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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 24, 2024 8:15am-8:49am MSK

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for example, today a ticket from moscow to vladivostok costs no more than 300 russian rubles, the rest is subsidized by the state. by analogy, this principle will apply in communications between belarus and russia. this will help bring our countries and people closer together, the parliamentary assembly noted. a robot production facility may appear in great stone. this topic was discussed during the visit of the head of the minobyl executive committee to the chinese province of chongqing, to an enterprise that produces wheeled and suspended vehicles.
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your own grain exchange may appear, the russian central bank is currently studying this issue. previously, the need to create a single exchange was justified by the need to strengthen the importance of russia as a key supplier of grain. in addition, the initiators thus hope to strengthen overall food security. it is assumed that the grain harvest in russia at the end of the year will be at the level of 135 million tons, and its export at the level of 60 million. and finally, the share of yuan in settlements through the international interbank system swift has doubled over the year. in april for her accounted for 4.5% of all payments through swift. at the same time, the maximum figure in the entire history of observations was reached in march, almost 4.7%. the most popular currency for payments remains the dollar and shares. 47% of all global
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payments, the euro accounts for 22.5%. and that’s all the economic news for this hour, good luck in your business and see you later. the morning broadcast on tv channels belarus 1 and belarus 24 continues with the program zone x. i am yuri shevchuk. hello. two creative people who worked in a specific genre were detained in the capital video hosting sites. the ladies created prohibited content and then sold it on the internet on paid platforms. a twenty-eight-year-old minsk resident and her thirty-year-old friend came up with a home business. in the apartment of one of them, the girls equipped a porn studio. sami. were both
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directors and actresses. during the inspection of the home, investigators found a lot of interesting paraphernalia, which became physical evidence. i created a telegram channel with photos and videos of a sexual nature. once i asked to film with a friend. during the inspection of the home, investigators discovered and seized lighting equipment, computer equipment, storage media, and thematic props. a criminal case has been initiated for the production and distribution of pornographic materials. next in the program is a review of criminal and emergency incidents, prepared by vladimir korolev. a pensioner lost 160 thousand rubles on investments in a scam crypto exchange. in september, a seventy-year-old man from mensk received a call from an unknown woman who told him about profitable passive income. man first i doubted it, but then i began to transfer small amounts. this option did not suit his
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curators; another employee of the company contacted him, who convinced the pensioner to switch to larger sums, promising a favorable interest rate. following the recommendations of representatives of the crypto exchange, the man installed a specialized application, registered a personal account and began his investment activities. over the course of a month , mnyuchanin transferred more than 120,000 rubles to virtual accounts. and he actively participated in the auction, but for some unknown reason his personal the office was blocked. understanding the current situation, the pensioner contacted another false consultant of the company, who advised him to continue transferring money. the man was assured that these were temporary technical problems that did not affect his savings. after the transfer another 40,000 rubles. the account remained blocked, and the curator recommended going to court. realizing that all this time the man from mensk had been communicating with swindlers, the man called the police. attempted murder of two persons, committed in a generally dangerous manner. criminal case excitedly. in relation to a resident of the svisloch
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region, who, out of jealousy, set his wife and lover on fire. shortly before the tragedy , the thirty-six-year-old wife brought a friend to the house, who was supposed to do repairs, but instead of a builder... he finished the work with the owners, showed signs of attention to the hostess, and then stayed overnight. at the time of the crime , the couple's four children were in the house, as well as two friends of the eldest daughter. they all left their home safely , fortunately they were not injured. the woman and her friend received burns to 90% and 94% of their bodies. respectively. despite the efforts of doctors , the woman could not be saved. while in the hospital, she died. currently male. in intensive care, his condition is assessed as extremely serious. a criminal case has also been opened regarding the accident in the chervensky district. last day, on the mogilev highway, a bmw rammed a school bus that was driving ahead. most likely, the driver did not take into account the weather conditions. shortly
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before the accident, levin was walking along the highway. the man died on the spot from the impact, his wife was hospitalized. there were seven people on the bus children, a thirteen-year-old girl was taken to the hospital for examination. a capitel left unattended could have caused a fire in one of the apartments in soligorsk. last morning, neighbors saw thick smoke from a window on the eighth floor and called rescuers. firefighters found a man in the corridor, the victim was taken out into the fresh air, where a team of doctors was already waiting for him. smuggling of italian fur coats was detained at the belarusian-lithuanian border. the minibus driver, in order not to declare an expensive product, distributed valuable fur to passengers and drivers of neighboring cars. passing through the red corridor. the citizen of moldova declared only a car. when inspecting the luggage, it was not difficult for grodno customs officers to find a commercial consignment of fur products . they were hidden in the luggage of the driver of the following vehicles. the accomplices quickly abandoned the shupas, indicating that they all belonged to the driver. the total cost of the products
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was 325 thousand belarusian rubles. the goods are detained, and the moldovan citizen faces a fine with possible confiscation of the contraband. this was the project zone x. our news is on youtube channel of the project on instagram. have a nice day and stay on the bright side. well, come with us to belarus-1. in the evening, violetta sokolovich will sum up the results of the week of crime chronicles.
