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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 24, 2024 4:20am-4:51am MSK

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modernity and even wooden windows, wooden windows, wiring, retro, light bulbs, retro, many say why, well, because in, for example, in the middle of the last century there were no lampshades, so a light bulb is good, so so what there is some kind of room for eating, that this is where the event takes place, some kind of conference can be held here, guests who come here gather here, we play board games, in general, this is such a gathering place for everything in common. for real, this is not some kind of village stylization, this is the most a real country house, where does the young man have such zeal for country life? you are a young modern person, how old are you, by the way? 37 or 38, i think 38, why do you need all this? well, it seems to me that this is a mistaken opinion that if you have to be young, then you have to meet some specific criterion uh.
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no one owes anyone anything, i like it, i, although i was born in the city, i grew up in the village, i never hid it, so i like it, i like it, i love it, i like everything connected with the village, to me i like it, but why do you think there is such a stereotype? it’s not for nothing that i structured my question this way, because we seem to be trying to shamelessly tear off these cliché labels and throw them away in our program, but why does this happen, why, well, it seems to me, probably , this cliché could have been around 30 years ago, because now, now is the age of the internet, well, the internet in the city, the internet here is the same, when there was a pandemic, for example, i gave online lectures from here, that is, from the point of view of some kind of access to the network there are no problems, it seems to me that one of the most important problems of people in general who leave or do not leave for the village is in the city, why is there no such availability of hypermarkets in the village,
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today you are here, i arrived in the morning, i had a meeting in minsk, now we we’re filming the program, and in the evening i’ll leave for minsk, i ’ll have a meeting, and in the evening i’ll fly to moscow. our hero has a very busy schedule, meetings, work issues, moscow, but despite being so busy, he always returns here, here is a place of power. coop bar, unique title, why? everything is as simple as possible; in general, simplicity is the key. village
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happiness, because it was a chicken coop, it was a chicken coop, and my neighbor, a childhood friend, he wanted to change it, demolish it, dismantle it, i say, listen, i say, why cut it down, i say, i’ll make a bar out of it, another project not completed, in the process, there will be a fitabar inside, some girls of course are offended, i say that the fitabar is a women’s territory, yes, i say, i say, there is a men’s territory there is a bar-pig sty, everyone is like that, but it’s normal, a chicken coop means a chicken coop, that’s it , well that's it yumo, jokes, so yes, a real chicken coop, and why we will see a pigsty bar on the other side, because there was a pigsty there. it’s so great that buildings that previously performed specific village functions are not demolished and continue to live, even if not exactly in the same form. zhenya loves history very much and tries with all his might not to destroy it. what do you do for a living? and one of the main directions, i work as a presenter in minsk, in moscow, well, that project, which is an estate, at first, it was a project that required strength, both physical and material. now the project is already paying off, i
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can’t say that it’s paying for itself, well, no, well , to say that it’s not paying for itself would be wrong, it’s paying for itself, it’s already paying for itself, it hasn’t bought itself in terms of all the investments, that’s still the way to go , but the fact that it is already making a profit, yes, so you can live from this, if at the last point we could somehow offend the girls, then it’s time to restore justice, now we are near the pigsty bar, what makes it conceptually different... garden bar chicken coop, there are eggs, chickens and herbal medicine, some kind of therapy, what’s here? yes, there is such an online one, there is such a masculine theme , more inside there are elements of armor, say, masculine, themes, energy, yes, there was such an idea to create a little something like that , well, raspberry, but not that thieving raspberry that many people think about where they sit authorities, this is something from the thirties, some kind of behind the wall, where the peasants drink something interesting there, and they sit and talk, this is a place you just come to... i wanted to ask,
