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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 24, 2024 7:20am-8:00am MSK

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observations reached almost 4.7% in march. the most popular currency for payments remains the dollar with a share of 47% of all global payments, the euro accounts for 22.5%. and that’s all the economic news for this hour, good luck in your business and see you later. the morning broadcast on tv channels belarus 1 and belarus 24 continues with the program “zone x”. i'm yuri shevchuk. hello. two creative people who worked in a specific genre of video hosting were detained in the capital. the ladies created prohibited content and then sold it on the internet on paid platforms. they themselves were both directors and
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actresses. during the inspection of the home, investigators found a lot of interesting paraphernalia, which became physical evidence. i created a telegram channel with photos and videos of a sexual nature. once i asked to film with a friend. when inspecting the home , investigators discovered. and seized lighting equipment, computer equipment, storage media, and thematic props; a criminal case was initiated for the production and distribution of pornographic materials. next in program review of criminal and emergency incidents, prepared by vladimir korolev. a pensioner lost 160,000 rubles on investments in the scammers crypto exchange. in september, i called a seventy-year-old from mensk. famous, who talked about
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profitable passive income. at first the man doubted, but then he began to transfer money in small amounts. this option did not suit his curators. another employee of the company got in touch and convinced the pensioner to switch to larger sums, promising a favorable interest rate. following the recommendations of representatives crypto exchange, the man installed a specialized application, registered a personal account and began his investment activities. within a month, the sufferer switched it to virtual. bills over 120,000 rubles. and actively participated in the auction, but for an unknown reason his personal account was blocked. understanding the current situation, the pensioner contacted another false consultant of the company, who advised him to continue transferring money. the man was assured that these were temporary technical problems that did not affect his savings. after the transfer another 40,000 rubles. the account remained blocked, and the curator recommended going to court, realizing that all this time menchanin had been communicating with swindlers.
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the man called the police. attempted murder of two persons, committed in a generally dangerous manner. a criminal case has been opened against a resident of the svisloch region, who set fire to his wife and lover out of jealousy. shortly before the tragedy, the thirty-six-year-old wife brought a friend to the house, who was supposed to make repairs, but instead of construction work, he sang with the owners showed signs of attention to the hostess, and then stayed overnight. there were four children in the house at the time of the crime. her couple, as well as two friends, her eldest daughter. they all left their home safely , fortunately they were not injured. the woman and her companion received burns on 90% and 94% of their bodies, respectively. despite the efforts of doctors, the woman could not be saved. while in the hospital, she died. the man is currently in intensive care, his condition is assessed as extremely serious. also, a criminal case has been opened regarding the accident in chervinsky district. last day. on
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the mogilev highway, a bmw rammed a school bus that was driving in front. most likely, the driver did not take into account the weather conditions. shortly before the accident, levin was walking along the highway. the man died on the spot from the impact. his wife was hospitalized. there were seven children on the bus, and a thirteen-year-old girl was taken to the hospital for examination. a boiler left unattended could have caused a fire in one of the apartments in saligorsk. last morning, neighbors saw thick smoke coming from a window on the eighth floor and called. in the corridor firefighters found the man, the victim was taken out into the fresh air, where a team of doctors was already waiting for him. smuggling of italian fur coats was detained at the belarusian-lithuanian border. the minibus driver, in order not to declare an expensive product, distributed valuable fur to passengers and drivers of neighboring cars. passing through the red corridor, the moldovan citizen declared only a car. take a closer look at the luggage; it was not difficult for grodno customs officers to find a commercial shipment of fur products. they would be hidden in the luggage
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of the driver of the following vehicles. accomplices they quickly abandoned the shoops, indicating that they all belonged to the driver. the total cost of the products was 325,000 belarusian rubles. detained, and the citizen of moldova faces a fine with possible confiscation of contraband. this was the project zone x, our news is on the project’s youtube channel on instagram. have a nice day and stay on the bright side. well, with us to belarus 1. in the evening, violetta sokolovich will sum up the results of the week of crime chronicles.
