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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 24, 2024 10:00am-10:35am MSK

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yes, westerners will explain to us that this is different, we need to understand, yaxenia lebedeva was with you, see you in the next program.
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there was a lot of such creative space, i also had a lot of fashion shows there, each hero has his own unique story and his own view of belarus. i love the series subconsciously, and belarus consciously, because belarus gave me everything, there is beautiful nature here, i feel exactly at home, i want not only my roots to remain here, but also my children to feel right here too here's a house and a house left. watch on
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tv channel belarus 24. from confectionery to petrochemicals , belarus presented its export potential at the largest exhibitions in the caucasus. promising projects and investments by residents of great stone are coming closer. to a billion dollars, relaxation and recovery under peaceful skies in belarus there is a new rehabilitation program for children from donbass and a festival without borders for guests of the slavic bazaar in vitebsk a visa-free regime is provided on air program events in the studio veronica buta hello belarus presented its export potential at the largest exhibitions of the caucasus caspa nagra and interfood azerbaijan international exhibitions in baku. reveal the non-oil potential of countries.
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we will find out more details from our columnist olesya vysotskaya. there are 38 countries, an impressive number of participants, and belarus is represented not only by companies that are already exporting products to the region. but also those who can become partners. direction from confectionery to petrochemicals, tractor fertilizer, dairy products, meat, agricultural machinery. half of the market in the country as a whole is already occupied by belarusians. our stand is one of the largest at the exhibition. the most important thing is that not only azerbaijani visitors are present at this exhibition, but based on the results of last year, i can say that last year there were 1,500 people, external visitors. represent 38 countries of the world, that is, this is not only an opportunity to present yourself in azerbaijan, it is an opportunity to present yourself to other countries of the world that did not come to ours, for example, belagro, so they can come here and get acquainted with belarusian products, i will say that over the past 5 years
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our 215 companies have presented their products, which have already been here and thus have already found partners and are working. azerbaijan is actively developing its own. of all the land in the country, only half is suitable for farming, but not only the usual grain, grapes, olives, tea, tobacco, and silk are grown here. the climate allows for multiple harvests, and 80% of this market is small farms. they are actively the state supports equipment, for example, they give a forty percent subsidy. belarusian tractors are beginning to win in terms of price and quality. as for large equipment, its assembly takes place in ganjin. automobile plant, this is a joint project, spare parts and service are on site, which makes belarusian tractors competitive. you know, our president has spoken about this more than once, but what did you want? competition will still grow, we need to work in these conditions, offer ourselves, improve ourselves, but in our country the year has been declared the year
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quality, so we have everything in our hands. last year we achieved 170% compared to the previous year, including an increase in trade turnover.
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between the two states, the chinese-belarusian relationship has the status of an all-weather, comprehensive strategic partnership, our cooperation in a variety of fields is very active, effectively fruitful, here cooperation through the parliamentarian is of great importance, not only political and trade and economic ties are actively developing, but also humanitarian partnership, youth contacts, joint events are held, which also deepen relations between women's organizations, and in the meantime, the most striking joint project, the great stone
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, is increasing investments, they are approaching a billion dollars, the funds spent by the budget of belarus have paid off and, as experts assure, taxes have already returned to the budget in three times the size.
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this is filming equipment, materials, microelectronics, a control system, and so on, these are various developments of our various scientific organizations. and so that it becomes 100% ours gyroplane, how much more do we need? we set the task in no more than 2 years, and this device must become completely belarusian 100%. in 5 years, the great stone can become a satellite of the capital, environmentally friendly and smart, and by the thirtieth year they plan to double the number of residents to 270. belarus is hosting an international symposium of confectioners, experts present new products, equipment, design, for what? emphasize collaboration. confectioners exchange experiences and discuss new excited representatives
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leading confectionery factories, bakery enterprises, large retail chains in belarus, as well as manufacturers and suppliers of raw materials equipment. and this is the sweetest industry in belarus: dozens of enterprises throughout the country, each with its own specialization, branded products and audience. yes, everyone has different tastes, but one thing is certain: our confectionery is of high quality, just a year of quality. symposium, expected interest from colleagues in the eac. it is obvious that consumers are making a choice in favor of belarusian products, the saturation of the domestic market is the main task for the belgospischeprom concern. of course, they don’t forget about exports; in a year the country produced 160,000 tons of confectionery products. capacity utilization is 86.2% in the country, positive dynamics are also reported here, approximately a third. last year it was $173 million. received foreign currency earnings, grew by 15% in physical terms, and the geography
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includes 41 countries, while the enterprises of the concern operate in market conditions, to one degree or another depending on what is happening in the world, for example, now there is a record increase in prices for cocoa baba, this needs to be responded to quickly, this issue is also in the field of view of the participants of the international confectionery symposium in minsk. thank you, the review was prepared by olesya vysotskaya. news from the economic sphere and not only on the website of our tv channel belarus is a leader among the cis countries in terms of information and communication technologies. this places new demands on infrastructure and its reliability and technological solutions. how does a republican unitary enterprise work? beltelecom telecommunications in the year of quality and how the digital space around us is changing, let’s ask andrey sharkevich, deputy general director. for technical issues rub beltelecom. hello andrei. hello. beltelecom today is far from
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just communication services. what else are you doing? yes, we actually have a motto. beltselko - not only communication, now not only communication. in fact, in addition to our traditional services, we are engaged in internet, telephony and television. we are actually moving towards side of video surveillance, video control, we have a wonderful service that is developing. we are currently developing a network of electric filling stations. evisa. and we have also taken the first step - this is retail, we sell goods in installments, goods in installments only to our subscribers, well, to be honest, we were very surprised by the network of electric charging stations, you can find out in a little more detail how we have progressed in this matter already, yes, in fact this the project was so innovative from the point of view, we support environmental brands, in fact we we are modernizing our production, and after modernization we were left with energy capacities that were simply idle, in fact...