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dobraya ranitsa belarus, good morning, country, may 24 is on the calendar, which means that friday, friday, that’s right, we decided not to scare off those who suddenly decided to doze off, but also to wake up those who want to wake up to go to work or to study or somewhere else, friends, today we have a very interesting topic for you, an interesting topic, firstly, we have our the famous nutritionist svetlana koshitskaya, who is presenting us with kebab today, don’t say that, pay attention, the trial is underway, listen.
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and today i just want to tell you, this is your most common mistake - on the day of going on a picnic, what to do, do nothing, not eat, do without breakfast. in no case should a fragrant barbecue be the first meal of a day of outdoor recreation, breakfast is required, and i beg you, do not be content with this cup of coffee on an empty stomach, it is very harmful, opt for just an omelette or porridge with vegetables, drink green or just chamomile tea, which, by the way, normalizes the production of gastric juice, or just eat one boiled egg or yogurt if you... you have no appetite while it passes preparing and preparing the barbecue, have a snack, only i ask you not
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with sandwiches, but with fruits or berries, kiwi, grapefruit, apple, now there are strawberries, blueberries, by the way, this is an excellent choice, and this way you will avoid problems, no get better from fruits and berries, you ate them, talked for 30-40 minutes, fruits contain a certain acid, they will irritate our stomach, and my dears, after all this, firstly, they don’t irritate anything, doesn’t that mean that we will pounce like wild people on this barbecue in nature? so, today i ’m presenting my healthy picnic especially for you, have you ever eaten, please, in 2-3 minutes, i suggest you cook pineapple, melon, orange, pear with tarragon and maple syrup on the grill, 2 minutes ready svetlana, ask, what is the name of the chapter in this book? cognition is a healthy picnic, here's the light, but can i please have a little spoiler for those
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who may not find this book, how to cook the grill itself, dip it in maple syrup and fry it, we cut it all up, cut it into pieces, put it on and the grill, all this is fried for 2-3 minutes, mix the maple syrup with tarragon, then that’s all, but the question is ripe. that's it, no, i still have questions, is it possible to eat pineapple kebab with ketchup, terrible, gorgeous question, but if it tastes so good to you, then, as they say, it’s good for you, i can’t understand why ketchup is needed, i have 25 sauces here that will replace any ketchup for you, the joke didn’t go over, so i brought you to the topic of whether you need to eat here is a skewers of meat with ketchup, we really love to buy, we know that there is a lot in the sauce, i will say right away that - try to choose ketchup that only says tomatoes, salt, there should not be the word sugar, but
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the best way is to make this sauce ourselves, here i ’m talking about it, we mix the tomatoes, mix the garlic, mix the herbs, there we blend snacks with mayonnaise and some canned food, such food can generally provoke food poisoning in you, on the contrary, you need vegetable snacks, which is exactly what vegetables need to be cooked on the grill. on the grill, as desserts, i beg you, do not use cakes and cakes with cream, this is a picnic, this is not a birthday, which is mandatory, mineral water, because the alkali that is in its composition normalizes the acid balance in the stomach and makes it easier digestion of heavy meat, so we exclude sweet soda altogether, because that such drinks after barbecue provide bloating and indigestion and stimulate at the same time. there’s also a huge release of insulin, and what is insulin, it’s a train that will immediately carry all the fats from what you eat and put it in
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reserve, as you showed well , the insulin train went beautifully, very, very straight into the fat cell, you know, after all, everyone has nature has a good appetite, but you shouldn’t eat a lot in one sitting, take your time, please have fun, eat meat with vegetables, herbs, dill, cilantro, we talk for 40 minutes, and after that we eat, as you say, shashlik, but why do you have
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an association of shish kebab, so all people cook the same thing, it’s called neck in mayonnaise, it’s potatoes, it’s lavash - there’s cheese inside, well, sausages too , so to get away from this last century, it’s no longer fashionable, my dears, it’s not healthy at all, not about that, i’m sharing the recipe with you right away. i understand sunflowers, if they are not peeled, then just boil them, the skin comes off perfectly, put it on for a minute and a half on each side, remove it, or you can also put it on a wire rack put chopped lemon into four parts and whole cherry tomatoes, remove, pour lemon over them and eat, what are you doing to us, it’s impossible to say, it seems to me that the light
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is the first and new hero of the column, people who changed the kebab world, that’s for sure, it was. koshitskaya, who at least changed the world of our viewers for today, shared amazing advice, well, maryana marinkova and i are moving on to the next part of our program, see you in a couple of seconds, yeah. hello, today i will show you three great exercises that start start any workout. go! today we will do stretching, and the first thing we will stretch, or rather, prepare our muscles for training, are the neck muscles, this is very important, the only thing i will say right away is no harshness, everything must be very carefully, this is very important. so, we tilt our head
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forward, tilt our head back, to the right, tilt our head to the left. then pay attention, from the right shoulder we stretch the chin and pull it like this in a circle to the left, from the left we return back to the right, the second exercise we will work with our upper shoulder girdle. so, we completely bring our shoulder blades together, our chest forward, we try to bring our shoulders together as much as possible while exhaling, hold for 3 seconds, then we exhale, twist all the way forward, twist completely as much as possible, and you even know that i would advise you to stretch your stomach a little, that is, it’s less of a vacuum.