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may 24 on the calendar at 7:27 and we greet you from the belarus 1 tv channels, satellite belarus 24, perhaps you are watching us on... indeed, it’s friday, a good, warm, wonderful may weekend is ahead, you know, we have repeatedly said in our program that our country simply adores the summer and i would say even the may season , because a huge number of sports, cultural and other events are being held, look, for example,
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classical evenings have already begun at the town hall, and not only evenings, there are whole cultural days there, because, for example, this saturday you can visit the fair there , exhibition vyasnuvy vyanka, and... enjoy many other things, but what else can we do? and today is also european parks day, so god himself ordered to go to some park, for example, to a botanical park, we said earlier that today is the last day when you can admire the blooming of lilacs and the dendron genus, so don’t miss this wonderful period , and today is just a mega-scale event, the republican graduation, the main holiday, the republican last bell, and graduation, also known as the last bell, absolutely right, it will be held in brest, as you know, several of the best graduates from all over the country will come there, and there will be a large-scale program that will end with a wonderful concert with the participation of belarusian pop stars, in general, and there will be very cool headliners , guys, who will attend the graduation, please write to us how it went, please, yes, very soon we will be in touch with our brev colleagues, i
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think we will hear the details, but if you already have everything planned on friday, v saturday is suddenly gone, then you know that in some cities of our country the night of museums, which began a week ago, continues, so... for example, in the listskaya castle, tomorrow you can celebrate this very night of museums, you can go to nesvesh, it starts there the famous festival is already twenty-eighth time, the muses are new, it is possible to see a ghost. it is possible, it is possible, for sports fans, tomorrow the start will be given - in naliboka 2024, this is an amateur half marathon, so you understand, there are a huge number of activities, but if suddenly it happened that you didn’t go anywhere, you walked around minsk and saw a beautiful tram with pakistani motifs, yes, then our olesya boyarskikh, our correspondent will tell you right now what this means. bright, unique, extraordinary, now on the streets of minsk you
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can find a tram in the pakistani style, as we have it, we will find out right now, this first of its kind project was created as part of the celebrations dedicated to the thirtieth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between pakistan and belarus. as you know, pakistan is famous all over the world for its artistic. we are watching and we are making every effort to introduce the people of belarus to the creativity of our country; most often, it will take two to three weeks to decorate a vehicle in the truck art style, because it is painted by hand. truck art is a popular art form in pakistan, where trucks, buses and rickshaws are intricately decorated with vibrant colors, patterns and motifs reflecting the rich cultural heritage of the country. in fact, art on wheels is more than 100 years old; initially
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, carts were decorated in this way until the advent of the first british buses. basically , images of the national heroes of the country and the nature of pakistan are applied to vehicles. the most important symbols of the two countries were depicted on the tram. as you can see, the flag of pakistan and an architectural landmark are depicted here. our country, and here the belarusian flag is a monument to the soldiers of the red army and partisans who died during the second world war. the two national birds of both countries are also represented here. in this way we want to show that these two countries can become even closer and establish more friendly relationship. the capital's tram in the truck-art style runs along route nine from the tractor plant to the control station. we have very warm, good relations with pakistan and
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the republic of belarus and the city of minsk, and we repeatedly meet with the embassy, ​​discuss our topics of interaction, the economy is above all, but at the same time the development of our cultural values, maintaining the historical values ​​of the two countries, why we chose route? we immediately remembered the minsk tractor plant, the main share supplies of equipment, now it is gaining momentum again specifically in the people's republic of pakistan. but i want to note that not only industrial enterprises also work with pakistan. this project will last one year, it symbolizes the strong cultural ties between the tractor plant and other major ones between pakistan and belarus, promoting intercultural understanding and friendship between the two countries. in accordance with sanitary standards and rules for the microclimate of residential premises.
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insufficient humidity leads to drying out mucous membranes, which increases the risk of infectious diseases, and can also lead to exacerbation of various allergic diseases. if you feel a lack of air humidity in the room where you live, first try purchasing a household hygrometer and observe how the humidity in the room changes depending on the temperature. regulating the temperature of the heating battery, the frequency of ventilation, and so on. if
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these simple measures are not enough, you should consider purchasing a household air humidifier. humidifiers, modern, presented on the market, there is a fairly wide range in terms of their purpose, the presence of some additional functions, such as air washing, air ionization, air treatment. when choosing a humidifier for your room, you should consult with a specialist in household appliances; you should also not forget that excess humidity is also harmful, it promotes the growth of mold fungi and field mites. when purchasing a humidifier, do not forget about its correct operation and careful adherence to the instructions for its use, for example, if you are supposed to change filters every
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six months, you should do this, use water that is recommended by the manufacturers of this moisture.
