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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 24, 2024 7:10am-7:21am MSK

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according to vucic, pressure was exerted on un members who disagreed with the document during the week leading up to the vote. the president of serbia added that this resolution will open pandora's box and the un general assembly will be faced with dozens of similar projects. he also recalled that all the people against whom charges were brought in connection with the events in srebrenica were convicted and sentenced to prison. at the same time, belgrade regularly points out that mass murders by muslims still remain unpunished. thousands of bosnian serbs.
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the only purpose of the resolution , according to vučić, was to place moral and political responsibility on one side - serbia and its people. when pressure on politicians did not work, sanctions came in, the united states began to review bilateral relations with georgia in connection with the law on foreign influence adopted in tbilis, the american secretary of state said. according to blinken, the united states is introducing a visa restriction policy towards georgia. which will be applied to foxes responsible for undermining democracy or accomplices of this undermining, as well as to members of their families. at the same time , the prime minister of georgia said that the law on transparency of foreign influence adopted by parliament has only one goal: to make public the financial statements of non-governmental organizations that receive millions of dollars from abroad and spend these funds on subversive political activities. us universities continue to be pro-palestinian. a small
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group of protesters set up a new camp on the ucla campus but left under pressure police, who declared the meeting illegal. the security forces pushed back the crowd of activists, without major clashes. demonstrations took place in berlin; about fifty pro-palestinian activists occupied the premises of the institute of social sciences at humbald university. the police demanded that the protesters leave the building, but they refused to leave and were forcibly removed. about 300 more people demonstrated on the street in front of the university building, demanding a severance of relations with israel. dozens of activists detained criminal cases have been initiated. the movement of minibuses, according to the rules of the state traffic inspectorate, is conducting a preventive action in the capital. the traffic police is on duty at particularly busy sections of highways. drivers must carry all necessary documents, including a valid vehicle inspection certificate. trans state employees of the state traffic police
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in the capital will pay attention to violations of traffic rules , both gross and those traffic rules that have a causal connection with ongoing accidents involving route vehicles, including preventive conversations will be held in the work collectives that carry out. categories of violations of road rules , passengers should be reminded of which movements must be reported to the state traffic inspectorate if they witnessed them while being passengers. carriers are reminded that the number of passengers in the cabin during travel should not exceed the number of seats . minibus taxi drivers face a fine for violating the rules. today is the day of slavic writing and culture. may 24 associated with veneration according to the church calendar.
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by the way, thanks to the spread of christianity, the first handwritten books appeared on our lands. in belarus, many monasteries and churches had libraries and book census workshops. mainly liturgical volumes now make up the collection of rare publications. in memory of the enlighteners cyril and methodius , a christian center named after them operates in our country. and on the eve of the holiday, the capital hosted the thirtieth anniversary international cyril and methodius readings. spiritual heritage saints of the early apostle methodius cyril, slavic teachers. and at the same time, they serve as such an important spiritual connecting cultural moment that unites the slavic peoples. modern man really needs spiritual guidelines that help him make the right decision.
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solution in today's rapidly changing world. in honor of the enlightenment brothers who lived and preached in the ninth century, solemn services are held in orthodox churches. so holy. there will also be a religious procession to the minsk castle. belarusian championship there will be two football matches today. in vitebsk. the local club of the same name will host novopolsky naftan. this game will start at 19:00. but in the summer at 21:00 there will be a fight with the super prefix. the second or third team of the current tournament, zhodenskaya torpeda and breskoe dynamo will meet on the football field in brest. a victory for either squad will allow it to move. for intermediate first place, follow the progress of this meeting live on tv channel belarus 5. further, economic news, let me remind you that the projects of the television news agency are available on all social networks, and also in our mobile application using the qr code on the screen. have a nice day and see you at 8:00.
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march proposes to increase the amount of preferential loans for domestic goods, the ministry of health has limited the profitability of certain paid medical services, and minsk and moscow intend to create a mechanism for subsidizing passenger air travel. to belarus 1 and belarus24. economic news. in the studio olga onishchenko. good morning. march proposes to almost double the amount of loans for domestic goods. the limit is calculated.
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formula and allocate funds from the budgets of two countries to subsidize ticket prices. k will be instructed to reach a single point before september , for example, today from moscow to vladivostok a ticket costs no more than 3.0 russian rubles, the rest is subsidized by the state. by analogy, this principle will apply in communications between belarus and russia. this will help bring our countries and people closer together, the parliamentary assembly noted. a robot production facility may appear in great stone. this topic was discussed during the visit of the head of minu. executive committee to the chinese province of chongqing for an enterprise that produces wheeled and suspended inspection robots, machines for working in extreme conditions. the company has become a leader in the field of emergency safety in china. the belarusian country emphasized special interest in such developments; for its part, china is ready,
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enterprises are ready to create joint production with a belarusian partner. the exchange rate of the belarusian ruble weakened against all major currencies. a dollar costs 3 rubles 21 kopecks. the euro exchange rate was. for 10 yuan they give 4.41 belarusian, for 100 russian - 3 rubles and 55 kopecks the brix countries may have their own grain exchange. the central bank of russia is currently studying this issue. previously, the need to create a single exchange was justified by the need to strengthen the importance of russia as a key supplier of grain. in addition, the initiators thus hope to strengthen the overall food security of the brix countries. it is expected that the gross grain harvest in russia at the end of the year will be at the same level. 135 million tons, and its exports are at 60 million. and finally, the yuan’s share in settlements through the international interbank the swift system has doubled in size in a year. in april , it accounted for 4.5% of all payments through swift. at the same time, the maximum rate in the entire
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history of observations was reached in march , almost 4.7%. the most popular currency for payments remains the dollar with a share of 47% of all global payments, the euro accounts for 22.5%. that's all the economic news for this hour, good luck in your business and see you later. the morning broadcast on tv channels belarus 1 and belarus 24 continues with the program “zone x”. i'm yuri shevchuk, hello. two creative people were detained in the capital, worked in a specific genre of video hosting. the ladies created. content and then sold it on the internet on paid platforms.


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