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we are building about 100 villages, 100 villages, and today we have reached 90%, by the end of the year we see that we are 90% of 50 households and above, we will complete this task, as for the quality of service provision, in fact , belcelicom has a lot of electronic systems that
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do telemetry of these systems, and in fact the company belcelicom is on site. comby publishes all information quarterly, that is, any user can come in and look, this is terrestrial television, these are lti services, these are classic internet telephone services, so we monitor this, any of our citizens can get acquainted with our quality of service provision. the advantage of belotselicom is that , of course, in terms of quality, we have the largest technical support call center in the republic. our systems are all remotely controlled, and if there is no mechanical damage of any kind, where a team is not needed to carry out any repair work, we we resolve all issues with the subscriber remotely, if we continue the topic of mobility,
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remoteness, efficiency, can i remember your mobile application, my city, how is it today? uh, let’s say this is a partnership between business, the administration, yes, that is, we come, gather the entire business sector, say what we want, bring these enterprises to my city, we already have, let’s say, an ecosystem, why is this done, so that citizens or tourists coming to the city can download the application by indicating their mobile number
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phone, he gets access to the entire infrastructure of the city, and this is not just a website, it is... all cities in the region are finishing, then we have a similar project, my university, my university, we opened the first pilot with a linguistic university, this is also a similar application, in fact, but here is a slightly different story, the story is such that communication between teachers and students, these are changes, schedules,
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some announcements, some educational materials and so on and so forth, we also see that this application works and.. . v in general, what are the trends this year and what else do you plan to surprise? well, in general, let’s say, i would like to maintain some intrigue in this matter, why? because in principle, if i tell you, it probably won’t be that interesting, yes, but last year, that means we created a smart stop, all the governors appreciated this issue: a smart installation, where is the interactive, where is there a map, where you can open my application city ​​where you can make an appointment and so on and so on, that is, this was the trend , this year it will change a little concept, so we invite everyone, we will be glad to see you, well, the emphasis is also on digitalization, so, of course, the emphasis will remain on
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digitalization, on new solutions on new technologies, there are options for control, we have new ones. we will propose a certain solution within the framework of legislation for government agencies, that is, a cyber center, again, this is one of the areas that we will develop. thank you very much. andrey zharkevich, deputy general director for technical issues at rubbeltelecom, answered the program’s questions. next in the program event modern approaches to protecting the union borders, visa-free for guests of the slavic bazaar in vitebsk, and a new rehabilitation program for children from donbass. we'll be back at the studio in a few minutes. this is the event program for belarus 24 and we continue the external border of the union. state under reliable protection, the sixtieth meeting of the board of border committees of belarus and russia took place in grodno, which was discussed by the heads and experts of the departments, our observer
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elena puntus knows. the meeting considered the situation that is developing on the external borders of the union state, and measures to protect external borders have been adjusted. existing threat challenges require modern approaches to ensuring the security and protection of allied borders. the focus is on infrastructure and technical modernization. equipment, the parties reviewed the progress of implementation of the joint program for the development of border security until 2027. this is our fifth program, which has been implemented since 2023. during its implementation for due to the technical re-equipment of segmentation complexes, the density of state border protection has been increased due to automated technical observation posts; the likelihood of detecting state border violators has been increased due to acquisition. automotive equipment, engineering equipment, and also increased technical equipment of the border department. based on the results of the meeting , resolutions were signed, all decisions
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are practice-oriented, this will increase the level of interaction between border services to suppress violations on the external border union state. 3 years since the tragedy in belarus, the feat of military pilots is remembered. tell us the details. nikita kukanenko and andrey nicheporchek took the falling plane away from residential buildings at the cost of their own lives.