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our third exercise, we all know bending very well, but we will not just bend to the side, yes, but we will first do a tilt to the side, then we will do a forward tilt and turn the shoulder back as much as possible and we work about 15 tilts in each direction. so, start any workout with a warm-up , stretching exercises, remember that the movements should be smooth, their amplitude is comfortable for the child, coordinate the phases of the exercises with
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the rhythm of breathing, the optimal number of repetitions is from five to 15, add more. proposed set of exercises for stretching the leg muscles.
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got lost because we didn’t say the main, secret word of this day, friday, we remind you that it has come, today is may 24, at our studio clock 8:35, now there will be a number, but this is not exact, three dots, three dashes, three dots again, this is how the sos signal sounds in morse code, precisely on may 24, 1844, morse himself with the help of his patented... i mean, that’s all, and i i understand that it was an encrypted message, friends, but if then, when this same morse samuel actually lived, someone had told him that in less than 2 centuries cars would fly, most
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likely, it seems to me, he would not have believed it , although in 2024 sometimes you find it hard to believe, but i would tell you, i’ll tell you more, he would i burst out laughing, well, i tried to imitate laughter, perhaps, yes, but however, the future is much closer than we currently think. for the first time , a flying car took off, it's called neha. the demonstration flight took place at an altitude of 10 m. it is expected that these devices will become part of the next generation of vehicles and will be effective in combating traffic congestion and delivering goods to disaster areas. the vehicle is equipped with eighteen propellers attached to the top of a single seat passenger compartment. and now the width is 4.5 m, height 2.5 m, weight, attention, almost 200 kg. yes, it’s not an easy machine, the maximum speed is currently 100 km/h, but in the future it will be increased, they plan to launch mass production of the device in a few years, maryana vasilievna, don’t you think that people
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just reinvented the helicopter, reinvented it, but it seems to me that they combined a helicopter and a drone, well, look how similar they are, very similar, in fact, well, what do we want to tell you, well, this is for good purposes, to help people in certain situations, it’s not easy to get around a traffic jam, you know, i was recently in a minsk club. and i saw that there are jet engines there, well , i’m sorry, i don’t know what they are called correctly, such small planes, literally for two passengers, why aren’t you air taxis, why do they train on them, yes, absolutely right, well, right now i’m suggesting to return from such a heavenly virtual trip and to our native lands to find out what today’s weather promises us, so, attention, maps from the studio, how quickly, i haven’t asked for them yet, they are already there +23 +25. in minsk in brest anna valerievna help me shook 26 28 22 24 naturally with a plus sign will be in vitebsk in gomel 23-25 ​​to 27° already almost hot
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, we can officially say it will be today in grodno in mogilev 22-24 in brest actually grodno in the western territory of our country are expected the precipitation is just as i would like to say with an aristocratic accent, it’s great and the refreshing weather is amazing, and well, our broadcast will continue. a popular column about professionals who make our country’s mornings good. so, let's watch and enjoy. my name is irina gavrilyuk. i am working quality control inspector at a plant producing household gas stoves. i wake up at 5:00 in the morning because my work day starts at 7:00, by which time i have to get ready for work in time to get there.
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our stove comes with these inserts that can be checked, this is for switching the stove to liquefied gas, we check it according to this table, all documents are checked, the quality of these parts is checked to ensure there are no defects, so the most important quality in my work is this is responsibility, attentiveness, the ability to maintain concentration visual attention during. all work shifts, the ability to correctly assess defects, the ability to react quickly in unexpected situations, make decisions, try to
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ensure that the products are always of high quality, we are useful, these are household appliances that everyone has in the house, we cook everything, we spend time in the kitchen enough time and when buying household appliances, we all want them to function correctly, so our... task is to make sure that this appliance pleases people, it is never returned under warranty or with any other questions so that everything is correct, well, i think that this is our great benefit, because well, an important point in the house is to have high-quality household appliances, i love my job because it makes the morning of my country good.
