say, yes, at an angle, but without leaving, without leaving the hole, we don’t rush, take a second stand, the same one, hold one finger on top of the stack, turn it up so that this one the lower part formed a cutter, it will divide the air flow into two parts, one flow will... go inside the chamber, the other to the street, to the outside, this was the most
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difficult moment, but i coped with it, well , we got a beauty, olga, let's check, come on, it's not for nothing that they say that dubrovna is a musical region, so i propose to explore it from the musical side too, and a bird of thought. or for good reason, because the nightingale is a symbol of the dubrovno song and music festival, going further to find out more about it. every year an international festival of song and music is held in dubrovno, which brings together many talented people, i propose to meet some of them right now. the krynica ensemble is the same age as the music festival. both were created. in 1993 for the six hundredth anniversary of dubrovna. the original idea
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the festival was intended to unite countries, regions and cities located along the dnieper river, but soon the organizers expanded the boundaries and the festival became a creative platform for artistic groups from as many as 14 countries. the krynica team, like true hosts , greets everyone with songs, charges them with energy and gives them a good mood. palace of the republic, we performed at the festival of national cultures in grodno, your team
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participates in the annual international festival that you have here, yes, we participate in our festival every year, there hasn’t been a year yet that we haven’t participated in it, here we are and we are always the first to perform at our festivals, mostly we have belarusian folk songs, of course there should be them... this song was with dances, there are songs, which i myself write for this festival, yes, well, basically we always prepare in advance, and we are proud of our festival. despite the fact that the team is called amateur, in my eyes , each of the participants is a true professional. natalya, how did you get into the team? i was lucky and i already the soloist of this group has been for 10 years, since the group is a calling card. our district, but thanks to the perseverance of our
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team, our constant rehearsals, as well as a competent leader, i was able to master this repertoire. i would like to note that in our team there is a rule, so to speak, a motto, everything should always be beautiful and of high quality, this is manifested in our actions, in our actions, in our external image, and of course, in our creativity, and i move on, the next point on my route is a local flax factory. prince potemkin founded not only a watch factory, but also a cloth factory. later it was changed to the dnieper manufactory, which operated until 1941. unfortunately, practically nothing remains of it, but in
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particular the dyeing shop is still located on the territory of modern production. dubrovno masters were able not only to preserve the old traditions of cultivating and processing flax, but also to significantly increase them. it’s not for nothing that the local flax plant is one of the largest in belarus. if you look at these pictures, here we are from above we see all the manual labor, the one that directly fell on... the labor of people who directly harvested everything by hand, starting from planting, pulling, tying into sheaves, blowing into production, and here they manually produced fiber by hand, then the fiber that we see now in production, that our machines produce, at the factory produces long and short fiber, which has a lot of
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applications, if you look at the fiber, long fiber, yes, this is the original product from which it goes to fabric, goes to clothes, on bedding, for more expensive goods, if you look at short fiber, it is waste from long fiber, they also have a wide range of distribution, this includes the chemical industry, the automotive industry, sound insulation, this is medicine, today flax wool, which appears in our pharmacies , astronauts who fly into space, they have linen underwear, it has the ability to warm the human body in the cold, and cool the human body in the heat, that is, flax is a very interesting crop, a very heavy crop, and practical, but also practical, yes, at the local plant they know how to turn even waste into a valuable resource, they use it to generate their own electricity, in 2010 we independently generated more than 3.5 million kw for our enterprise, thereby saving without
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polluting the environment with waste, thereby burning it, we get heat and provide it for our neighborhood. for the population, for a number of organizations that have heat, we are gradually, gradually improving, improving the environment, and products. it cares not only about preserving nature, but also preserving history in the enterprise museum, you can see the machine on which craftsmen worked in former times. our flax plant was one of the first to begin growing flax itself, because after. collapse of the great soviet union, we found ourselves in such a mess that many collective farms refused to grow flax, and the plant needed to exist, the manager made a decision, we started growing flax from 500 hectares, and have reached 3.00 hectares to this day. throughout its history, the plant has repeatedly become the first in the development of something new, here not only
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they began to cultivate flax on their own, but also grew 2,000 tons of flax fiber. installed an import line for the production of long fiber, introduced and began cultivating imported varieties of flax. this long narrow building is an old plant that was built in 1946, which today is not destroyed, not abandoned, it is an operating enterprise, and where are we located, and you and i are in the very main building of our enterprise, as they say, is the heart of the plant, which produces the main type of product, providing the orsha linokombinat with state orders. and thereby give life to our people and hope for the future that it will be stable. today i got acquainted with many calling cards of the dubrovinsky region, but there is something that is simply impossible
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to pass by, and this is food. in the dubroven region they say: whoever has not tried the local loaf has never been to our place, so i went straight to tamara sinyakova, who, in fact, prepares this beautiful, horned loaf. tamara, hello, hello masha, i’m very glad that you came to me, i need your help, your thin fingers, which... will tie these multi-colored ribbons on our horned loaf. come on, show me, masha, what do you wish for young people more? do you know that the ribbons are this color? just like that, what do you think the red ribbon means? oh, this is a symbol of something, love, love, yes, and green,
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well-being, well-being, and i chose the blue one, well, trust, so that all dreams come true, oh, yes, well, tie them all yours, tie us such a ribbon, beautiful vantik, so that the life of our young people will be beautiful, bright and long, like these ribbons, it’s all for a reason, wow, well done! the horned loaf is also called for a reason. in the old days there was a tradition of giving a cow for a bride. over time, it transformed into a special ritual: the loaf began to be decorated with a horned twig, and tamara emelyanovna wrapped each one in sweet dough and baked it. this is an apple tree branch, definitely, definitely, because an apple tree is a symbol of fertility, it must be an apple tree branch, and the more there are knots on it, the better life you have...