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a memorial to the fallen pilots was erected on the very spot between the houses where the plane fell, and since then , flowers appear here every year on the eve of the anniversary of the tragedy. rest and
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recovery under peaceful skies, the alexey talay charitable foundation continues to accept children from donbass. a new rehabilitation program was launched in may, what is its feature? it was created for children who suffered from mine explosion wounds and became disabled. the first participants will provide all the necessary assistance. programs are provided in a sanatorium in the mogilev region, in addition to medical psychological support, steam swimming classes, motivational meetings with alexei talai, as well as excursions have been prepared for guests. the program is being implemented with the support of the chairman of the council of the republic natalia kachanovo and the speaker of the federation council of russia valentina matvienko. the main task - draw up a road map for each child for the next 10-15 years in order to first help restore health. one of our girls. who suffered back in the fourteenth, distant fourteenth, and there really was a threat of amputation of the leg, it was in belarus that the leg was saved. let’s
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say, this is not just a miracle, this is a gift, this is a gift, now tanya is already an adult lady, she will soon be 18, and on behalf of tanya, on behalf of her mother, and on behalf of every resident, i say thank you to the people of belarus. international temporary checkpoint stay in belarus, for this , forum participants will need an invitation from the vitebsk cultural center or the ministry of culture, and guests will need original or electronic tickets to
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the summer amphitheater. or the vitebsk concert hall. one ticket allows only one-time entry and no later than the date of the event indicated on it. another bonus: guests will not pay a state fee for registering a temporary stay. the main events of the festival will take place from july 11 to 14, and preferences will be valid from the fourth to 21. thank you, the review was prepared by elena puntus. a social state in action means not only equal opportunities for education, but... also employment upon graduation from a university or college. and while in other countries young professionals are forced to look for work themselves, in belarus the state fully supports those who take their first steps in their career. what is the benefit of mandatory distribution and what benefits are provided for young specialists, let’s ask tatyana konoshevich, head of the center for the development of engineering education and organization educational process of bntu. hello tatiana. hello. how many young specialists are from universities and suzov?
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well, in fact, here it largely depends on the enterprise whether they will retain these personnel after 2-3 years, of course, of course, so i would also like to note the benefits for the graduates themselves, since they are guaranteed to get the opportunity to get their first job, well, you must agree, when a young person arrives, well, most often they are assigned to a different place from where they are from, and there is not always food there.
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while still at the student level, great understands what enterprise he will come to, what he will do there, what atmosphere reigns among the team, and this is also a positive bonus for feeling comfortable, and at the same time, you correctly noted, there are various incentive payments from one-time payments that are provided to those who are distributed to another territory other than their place
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of residence. incentive payments exist and are long-term, for example, for the entire period of placement of a young specialist, they vary depending on the area activities, from 10 to 50% of the salary, while the young specialist has the primary right to take advantage of rental housing , including benefits for being placed on the waiting list, if he needs housing, that is, this complex of social guarantees is for...
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in any case case, in the territory of the post-soviet space it operated for more than a dozen years, but today it is possible. enterprise in what position he will subsequently come, thus, the goal on the part of the future specialist is clearly visible here; direct interest from the point of view enterprise view. in this case, if we
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are talking about targeted recruitment, at the time of graduation the young specialist receives that same social package? of course, further and even perhaps it is greater than this... in the traditional sense, without targeted training, subject to a targeted training agreement, an enterprise can support a future specialist even at the training stage, stimulating special scholarships. as for foreign students, do they have the opportunity to get placement in our country? well, regarding foreigners in general students, we can clearly note that on the basis of paragraph 2 of article 72 of our code, foreign citizens and stateless persons cannot apply for such a distribution if they do not have the right to reside, but there was such a request on their part, interest to get a job,
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which it helps to find from yes, they are interested, foreign citizens are also interested in working with us, and i think that is possible in the near future. this issue will also be considered. thank you, tatiana kanashevich answered the program’s questions, head of the center for the development of engineering education and organization of the educational process of bntu. results and analysis of the main events of this week in the atn information and analytical program. main broadcast. all projects of our tv channel are available on the website, as well as on social networks. i say goodbye to you. all the best. it is clear to god that the snow has melted from the damp earth, the spoils of the road have fallen, the revelry
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has fallen, the sun is warmer than the sun, the ice has been worn away, the grains have fallen. the gloom of daily life has jumped on us, all the time it seems that the geese are crowing, the spack is spreading on the oak tree, the cranes are clanging wildly, and the winter is disappearing like smoke, the greener meadow of the krall, like hell was hurting, our native land. what will best test your erudition and intelligence? that's right, tricky
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questions. is it true that the egyptian gods set and assyris were brothers? andrey, but there was such a very interesting story, seth invited him to his holiday. res, then it seemed like he either cut it or immediately threw it into the river along...


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