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firstly, hardly talk about your own it will work out, because behind the wall there are girls who left us in this enclosure, and secondly, is there a window, there will be such an ear there, there is an ear, and especially the ear is amazing, and it’s already working, yes, it’s already working, with the naked eye you can see that not only the whole soul was invested in the restoration of this place, but a large amount of money, we are adults, and this issue can and should be discussed, i have already calculated, maybe that’s how much money this object has now consumed? myself, well i think it's a figure is approaching, in total, somewhere around 250 thousand rubles, rubles, rubles, rubles, rubles, this is already in total, and yes, but here is an important point, how do you personally evaluate your work, for example, if a person
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works for 4 days , doesn’t hire anyone, he says: well, i did it myself, yes, well, if i did it myself, it’s still assessed, if i poured the foundation in my house with my father. i will still calculate the pouring of the foundation at the average market price, because this is my work, i value it, so in the totality of this, well, i think that probably my the work put in, the work of my friends who came and helped, they liked this idea, i think the figure is about the same as the initial budget, that’s the money you came here with, you just started all this, i can see it right there now comments below that this is unrealistic, the budget was about 12 thousand rubles, this was the budget for the purchase and decoration. at home, this is the moment when you probably start doing it and are not afraid, even if i sat and thought, in the process it so happened that you work, you find some opportunities, resources, plus you need to understand, well , this is my homeland, my friends live here, my relatives live here, some people still have
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boards, some people still have bricks, and somewhere there they were dismantling a barn, he says, take slate, this everything helps, too, somewhere you understand that someone there will do the welding for you at a completely different price, so here it is... probably this is not fear, but maybe on the contrary, that there was some kind of a little loss, because i left here in such a slightly psychologically difficult state after certain troubles there like since there is that big business in minsk, it somehow went, went, went, went, it all worked and the most important thing is to somehow believe in it, dad didn’t believe it, dad said that, well, dad is from a different sphere, no, my father is unrealistically a lot... this is exactly my father’s homeland, but he said: “son, if you don’t succeed, you will have a very cool dacha. there’s definitely something to learn from my wife here. how often do we do what so, are we devaluing it? we built a greenhouse, calculated only the materials, made renovations in the apartment, took into account the costs.
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only for wallpaper and flooring, but your own labor, what about your time and energy? against the backdrop of all this authenticity, where every house is a scoop, covered with wood, this house is different, it has one. part is so real rustic, the second part somehow looks fresher, the first part, why so uh, well, it all started with this house, the idea was to recreate the inner life as much as possible, but unfortunately, after we made it, it opened up, accepted tourists, it burned out due to a short circuit, this is connected with tourists, no, this has nothing to do with connected with tourists, no one had been in the house at all for two weeks, and most likely this was a malfunction of the electrical appliance itself, the heating boiler, well, fortunately... the local rescue services worked very well, they did not prevent the spillover, they saved, say, the main part of it, so when they were restoring it, well, they added this one - echoes of ala, because when, well, we have many people who are perfectionists, when they say that you do it like in the village, they start saying, it wasn’t like that, it wasn’t like that, but
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it wasn’t like that, well, everyone had their own village, so, well, we decided to recreate it - in general, a lot of things are done here, even most of them, they are done here the way i like, yeah, but people around me really don’t like it, i understand. no, on the contrary, you're just looking for people who like it the same way, if you didn't like it, it's not me who has bad taste and it's not your taste that's bad, we just have different tastes, that's all, golden words, dad won't give you bad advice, how it seems to me that when you start something and before it you are very nervous, you calculate everything, consult, suffer, everything goes wrong, on the other hand, as soon as you relax and just do what you want, here’s the result, as in any business , there are some troubles here. unfortunately, this was not the only trouble on the path of our hero, but what kind of trouble in the past business, what happened? it didn’t grow together a little, as people say that in business it’s best to divide by one, at most by two, dividing by four is very bad, but