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and the faithful prahodzili geta on their knees. good morning, friends, we continue to celebrate this
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friday with you, now there will be super relevant information, without which... it is simply impossible to continue this day, i now mean the weather. so, our guru of meteorological sciences will now tell us the indicator, maryana vasilyevna, please, i thought you meant someone else, yes, thanks for the map, up to +14 right now outside the window in the minsk region in brest +13 +15, +11 +13 in the vitebsk region, in gomel the air will warm up to 14, as soon as it warms up, it has already warmed up to 14, in grodno up to 15 in mogilev +12, 14, which is good, there is no precipitation anywhere, yes, faint fogs will thicken somewhere, but i emphasize every time that it is so beautiful and romantic when it is warm, fog, as you called it just an hour ago , a silver veil draped over the belarusian fields, visible among the blue-eyed flowers, cornflowers, perhaps this is the beginning story, a new story, and which will be
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entitled, my spring, friends, but what will happen during the day, let's look at the daily indicators? +23 +25 in minsk, the same weather will be in gomel, in brest up to 28 with a plus sign, but weather forecasters promise rain there, in vitebsk 22-24, also with a plus sign, cloudy with clearings, in grodno it will reach 27 degrees celsius , there will also be rain, in mogilev +22, +24, and i repeat once again, almost all over the country it is cloudy with clearings, only in two regions precipitation is expected, but that’s how i say there are no identities, in vitebsk, in my opinion, no, in the vitebsk region. warm, yes, this is great, it means it’s warm in sino, but you know, even if it was raining there, even if there were may frosts, the sun would still come out at 9:15 and it would become hot, because tomorrow svetlana borovskaya, it is from sino that the good morning of belarus will tell you. let's see the announcement of her broadcast. this saturday svetlana borovskaya
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will go to sino. robes, this is my favorite, you make borscht, otherwise it’s exclusively creativity, they came, whistled, in the middle of nowhere, went to bed, went to work. there is no butter, sergei nikolaevich, where do you have butter, a terrible omission, and 20 years, it’s great, yes, that you are confused, and i also quickly calculated it, i think, how is it that she has been married for 20 years, yes, it’s a pity, there are no hats , you know how much i love different hats, i would have... in a purely feminine way, wanted to give me this one, this is the pig you wanted to give me, but not give me, how to open your own car wash, who bakes the most delicious one in the blue bread why is there a secret in the whistle? family happiness you’ll find out in the new episode of the program this saturday, turn on good ranitsa belarus, with svetlana borovskaya, tomorrow at 9:15, go away,
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we’ll tear apart the bun in the morning, in the morning you can, he means to come to you on an excursion, and you’ll go to the tax office in what time - it’s time, let’s get out of here, round and sleek, here you are sitting on the sofa and thinking about what kind of business it would be to start everything up. it smiled at him twice with happiness, first, when he met you, and then, when he mastered this whistle, i will command where to press, who will be the mate? good morning, good morning, good pink morning, oops, turn it off, slovskaya said, turn everything off, but we’re telling you, don’t turn it off under any circumstances, i’m even interested in watching the program tomorrow, because it announced that there’s a secret in the whistle family happiness, it’s really interesting to listen, yes, to watch as well, right now we are getting in touch with our brez colleagues,
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ksenia tsinskaya and andrey palagin in the frame, good morning, good morning, good morning, good, how are you in the mood, great, always great , especially on fridays, where your graduation ribbons, you should be practically a symbol of the fact that today the republican last call is taking place in your city next. in our city , until may 25, there is a holiday of republican significance, the last call, about 700 graduates from all over the country came to us and about 200 students represent brest, this is a truly large-scale event, laying flowers at the slabs of the nikropolis in the brest fortress. heroes of the descent of the regional delegation along lenin street to the park of culture and recreation, a bright celebration in flight of a winged swing, graduation waltz, and the eventful day will end
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with a disco with the participation of belarusian pop stars and fireworks, this is such news, great news, we are waiting for the announcement of the headliners of this event, it is always very interesting, always a big intrigue, and i am a little jealous that i am not there, that i haven’t graduated for a long time, and another event attracted young people to brest. today tomorrow we will host the final of the republican festival artvocation 2024. 500 talented , positive and open-to-the-world boys and girls will represent 25 institutions of higher education. the main creative venues are the youth creativity center and the variety theater in the recreational cultural park. the program is not only creative. and patriotic events, the most long-awaited art marathon, the grand prix award ceremony and, of course, the holoconcert. oh, this is beautiful, friends, we envy such