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look, uh-huh, oh, maybe here, come on, this will be for friends, for the witness of the witness, well, now you see what kind of handkerchief i have, uh-huh, it seems to me that what’s on there is enough of it, and tamara emelyanovna mentioned the green and red colors on the scarf for a reason; it is believed that the more colorful it is, the brighter and richer the family life will be; on the first day of the wedding, the loaf was covered with a scarf and hidden. we only open on the second day of the wedding, the loaf makers come and start handing out to the newlyweds, they give it, everything else they sell it with jokes, jokes, you see
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the burnt-out stove here, it’s for special purpose so that your stomach doesn’t hurt, just for you there’s such a branch, and the sweets here are unusual and well, they tried to sell this loaf as expensive as possible, before about five people took part in the preparation of the loaf. seven women, the senior loaf maker supervised the baking. and the dough was kneaded overnight, my grandmother, i am a third-generation baker, my grandmother is domnaya fimovna, she prepared the house, cleaned the table, we already knew that something would happen, they trusted me, it was just a preparatory such a process, yes yes, then they came, well , they ordered, and the loaf-maker was already assembling the blast furnace, it’s very difficult to do it alone, it’s very difficult to knead the loaf, our loaf is this... small, and the haravais were generally baked in basins, for 5 kg of dough more, you had to hang with two hands, you and i, we exchange one hand, the other hand, just like that, well,
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the owners stomped around us all the time, that the girls try the sausage, you didn’t oversalt it, didn’t overcook it, and they brought 100 g, sang songs, in no case anything like that, sad and there were discussions to discuss someone, this did not happen at all. from which the pie is made, this is also very important, a pie is not that, it’s a loaf, that’s what a loaf is, and the woman called these karovanits, and you will already pass on your knowledge, yes, well, my daughter is not yet drawn to this, but her niece very much, nastya, she likes her aunt, i will be quiet, so that the doors don’t knock, so that they don’t talk, i will, i will be quietly with you, how interesting it is, but you can taste tamara, of course you can. what are we going to try, carvay or a knot? oh, let's start with the twig, it's very interesting, i've just never even tried it, i would have a twig, you don't need to eat the twig, you have
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to eat it, i understand, well, i mean, yes, yes, but still, it's on the twig , uh-huh, um, really , uh-huh, what an unusual taste, because by the stove, god, how delicious it is, mm, yes, it reminds me of something, but i can’t even say that it’s very tasty, or else bite, you can do anything, it’s so delicious, friends, i’m finishing my trip through the dubroven region, and the loaf came from lyady, and lyady has everything slyadov, slyadov, no slyadov, you will come and stay, with pleasure, see you on new routes, dear belarus, bye-bye.
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only for our tv viewers, we choose the best routes, today we are in polotsk, oh, you know what, i have long thought we would fight here, because this is a city, real history, is it true that this is a former post office building? yes, 1952, a post office building, and not exactly a civilian one.
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discover belarus with the belarus 24 tv channel.
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hello, i’m vasya chekhov, an ordinary resident of a big city. i can't imagine my life without high-speed internet, electric scooter and coffee in the morning on the terrace of the coffee shop. lata machiata. every week i will try to understand why more and more people are changing their life in the city to the countryside. he divorced his wife, lost money and business, survived a fire and found his place of power in the village. now he... is torn between moscow and his childhood hometown, we’ll find out today how he lives and what he does. hello, hello, hello, my name is vasya? zhenya, very nice. zhen, there are so many things i want to say and discuss today, let’s start with this, this is the real belarusian village, moreover, not just one house, yes, you have five here at once. yes, well, here, the settlement system was farmstead, so i was somehow used to hearing from my grandmother as a groomer since childhood, so i probably wanted this, yes, five houses, that is, you can say that
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when you are in moscow there. we’ll give you a tour of the exterior a little later, i’d like to start with the house, but i invite you, thank you, wow, well, this is just a real village hut, and there’s a smell, even look at the boards, it ’s just like, wow, wow, that's it, that's it there is not a drop of modernity and even the windows are wooden, the windows are wooden. retro wiring, retro light bulbs, many people say why? well , because in, for example, in the middle of the last century there were no lampshades, so a light bulb is good, and that there is some kind of room for eating, that this event is being held here, some kind of conference can be held here , guests who come here gather, here we play board games, in general, this is such a gathering place for everyone, everything is real, this is not
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some kind of stylization. near the village, this is the most a real village house, where does this young man’s zeal for village life come from? you’re a young modern man, how old are you, by the way, 37 or 38, i think 38, why do you need all this? well, it seems to me that this is a misconception that if you have to be young, then you have to, well, meet some specific criterion, uh.


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