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dividing by four is bad, but at that moment i noticed this, i met a girl here young, who cried a lot there because she was distributed together with a village store. and the difference is that she felt bad and i felt bad because i lost more money, but i tried to find benefit in this from the point of view of experience, nothing goes without a trace. you always get something, it’s just an expensive experience, i got the most expensive experience in my life then, if you take finances, and what did you do, what were you involved with, it was tourism and transportation, transport transportation, yes, yes , that's why i came here, let's say, well, on the depletion of financial capabilities, with an empty wallet, but with such experience, experience, desire, there was probably some moment to stop, take a break, not rush anywhere, not take up the calculator and... it was an interesting moment to , probably, if i had calculated all this on a calculator, then everything would have been worse and maybe i didn’t
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take it up, but i’m like that, but i’m doing it, i’m doing it, i’m doing it, i don’t understand what i’m doing, i’m doing it, building it, open the first one house, one, two and then it went, went, went, well, a coincidence of circumstances, too, because the pandemic adjusted it very well - eco-tourism and the idea was kayaks, one of the main reasons why people come here and the butslovsky church is nearby, it’s one of the seven wonders of belarus. but the swamp, swamp ecology is working, and people are interested in it. the failure of his previous business, the loss of a large amount of money, then the fire, all this not only did not break zhenya, moreover, it gave him strength and the desire to move on, and we see the result. on the one hand, this is a gazebo in which you can have a wedding party, yes, have a heart-to-heart talk, but here we are in some kind of museum, what is it? well, i’m collecting, only part of the exhibition, something is placed around the estate, my heart hurts very much when i see it. and firstly, when a house dies, parts of the soul die along with this house, i had such
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an example, a man came to the area and said: take the old cradle that my mother rocked me with, i say, well, give me how much, he names the amount money, i say, listen, i say i don’t buy much for money, because i understand what he’s saying, i say, let’s do it, i’ll bring you five wheelbarrows of firewood there i’ll just take it, and no, he says, i’d rather chop it up for firewood if you don’t give me a bottle, and he took it and cut his cradle for firewood and burned it, like this is a strong indicator of how much people sometimes don’t appreciate - therefore, i have many friends who give away their family items, but this is better, because here they find use, and even if they die somewhere, and after 2, 3, 5, 6 years, they die beautifully, and not just buried somewhere in an old house, but how do you find it in general, where does it come from basically, i go through the villages, drive through, go to the village, see a house, well, obviously without signs of life, i go to the neighbors, if they are there, i ask if they can have someone, but most often they know that there is no one there for 10 years doesn’t live, i go in and look at some things that can still be saved and taken away. like this , that is, someone is engaged in fostering animals that walk on the street, you are fostering
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things, yes, yes, and such a story, and i even sign some of the things, well, as if from some village, yes, so that like you do you think what the state of the belarusian village as a whole is now? not specifically this, but in general? well, unfortunately, i can’t say that i have a positive opinion, i think that she is dying and this process needs to be, i don’t know, somehow tried to be stopped. because it really hurts me to look at those villages where there were shops, dances, which we ran to as children and looked at the window there, we went to some dances, now all this is no longer there, what to do, i have a direct answer no, well , at least we need to say that this is a problem and this is a problem, when we say that this is a problem of the state, because you understand, how do we often separate ourselves, well , the state is us, because this is our problem, but you need to understand that all those people who sit in power, those people... who, let’s say, choose this power, how is this must be solved together, it must be admitted that there is such a problem, that there is such