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wonderful events, although how we envy, i generally always say that belarus in every city, even a small regional center, is transformed in the summer, there is always something interesting happening, we are always glad to hear such news, every day it seems to me something interesting is happening. so, let's continue further. human state university invites you to a celebration of bright childhood. so, let’s tell you: the university is ready to surprise boys and girls on june 1, international children’s day. the organizer, the faculty of pedagogical psychology, prepared interesting competitions, a concert program and, of course, entertainment venues for the young guests. at the end of the day , surprises await the winners. yes, great news, but we know there is more. the plot, yes, there really is, we prepared it incredibly a creative story about a high-level master, artist and woodworker, yuri chernev
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demonstrates his creativity in the fairy tale museum of secondary school number 11 in the city of brest, it contains the same lukomorye, the cheerful hut of baba ega, even memories of the work presented to leonid brezhnev. all the details are in our story, colleagues, great, there is a hut of a woman named iga, that’s interesting, did that interest you? somehow, here are the details, while we figure out why maryana murenkova was interested in this, thank you, dear colleagues, let’s look at the story: a school office with a sign, a museum room - a whole fairy-tale world of the artist’s works. yuri fedorovich admits that it all began in childhood, with gnomes and fairy tale characters carved out of wood, which means that for current school students, these works can become the beginning of their own creative path. i began to cut, participate in regional and republican exhibitions, exhibitions, i also had exhibitions in moscow in venus,
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they called me to moscow. well, they say that i need to give ned a gift, i really tried to make an excuse, i didn’t want to, he says, yura needs to, dear, it is necessary. leonid brezhnev liked the work depicting his native places and stages of life. the artist received a workshop, but yuri fedorovich does not consider this work to be the main one, the main one is the one that stands in the museum of the defense of the brest fortress, created with documentary accuracy. a piece of mahogany, i also cut it for 3 years, purely documentary, from photographs i made purely documentary these buildings, that’s all, i’m already with people. another work, the pride of yuri fedorovich - this is near lukomorye, a unique african tree submitted to the master, managed to create an airy image of a legendary
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place with heroes and miracles. a descendant of the poet paid attention to the lukomorye, he saw it to pushkin’s boyfriend, krimenko, so he sent me a letter, the museum room is full of miracles, here are wooden teeth, and a white vezha, and even a fairy forest, suitable for any instructive tale, it seems like just a picture, but the material - wood - is not as simple as it seems. i was very impressed by the work at lukomorye, since i can’t imagine how it was possible to make such small details from one piece of mahogany. teachers schools became yuri fedorovich’s assistants, only they were entrusted by the master to conduct excursions and talk about his paintings, because the fairy-tale world should be in good hands. yes, you can see janoeds in a barrel, slui kimaru, besiks, you see them sitting there, kilesheva. yuri fedorovich dreams that his grandson will also become interested in wood carving and continue to create
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for the benefit of people. curb the tree. conquering natural material is a difficult task; for this you need to study and be a real creator, like the brest master yuri chernev. what will best test your erudition and intelligence. that's right, tricky questions. is it true that the egyptian gods set and assyris were brothers? andrey, well, there was such a very interesting story, seth invited his asiris to the holiday, then it seems that he either cut him, or immediately threw him into the river, cut him. andrey writes detective stories, of course, or horror films. this spaniard went down in tennis history as the youngest world ranking leader in history after winning the us open
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22. vlad carlos alcaraz. absolutely right, this is the correct answer. thanks to this, the seven heroes from the fairy tale by alexander sergeevich pushkin understand that there is a stranger in their mansion. the answer is c, because , well, a girl, i’ll call her that, came to them and removed all their territory. everything is so clean and beautiful, someone was tidying up the property and waiting for the owners. i want to catch up with lyosha by three. paris, london, new york, name the last city, provided that we are talking about tennis. melbourne. melbourne. that 's right. watch intellectual and entertainment projects on our tv channel. they were born in different corners of the world. i came to belarus from syria. i came here to study. i came from kazakhstan, the city of almaat, a very beautiful and mountainous area. i have no one
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left there.