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and your best day has come, try it delicious, and i found you, this is the feeling, you are already so close, i can’t resist, we are striking sparks, sparking champagne, we will be covered with vibration and celebration, erase the bad, i ’ll help you with an eraser, fasten your chair. the flight is normal, i'm coming out of stress, and you phenomenal, but from love, you can’t hide anywhere and don’t stop, you are with me now, so bright darin, and we are not afraid of anything, we are not crazy, because today is a day off, a day off, today is a day off, today. it’s a day off
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, i’m in the mood for winter, because today is a day off, a day off, your best day has come, there’s no need to be sad, but i feel so good, with you next to me, my thoughts are at their limit, whatever i want, i won’t regret anything, tonight, it’ll cover us from vibration, holiday. in the garden bad me using an eraser, fasten your seat, we are in airplane mode, we flew together, we are we deserve it, we can’t get away from love and don’t stop, you’re with me now, we’re burning so brightly, and we’re not afraid of anything, we’re not maddening, because today is a day off, a day off.
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today is a day off, today is a day off, hey, weigh in on me, and today you are the entrance, we are in love, we can’t hide or stop anywhere, you are with me now, we are burning so brightly, and we are not afraid of anything, we are in love with us, we are in love love can’t hide anywhere and don’t stop, you ’re with me now, we’re burning brightly and we’re not afraid of anything, we’re not hanging with our heads, because today is a day off, today is a day off, today is a day off.
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today is a day off, a day off, that today is not just friday, friday, wow, but why, wow, maryana vasilievna will say, yes, because our guest is an honored amateur group of the republic of belarus, a folk dance ensemble. cap of the belarusian state university and he invites you to a festive concert, which will take place this coming tuesday, may 28, actually, who is in our studio today? artistic director, honored art worker of the republic of belarus, igor muzalevsky ensemble members: natalya kupriyanova, angelina kudelka, tatyana makovich and andrei kozlov, observer, we will now ask how he ended up here, but the first question, of course, is for the leader, mariana,
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don’t you agree?
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thank you very much, you can say i’m the same age as the team, thanks for the compliment, but they share it at the beginning.
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first of all, why do you come back in the evenings, probably rehearsals in the group, you have a home there, you probably have family concerns, and you go to dance, now almost at night, but they were burning, even at night, before the concert of course, we always work very closely, we work not only in our schedule, but also soloists are called up at separate times, maybe during the day and as andrey said, and at night, on weekends and instead of work, this happens, yes, and now we’ll ask the question is, actually, for the artists, is it possible for the artists in this group to speak? probably because when you come to a rehearsal, to a group, you forget everything that is happening around, your head completely turns off, you are immersed in this world of dance, and this is probably what we need today is not enough in this digital age, when we
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receive a lot of all kinds of information, it’s precisely to turn off your head somehow, switch it to switch it to batman tandy, absolutely right, yes, it’s really cool and valuable, these days, yes, what will they say other participants? because you can’t imagine your life without it, it’s already part of your life, but share, where do you work? i work in a kindergarten. angelina, what do you say? and i’m a third-year student, i work part-time at the same time, and dancing is for me this is also a place where i come, i forget about other problems, some, and no, no, i need to go to the gym, what problems do you forget about when you dance? i’m not hearing now that zenitova defeated someone, yes, i’m hearing now, as if we have a place for psychological help, but igorevich, kozlov, sports columnist, i have a problem, isn’t this really a movement that, well, i you especially since you know, since i was in dancing,
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and in good dances for many years, so, well, this is a very active, good thing, which is out of your head knocks out, knocks out bad thoughts, that is , no matter how psychological it may sound, but you have a psychological collective, but please tell me how difficult it is to get a cap on you. where it’s not difficult to get, it’s difficult to stay, but can a person with such mediocre choreographic abilities just come and you me, everyone has a chance, vasilievna, you brought pointe shoes, we ’ve been talking about the whole broadcast today, but today is not about that , yes, by the way, a little cap for a second, it’s popular, well, it will be, he’s not here is presented in full format, according to the possibilities, so to speak, of the studio, such is the belarusian dance of the western region in proznagu. praz leg proz legoguli this is to a part of the body proz leg yes through the leg through the leg that’s absolutely true, that’s how i said the technical dance is quite complex, but it needs to be seen on the stage, of course, with good upper
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