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a nuance, and as with alcoholism, but you just need to meet much more halfway, this does not mean that everything in the village is free, no, but there must be some preferences, this is an adult position, the state is us, the people, we need to start with ourselves, and of course, there should also be help and support from the authorities, and if the house that... we looked at, it was such a guest house, that is, a house in which well people who came to visit you may stay, this is your house, but what size is this house, like the first floor is 120 square meters , the second floor, like everyone else, is an unfinished floor, and about 60 square meters, but now this year, right in the winter, we took on it , let's do it, there will be a huge library there, i also really love save books, and my friends know, i ’m not measuring books in pieces right now, i have about 30 potato bags of books, because many were given away in large ones... while they are neatly folded in warm places, they are waiting for the shelves to be made, and i’m kind of
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offended when they give away an entire book of paper, give such a short room tour so that we don’t go there anymore, first floor, what have you got there, first floor is a large kitchen, a hall, children’s rooms, a bedroom, several bathrooms, two bathroom, here's the second floor, it will be completely, let's say it's parents' room, parents' room, parents' floor, library, everything there, only for adults, not for children. you have your own tree houses there, 3 hectares of territory running around, the parents should have their own place, if the parents want to retire , they will do it in the middle of the books, and the entrance will be on the second one, like in a medieval one. you put up a ladder, climb up and take the ladder with you so that the children can go there, mom, mom, romantic, my friend, well, turn up the music louder, since we’re talking about children, it would be appropriate to talk about the school in the village, this is one of the points, which stops many who want to move from the city to the countryside, is everything so bad and scary when you are here with the children as a full-fledged family, as with
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schools, as with this whole story, just if we are talking about school, i it seems that sometimes it’s also the fear of the parents themselves, huh? it doesn’t matter after 5 o’clock, after work, well, the children see it too, so it seems to me that sometimes it’s just the fears of parents who are afraid that this is what they should do, the school should do it, nothing, no one owes anything to anyone, the school is not involved parents are involved in raising children, raising children, another correct thought that is worth remembering: zhenya, for his part, is trying to make sure that his
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children here have both entertainment and a place where they can be alone to think about their own things. we have some kind of watchtower behind us, what is it, why is it here, this is a children’s room, this is a hut, a hut, well, in childhood we built huts ourselves, but it’s something like a car on a remote control, the same thing, children , i decided that the children really needed a hut, a house on a dervi, and we built it children, while the parents are secluded in the library, they are given instructions that this is a private territory, listen, well, it’s a private territory of a private territory, but the fence is low, that is, everything is visible, you see the guests who... gave the guests see everything you do here is not a problem, well, we don’t do anything like that here, no, well , in general, well, you decided to go out, well, here’s what it is, well, firstly, now we are in early spring, in fact, in summer here nothing is visible, all these trees are blooming, nothing is visible, this is the second moment, again, this is like a place for friends, for
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guests, and i love people very much, i don’t have such a thing that they directly make me angry there, or something else, and with us. everything is done in such a way that they are busy, they don’t have time to just walk around. zhenya once dropped the phrase: “well, if you really miss the city so much, then rent yourself an inexpensive apartment and come sometimes to take a break from the village. it’s easy to say, but where can you get the money for all this, especially when you you live in the village. how to make money in the village? so you say, what’s the problem: you rent a one-room apartment, for conditionally there is some money in minsk, you go with your wife to the theater, hypermarkets, manicures, spas , etc. and return back to the village. okay, then i'm with.