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held a book in their hands, flipped through page after page, greedily drinking every word. by reading, a person survives centuries, reading brings generations together, we value the past for our
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present. belarus 24. belarus. good times belarus, good morning country. keeps waking you up because it's friday on the calendar. now you'll scare away our guest. you don't you'll scare me away, because the debut video was brought by the finalist of the factorby project alexander shimulevich in our studio. good morning, good morning. why is the clip called separation? it's somehow not thematic. how i wanted to emphasize that it’s your first, yes, your first video came out, we already
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looked at it with one eye on your instagram account, a very beautiful work was filmed in natural locations, i know that there is a certain story, tell me, we can talk, in fact, i’ll start everything from afar. this song was given to me, my friend, yes, i am the law, i finished the factor, you have a friend who is a poet, that’s right, what i always say about him is that he was dropped into a vat of poetry and now he managed to get it, yes, in fact, after finishing the factor he gave me a song and we tried to implement it her, right away she was unsuccessful, and then i took it up, and he gave it for money or just not, just like that, but it’s just a real gift. without money usually yes, here is a real friend, this is a valuable gift, yes, we tried to implement it, created a complete ranking, the whole picture, this is what it should sound like, we showed it to the production company, the company says it should be released, of course, i’ll give out a spoiler, but
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a very beautiful one, well, a so-so spoiler, yes, a very beautiful clip, well, it’s not a so-so clip, it’s already good, but the directing was done by guys, guys from russia, who proposed the concept in 2 days, because the timings were tight. the creation of the clip, i, it was my position that the clip should be ready by april 13, and why such a timing, it’s some kind of beautiful date, april 14, i had holiday, 30 year anniversary, and i wanted it to be 30, can you imagine, but it seemed like 41, but i thought 29, but the task was so that my friends, relatives and parents would watch the clip on my anniversary, yeah, that is, such a presentation was peculiar, the most s... critics are , of course, parents, tell me their reaction, honestly, i was sitting, i made everyone sit on the floor for my birthday, we just sat on the floor, watched a video clip on a big tv, and i i was just watching everyone’s reaction, my parents just like that, i didn’t show it
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on the phone, honestly, i didn’t show it, i saw it in a week, the picture was probably ready, but i didn’t show it to anyone, and my parents just looked at me with their mouths open, they didn’t understand that where i was going, well, in fact, alexander appears there as out of character, at least i didn’t imagine you like that, you’re so lyrical. artist, well, i liked it, when we completely smoothed out the color scheme, removed it, then i just didn’t completely literally everything became normal, well, yes, but we know that they were filming, the video was filmed when it was still it’s cold, and by the way they dressed the girl in a light dress, yes, well, it turned out that who then treated the city, well, the victim, there was no need to treat anything, although i didn’t ask, but agree, you persuaded her, alexander, we know, that you continue your path not only in music, but in the banking system, do you continue to work, do you continue? new composition, you know, we are saying goodbye to, to be honest, no way, that’s it, such a presentation, our tv viewers, the second part of our
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live broadcast ends here, we can’t wait to watch the premiere of your video separation, look, friends, not without delay, everything is on the screen. they fled, hello separation, one three, two, knocked down, the rhythm of the heartbeat. boredom took root inside, i was left alone, alone, seemingly peacefully, and not rudely, they fled, but somehow stupidly, but as before, i worry stupidly, thinking about you, adrenaline, adrenaline, love in me, like an arrow, shoots up again pain, i stood up to sew with you, and with the fact that... the ambassador will come, i told you, lights out, i’m retiring, but i’m dreaming
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a trick, empty, your image will find me, closer to the traffic from the sky further, bending everything to the ground , which was false, i didn’t quit smoking, my cough beeps, i tear myself into pieces, i burn myself like one burns candles. at night i wait as i waited for the meeting before, but only at night it’s not a little easier, under the dome of a gray task, love is in me, the arrow shoots up the floor again, i’m tired of living with you, and with what will only come in dreams, i told you, both, i’m leaving for peace, but i love it. empty, your face will find me, the sun
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all year round, as you and i dreamed, the stars, until the morning, that you and i were handed over, everything seems to be going well, there is no reason for sadness, only today they burn for nothing, without you, in the glass, no my growth, echo, in the emptiness, without you, heart, beating, personally, this stoch remains an inspiration for me and i understand no longer from... love with an arrow again causes pain, causes pain, with an arrow, i force! fire, love in me,
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like an arrow, shoots up the fight again, i stood up to live with you, and with what will only come in dreams, i told you, both, i’m retiring, but i know, suddenly, your empty form will find me. good early people of belarus.
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the television news agency continues information broadcasting, in the studio olga kalairova, good morning. to belarus from vladimir putin arrived on an official visit. the russian leader's board landed in minsk late the evening before, his colleague. met our


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