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it’s been there even longer, it seems like there aren’t that many local people, well, i took a risk, i thought it through, again we’re back to the point of marketing, we need to come up with an idea, well, you want to make firewood, oh, some boards, you want to make some kind of wood products, well , do it, well, you still need to sell, in any case, if we are talking about the modern world, what difference does it make if you are sitting in minsk and you make a clay pot or a clay pot in the village, the question is that you need to sell it both there and there, will it sell better in minsk? no, if you don’t know how to sell, so if there is a modern approach, what’s the difference, the trick is to say directly that do this, this or that, yes, well, you need to look, in each area everything can be different, but the most the main thing, it seems to me, is not to be afraid, to try, then everything will work out, among other things, the wife’s guests will enjoy an interesting excursion through the swamp, kayaking, all
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this is nearby, it’s just a stone’s throw away, so we have back is the very river along which rafting is organized, and 500 years ago along this river? we floated the forest that was here, there was a huge markovatka forest, the river has become smaller, now we are passing it, in general there is such a concept, and during our stay we show both the swamp and the river, it’s all interconnected, it’s one ecosystem, a swamp , the river, everything, all together, yes, and we float along it, now you can go straight out from here, in the summer the water becomes a little less, well, you see, i’m trying so hard to respectfully not get my feet wet sneakers, but the river is clean, the river is clean, it’s really clean, if you look down, you can see the bottom, but how is the swamp connected? swamps, so this huge nine-meter sponge, when water falls there, 100 years ago the territory was 35% covered , it little by little gives it away to the rivers, and if
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the swamp decreases, then the water becomes a little less, the number of people after the first day is the same as and order by order, that is, by prepayment, as i understand it, it works, that is, if the return is possible after the fact, and not returning on prepayment only yes i understood, but the swamp is very interesting, it’s just so wild. well, he’s good at working with his hands, as evidenced by the large scar on his hand, but we’re not talking about that now, and we ’re now in such a small host yard and, if i’ve already understood you correctly, then you’re not one of those businessmen who built owner's yard, they hired employees, they plow and work here, you yourself love it, but changing activities is one of the main ones, this does not mean that you do everything yourself, but you have the opportunity to change the field of activity, you you sit, think, think, write , talk, call each other, do something, then you say something like this,
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i can’t do it all, and then you put down the phone, go here and do something, well, what’s your favorite thing that you can do? doing it with your own hands, there is some kind of area that is just a thrill, i like to dig, dig, but i really like it when the landscape changes, no, in fact, maybe it’s strange, maybe not, i like to do what you can see the result immediately, this is probably important, because sometimes in the long run you don’t you see, that is, you are choleric by nature, well , yes, yes, i hope the result of our day together today can also be seen immediately, it’s time to sum up the results and talk about plans for the future, there is some kind of dream, that’s what else i would like here build, construct, make 3 hectares of land for the territory.
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it can be placed even in a protected area. well, then, let’s be quiet, finish all this as soon as possible, so that your soul can calm down, relax a little, and then you can start glamping. well i can to say that if you stay for a couple of days, i will finish faster. better you come to us. thank you for the day. divorce from his first wife, loss of a large sum of money in a failed case. there is a fire, all this is behind our hero’s back, someone would have broken down, but not him, perhaps that is why we see what we see, even if not
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everything will work out.
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every now and then we tell everyone, for the sake of freedom, hail to the earth, our bright name, hail to the people of our forefathers' union, our beloved. our mother rodina lives forever belarus our beloved mother radiya lives forever belarus sometimes countries feel stuffy. we are our dear
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relatives, we are slaughtered, we are slaughtering our slaughter, hello pegragor, slay the earth, our bright name, swear to the people.
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friendship of peoples, strength of people, we have on victorious, peaceful roads, mountains and clear mountains , fear is possible and joy in dreams, words. on our land there is light and a name, the words people's union, our beloved mother, radima, our lives and affairs, our beloved.
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live panorama in elena nasacheva's studio. hello. the official visit of the russian president to belarus is expected tomorrow during negotiations, alexander lukashenko and vladimir putin will discuss the state and prospects for the development of the entire complex of belarusian-russian relations, including joint responses to emerging challenges and threats. meanwhile, the west continues to escalate the situation in the world. france conducted the first test of an updated missile capable of carrying a nuclear warhead. and how is
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the order to restore order in healthcare carried out? will tell the project at the control of the president immediately after us. the picture of the day will be completed by my colleagues. in thursday's footage belarus has appointed a new head of the general staff and the supreme national assembly. how the congregation and the people in it will work throughout the year. we'll tell you in the evening in panorama. will the west give ukraine peace? against the backdrop of total mobilization , zelensky is blaming everyone for his failure at the front. and how do ukrainians themselves live in all this? remark: this is beneficial only to the owners, i’ll tell you why and what else is in the updated law. the great dialogue between government and business continues. the twenty-first assembly of business circles was held in the capital today. we'll tell you what was on the agenda. 12 countries half a thousand participants from belarus alone, 90 leading enterprises in the country. the international economic forum spring in...


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